Stannis is still the Mannis



  • He's gone, they didn't show us Maester Luwin die back in season 3, and we know for a fact he's gone. Stannis is gone, at least it was quick.

    I was thinking that your theory was dumb, but now that I think of it, why would they cut the scene? They showed gruesome deaths for way more

  • He's gone, they didn't show us Maester Luwin die back in season 3, and we know for a fact he's gone. Stannis is gone, at least it was quick.

  • I knew it deep down, she is an honorable individual, but she wasn't going to miss. Hell, it was a mercy anyway, if she hadn't found him, then Ramsay would have, and it would have been so much slower and painful. He wasn't perfect, he wasn't always good, but he wasn't evil, he didn't enjoy doing awful things, and in the end, he regretted his worst act. That is something few people can ever do, know that you did the wrong thing and accept the punishment. I'll miss him, I really will, most people were probably cheering for his bloody, and I just felt nothing but sorrow and pity. He wasn't a pure evil black and white person, but a man defined by shades of grey. He was truly a Shakespearean character, a Greek Tragedy in the making. May the gods judgement be not cruel, he doesn't deserve the seven hell's that await his enemy's. Rest in piece our king Stannis the Mannis, you will not be soon forgotten, and you will never be a page in someone else's history book, at least not to me.

    Yup, he's gone:

  • He failed utterly as I knew he would. The red witch was wrong.

  • Stannis is no longer the Mannis.

  • So... I guess the winner of the War of the Five Kings is actually... Balon Greyjoy?

  • Well this is awkward.

  • Nah, Joffrey was the winner since Balon fell off a bridge (though I believe he was assasinated).

    Platypuses posted: »

    So... I guess the winner of the War of the Five Kings is actually... Balon Greyjoy?

  • Nah, she'd already swung her sword and she's not the kind of person to hesitate her actions.

  • They cut the scene for the effect of it (as they do with many other deaths).

    I was thinking that your theory was dumb, but now that I think of it, why would they cut the scene? They showed gruesome deaths for way more

  • A little poem by @Gustav_Kenny

    Stannis is ded n gon

    He wasn't Azor Ahai

    Stannis is ded n gon

    Burned his daughter

    Stannis is ded n gon

    And his wife hung herself!

    Stannis is ded n gon

    Destroyed on the battlefield

    Stannis is ded n gon

    Brienne is there to take his life

    Stannis is ded n gon

    Ramsay will flay his corpse

    Stannis is ded n gon

    Tommen is the one true king!

    Stannis is ded n gon

    All hail the King!

    drops mic

  • edited June 2015

    A correction:

    "Daenerys is the one true queen!

    Stannis is ded n gon

    All hail the Queen!"

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    A little poem by @Gustav_Kenny Stannis is ded n gon He wasn't Azor Ahai Stannis is ded n gon Burned his daughter Stannis is d

  • Fuck those in the back who deserted like cunt traitors.

    The Fury is Ours!

    "Go on do your duty"

    off screen 'death'

    Get hype stannis season 6

    Alt text

  • edited June 2015

    crosses fingers dothraki just kill her next season

    Her failed attempts to have any control of her dragons was amusing last episode

    A correction: "Daenerys is the one true queen! Stannis is ded n gon All hail the Queen!"

  • Well, if Stannis is 100% dead, Littlefinger shall be the one true king. Hail Lord Baelish, Protecter of the Realm.

  • Drogon ignoring her was hilarious (he was like: let me sleep bitch). But I still love her :D

    crosses fingers dothraki just kill her next season Her failed attempts to have any control of her dragons was amusing last episode

  • D and D will burn in the deepest of the seven hells for this.

  • Goddamn it, I never thought I'd root for Littlefingers, the biggest back stabbing unpredictable unlikable character, but anybody going up against the Bolton's look pretty good in comparison.

  • D and D discuss Stannis in season 5:

    D and D will burn in the deepest of the seven hells for this.

  • edited June 2015

    Wait, I can explain it as a Tolkien fan who hated on Peter Jackson's movies from the Two Towers onwards and still went to watch every new one.

