Game of thrones Season 5 episode 4 discussion
Another good episode, hopefully it will have been fast enough for the people who said the show was slow this season.
- I liked the two new players in the game. Both the faith and the sons of the harpy are violent revolutionary's and I already hate them both. I've seen plenty of book readers say they like the sparrow and his followers but i've never really understood why they are really just zealouts. Both them and the harpies want to drag the world back in time even more.
- The Loras change I kind of saw coming and I do admit the change of Tommen and Margery I liked to, Also hopefully this means the grandmother is returning
- I get why Cersei did what she did but it also shows just how stupid she is, Hello. Incest?. its not exactly hidden anymore
- I continue to like all of the kids on the show, its kind of refreshing how innocent they all are
- It was kind of nice to actually have Dany have a real problem to deal with, the sons of the harpy never felt like a real presence of the book which is part of what made Dany so boring
- Barristen selmy's "death" was spoiled for me weeks ago which tends to support my theory that show watchers are the people who love to spoil things but oh well, on that note are they dead? Surely not both of them but if that was how they went out I will be pretty sad as those two were the only people I even remotely like from the essos storyline ( and considering barristen selmy didnt even originate there)
- On that note I am glad to have finally caught up
- Dorne was okay (could they really have not called it sunspear in the credits)
- Obara has her dads annoying habit to randomly monologue
- Bronn remains great as does Jamie
- Ellaria annoys me like Arianne did in the books. "Derp derp I will have my revenge"
- Stannis was pretty epic this episode
- Shireen was again epic this episode
- Melisandre continues to be creepy this episode
- Jon snow continues to know nothing this episode
- Tyrion and Jorah were okay, Kind of karma for tyrion, now you really are a prisoner
- The sansa stuff was good again, We finally all know littefingers full plan, we've only ever known after the reveal before and to be honest hes right. Sansa will have quire a bit of power whatever the consequence. I hope she's learned from Margery how to bond with a sadist
- A final point, I get they are kind of ignoring the grejoys apart from theon but would it kill them to even give even Balon and Yara a storyline? I mean let them take over Victorians storyline or even make them have a bid for the throne or anything, otherwise they wereonly there to develop Theon a bit
- Also Rickon/Osha? I take it they have to come back somehow
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I'm terrified for Sansa... Just the thought of marrying that sick f@ck makes me shiver.
I hope Greyworm survived he was really cool and I loved that final fight scene.
I really want to see Rickon again I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that he's the last surviving son of the starks and I want to see what he's up to.
Why? we know he is a pyscho but from what i've seen from the show and the game, he has a weakness for girls. Besides she will become warden of the North no matter which side wins
Bad luck Barristan Selmy: greatest knight in the seven kingdoms, gets killed by a bunch of fat slave masters with switchblades.
I'm a little bit annoyed at the Sansa plotline, because they're obviously trying to make it so that she isn't a victim anymore, but any way she manages to work around her new husband will just be really out of character for Ramsay. What differentiates him from, say, Joffrey is that he's smart--he shouldn't fall for any Tyrell-ing. I'm hoping they can handle it in a way that shows respect both characters involved.
Well theres Bran....but bran sucks anyway.
And Jon sort of not that he would do anything about it
The Stannis and Shireen scene was one of the most heartwarming scenes in the show.
I don't think neither Grey Worm and Barristan are dead. Grey Worm is definetly still alive because otherwise Barristan's "sacrifice" would be pontless, plus in the trailer there's some scenes of Grey Worm that don't happened yet. I have some doubts on Barristan but I think he's still alive too because one of the Sons of Harpy was about to cut his throat but Grey Worm saved him, if Barristan died anyway what was the point of that? Also, I don't think an epic knight like him can die in such a lame way.
I like Bran...
Yeah sure, he likes taking them on "hunting" x)
Great episode! The plot moved, there was world-building, great moments for many characters and this one certainly didn't lack action either. Best episode so far in this season.
The wall, which has been my favorite location this season, was good again but of course it couldn't match the epicness it has had in the previous episodes (rise as Jon Stark, election, beheading of Slynt). Anyway, Stannis/Shireen was awesome and cute
Sansa and LF in the crypts was a good scene, nice thing that the tourney of Harrenhal was brought up
And there was the feather that Robert put there in season 1 
Jaime and Bronn road trip was amazing, much better than I expected. And it's nice to actually hear that Jaime is mad at Tyrion. I wonder what grilled snakes taste like... Anyway, Ellaria and Sand Snakes scene was decent enough, I think Obara is the one I like most of these. Can't really say too much of the Sand Snakes yet because it was such a small scene.
