What if Rhys is actually gay?



  • Wait... what's wrong with Zed?

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    I really couldn't care less if he's gay, straight, bi, pan, asexual, or what have you. As long as he doesn't turn into another Janey. Or, god forbid, another Dr Zed.

  • This franchise doesn't need another character that repeats the same joke every other time you talk to him. Made worse by the vending machines.

    His 'no license' schtick was funny the first few times. Not so much the next half a hundred.

    DeityD posted: »

    Wait... what's wrong with Zed?

  • Huh, I never paid much attention to what he says and barely even notice that when I buy something from vending machines normally.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    This franchise doesn't need another character that repeats the same joke every other time you talk to him. Made worse by the vending machines. His 'no license' schtick was funny the first few times. Not so much the next half a hundred.

  • Wow. That's pretty incredible.

    DeityD posted: »

    Huh, I never paid much attention to what he says and barely even notice that when I buy something from vending machines normally.

  • Alt text

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    Wow. That's pretty incredible.

  • Bloody hell, this is why you don't bring up gender/orientation in ANY forum. It devolves into Tumblr rants and "OH, I'M OFFENDED, GIVE ME ATTENTION!".

    Can this thread be closed already?

  • another character that repeats the same joke every other time you talk to him.

    You just described almost every BL2/TPS character.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    This franchise doesn't need another character that repeats the same joke every other time you talk to him. Made worse by the vending machines. His 'no license' schtick was funny the first few times. Not so much the next half a hundred.

  • Eh, well, everyone on this forum is from tumblr

    Alt text

    I have to admit I don't really like where this thread is going.

    Piggs posted: »

    Eh, well, everyone on this forum is from tumblr. Literally everyone in the game is going to have obscure, gay ships.

  • You're not afraid of a little tetanis are ya?

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    This franchise doesn't need another character that repeats the same joke every other time you talk to him. Made worse by the vending machines. His 'no license' schtick was funny the first few times. Not so much the next half a hundred.

  • edited June 2015

    OP's post slightly plays on the trope that if Character A is gay and their best friend Character B is the same gender, clearly A must have a crush on B, which I'm not a fan of. Just saying, if Rhys were confirmed gay, it doesn't necessarily mean Vaughn would be the dude he'd want to be with, and vice versa. I don't mind ships, but I do also love well-written platonic relationships.

    On a lighter note, I love the TFTBL characters, and pretty much any character in this game could (consensually) end up with any other character and I'd still go "Awwwwww" (and that certainly includes Rhys and Vaughn).

  • >Reaction gif

    >Easily offended

    I've proven my point, I think.

    DeityD posted: »

    Eh, well, everyone on this forum is from tumblr I have to admit I don't really like where this thread is going.

  • That's exactly like me! :o

    I spent many years thinking there was something wrong with me (i still do sometimes). A lot of my friends as well when i tell them that i'm asexual tend to find it weird and often say that it doesn't even exist. As if they know me better than myself >_>; i tend to just bite my tongue though since i often find that no matter how much i try to explain it, they never seems to fully listen. On the bright side, the few who do accept it are the people i consider my actual friends and whom i'm closest to. So it's not like i'm totally alone :)

    nursethalia posted: »

    It was crappy to hear, as a small part of it is technically true (sexually/physically abusive stepfather) but I truly don't believe that has

  • What if Vaughn isn't gay tho?

  • edited June 2015

    You've only proven that you like to say provoking things and wind people up and usually very negative about pretty much everything. And also that you like to assume things which is not even here (as I don't even have a tumblr for instance or was never offended and the mere idea is ridiculous). So I guess that further conversation will be pointless.

    Piggs posted: »

    >Reaction gif >Easily offended I've proven my point, I think.

  • Then we'll get another scene like that one in the desert?

    But if we take OP seriously, I think the real question was "would they make a good couple or not".

    What if Vaughn isn't gay tho?

  • Maybe so but it's nowhere near as bad as Zed and his vending machine from hell. And that's probably where my dislike for his joke comes from because i can't stand Marcus either.

