Who Caught Today's Episode?



  • I wouldnt say nobody batted an eye at either of those things.

    I find it odd that people are losing their shit over Sansa getting raped, yet Daenerys has been raped twice and Cersei almost got raped without anybody batting an eye. Good episode, though.

  • I dont think Sansa knew anything about Ramsay. Why would she? Until recently, he was just Roose Bolton's bastard. By the time she realized what kind of monster he was, it was too late.

    I thought Cercei looked ridiculous trying to imitate Tywin.

    Im enjoying the season so far. It may not have a half dozen events like last season but i wasnt expecting it to based on where we are in the books.

    rousseau posted: »

    * I don’t really know what to think of Sansa’s storyline, besides that it didn’t make any sense from the beginning. She must have known that

  • After all the unpleasant encounters she had so far, did she really think Ramsay - son of Roose Bolton - would be an okay guy? The name alone should have been warning enough.

    And everything in the dinner scene. Ramsay enjoyed mocking her and Theon in a sadistic way. He insisted on Theon taking part in the wedding ceremony while he knew the history they have with each other and that Sansa despises him. Also Theon's mental disorder. He - a Lord's son - sleeps in the kennels and serves as a butler to a bastard. Something terrible must have happened to him, and when she asked Ramsay about it he jokingly evaded the question. Can it be more obvious? Sansa must have good sensors for psychopaths by now.

    I don't think it was too late to try to get out of Winterfell at this point of time (or light a candle) or trying to delay the marriage. But she doesn't want to leave again. Well, that's my take on it. Let's see which direction they go with her. It could turn out really great or really unsatisfactory.

    KCohere posted: »

    I dont think Sansa knew anything about Ramsay. Why would she? Until recently, he was just Roose Bolton's bastard. By the time she realized w

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    Not very empowering to me.

    And Sophie Turner who portrays her, said herself that she was shocked when she read the script because at the end of season 4 it looked like Sansa would become a player and that it wasn't the case.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I guess we see things differently. I saw it as she telling Reek that she has Northern allies that will help them. I guess either she will sympathize with Reek or he tells her the truth at some point.

  • Again, she allowed herself to be manipulated. In what way does it make sense for Sansa to marry the Boltons who murdered her family, all it does is give the Boltons more power. Throughout the end of S4 and the beginning of S5 we saw her rationally deduce LF's motives and become more analytic in general.

    Yet the writers would have you convince that all it took for Sansa to make a total irrational move was a cheesy LF speech. Like literally there is no logic or planning behind it at all. All we get is LF "Make ramsey yours..." what exactly can she do? She's surrounded by people who murdered her family and flay their enemies alive.

    And the soldier of the Vale serve Sansa first and foremost, they don't trust Petyr, she could have assumed control of that situation.

    It's bad writing and goes against everything they built up with Sansa's character and the only reason it was done is because they needed a POV in Winterfell because Ramsay simply torturing Theon is overdone by now.

    KCohere posted: »

    Littlefinger was just saying that. No way he was turning around. If that tactic didnt work, he would have used something else. He saved her

  • I really, really, really enjoyed this episode. It had me feelin' all kinds of emotions.

    Arya's segments were pretty good. I am really interested to see where it goes, especially with Meryn and Mace arriving in Braavos very, very, very soon. There was a very gloomy, mysterious atmosphere about Arya's scenes which I really liked.

    Jorah and Tyrion are life. I love their scenes so much, because they've just got great banter together. I have to give my props to Iain Glen; you could see so much raw emotion in his face when Tyrion told him about The Old Bear's death. I liked their scenes, and, I'm really looking forward to seeing Jorah whip some ass in the fighting pits.

    I'll be honest; I honestly don't know why people dislike Dorne. I've seen people be like...


    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but, I just can't understand how people can be so judgmental after TWO scenes. Sure, the accents aren't the best- but, we have yet to see these actresses in an emotionally powerful scene... hell... we haven't even heard Nymeria and Tyene speak a fucking paragraph.
    I enjoyed the Dorne scenes. The fight wasn't the best, far from it. And I look forward to more Dorne scenes. And I'm looking forward to see The Sand Snakes actually, y'know... speak, and get character development. I won't judge them until I actually see them do shit other then swear revenge for Oberyn.

    King's Landing was very good as well. Cersei is such an evil bitch. And QUEEN OF THORNS! I fucking loved her conversation with Cersei. I'm rooting for House Tyrell to come out on top at the end. And Tommen... ugh. I thought he'd be a good king, but, he is a coward.

    Oh God. I got so angry at Ramsey in this scene. I... I... I was so pissed. My hatred for House Bolton grows larger everyday.

    We've watched Sansa grow up on our screens. I still remember when she was just a young girl in Season 1. And to see her lose her 'maidenhood' to a psychotic pig like Ramsey was... ugh. I felt sick. It was still a brilliant scene. All actors were amazing, especially Alfie/Theon/Reek.
    I'm hoping Sansa or Theon get a chance for payback. I wouldn't mind watching Ramsey get flayed alive in Episode 10.

