Who Caught Today's Episode?



  • Yeah it calls back to book....2? When theon is with that saltwife.

    I'm pretty sure he made him use his tongue. shiver

  • Jeyne had it much worse in the books. I understand that people are more invested in Sansa, but still why is it not uncomfortable when Jeyne Poole - innocent young girl - gets raped, but when the same (toned down) happens to Sansa everyone loses their minds? I think many just see another chance for bashing and use the hell out of it.

    Myself I did think the scene was disturbing, but it was supposed to be and it worked. The acting was amazing, the only reason to hate is that some think Sansa should be bubble wrapped now because she has already suffered. Tbh, I doubt her marriage with Harry the Heir in the books will be all happy either.

    The last five minutes. Pretty much sums up my anger of how they switched out Jeyne, and then made it really uncomfortable. Not too bad, but good development of the story line and characters. Also where is Griff and Young Griff? :C

  • At least she is able to manipulate Harry.

    Jeyne had it much worse in the books. I understand that people are more invested in Sansa, but still why is it not uncomfortable when Jeyne

  • Yeah of course Harry is not an utter psycho but he already showed that he can be an asshole. We'll see... eventually.

    At least she is able to manipulate Harry.

  • i mean idk what to read lol. whats all that??? do the direwolves have something to do with it??

    If you want to learn the backstory of the guy, here is some info of who he used to be and how ended up there: http://awoiaf.westeros.org/ind

  • Everybody talking about sansa and ramsay but did you all not see that fight in the water gardens that was some b-movie shit. Please look at the choreography of that fight when you watch that episode again.

    ps: dont forget that lame excuse for keeping tyrion safe because of a cock merchant... D&D please

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  • Who would have time to notice something like that? The scene would've been expensive to shoot again and the showrunners figured that was the best they had so far.

    Everybody talking about sansa and ramsay but did you all not see that fight in the water gardens that was some b-movie shit. Please look at

  • Well he was poisoned so it will likely take awhile.

    BeastInside posted: »

    I actually thought he'd die in this episode. Thank God he didn't! But from the way things are going it doesn't look like he'll die yet. I

  • expensive

    best they had

    Watching game of thrones i know there fight scenes are on point but watching this was just saying we dont care anymore we just need Bronn cut and Myrcella kidnapped.

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    Who would have time to notice something like that? The scene would've been expensive to shoot again and the showrunners figured that was the best they had so far.

  • I don't see anything wrong with that second screenshot.

    expensive best they had Watching game of thrones i know there fight scenes are on point but watching this was just saying we dont care anymore we just need Bronn cut and Myrcella kidnapped.

  • Yes the fight was not very good but I'm not going to blame them since they didn't have much time too shoot in Alcazar. And come on,whining about the Tyrion scene is kinda bitching. I mean if you didn't like it okay, but the writing of the scene wasn't that bad. And it was Bryan Cogman who wrote that scene btw, not D&D.

    Everybody talking about sansa and ramsay but did you all not see that fight in the water gardens that was some b-movie shit. Please look at

  • At this point it really sounds like you're nitpicking.

    cock stocks collapsing entire life savings stored in cocks cock merchant business falling apart I hope somebody brings me a dwarf soon or I'll have to hang myself in a warehouse of cocks

  • cock stocks collapsing

    entire life savings stored in cocks

    cock merchant business falling apart

    I hope somebody brings me a dwarf soon or I'll have to hang myself in a warehouse of cocks

    Yes the fight was not very good but I'm not going to blame them since they didn't have much time too shoot in Alcazar. And come on,whining a

  • saves to fap folder

    expensive best they had Watching game of thrones i know there fight scenes are on point but watching this was just saying we dont care anymore we just need Bronn cut and Myrcella kidnapped.

  • Yes i am you must be a relative of hodor to not see that.

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    At this point it really sounds like you're nitpicking.

  • edited May 2015

    Old Nan was a relative of Hodor, so I'll take that as a compliment. In other news, your passive aggressiveness is extremely uncalled for.

