THEORY: Carley was depressed in the ZA

Carley from season one, imo always had a aura of sadness about her, she was holding back those tears. Anyone else felt that way, like she was always on the cusp of crying when you were talking to her, methinks she may of had depression. Its totally understandable that she would feel that way, in her world everything is Topsie Turvie, now she is with a group of Strangers to survive. Sure she was a determinant character, but dammit she was a good character while we had her. Discuss Do you think she was depressed? Do you think she made it to heaven? Yes to both questions.
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Well, I don't believe in a Heaven. So I doubt she's anywhere other than on the side of the road. With that being said, I'd say her character is a bit more complex than a Ben-like severely depressed. She seemed much more certain on her role in the group and carried herself more confidently than most. In fact, she seemed like one of the more stable individuals in the entirety of season 1 and someone who adjusted faster than a lot of other people, could be because she didn't have any family members or friends susceptible to Kenny's murderboner, she had nothing to loose.
Oh my god... What if they had Carley or Katjaa be determinant and had one or the other kill themselves depending on who you leaned more towards?
Probably but then again, Wouldn't most people feel some level of depression in the ZA? But the answer is still Yes.
I think she was the most stable as well, other than lee, she masked her feelings well.
I definitely think Carley was depressed to some level, seeing as she saw her producer being eaten alive moments before Doug helped her.
Do I think she made it to heaven? Of course.
Who wouldn't be?
Yeah, mainly because Carley couldn't get over Lee saving her over Doug imo and y'know the whole zombie apocalypse thing.
I know shit was on her mind heavy enough to not check if a radio had batteries.
I think the depression hit Carley in Episodes 2 and 3, mainly from Survivor's Guilt (saving her instead of Doug).