    Overall; it was a great episode. It was up to GoT standard, IMHO. There could've been improvements, but, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I laughed, I gasped, and I felt sick to my stomach. That's how a television show should make me feel!
    I can't wait for the next episodes. Because I know that they're going to be full of twists and turns!


  • Littlefinger's logic just doesn't make sense at all.

    KCohere posted: »

    I think its been good, except i loathe Littlefinger and everything he stands for.

  • Alt text

    (?) Margaery will remember that.

    Found on imgur.

  • Ramsay and fArya's wedding was actually seen through Theon's POV, though many northern lords are missing in the show it was pretty good scene nonetheless...it was actually nicer, like a private wedding just for family lol

    I really liked the portrayal of the northern wedding. I don't remember any in the books, but it was nicely handled.

  • edited May 2015

    I know Jerome who plays Bronn. He's a friend of a friend, great bloke.

    Also poor Bronn, I do hope that little scratch is not poisoned and as such results in another character being killed for little reason but i

  • He's not. Trust me.

    So....Bronn is screwed lol. Man I don't want to see him die

  • edited May 2015

    Look I understand that we shouldn't judge so harshly over 2.5 minutes of screen time we had in Dorne but for the few scenes we had it was bad and I mean like awful bad. Not just speaking about the really really really bad fighting scene(yelling in a very awkward accent your name and the fact that you are Oberyn's daughter to the family's captain of guards for the past 25~ years makes total sense right? the Emmy is waiting for that writing) so you can understand why it's so hard to give a show like GOT a pass on these stuff.

    The Dornish scenes were cartoonish as they can get and overall the writing for the past 6 episodes was really bad compared to the past 4 seasons and for the first time since season 1 it's almost feels like it's a chore to watch the episodes just to get to the endgame(honestly the waiting for the next season of Workaholics is even harder than to wait for the next episode of GOT). I'm not sure why but I don't think that it's a coincidence that the weakest season so far is also the first season without GRRM and the one that takes the greatest liberties from the source materiel(watch season 1 again and you'll know what I'm talking about).

    By the way, I guess Jaime and Bronn could have used the help of Ser Arys there...you know, the guy that was sent with Myrcella to Dorne

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    Fordee09 posted: »

    I really, really, really enjoyed this episode. It had me feelin' all kinds of emotions. Arya's segments were pretty good. I am really int

  • edited May 2015

    Hahaha this is perfect X)

    Pipas posted: »

    (?) Margaery will remember that. Found on imgur.

  • Now Margaery hates Tommen even more now.

    Pipas posted: »

    (?) Margaery will remember that. Found on imgur.

  • I Agree i dont know what hes up to, but he admitted that he loves to sow chaos more than anything.

    fallandir posted: »

    Littlefinger's logic just doesn't make sense at all.

  • Its nice to see someone who liked the episode, as i did. Most people act like it killed Christmas.

    Fordee09 posted: »

    I really, really, really enjoyed this episode. It had me feelin' all kinds of emotions. Arya's segments were pretty good. I am really int

  • Im sure she knew he wasnt an okay guy but i dont think she expected that he would make Theon watch while he brutalized her. She does have a plan, im sure of it, to be willing to endure a wedding night with Ramsay.

    rousseau posted: »

    After all the unpleasant encounters she had so far, did she really think Ramsay - son of Roose Bolton - would be an okay guy? The name alone

  • We dont know the context of this picture, and after what she went through, shes entitled to look upset. That doesnt mean she wont do anything to help herself now that she knows the danger shes in.

    Not very empowering to me. And Sophie Turner who portrays her, said herself that she was shocked when she read the script because at the end of season 4 it looked like Sansa would become a player and that it wasn't the case.

  • Thats what she gets for marrying an infant.

    Pipas posted: »

    (?) Margaery will remember that. Found on imgur.

  • Yep, looks like the show's having her go through Jeyne Poole's storyline pretty much word for word if that's the case.

    I highly doubt it considering the preview for the next episode shows her crying and asking Theon to help her escape.

  • Same. The Night's Watch has always been my favorite story in the books and show from day 1.

    The Night's Watch storyline is the one of the main things keeping me interested in the show.

  • First time I've seen someone banned on this forum and I wasn't curious why.

    Clemenem posted: »

    "You've known Sansa since she was a girl. Now watch her become a woman." That line gets me so hard almost as hard as Ramsay... ehh too dark

  • The truth is Sansa has always been used and manipulated starting with Cercei. How she survives is she does what she is told and puts on a mask of civility and compliance. She doesnt have a whole lot of choices and i dont believe she can just command The Vale the way you say, to what, go to war and force the Boltons out? She married Ramsay because she believes, i think, that its the best way to get what she wants, which is her home back, and she believed that Littlefinger was going to help her make that happen. Then she could work from there to undermine the Boltons. I think she just had no idea what she was really getting into with him, especially since Baelish abandoned her and left her alone without any solid plan. Someone said that she is still playing the game and i believe thats true, shes just doing it in the only way she knows how, using what currency she has. A few talks with Littlefinger does not make her a master manipulator on his level.