    When a show is an adaptation from an original work, fans of this original work often can't refrain to watch the adaptation even when they've grown to hate it, if only for the sake of comparing which is very interesting in itself, and also to know what they're talking about when they'll have arguments with lovers of the adaptation who will claim it's better than the original.

    As I said, as a Tolkien lover I wasn't a huge fan of Peter Jackson's LOTR trilogy (except the Fellowship) to say the least, and I plain hated the first Peter Jackson's Hobbit, with all my guts. But I had to watch the two others to see how far Peter "green glowing ghosts" Jackson would go in defiling Tolkien's work.

    Good or bad, excellent or awful, an adaptation of a work I loved or am interested in will still be relevant to my interests and curiosity. It's kind of like a scientific study. Also, strong feelings are always entertaining, experiencing sheer hatred or rage is entertaining in its own way.

    Lastly, even the most unfaithful adaptation can still have spot-on scenes true to the original work. And one might hate the show for the betrayals to the plot but still enjoy the acting, visuals, etc...

    There are tons of legit reasons to hate how an adaptation adapts a story but still watch it for the rest because as a different media it has other things to be appreciated than being an adaptation in itself.

    KCohere posted: »

    I dont understand people who hate on a show so much and continue to watch.

  • meh, stannis was the only good thing that had happened lately. I get it now...I thought GoT only killed Starks, but now I see. It kills all my fav characters until all that's left is scum like Danny, Ramsay and that cunt with her combat whore fanclub. The one that was so obsessed with Oberyn. Great. I guess next season is about Tyrion's and Jaime's death while some unimportant stuff happens in the meantime, like Bran doing some boring druid bullshit again wherever the fuck he actually is.

    Jon better comes back like everyone else says he will or I will slowly run out of reasons to still watch that show...sadly.

  • Stannis is a dead Mannis

    edited June 2015



    EDIT: It doesn't specifically say he died, but I'm still sure he's dead. They do say "it was basically in the script" but I don't know if this means it stayed "in the script" :L

    Stannis is dead, guys. @Boromirstark @InGen_Nate_Kenny

  • He didn't need to say the words "Stannis dead". His response confirms it anyways.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    HA I TOLD YOU ALL EDIT: It doesn't specifically say he died, but I'm still sure he's dead. They do say "it was basically in the script" but I don't know if this means it stayed "in the script" :L

  • It could be interpreted that he hinted it might have been taken off the script, but there's no reason to do that since all logical reasons point to her killing him anyway, so he's dead.

    He didn't need to say the words "Stannis dead". His response confirms it anyways.

  • edited June 2015

    No, book-Balon is dead (leaches, bridge), but show-Balon is still quite alive, unless they've killed him off-screen and not told anybody about it.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Nah, Joffrey was the winner since Balon fell off a bridge (though I believe he was assasinated).

  • Well, considering Joffrey was already celebrating in his wedding I thought that meant Balon died the same way. Either way I'm pretty sure it'll happen in the show too.

    Platypuses posted: »

    No, book-Balon is dead (leaches, bridge), but show-Balon is still quite alive, unless they've killed him off-screen and not told anybody about it.

  • True, he didn't need to say it, all the other words confirm it in every way. I kept saying, why even bother bringing him back? He lost everything including the will to live, the only thing that kept him going was defeating the Bolton's and eventually helping the realm survive the White Walkers. That was it, and seeing his entire army melt away and die, well, that was the last straw. There was no more reason to go on, and this is before we even get to the fact he was bleeding to death fairly rapidly. He was probably relieved when Brienne showed up, otherwise he would have done it himself. I knew it was over then, I didn't need confirmation, but its there for all to see.

    He didn't need to say the words "Stannis dead". His response confirms it anyways.

  • Stannis plays Medieval Total War.

    Alt text

  • Stannis' death wasn't on-screen...

    Alt text

  • So accurate it hurts

    D and D discuss Stannis in season 5:

  • Yep, this seems about right, man now I want my Total War GOT expansion. Fuck Warhammer 40K this is where it's at!

    Stannis plays Medieval Total War.

  • The bitch finally died. He deserved for burning his own daughter. R' hllor punished him, which proved Melisandre wrong. Azor Ahai reborn is Daenerys and always will be.

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