    Aaira posted: »

    another character that repeats the same joke every other time you talk to him. You just described almost every BL2/TPS character.

  • Nah. Has nothing to do with Tumblr, more just the fact that it's a fandom and any fandom has it's random crackships. Reminds me of my otaku days in highschool...ah... the pairings....

    Piggs posted: »

    Eh, well, everyone on this forum is from tumblr. Literally everyone in the game is going to have obscure, gay ships.

  • Oh I'm with you on the denial of existence thing... you wouldn't believe how often I'm told "You just haven't slept with a guy who knows what he's doing yet" or "Well then you're having sex wrong" and other similar such garbage.

    xValkyx posted: »

    That's exactly like me! I spent many years thinking there was something wrong with me (i still do sometimes). A lot of my friends as wel

  • edited June 2015

    I don't try to provoke people, its just that my opinions tend to offend them. I'm okay with that as long as I get my say.

    I wasn't entirely serious about you having a tumblr, it's just that some people here demonstrate the stereotypical "tumblr blogger" archetypes.

    DeityD posted: »

    You've only proven that you like to say provoking things and wind people up and usually very negative about pretty much everything. And also

  • I don't think his use of the no-license joke was worse than Markus' no-refund one, personally.

    A_Great_Guy posted: »

    Maybe so but it's nowhere near as bad as Zed and his vending machine from hell. And that's probably where my dislike for his joke comes from because i can't stand Marcus either.

  • edited June 2015

    I hate Marcus, I'm honestly surprised no one has killed this fucking prick yet. He acts like pandora can't do without him and hia guns but in a universe, seemingly, ruled by big gun corp. A blind man could probably toss a rock and hit another gun dealer.

    Also he sells loaded guns to people then treats em like shit, yeah thats smart. I seriously wish we could kill him and let the next person, undoubtedly waiting just around the corner, take over.

    Aaira posted: »

    I don't think his use of the no-license joke was worse than Markus' no-refund one, personally.

  • I personally think we, as the players of the characters, should have a saying in this. Kinda like in Sims where you can decide if you want your sim to date females, males or both without having a specific "sexuality button" but just by interaction. Or make him bi and let people pick who he likes more.

    I personally prefer broships over relationships. I'm not a cheesy person, yo.

  • Well I always enjoyed the stuff you write here yes I disagree with some of that but I also have few good laughs at people trying to bash you and getting so worked up over something.
    I don't have an account there but well if everyone here was from tumblr then Rack would be the main ship if the amount of gay pics is any indication.

    Piggs posted: »

    I don't try to provoke people, its just that my opinions tend to offend them. I'm okay with that as long as I get my say. I wasn't entire

  • I love it when shows play up bromances - I feel like it helps younger guys irl realize that they can express themselves to their friends without being seen as 'less manly'. I love seeing gay representation in video games (and Borderlands has been good with that so far, hopefully we'll see trans representation in BL3 or TFTBL!), but I'd be totally ecstatic if Vaughn and Rhys' relationship were platonic but still epic, like Turk and JD from Scrubs. Guy love! XD

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    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I personally think we, as the players of the characters, should have a saying in this. Kinda like in Sims where you can decide if you want y

  • I agree. Personally, I'd honestly prefer there not be any official couples in TFTB, as far as player characters go. I don't think romance is necessary for a good story, and it'd only alienate the players who didn't feel they were taking the characters in that direction in their playthroughs, be it the choice of love interest or the inclusion of relationship stuff itself.

    Now what I wouldn't mind seeing is a choice between being faithful to a platonic bromance or a slightly abusive frenemyship...

    nursethalia posted: »

    I love it when shows play up bromances - I feel like it helps younger guys irl realize that they can express themselves to their friends wit

  • At this point the writers are heavily pushing for Rhys to be attracted to Sasha. I'm fond of Vaughn as a sidekick, so I don't know how things go if you treat him poorly this episode.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I love it when shows play up bromances - I feel like it helps younger guys irl realize that they can express themselves to their friends wit

  • Rhys/Zer0 is my OTP, so yes! Of course he's boody gay, did you see how he acts the whole time? xD

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