King's Landing was good. Nice to see Cersei fucking up things for herself. But I feel so sorry for Tommen
Jorah and Tyrion bromance started nicely
Can't wait to see more of that...
And Meereen was pretty damn good too! I liked the small conversation that Dany and Barristan had and how Rhaegar was brought up second time in this episode
And the fighting scene in the end with Barristan, Grey Worm and the Sons of The Harpy was amazing. Finally we saw some of those skills of Ser Grandpa we have heard so much about :P
I'd rate it 9/10
The more characters the slower it gets. But yeah, of course I want some kind of conclusion for the loose ends.
That scene with Sansa though... Was that a confirmation for R+L=J?
Damn, i watched 5x05 promo and it seems like Barristan is actually dead
Selmy is dead. It's debatable if Greyworm is dead too. Now it makes it easier for jorah to come back into the fold. I was honestly afraid Stannis was going to sacrifice his daughter. I'm happy he did not. Melisandre dropping Ygritte's line sounded kinda cheesy, but I'm assuming she's letting Jon know she truly has power. I'm kind of tired of Tyrion being held captive. Jesus I cannot believe how inept Tommen is.
When Barristan Selmy claimed he could cut through everyone in the Kingsguard like he was carving a cake...he wasn't kidding. He took out, like, eleven dudes.
I won't lie.
If you asked me to name out my "Top Ten GoT Episodes", this episode would either be in the list, or just outside of it. I actually loved this episode so much. Every scene was great. The only complaint I do have is the scene with Ellaria and 'The Sand Snakes'. I felt like Obara's speech was rushed and somewhat out of place, which annoyed me. But, besides that it was an alright scene. Am I the only one who finds Nymeria incredibly attractive? (Not Arya's wolf. Q_o)
The Harpies are not to be fucked with it seems. The fight scene at the end was so bad ass. I'm pretty sure Grey Worm is still alive. I want Selmy to be alive, but, I doubt it. So, RIP.
I am now almost entirely on #TeamStannis. I've always like him to an extent, but, with Robb dead and that amazing scene between him and Shireen- I would quite happy to see him take The Iron Throne. Hopefully he delivers justice to Roose and Ramsey.
Also; unlike a few people, I loved the scene with Melisandre and Jon. I literally let out a small gasp when she said Ygritte's phrase. Crazy ass bitch.
Sansa's scene was nice. I liked the bit of back story. There was actually a lot of Lyanna/Rhaegar dialogue this episode. Hmm, R + L = J confirmed? They seem to be hinting at it a lot.
Also; the scene where The Sparrows stormed the brothel, and the when they took Loras was fucking amazing. I'm really excited to see what happens to King's Landing this season.
I also really like Jorah and Tyrion's banter. A good scene with two of my favourite characters, what more could I ask?
But, anyway- it was an amazing episode. And I'm sure Season 5 can only get better.
I honestly cannot wait for next week!
Maybe he's just napping? right? he's just napping?
btw did the merchant know that the puppet was infected? (not entirely sure how this sickness works)
Click here
His 'weakness' for girls is...different :P
He is a psycho through and through
Oh man, in the end I was just like 'Don't die, don't die!'
And then they died.
Fak u GoT
I don't think they're both dead , I'm sure one of them is still alive (I have my money on Selmy). The Stannis and Shireen scene was really nice, even if I'm not a big fan of Stannis. I was also hesitant on the Sansa storyline this season but it seems to be taking a good turn, especially with all that R + L = J foreshadowing.
Oh and
People who say this, whether in regards to the show, game, or books, piss me off. Do they not know what Game of Thrones is? It's a medieval political story, and like most political stories it will have a slower beginning and a faster paced ending. Complaining about it is like complaining about a Fast and Furious movie having "too much action."
Excuse me, Oberyns monologue was not random. It was extremely purposeful.
I still don't get why people love Stannis. He doesn't seem to make any decisions on his own. I did give him props for actually being a loving father for a change.
Seems to be. I wish they would come out and say it so people will stop talking about it. As for Sansa, next time Littlefinger puts his lips on her, I'm going to vomit.