    Yes i am you must be a relative of hodor to not see that.

  • Ha you got me there!

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    Old Nan was a relative of Hodor, so I'll take that as a compliment. In other news, your passive aggressiveness is extremely uncalled for.

  • A few things about this ep:

    It pleased me greatly to see Ellaria and her backup dancers' plot get foiled in about twenty seconds. Trystane Martell looks like a member of One Direction. And I think Bronn will be fine (don't hold me to that though).

    Tommen's a bit of a moon-faced moron, isn't he? Just sits there and lets the Spanish Inquisition drag his Queen off. At first I thought he was just naive but it looks like he's a coward instead,

    During the Winterfell scenes I was just like; "D&D couldn't have just put Sansa into this plotline so that she could get rapOhhhh wait nvm." I kinda knew it was coming, seems obvious the whole "Sansa is suddenly a strong independent woman now and you can tell cos her hair is black lol" routine would come to nothing when she was put up against Ramsey.

    Also I guess Tyrion is alive because cock merchant. Alrighty, then.

    The show is definitely wobbling in some places this season, and I'm not entirely sure who's to blame for that. It's definitely the weakest so far.

  • I am pleased with your comment

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    ranger563 posted: »

    A few things about this ep: It pleased me greatly to see Ellaria and her backup dancers' plot get foiled in about twenty seconds. Trystan

  • Alt text

    I am pleased with your comment

  • I just can't wait for Stannis to show up and fuck shit up. Hopefully Theon gets to flay Ramsay.

  • Give this man some fucking chicken! Theon is turning into one of my favourite characters, top notch acting.

    And if you don't think crying Theon is the saddest thing about this scene, you're wrong

  • The high sparrow is a man of religious conviction and Cersei is turning him into a zealot. She has no idea what kind of monster she is creating.

    richforce posted: »

    Instead of the Tyrells I think the sparrows are going to turn on Cersei for crimes real and imagined. The high sparrow probably set up an advisor for Tommen to "advise him on how to rule with the favor of the seven".

  • Sansa's storyline is a complete joke. I was sceptical aboout Littlefinger's plan to begin with, but this shit is just unbearable.

  • I saw it your way too. She has been approached by her chambermaid already and knows she can get help, or believes it. Shes going to help Theon escape also after he tells her he didnt murder her brothers.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I guess we see things differently. I saw it as she telling Reek that she has Northern allies that will help them. I guess either she will sympathize with Reek or he tells her the truth at some point.

  • Thats the problem with her whole plan. She seems so sure that none of her secrets will come out and i cant understand why. What she did was way worse than Loras.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I just remember Oleanna trolling Tywin while they were talking Loras and Cersei marriage. I thought she'd at least try to even if it's not

  • I love Jorah and Tyrion together. They have more chemistry than i would have thought.

    This was pretty dark episode. But it was good. Pretty much build-up, but I know the season will end with a boom(s), so it's a good thing we

  • Why sre you blaming Sansa for going to Winterfell. It wasnt her idea. I think shes there mainly because she has no story in the books from this point on and they needed to do somethig with her. Personally, i feel it was a good choice having her back in her home and will be even better when the Boltons are either forced out or killed. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell.

    Upshaw posted: »

    That was a horrible scene to watch mainly since I remember the actress as a very young girl but you know what Sansa? I'm sorry but I just do

  • I think its been good, except i loathe Littlefinger and everything he stands for.

    fallandir posted: »

    Sansa's storyline is a complete joke. I was sceptical aboout Littlefinger's plan to begin with, but this shit is just unbearable.

  • help! I have fallen and cannot get up!

    expensive best they had Watching game of thrones i know there fight scenes are on point but watching this was just saying we dont care anymore we just need Bronn cut and Myrcella kidnapped.

