Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Nobody insults #RhoaderBot... and lives to tell the tale!

    A moment of silence for our dear Blind Sniper, who journeyed into the Rhyiona thread denouncing their ship. May his death be quick and painless. And damnit this was supposed to be a gif.

  • So, it's official then. Rhysha shot first. ;)

    Now, I'm pretty sure it will all lead to exactly nothing. At max it will end up like the annual North vs South Korea artillery fire exchange. :P

    And that already happened at night, so...

    Uh I just saw the Rhyiona threas bit everyone is going on about. I didn't undertand how we'll get dragged into it (even if Blind sniper put

  • ...Shhh, it's more fun to lull people into a false sense of security. ;]

    Leluch123 posted: »

    May his death be quick and painless. What death? He has the power to destroy Rhyiona in one click XD

  • Ohhhhh ok yeah kick his ass Rhyiona!

    ...Shhh, it's more fun to lull people into a false sense of security. ;]

  • HellFish posted: »

    So, it's official then. Rhysha shot first. Now, I'm pretty sure it will all lead to exactly nothing. At max it will end up like the annual North vs South Korea artillery fire exchange. :P And that already happened at night, so...

  • Spoiler alert : 6 words, a comma, and a period call for a spoiler tag

  • "saaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy life can be loooooong"

    BionicPaint posted: »

    On the forum, Rhysha shippers have issues with Rhyona shippers. On tumblr, Rhysha shippers have issues with Rhack shippers.

  • I was gone for about a week and now everything is on fire.

  • I was gone for about a week and now everything is on fire.

  • Yeah, I accidentally put a spoiler tag on it and I don't know how to get it off.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Spoiler alert : 6 words, a comma, and a period call for a spoiler tag

  • Peace is a lie, There is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    The force shall free me.

    • Sith Code
  • Did somebody say... finger gun war?!?

    enter link description here

    Anyone dare challenge me to a game of.......................................................................................................

  • My brief, friendly foray into Rhyiona land elicited nothing but mild hostility and numerous spelling corrections.

    I'm afraid all signs point to war.

  • My quality is better than yours.

    Did somebody say... finger gun war?!? enter link description here

  • exactly what I wanted to read. good boy/girl

    Peace is a lie, There is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The force shall free me. * Sith Code

  • guys? war? because...because what? a little help here

    enter image description here

  • Hey Dracu! Good to see you! How've you been? :)

    Just the aftershocks of page 976/977 drama. Nothing will really happen, imho. ;)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    guys? war? because...because what? a little help here

  • We are just preparing :P

    HellFish posted: »

    Hey Dracu! Good to see you! How've you been? Just the aftershocks of page 976/977 drama. Nothing will really happen, imho.

  • thanks for asking dude, awesome to see that I've actually been missed :D (I'm happy that people missed me. that's...that's a bit sadistic. ANYWAYS!) I've been good, but the work hit me like a train. 16 years of my life, I've been a lazy dude, lying around doing nothing, and suddenly BAM! physical work. a shitton of it. but it feels good a way. but I better stop now, 'cause this does not belong here anyways :D

    page 976/977?

    enter image description here

    uhm...ok then, nostradamus, what happened there?

    HellFish posted: »

    Hey Dracu! Good to see you! How've you been? Just the aftershocks of page 976/977 drama. Nothing will really happen, imho.

  • That’s just a grain of what’s going to happen >:)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    thanks for asking dude, awesome to see that I've actually been missed (I'm happy that people missed me. that's...that's a bit sadistic. ANY

  • Rhyiona thread, of course, I believed that was implied. :P

    You're welcome to stop by, as always! We can move our convo there. What were you working on, if you don't mind me asking? And did you start that Dexter fanfic I linked to you/do you still plan to? :)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    thanks for asking dude, awesome to see that I've actually been missed (I'm happy that people missed me. that's...that's a bit sadistic. ANY

  • I hate to interrupt the drama, but the CAH event starts in 20 minutes. So yeah, don't forget! :D

  • thanks for reminding me, I've just read it. it kinda...blew my mind. I've never thought about it like this. debra really has a shitton of reasons to be pissed. but the feels would've been stronger if I had read the story shortly after finishing the series, not now, probably a whole year after that. but still a good story with lots and lots of feels. thanks for the suggestion :)

    well, I was working on whatever-there-was-to-do :D building fences, cutting a shitton of grass with a brushcutter (even with earlaps the sound is annoying), and, the most important thing, carrying things from A to B. but it's really relaxing there, we're talking a lot, making jokes, having fun and all :D it's very calm there

    HellFish posted: »

    Rhyiona thread, of course, I believed that was implied. :P You're welcome to stop by, as always! We can move our convo there. What were y

  • Well, there are still 52 chapters after that, I recommend you to check them out sometime as well. Imho the story gets better and better. ;)

    Glad to hear it's not as tedious as it sounds! How long will you be doing it? :)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    thanks for reminding me, I've just read it. it kinda...blew my mind. I've never thought about it like this. debra really has a shitton of re

  • holy hell o.o guess I won't be bored for a long time :D

    for one whole year. but with free weekends. don't know about holidays though :D at the end, I will maybe gain shivers muscles, or my skin won't be pale-as-shit-anymore...geez those are horrible things to think about

    HellFish posted: »

    Well, there are still 52 chapters after that, I recommend you to check them out sometime as well. Imho the story gets better and better. Glad to hear it's not as tedious as it sounds! How long will you be doing it?

  • Well I told you it's 620k words! That's about 6 average novels in length. Totally worth it, trust me on that. Complex story, further developing the already established characters. ;)

    I'm sure that gaining muscle is not a bad thing! I should be working out myself, but damn, I'm pretty lazy... :P

    Dracu98 posted: »

    holy hell o.o guess I won't be bored for a long time for one whole year. but with free weekends. don't know about holidays though at th

  • How do you access the chat? I don't know the password. :(

    Pipas posted: »

    I hate to interrupt the drama, but the CAH event starts in 20 minutes. So yeah, don't forget!

  • Check your PMs.

    How do you access the chat? I don't know the password.

  • edited September 2015

    my memory sucks bad :D except for nerd-facts. I still remember that hutts from star wars don't shit. they just store everything they ever eat at their body as fat-reserves. I've read that years ago, and I still remember it. my brain and I have priorities.

    same here :D I've never done sports my whole life, but for some reason, I still manage to get all of this work done. I wonder what it is...

    enter image description here

    oh yeah. right.

    HellFish posted: »

    Well I told you it's 620k words! That's about 6 average novels in length. Totally worth it, trust me on that. Complex story, further develop

  • @Pipas keep your children in line jfc

    k tanx bye

  • Can you guys tell your brother to chill please?

    We are trying to keep peace. ~-^

  • Excuse me, hi, I'm one of your neighbours.

    One of the Rhysha shippers was in our thread and starting 'kinda insulting' every one of us in our thread.

    I really don't want any vendetta between us the Rhyionas and you the Rhyshas.

    And BTW, he really wants a war between us.

  • enter image description here

    Uhhhhh, hey guys? whats, ummmm... Whats up?

  • Fun

    Uhhhhh, hey guys? whats, ummmm... Whats up?

  • enter image description here

    Uhhhhh, hey guys? whats, ummmm... Whats up?

  • I was going Rambo on the Rhyionas for a while now and it fortunally stopped. ;)

    Uhhhhh, hey guys? whats, ummmm... Whats up?

  • enter image description here

    Uh I just saw the Rhyiona threas bit everyone is going on about. I didn't undertand how we'll get dragged into it (even if Blind sniper put

  • I guess you are pretty late to the party but,it stopped.So have a nice day :D

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