TMI lighting & mood enhancement suggestions.



  • edited July 2009
    I don't understand how you can take that out the quoted post at all.
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    RockNRoll wrote: »
    "just do the minimum to get us by"

    I didn't say anything remotely close to this.
  • edited July 2009
    Udvarnoky wrote: »
    I don't understand how you can take that out the quoted post at all.

    Me neither.


    Telltale could make an epic 50 hour Monkey Island adventure featuring the latest technology and the most carefully crafted visuals... but then they'd go bankrupt, preventing any future games from being released and putting a lot of talented folks out of work. Who wants that? In any commercial enterprise, compromises must be made - it's a fact of life.

    Plus, the latest gameplay video looks awesome. Very moody and, well, "Monkey Island"-ish. So let's give Telltale a chance to show us what they're capable of before we complain too much. :p
  • edited July 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    I didn't say anything remotely close to this.

    I guess these bits are what concerned me.
    as fast and cheap as you can.
    Every little bit of work we do costs real money and doesn't necessarily make money.

    No offense intended.

    I understand the point, and I understand how business works, especially for small companies. I just find the reality of that intense financial/time struggle for such a legendary franchise sad. Kinda like a fan of a classic band hearing that the new album coming out is compromised by studio budget constraints and record exec pressure for radio success. With your company's talent and resume, you deserve the luxury of working to your full potential, but that's just not where the industry and the economy is at. Ideally, I'd say LucasArts should be funding you guys to make the masterpiece of your dreams.

    You can't do things you simply can't afford, and you always have to keep your eye on efficiency and ROI, at the same time if an extra pixel doesn't directly boost your bottom line at the end of the day it doesn't necessarily mean that it can't be put in just for the sake of making a better game. I hope there's some wiggle room there, and that the creative guys are having fun making it for their own love of it without too much pressure.
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    RockNRoll wrote: »
    I hope there's some wiggle room there, and that the creative guys are having fun making it for their own love of it without too much pressure.

    You worry yourself too much! We have very talented people here who direct our resources to make sure you guys get the best game possible.
  • edited July 2009
    [TTG] Yare wrote: »
    You worry yourself too much! We have very talented people here who direct our resources to make sure you guys get the best game possible.

    So... can you release it now *angel face*
  • *smirks* Some people just won't give up. ;)
  • edited July 2009
    Every production has limitations. Except Duke Nukem Forever. That game was gonna be awesome.
  • edited July 2009
    That lighting detracts from the cartoony, comic look of Monkey Island. From everything I've seen, Telltale clearly knows what Monkey Island is supposed to look like, and isn't going to go over the top with crazy lighting and textures just because they can. The game looks perfect as is.
  • Summary of this thread:

    Improve Lighting?
    Funny Pictures!
    Mixed Reviews...
    More Funny Pictures!
    Math: r=(Vf-Vi)/Vi?
  • edited July 2009
    Hate to leave a post after Thriftweed's awesome summary, but gotta add a cent or two here. Reluctant to out myself here, but I work in post-production for TV. Nothing glamorous, but I can tell you that it's organized chaos, and episodes are often being worked on up to a few hours before airtime. They'll send it to the network as late as they possibly can. Forget quality, it's a frakkin' miracle this stuff ever makes it to air. Meanwhile, because we're working so late, everyone's on OT and the budget for craft service is gone. I'm just saying it's a dauntingly onerous task to create something of even passable quality under such time and money constraints. Believing otherwise is just idealistic naivete, and actually kind of insulting to the people that work their asses off to deliver you the best product they possibly can.

    P.S. If you think Gilbert, Schafer, Grossman, et. al. just had piles of money thrown at them and an open-ended completion schedule, you're dreaming. Haven't you heard about the deleted ship combat game from SMI or the unfinished final cutscene in CMI, just to name two examples?
  • True, true. I know a few things about TV production as well, and it really is no small wonder.
  • Oh BTW... On the topic of lighting and mood enhancements. I always like sitting and playing with a glass of rum... Spiced. Since I'm of the 21+ crowd I always like it and sometimes the jokes seem funnier. ;)
  • edited July 2009
    I'm more of a beer guy, but I might try that tomorrow. Also, does anyone know where I can buy a human skull suitable for holding a candle?

    P.S. When this thread started as an argument, I was gonna post a similar crack about the title, like "it really turns ToMI on when I put on a Barry White record, burn some scented candles, and break out the hot massage oil" but the debate seemed to heated for anyone to appreciate it.
  • edited July 2009
    I prefer to mix my own grog.

    (and yes, humorous adventures are best enjoyed with a beer or two)
  • edited July 2009
    Here here! *clink*

    This thread has taken on so many permutations. I guess now it's about how to set the ambience for a tres sexy evening with ToMI.

    I like to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of the fireplace, with a bottle of Moet in a fancy silver ice bucket, just waiting for ToMI to walk in the door. We don't live together, but she gave me a key. I think it's getting serious!
  • Frogacuda wrote: »
    I prefer to mix my own grog.

    For anyone interested...

    Grog is a secret mixture which contains one or more of the following:

    (1) Kerosene
    (2) Propylene glycol
    (3) Artificial sweeteners
    (4) Sulphuric acid,
    (5) Rum
    (6) Acetone
    (7) Red dye no. 2
    (8) Scumm
    (9) Axle grease
    (10) Battery acid
    (Optional) Pepperoni

    As you can probably imagine, it's one of the most caustic, volatile substances known to man.
  • I like to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of the fireplace, with a bottle of Moet in a fancy silver ice bucket, just waiting for ToMI to walk in the door. We don't live together, but she gave me a key. I think it's getting serious!

    Ha! :D

    Funniest thing I've heard all night.
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