    On a story writing standpoint, Sansa has no story in the books after she leaves the Vale, so they gave her this one. It might not make sense to you but i feel like it was a good way to adapt a storyline with a character the fans dont know or care about, with one that they do, and to have a lot of the characters that have been apart start to come together. Lets not judge and say its bad writing until we see how it all come together.

    Again, she allowed herself to be manipulated. In what way does it make sense for Sansa to marry the Boltons who murdered her family, all it

  • I can see what you mean. In the books, Sansa's in her head for a majority of her time, and many of her responses are the survival "yes my lord/grace/etc." that she was taught. Maybe the show has had some trouble translating her character from book to screen for that reason.

    iWebbyy posted: »

    Sansa is probably the least interesting character in the show to me, her only significance is her name. She doesn't seem strong, intelligent or anything to be honest and she serves no purpose other then to be a pawn in everyone else's plans.

  • edited May 2015

    You mean Jorah? Jorah's the one with the beginnings of grayscale. Tyrion hasn't been shown as infected.

    EDIT: Nevermind, it's late, didn't realize you meant Bronn.

    Well he was poisoned so it will likely take awhile.

  • Not exactly. Theon only watched.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Yep, looks like the show's having her go through Jeyne Poole's storyline pretty much word for word if that's the case.

  • Here's a thumbs up just for the "Ellaria and her backup dancers" comment.

    ranger563 posted: »

    A few things about this ep: It pleased me greatly to see Ellaria and her backup dancers' plot get foiled in about twenty seconds. Trystan

  • It's quite simple, he wants the Iron Throne. Hence his line "chaos is not a pit, chaos is a ladder". He is the regent Lord Paramount of the Vale, and Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. He most certainly will want to marry Sansa after the Boltons die, which would make him Lord Paramount of the North. He already allied himself with the Tyrells.

    KCohere posted: »

    I Agree i dont know what hes up to, but he admitted that he loves to sow chaos more than anything.

  • He wants power but i dont think he wants the throne and Sansa would never marry him especially now.

    LukaszB posted: »

    It's quite simple, he wants the Iron Throne. Hence his line "chaos is not a pit, chaos is a ladder". He is the regent Lord Paramount of the

  • I love Daryl, but I think the show would actually be better without him now. Because he's such a favourite, he's getting more screen time. So they couldn't give Tyreese his comic story arc, which ruined that character, now they're not giving Abraham his (it's almost there, but his still not Ricks 2ic) which means his arc will not be so impactful.
    Instead we get things like the god awful Grady story to give him some character development.
    Daryl is one of my favourites,mouth now Gimple seems to be the man for the job, I'd be glad to see him go we we get the story we deserve.
    Same with Tyrion, I love the guy, but if it moves the story on. I'm happy for him to go.

    KCohere posted: »

    Bad comparison. I think WD would work fine without Daryl but it would be hard to imagine GOT w/o Tyrion since hes so prominent.

  • I'm probably being thick...but I don't see what's here...

    Everybody talking about sansa and ramsay but did you all not see that fight in the water gardens that was some b-movie shit. Please look at

  • "The actress also teased what fans can expect from her character in the coming episodes...and those who think Sansa will seek revenge on Ramsay Bolton (and his family), might get a bit disappointed with her response.
    "He's [Ramsay] such a mentalist. He's such a mind-beep. There's no way of understanding his motives or his thinking. So this season it's also her trying to figure out his intentions and trying to please him," [Sophie] stated."

    KCohere posted: »

    We dont know the context of this picture, and after what she went through, shes entitled to look upset. That doesnt mean she wont do anything to help herself now that she knows the danger shes in.

  • Everything you said is truth, but like I said before it doesn't make sense due to Sansa's new character development. That's why it looks forced. There is no rational, logical, sensible way that someone who just came of being tortured by Joffrey, believes the best course of action is to head back to a similar situation. She might not have known Ramsey personally, but she knows very well that the Boltons murdered her family during a weeding and flay their enemies alive.

    She knows the lords of the Vale respect her and want to protect her, she could have easily gone back to the Vale where she would be safe. The lords of the Vale distrust Petyr and clearly want to protect Sansa which is shown towards the end of S4. I'm not saying they would wage war because of her, but they would definitely look out for her.

    And like I said she had many different options (Umbers, Reeds, etc.) Sorry, but Winterfell looks forced, even though like you said I can kinda understand because her story line because relatively flat in the books when she's at the Vale.

    KCohere posted: »

    The truth is Sansa has always been used and manipulated starting with Cercei. How she survives is she does what she is told and puts on a ma

  • edited May 2015

    Im not disappointed. Ive always thought that Ramsay is not the man to reason with. Shell need time to figure out how to deal with him. Im still rooting for her, even more so now. The Boltons will get theres, that Im sure of.

    "The actress also teased what fans can expect from her character in the coming episodes...and those who think Sansa will seek revenge on Ram

  • Silence is a valid option they said...

    Pipas posted: »

    (?) Margaery will remember that. Found on imgur.

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