If you could add a scene into Season 2 like No Time Left's herd scene, how would have it be done?
In the sense you have the music kick up and you get a super cool action scene. I think the herd scene during In Harm's Way and Amid The Ruins could have done something like this, or with the fight with the Russians.
I mean holy crap though this scene in No Time Left rocked:
I just wish Season 2 had a moment like this....
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Yeah season 2 didn't really have anything like that scene. I don't know how they could have made a scene like that, seeing as we are playing as a little kid. Maybe future games would give us more badass scenes like that.
Maybe the group walking through a herd and taking them out as they go?
As mentioned by wdfan, it'd be hard to have "badass" moments like that due to Clem's age, shame we didn't get anything similar, though.
Just add the music to the Alone ending like this person did.
Click here
Only if they made the herd scene again for Clem in S3. She a kid on S2 and I don't think she is ready for it alone.
I was hoping they would add it to the scene where Clementine walks through the blizzard, while having to kill walkers along the way.
If you think about it. Clem and any other person can easily kill these season 2 zombies. Clem wouldn't be able to kill season 1 walkers because they are too strong, even if she did have a time machine and went back as 11.
I wouldn't add one. That scene from Season 1 was special, adding one to Season 2 just wouldn't be the same.
They did, near the end of Episode 5, actually.
I thought Clem would find an army jeep with a machine gun attached to it. And she would just go Rambo on an oncoming herd.
I agree. If you think about it, the walkers have decayed to some extent unlike in Season 1 when they were recently reanimated bodies.
The group began killing zombies while walking through the snow.
My point was I wanted them to include Armed with Death there.
My mistake, apologies,
but yeah, Armed With Death would have been badass, although they probably wouldn't reuse it.
They could've made the scene in Amid The Ruins where Kenny and Mike were fighting off walkers way more badass. Kenny and Mike walking slow motion towards the herd with Armed With Death blaring in the background...
I would have done something like this when Clementine is walking through the snow and some walkers are slowing, whilst many lurch at her and she has to kill them as she hears AJ's cries in the distance and continues to treks on, hoping to find them. However his cries become more and more distant until Clementine meets Kenny in which the cries have faded away.
Ok... a majority of the walkers that exist are some what decayed... I think... Why do you have to poke holes in my statement with logic and reason? Geez...
Season 2 tried to one-up the horde scene by adding in more violence and noise and guns.
For me it was actually so overdone that it ruined my suspension of disbelief. Over half of the group ends up running through the horde, while stopping to scream also doesn't yield any consequences. And then Bonnie unloads her gun in the middle of the horde.
A cluster of plotholes, that's what it was.
That hazy snow scene woulda been a good choice for a scene like that
The only part that really took me out of the moment was Bonnie firing her gun
The rest really don't bother me, especially since people run past zombies a lot in the comics and show, and even raise their voices or full-on yell and get away with it. Or hell, the fact that Lee gets away with it in Season 1, making a ton of noise and going on a rampage through a group of them without much of a problem. Or let's go a step further in that there's some instances in both the comics and show where people have ran through herds without being covered in guts and got away with it. And yet those moments never broke my suspension of disbelief in the process, and I'm more than willing to forgive the absurdity of those scenes. If anything, I still find the questionable decisions made by characters and extreme lapses of judgment to be much worse than however the walkers work
I don't know, I just never found scenes like this to be a big problem, but that's just me personally
I'm hoping they just leave it with Lee at this point. They won't be able to top the moment.