Coming from a non-Stannis fan myself, I can still see an appeal with him, even though not enough for him to have the fanbase he has imo
Selyse talks about Jon's mother being a whore or whatever; Stannis says that wasn't Ned's style. Littlefinger and Sansa discuss Rhaegar and Lyanna. In the same episode.
R + L = J totally canon.
And Stannis the Daddis just makes me like him more. Rooting for him so darn much. Just hoping he annihilates the Boltons at least.
I'm really loving the Martells that might be because I really liked Oberyn he was so cool!
It was really good. I feel for Sansa, I hope she doesn't have to marry Ramsay and be a part of the very same family who killed her brother and mother.
I really liked the scene with Stannis and his daughter. So touching.
Will be interesting to see Tyrion's story progressing and what happens when he meets Daenarys.
Barristen Selmy
bugger a harpy!
Yep and now because of its hes dead. Monologue once your enemies dead
Its more because stannis is underapreciated I think, So many fans are in love with Dany or Robb etc that people like the underdog. I just think stannis is the most balanced solution. Stannis isnt perfect far from it but he is at least a good war commandor and the shireen story shows that he will do what he wants to do when its important, same as going for the throne because it is by right his. However the fact he listens to Davos etc shows he can do what others think.
People dislike stannis because of melisandre and for the same reason no one in westeroes likes him, hes just kind of cold.
I dont like Stannis that much but I respect him as a decent leader, and overall he would probably be the best one to rule. I cant think of any other more suitable alternative.
When you were an infant, the Dornish trailer landed on Dragonstone. His goods were junk except for one wooden doll. He'd even sewn a dress on it in the colors of our House. No doubt he'd heard of your birth. And assumed new fathers were easy targets. I still remember how you smiled when I put that doll in your cradle. You pressed it to your cheek. By the time we burnt the doll, it was too late. I was told you would die. Or worse. The grayscale would go slow. Let you grow just enough to know the world before taking it away from you. Everyone advised me to send you to the ruins of Valyria to live out your short life with the Stone men, before the sickness spread to the castle. I told them all to go to hell. I called in every maester on this side of the world. Every healer, every apothecary. They stopped the disease and saved your life. Because you did not belong across the world with the bloody Stone men. You are the Princess Shireen of House Baratheon. And you are my daughter - Stannis the Papa Wolf.
Just felt the need to have it here, because it is the most heartwarming thing I have ever heard Stannis say.
I loved that scene Stannis is so cool!
Pssh 4 People Who Have A No Bull Shit Claim To The Throne:
Daenerys (Should Be Queen after her father's death)
Gendry Baratheon (Robert's real son. People claim Jon Snow who is a bastard should be king same applies to Gendry)
Cersei's kids (Fuck blood Robert acknowledged them as his children)
Ned Stark
Any of the Stark kids (Ned was said to be king he's dead now)
Fuck Stannis and his bull shit
I love that they fleshed out the relationship between Stannis and Shireen. I got the impression in the books that he loved her, but didn't know how to express that, so it's good to see it come to life on the screen, in all Stannis' emotionally constipated glory!
I'm worried about Sansa, considering how things turned out for Fake!Arya in the books, but if the story follows the same conclusion, things could finally be looking up for her. I'm not sure what Littlefinger's endgame is though. Surely he's heard of Ramsay's rep by now?
I love that Jaqen H'gar makes a return! Hopefully Arya's storyline will be more interesting than the book (it dragged on a bit).
Daenerys' storyline is progressing more interestingly than in the book! I really hope Barristan and/or Grey Worm aren't dead though.
I was hoping the Sand Snakes would look as diverse as they do in the books. I'll wait until I pass judgement on them though.
Denial is just gonna make next week harder for you.
With Melisandre's influence over him? I'd rather have Joffery on the throne.
In all seriousness, even though Stannis is the rightful king by law, none of the current contenders would make good rulers in my opinion. Tommen doesn't seem to know what he's doing, although I think it was wise to avoid fighting, seeing as it would most likely prompt the crowd to riot.
We've seen that Daenerys is losing support in Mereen after executing that soldier, although the people in Westeros may see things differently. But really, she really hasn't had any problem to deal with. With her dragons out of control and the Sons of the Harpy picking off her army, things are going to fall apart for her.
Ned was never king, ever?
Also claim is kind of irrelevant, anyone can be king by conquest