I'm So Glad

I was glad when Mark was eaten he annoyed me so much. All his complaining about being hungry and his big mouth really made me not like him. If you bad mouth Larry he tells him and when you are at the St. Johns dairy he blabs that you have a vet in your group. It has been a long time since I played season one but as I think about it he still pisses me off. So when all was said and done and we escaped it was a highlight for me that he did not make it. What was your experience with Mark like? Did you like him, not care, think he was a raging douche bag I am leaning towards the latter.

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  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited June 2015

    I thought he was a great character and was really sad to see he died.

  • For some reason I knew you were going to say that in some form if you posted lol cool.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I thought he was a great character and was really sad to see he died.

  • Nah Mark should have lived longer :D

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned
    edited June 2015

    Mark to me was just another worthless side character like Carley or Katjaa. Didn't really care at all when he died. His constant begging for food also didn't help in making me like him. I actually fed Ben the new kid instead of Mark just to spite him lol.

  • I didn't feed him either I fed Larry, Kenny, and the kids I was trying to keep the rage level down and Mark's whining was not helping.

    MrX1H2 posted: »

    Mark to me was just another worthless side character like Carley or Katjaa. Didn't really care at all when he died. His constant begging for

  • I wish he could have been left behind in the motor inn attack. Be so good.

    Loved you Mark.

  • I didn't dislike him. He had potential, until Lilly makes the comment about how he's only around cuz he had food...that told me then and there that he was a soon-to-be goner. He wasn't really around long enough for me to decide whether or not I really liked/disliked him

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    All his complaining about being hungry

    Maybe this is just me, but I don't remember him really complaining

    If anything, he's about the only member of the group that actually seemed to give a shit that they were on the brink of starvation

  • I think he is saying something about it at the beginning when you are walking through the woods, at the motor inn I can't remember and on the farm he got mad because I didn't feed him at the inn.

    Deltino posted: »

    All his complaining about being hungry Maybe this is just me, but I don't remember him really complaining If anything, he's about the only member of the group that actually seemed to give a shit that they were on the brink of starvation

  • What was your experience with Mark like?


  • https://youtu.be/BU5UcczX9rc?t=2s

    U mean the 1st scene in this video or is it another scene ur talking?

    I think he is saying something about it at the beginning when you are walking through the woods, at the motor inn I can't remember and on the farm he got mad because I didn't feed him at the inn.

  • edited June 2015

    Yep. and if you ask him if he thinks he can make the shot on the bird he says he wouldn't do it if he thought he couldn't but he does and misses another strike against him.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    https://youtu.be/BU5UcczX9rc?t=2s U mean the 1st scene in this video or is it another scene ur talking?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Well I'm glad that I thought trying to shoot a single small bird was stupid

    Yep. and if you ask him if he thinks he can make the shot on the bird he says he wouldn't do it if he thought he couldn't but he does and misses another strike against him.

  • Yeah I should have done that in the long run it did not matter but it irritated me and hopefully I am remembering correctly I played that last September.

    Deltino posted: »

    Well I'm glad that I thought trying to shoot a single small bird was stupid

  • I neve really liked Mark all that much either, his only real purpose in the game was to establish the Kenny/Lilly feud that happened over the three months and to get eaten, not really a memorable character, I constantly forget he was a part of the game.

  • I had not thought about Walking Dead for a while and I posted on the Randy thread earlier and he is just Mark with red hair so it made me think of him.

    I neve really liked Mark all that much either, his only real purpose in the game was to establish the Kenny/Lilly feud that happened over th

  • Mark was alright, but, he wasn't around long enough to get a better opinion than that.

  • yes, yes. Mark wasn't a great character, but his backstory seems like opening for a Lee DLC. Think about it: they skipped three months and went to a air force base. I think they had encounters with other survives, had interesting dialogues , and maybe snow.

  • He actually was a little annoying, but I don't think he deserved his legs eaten lol.

