Carlos and Chuck should have been unknown

Really Chuck was forgotten and his death meant nothing. Carlos' death benefited no one and could have been interesting if he was just lost in the herd


  • Lol Carlos's death absolutely had consequence. It triggered Sarah's reaction and her future mental state, and the domino effect of the group splitting up (Luke and Nick went to get her.)

    If you're implying Carlos should have gotten lost instead of being shot down, I agree that would have been more interesting. Perhaps Sarah would go want to find him and be quite adamant about it, showing a drive we hadn't really seen from her before. And then seeing them reunited again would be quite sweet.

  • edited June 2015

    Carlos' death should have had more impact on the group besides Sarah. Virtually nobody brings him up after he dies in the herd, and no one is panicking at the fact that they've just lost a doctor in what's left of their group.

    Compared to Chuck, Carlos had little to no bearing to the cast's conscience in spite of being with his own group for longer than Chuck did with Lee's group, they don't give a damn that an important friend of theirs have died, and they suddenly don't seem all that concerned with his daughter's situation hours after his death. He's portrayed as the leader since his introduction, and yet he's immediately written off by his own friends as soon as he's killed off. With friends like these, who needs Carver?

    Chuck's lack of exposure is understandable since he's only had just been introduced to the group, and perishes the next day saving Clementine's life, and the group is too busy trying to help Kenny's plan to mourn for a strange old man they've just met. Compared to Carlos, Chuck had the better send-off in the sewers when Lee finds him.

  • edited June 2015

    Compared to Chuck, Carlos had little to no bearing to the cast's conscience in spite of being with his own group for longer than Chuck did with Lee's group, they don't give a damn that an important friend of theirs have died, and they suddenly don't seem all that concerned with his daughter's situation hours after his death

    To be honest it is two years in, death is just not going to have the same impact especially someone who isnt family. The group has only been together what a few weeks? Before that I always kind of assumed they were in the same community but not all that close,this reflects the entire cabin group really, pretty much all the time we know them they are in separate little groups bar the overall group discussions. At least no more than the motel group (mourning in their case was varied too especially when you consider cases where they were not related to anyone else)

    Carlos is dead the group knows this and doesnt feel like mentioning it. Not to mention all the other personal problems everyone has

    For sarah I just tend to accept the first death as canon as thats clearly the writers intentionand in that one there is plenty of mourning (within reason), clememtine cant convince her to move or more she is so shell shocked she wont move (quite common with panic attacks.anxiety). It makes more sense than clems random slapping and then the weird second death scene.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Carlos' death should have had more impact on the group besides Sarah. Virtually nobody brings him up after he dies in the herd, and no one i

  • Even spending a few weeks with someone is going to make some kind of impact, especially when it's implied that the group had met before their first escape attempt and have evaded Carver for some time. Granted I may not know the exact time period, but it's definitely longer than the time Chuck spent with Lee's group, so I can't imagine why the group would not care much if their comrades dies, especially if he was a vital asset in their group.

    It is human nature to cling onto and have compassion for even those you barely know in a dangerous event where death is around ever corner, so even a person you've known for a few week who dies in front of your eyes is going to be shocking and traumatic compared to someone who've only just made their way into the group for twelve hours.

    That's pretty much why some players have problems with the characters and their strange habit of either ignoring their friend's horrific death or mourning for a minute, and then abruptly getting over it. This kind of writing is what lead the audience to feel so little with the cast of Season 2, since if their friends doesn't mourn for them or have no feelings over it, then why should the audience?

    Compared to Chuck, Carlos had little to no bearing to the cast's conscience in spite of being with his own group for longer than Chuck did w

  • Sometimes I feel chuck was a pointless character. He was only made to teach Lee a few life lessons about how to deal with clementine in a ZA. I feel he should've had a bigger role as I saw him as a character with potential. The thing that annoyed me the most though was that the group was clearly concerned with leaving chuck to fight the walkers by himself, yet after Lee finds him in the sewer, that's it. No mention of him to the group or any of the group expressing any concern to chuck.

  • I liked him more than Carlos.

  • A lot of people say Sarah or Nick's death is the worst in the series, but I've always felt Chuck got the raw end of the stick, his death is, imo, the worst death in the entire series. Chuck was always a very likable guy and he had so much potential, but he only existed to really further Clem's development and get Lee to teach her how to shoot a gun and tell him to cut her hair. The next episode, he's just tossed aside, and no one even asks what happened to him nor seems to be concerned. At least with both Nick and Sarah a couple of people seemed upset about their deaths (even if it is for a brief moment). Chuck deserved better than what he ended up getting, and for only being in like half an episode, he's still one of my favorite characters in the game.

  • I wish Chuck lived to give Carlos the advice of Sarah's survival.

    A lot of people say Sarah or Nick's death is the worst in the series, but I've always felt Chuck got the raw end of the stick, his death is,

  • No, Clementine cannonly would have saved Sarah, she can't be selfish as fucking Jane.

    Compared to Chuck, Carlos had little to no bearing to the cast's conscience in spite of being with his own group for longer than Chuck did w

  • Carlos would have probably just ignored his advice like he does if you have Clementine tell him, "She's got to grow up sometime," and get all pissy at him.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I wish Chuck lived to give Carlos the advice of Sarah's survival.

  • Well who knows?

    Carlos would have probably just ignored his advice like he does if you have Clementine tell him, "She's got to grow up sometime," and get all pissy at him.

  • I honestly predicted it from the trailer back in March. I saw Sarah screaming so it wasn't surprising. However, Carlos had it coming. Had he just made Sarah useful, she wouldn't be a liability.

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