Really enjoyed watching these people die in season 2.

edited June 2015 in The Walking Dead
  1. Carlos, Alvin and Rebecca: they were so mean the first time they saw Clem. They almost had Clem killed from that wound. I wanted them killed from day 1.
  2. Nick: Almost shot Clem. Clem promised to take care of him and I think have him turned into a zombie is the best form of doing that.
  3. Sarah: useless and always has other people hurt because of her.
  4. Reggie: coward. broken toy. (edit: I meant his MIND!)
  5. Carver: psycho, a-hole
  6. Bonnie: simply bitch. She led Carver to the lodge which directly led to Walter's death. She cheated and hoped to fix it by an ugly jacket (she reminded Clem about the jackie at least twice after they escaped). If not killed, she blame Clem for Luke's death which is mostly her fault.

So to me the latter part of S2 is full of joy because I can watch all these bad people die. =)



  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator



    OK then. I disagree with everything here but OK.

  • Did u Like Luke? I sure did he was hot and mostly nice!

  • I like Luke though I got a bit angry at him when he said Kenny should be left behind. However he's kind to Clem and he's a nice person.

    In the lodge he's the first one to put down weapon. Also he returned to rescue the group while he could just run away. (and later got his rib broken...)

    Did u Like Luke? I sure did he was hot and mostly nice!

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Alvin: mean

    Are we talking about the same character here

    Sarah: useless and always has other people hurt because of her.

    Statistically speaking, more people have been hurt or have died because of Clementine than they did Sarah

    Nick: Almost shot Clem. Clem promised to take care of him and I think have him turned into a zombie is the best form of doing that

    Honor Pete's dying wishes by promising to look after the last living relative that he cares about, then shit on his grave by breaking your promise and getting said relative killed, and taking joy in doing it

    Pete's probably itching for some spectral ass whooping right about now

  • I wasn't glad to see anyone die

  • I was glad to see Sarah died. Hated her since Ep1

  • edited June 2015

    Oh man, why are Sarah haters so despised? Oh yeah...

    I was glad to see Sarah died. Hated her since Ep1

  • edited June 2015

    Oh, God. This thread is so stupid.

  • your original comment -

    Man, these Sarah haters just seem like kids who don't get people

    tfw says I'm a kid, yet says stuff like "don't let the door hit you" when I said Tales was the worst Telltale game and think Thrones is better

    J-Master posted: »

    Oh man, why are Sarah haters so despised? Oh yeah...

  • edited June 2015

    Just joking around, and yeah I don't really agree with your perception of Sarah or Tales but that's fine. Yeah, that was a pretty stupid comment and I apologize for that. Sometimes, that happens.

    your original comment - Man, these Sarah haters just seem like kids who don't get people tfw says I'm a kid, yet says stuff like "don't let the door hit you" when I said Tales was the worst Telltale game and think Thrones is better

  • It's k it happens

    J-Master posted: »

    Just joking around, and yeah I don't really agree with your perception of Sarah or Tales but that's fine. Yeah, that was a pretty stupid comment and I apologize for that. Sometimes, that happens.

  • I was not a fan of Nick so when I had to hack up zombie Nick that was pretty funny.

  • edited June 2015

    I love how the OP confesses their love of watching everyone die, yet oddly enough never mentions the hugest pit of an asshole getting face-fucked by a bullet not being a highlight somehow.

    Alt text

    You got to get your priorities straight, Kenny was the most "bad guy" in season two and his death was hype.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited June 2015

    I am somewhere in between being sick of seeing this gif, and being strangely mesmerized and encapsulated by it

    I don't know how to feel

    someone help

    I love how the OP confesses their love of watching everyone die, yet oddly enough never mentions the hugest pit of an asshole getting face-f

  • You love it.

    Deltino posted: »

    I am somewhere in between being sick of seeing this gif, and being strangely mesmerized and encapsulated by it I don't know how to feel someone help

  • Ow, the edge.

  • edited June 2015

    Umm...Alvin only tried to listen to his wife so she won't get mad (because she is pregnant and you know...she will be..moody..)
    Plus, he gave her juice...(Oh how cute :))

    As I said Rebecca was moody & she later apologized for that, and I really believed her apology as she was trusting AJ would be safe in Clementine's hands (again, how cute :'))

  • edited June 2015


    I was glad to see Sarah died. Hated her since Ep1

  • This thread is stupid

  • edited June 2015

    I really enjoyed watching people die

    Alt text

    How can you enjoy watching Alvin die? Did you pause the game to bring some popcorn when Lee was dying too?

