It would feel a little off playing as Kenny. He has a well established personality from S1 and I doubt he's the kinda man who would listen to the player picking the "..." dialogue choice lol.
Not in my game he wasn't. He was the second coming of Carver, who had everyone in our group so afraid of what he would do, no one was brave enough to talk to him. So they sent the 11 year old.
Kenny works infinity times better as an NPC. He's brash and unpredictable. Going from Lee to Kenny wouldn't have worked too well because to be fair they oftentimes had a power struggle of who the group should take heed of. Kenny would just flat-out ignore Lee if he didn't like his ideas.
Clementine makes more sense from a creative, story and gameplay perspective since she was mentored by Lee and would oftentimes be influenced by him,
"Like shit, right Lee? "
And since we were Lee in the first season, it just made the most sense. It even becomes more apparent towards the ending of Season One. I hope we stay as her in Season Three, I think it'd be a bad idea (and a non-sensible one) to just change protagonist now without any reason.
And on a final note, it also makes your choices from Season One feel more worthwhile when Clem will say a specific event that happened back in the first Season that only her and Lee would know of (like the fact she's the one who shot him) it would've been annoying to me to be talking to Clem as a new character to be fair. Characters we don't know like Jane it would be better but if we were to ask Clem things we already knew about as Lee it just wouldn't go too well for the player either and not make their journey feel worthwhile since we're always shifting perspectives and becoming a stranger to a character we actually know quite well.
Back on topic though, Kenny is a character who's actions shouldn't be influenced. I know for a fact that I would NOT have dropped a Saltlick on Larry if I was in control of Kenny then. He's more fun to try and take and talk down. He's a dynamite with a really, really short fuse. Clem on the other hand was still a child who'd want to grow up to try and be like the person who took care of her, who was Lee. I don't think we saw Lee cutting Kenny's hair or training him how to shoot a gun. :P
Play any fps with friendly fire on....wait for your pals to get in front of you...then shoot a heavy mg at so distant bad guy...sure you kill some of your own but you got that sonuvabitch too. That's what it would be like if Kenny were to be the playable character.
Before Season 2, I think it could have worked. But probably not in the long run because hes such a controversial character, but definitely not after Season 2
I don't think it would've worked out very well.
If Kenny were the playable character I wouldn't buy the game.
If Kenny was the main charachter in season 2...... I wouldn't have wasted my money
...But Kenny was the main character of season 2. Unfortunately.
Kenny haters would've commited mass suicide for the glory of satan.
Then I wouldn't be here right now to discuss how much it would've sucked if he was the protagonist of the game that got me here...
Then Clem would be the one with the beard who got real lucky.
Then Alvin, Sarita, Luke & Jane would still be alive. Also Clem wouldnt get shot.
Goddamit Kenny FU for killing Jane.
Actually if we're still stuck in a Telltale story, I wonder how Kenny's choices would have eventually led to the same path.
Well, obviously a lot more of 'punching the first sonuvofbitch we see and take his gun and shoot the next sonuvobitch we see.'
It would feel a little off playing as Kenny. He has a well established personality from S1 and I doubt he's the kinda man who would listen to the player picking the "..." dialogue choice lol.
Lots of people would be waiting for the suicide option xD
(!) Clementine needs your help!
God damn it Clem | [Angry Stare] |
[Help Clem] | [...]
A sad truth.
It wouldn't matter because choices give minor effects.
Not in my game he wasn't. He was the second coming of Carver, who had everyone in our group so afraid of what he would do, no one was brave enough to talk to him. So they sent the 11 year old.
My computer room would have filled up with so much vomit that I'd have drowned.
seriously, what kind of question is this
It'd be a redneck powerboat racing game.
A taller, one eyed, more pissed off, male Clementine.
...... ......
It would've been a bit less interesting because Kenny wouldn't be Kenny.
Kenny works infinity times better as an NPC. He's brash and unpredictable. Going from Lee to Kenny wouldn't have worked too well because to be fair they oftentimes had a power struggle of who the group should take heed of. Kenny would just flat-out ignore Lee if he didn't like his ideas.
Clementine makes more sense from a creative, story and gameplay perspective since she was mentored by Lee and would oftentimes be influenced by him,
"Like shit, right Lee?
And since we were Lee in the first season, it just made the most sense. It even becomes more apparent towards the ending of Season One. I hope we stay as her in Season Three, I think it'd be a bad idea (and a non-sensible one) to just change protagonist now without any reason.
And on a final note, it also makes your choices from Season One feel more worthwhile when Clem will say a specific event that happened back in the first Season that only her and Lee would know of (like the fact she's the one who shot him) it would've been annoying to me to be talking to Clem as a new character to be fair. Characters we don't know like Jane it would be better but if we were to ask Clem things we already knew about as Lee it just wouldn't go too well for the player either and not make their journey feel worthwhile since we're always shifting perspectives and becoming a stranger to a character we actually know quite well.
Back on topic though, Kenny is a character who's actions shouldn't be influenced. I know for a fact that I would NOT have dropped a Saltlick on Larry if I was in control of Kenny then. He's more fun to try and take and talk down. He's a dynamite with a really, really short fuse. Clem on the other hand was still a child who'd want to grow up to try and be like the person who took care of her, who was Lee. I don't think we saw Lee cutting Kenny's hair or training him how to shoot a gun. :P
Well your opinion has changed. You once told me you wanted Clem to stay the main character. :P
I think they would've played out the same, we just would've seen it and played it from Kenny's perspective
Nopety nope.
Not good
I would've loved it. But that's just me. XD
Um............................................ different?
I mean............................................................................................ however it was written?
I don't really understand these kinds of questions.
Play any fps with friendly fire on....wait for your pals to get in front of you...then shoot a heavy mg at so distant bad guy...sure you kill some of your own but you got that sonuvabitch too. That's what it would be like if Kenny were to be the playable character.
Cool picture!
Great design.
Did you make this yourself?
Before Season 2, I think it could have worked. But probably not in the long run because hes such a controversial character, but definitely not after Season 2