  • If I remember correctly LF said "If you don't want to go, just say the word and we'll turn around" I'm paraphrasing here but you get the point. She allowed herself to be manipulated by an irrational "take control of your destiny" speech hence making her the naive victim again. And contradicting the change of behavior she had.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    She didn't decide that. Little finger put that on her.

  • "Itll be a dwarf-sized cock."

    "Guess again!"

    Worth it for that alone lol

    Yes the fight was not very good but I'm not going to blame them since they didn't have much time too shoot in Alcazar. And come on,whining a

  • They wouldn't dare kill off Tyrion. Game of Thrones without Tyrion is like Walking Dead without Daryl. It just wouldn't work.

    BeastInside posted: »

    I actually thought he'd die in this episode. Thank God he didn't! But from the way things are going it doesn't look like he'll die yet. I

  • edited May 2015

    Well, George R. R. Martin has a knack for doing terrible things to our favorite characters. No one is safe. I'm sure he'll survive this season. I'm mainly afraid for the next one. But if he survives Season 6, he'll probably be alive at the very end of the story.

    They wouldn't dare kill off Tyrion. Game of Thrones without Tyrion is like Walking Dead without Daryl. It just wouldn't work.

  • Bad comparison. I think WD would work fine without Daryl but it would be hard to imagine GOT w/o Tyrion since hes so prominent.

    They wouldn't dare kill off Tyrion. Game of Thrones without Tyrion is like Walking Dead without Daryl. It just wouldn't work.

  • I really liked the portrayal of the northern wedding. I don't remember any in the books, but it was nicely handled.

  • edited May 2015

    "The dwarf lives until we find a cock merchant."

    Words I never thought I would hear in a sentence put together.

  • I find it odd that people are losing their shit over Sansa getting raped, yet Daenerys has been raped twice and Cersei almost got raped without anybody batting an eye.

    Good episode, though.

  • edited May 2015
    • I don’t really know what to think of Sansa’s storyline, besides that it didn’t make any sense from the beginning. She must have known that Ramsay is horrible and this was going to happen, and I think she’s just playing her part and biding her time (and she didn’t light a candle). She must have a kind of plan – please let her do something of her own and not just getting rescued by Theon or Brienne.
    • Alfie Allen’s acting was grand in this episode. When he sayed his name again ... very powerful scene.
    • Also we have at least one worse storyline right now, that is Dorne. The fighting scene was unintentionally funny. How they waved about their weapons and waited for their opponents to finish their useless twirling moves.... they behaved like stupid NPCs in a videogame. Even Xena had better action scenes than this.
    • ... what was it with Jaime and Bronn suddenly popping up in the Water Gardens. Nobody’s wondering about the two obviously disguised men sneaking around? I hope it was a trap and Doran let them in deliberately to prevent more bloodshed. Please let it be like that.
    • However, the whole Dorne plot is completely out of place, feels more like a parody of GoT. And Jaime has become dull, nothing left of his sneer and humour. They really have to give the audience someone to care about in Dorne, besides Bronn. I couldn't care less about Myrcella getting rescued or Ellaria getting her revenge.
    • Cersei writing a letter while talking to Orlenna and only listening with one ear was a nice callback to Tywin. Even if it was just an act. At least in KL they stay relatively close to the books. Except Creepfinger, I can't remember what he did in the books. Anyway, he didn't teleport around in Westeros like that.
    • Hopefully Arya’s karate kid plot is done with. She finally shows some development. Her scenes had a certain mysterious and sombre atmosphere and I liked all the dialogues. The face room was impressive, even if I imagined it much smaller and creepier.

    Worst season so far, flimsy storylines, still some great acting (Alfie Allen, Ian Glenn, Lena Headey) and set design.

  • Littlefinger was just saying that. No way he was turning around. If that tactic didnt work, he would have used something else. He saved her life twice so she trusted him and had no one else and no where else to go. Your doing an awful lot of victim blsming when Littlefinger is the cause of all of this.

    If I remember correctly LF said "If you don't want to go, just say the word and we'll turn around" I'm paraphrasing here but you get the poi

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