Choosing neither Shawn nor Duck

On my first playthrtough, I chose to save Duck, like 30% of players. On my second one, I chose Shawn, like 47%. So what about the rest 23% of players? I tried doing nothing during this scene on my third playthrough, just watched Kenny saving Duck, and Shawn dying helplessly, and got a notice "You didn't make any choice". Both Hershel and Kenny are then mad at me for not trying to help their sons, but the stats still state I chose Duck like 30% of players. Wtf? Is there any other choice?


  • Nope....only you can save duck or attempted to save Shawn or just do nothing and then Shawn is gonna die obviously and Duck is saved by Kenny.

  • edited May 2015

    The same thing happen if you remain silent when Larry and Kenny arguing about duck in the drugstore. I chose to remain silent through the argument. But at the end of episode 1 the stats said I sided with Larry. I was like WTF

  • Similar happens in S2. If you remain silent when Nick apologises you, the choices will say you didn't forgive him.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Strangely enough, I had a similar thing happen when I stayed silent during the meat locker choice.

    Kenny threw a fit for not helping him, and I got on Lilly's good side, but the episode 3 preview showed Kenny being my friend again, and the stats screen said I helped kill Larry.

    I think it's the way it's coded. Not helping Lilly counts as siding with Kenny, and not saving Shawn counts as saving Duck, even if you didn't help either of them.

  • So why is it only 30% people who helped Duck then? If 30% helped Duck and 47% helped Shawn, what other choice did 23%? Or is it a bug?

  • edited May 2015

    I think this is b/c sometimes not making a choice is the same as making a choice b/c it leads to the same outcome.

    In the drug store....staying out of it is chalked up to siding with Larry b/c the same result is reached: you didn't side with Kenny.
    At Hershel's farm not choosing is tallied as saving Duck b/c ultimately the outcome is the same as if you had chosen to save him

    In the meat locker, not choosing results in 'siding' with Lilly b/c ultimately the same end is met: you didn't help Kenny

    Not choosing is still a choice and often leads to the similar if not the same consequences. So when you think you're abstaining from choice by not choosing, that in itself is're merely detaching yourself from the consequences of that choice

  • Kenny got mad for that? He didn't even help Shawn though so....

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