  • edited June 2015

    He was very bland. About as interesting as a loaf of bread. This sums him up fine; http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheGenericGuy

    But I certainly don't think he deserved to get eaten, I wish he had more characterization tbh. (But I say that of pretty much all plot device characters.)

  • he was just a scared dude

  • edited June 2015

    He's alright but Mark should have lived to Episode 3 since he was the episode 2 generic-guy-to-avoid-killing-any-more-group-members
    (BTW, i like his eye color)

  • I liked him, even if he only showed up for one episode and merely existed to be killed by the St John's as part of the shocking twist with the family being cannibals and all.

    Don't really understand why his comments about being hungry, being a little overconfident, and having a habit of speaking before thinking makes him detestable, there are worse flaws such as Kenny's grudge holding, Larry's antagonism, and Ben's incompetence.

  • Mark just annoyed me I thought he was an idiot maybe if he would have kept quiet I would like him. Larry was one of my favorites he was so funny even though most of his hate was directed at Lee, Kenny did make me more angry than Mark, and Ben was alright he was young. Mark was an adult and in the military I expected more from him.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I liked him, even if he only showed up for one episode and merely existed to be killed by the St John's as part of the shocking twist with t

  • In my opinion he was the most likable character ever. He always stayed away from the fights, and he was useful even when he was undead.

  • he was useful even when he was undead.

    That is a good point zombie Mark was cool.

    Darkly posted: »

    In my opinion he was the most likable character ever. He always stayed away from the fights, and he was useful even when he was undead.

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited June 2015

    I'd never be happy hearing someone's legs were torn off and fed to a child(ren). Not even people I dislike.

    l didn't mind Mark. He wasn't really a memorable character except for his rather gruesome death obviously.

  • One time I did let Clementine eat up to see what would happen what she say's later about it was funny.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    I'd never be happy hearing someone's legs were torn off and fed to a child(ren). Not even people I dislike. l didn't mind Mark. He wasn't really a memorable character except for his rather gruesome death obviously.

  • Something about reading that first sentence-

    I was glad when Mark was eaten he annoyed me so much.

    Followed by that picture of Mark with a blank stare made me laugh my ass off. No idea why.

  • Wow, people really can dig up excuses to hate any character. I am surprised you found any reason to hate this short lived squeaky clean character.

  • Seriously? I thought he was such a nice man, he even made me laugh when he revealed to Larry that I called him a racist.

  • I thought he was nice but he died too quickly for me to connect with him.

  • and his big mouth really made me not like him

    I know, i hate when people talk about my business I wanted there to be a option to say Shut up Mark, when he starts blabbing to the cannibals about pretty much everything else. IE Larry situation, Kenny whatever.

  • Hes one of the characters that made me think what it would have been liked if he lived to season 2, or if he was the returning character.

  • This is what you get when everything has been talked about and this is one of the purposes of the forums to talk about your experience with the game.

    HERO_1000 posted: »

    Wow, people really can dig up excuses to hate any character. I am surprised you found any reason to hate this short lived squeaky clean character.

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    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    and his big mouth really made me not like him I know, i hate when people talk about my business I wanted there to be a option to say

  • Seriously. I am surprised most people seem to like him or don't care

    AronDracula posted: »

    Seriously? I thought he was such a nice man, he even made me laugh when he revealed to Larry that I called him a racist.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited June 2015

    Plus mark just shows up at the beginning of episode two, i didn't care two shits about him. I kept thinking of myself , who is this Redshirt.

  • That's fucked up. He gave everyone tons of food lol

  • I didn't think Mark was a Redshirt until he went in the house with Brenda then I figured out he was not going to make it. Yeah I think my first impression from the beginning of episode 2 was that he was an idiot and the game did nothing to change it.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Plus mark just shows up at the beginning of episode two, i didn't care two shits about him. I kept thinking of myself , who is this Redshirt.

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