    Seriously speaking, it must be fun to play games with so biased and nonconstructive attitude, I'm glad I could read your complicated theory supported by all those logical arguments.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Alt text

    Lahkesis posted: »

    Ow, the edge.

  • Lol 100% agreed, sarcasm and all.

    fallandir posted: »

    I really enjoyed watching people die How can you enjoy watching Alvin die? Did you pause the game to bring some popcorn when Lee

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned

    Alt text

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned

    Reading your comments make me want to gouge my eyes out.

    AronDracula posted: »


  • Gouge?

    MrX1H2 posted: »

    Reading your comments make me want to gouge my eyes out.

  • edited June 2015

    I'm not saying there weren't issues with the writing in season two, but I loved the cabin group. They were a dysfunctional family who looked out for each other no matter what. I connected emotionally with a lot of them (re: Luke, obviously) but I do think a lot of the detachment other players faced were because of the lack of opportunities to get to know them. By the time we started to get into backstory with Rebecca and Nick, Kenny comes back. Regardless of your opinion of him, Kenny is a scene stealer. Bringing back an old, controversial, and popular character stole attention away from the newer characters we still needed to get to know.

    I also think with Nick's character it's important to remember that a lot of his character development is shown only if you give him the benefit of the doubt. If you leave him to die at the river, you miss out on Nick's monologue about death and the futility of their situation. You miss the guilt and depression that lays beneath the anger and recklessness - important details that point to Nick being one of the more complex, developed characters of season two. I think the small details about his life leading up to Clem's introduction (such as inviting a bite victim into the group and watching his mom die because of his choice) reveals a lot of subtlties of his character. Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but I do feel like Nick's trigger-friendly habit has to do with losing his mom - not being able to save her, and not wanting to lose any more of his friends/family members.

    There's also one last scene with Clem before he dies that, in my opinion, is sweet and shows growth in his relationship with Clem. Nick is not a bad guy at all. He's just extremely guarded and loyal to his friends/group.

    They almost had Clem killed from that wound. I wanted them killed from day 1.

    To be fair, only the player and Clementine knew the truth. They're, what, two years into the apocalypse at this point? They've already had bite victims in the group and lost valuable members because of their mistakes. A random dog bite didn't seem realistic at that point. While it sucks for Clementine because we know she's telling the truth, they have no reason or obligation to believe her. She could have been anybody and potentially harm Rebecca, her baby, or any of the group members.

  • Good for you. I personally disagree with all of these but something here especially annoyed me:

    Reggie: coward, broken toy.

    Broken toy?

  • edited June 2015

    He's a toy of Carver's. Obviously.

    Good for you. I personally disagree with all of these but something here especially annoyed me: Reggie: coward, broken toy. Broken toy?

  • Man... all you guys are too nice towards people... I'm not the forgiving type...

    quinnics posted: »

    I'm not saying there weren't issues with the writing in season two, but I loved the cabin group. They were a dysfunctional family who looked

  • Okay, he's a puppet but did you have to put "broken" on there? That makes it sound like him being crippled was a reason you liked to watch him die.

    Iroul posted: »

    He's a toy of Carver's. Obviously.

  • i realy dident like the group from s2 i wanted them all dead from the start. less luke and pete only decent people, i feel that i dident belong with them the all season, not like s1 when you had a role to play and made decisions that matter. i feel like i was beig pushed with them, glad take the frist oportunity to leave them all and go my separed way. bunch of drama quens.

  • But every one of them saved Clem's life:

    • Luke and Pete saved her in the woods
    • Sarah and Alvin (Determinant) gave Clem medicine to heal her wound
    • Pete sacrifices himself for Clem if saved
    • Nick distracts the walkers for Clem to get out if saved and brought along
    • Carlos saved her from the walkers at the lodge
    • Alvin sacrifices himself to give Clem time to escape if saved
    • Rebecca grabbed her to not get eaten by walkers during the herd
    • Luke can sacrifice himself for Clem if you try to help him at the river

    Without them, Clem would have still lived?

    jackymasdar posted: »

    i realy dident like the group from s2 i wanted them all dead from the start. less luke and pete only decent people, i feel that i dident bel

  • I don't care tho.

    But Kenny should be on that list, if not, the only one on that list.

    He killed like, everyone for existing.

  • My life is complete now that I know this.

  • Even though Nick was an insufferable a-hole in the beginning, I was actually really upset when he died. Can't say the same about the rest.


    I don't care tho. But Kenny should be on that list, if not, the only one on that list. He killed like, everyone for existing.

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