The Official Arvo Murder List

edited July 2015 in The Walking Dead

This is a throwback to Flimsii's video on the walking dead series. He made a list of every person that Ben killed. Now I shall do the same with the Ben counterpart to Season 2.

EDIT: Wow, I did not expect this to get this much attention.



  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Heh, Flimsii's videos during Season 2 were always pretty hilarious. However, Arvo and Ben were in entirely different leagues. Arvo was a jerk, but Ben was downright incompetent and most of the deaths he caused were through negligence. Ironically enough, at least in my eyes, it actually makes Ben's murder list more noteworthy since those were accidents.

  • KillArvo

    Join the movement!

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    No thanks, he's my third favorite character.

    bloop posted: »

    KillArvo Join the movement!

  • :O A mod posted in my thread! heavy breathing SENPAI.... In other news, I kinda agree with you there.

    Heh, Flimsii's videos during Season 2 were always pretty hilarious. However, Arvo and Ben were in entirely different leagues. Arvo was a jer

  • Dammit, I should've added: Kenny's will to live-Kenny again....

  • I dont recall Arvo murdering anyone.

  • Arvo is nothing like Ben. Ben at least doesn't want to do anything bad and regrets his decisions.

  • Why do you do this to us? Why Arvo? You could have liked any other character but Arvo. Do you just like all the characters everyone hates? :P

    dojo32161 posted: »

    No thanks, he's my third favorite character.

  • edited July 2015

    Was Arvo a jerk?

    He seemed to be bullied and pressurised by the Russian group, showed guilt about robbing the group, and was physically abused by Kenny before doing anything wrong.

    Heh, Flimsii's videos during Season 2 were always pretty hilarious. However, Arvo and Ben were in entirely different leagues. Arvo was a jer

  • edited July 2015

    No-one wants to do anything bad, because no-one percieves what they do as bad.

    Arvo shows clear regret for robbing a group with children in at the end of episode 4.

    Sg190th posted: »

    Arvo is nothing like Ben. Ben at least doesn't want to do anything bad and regrets his decisions.

  • Then he should know the consequence such as his sister's death. I can't sympathize someone like Arvo.

    Flog61 posted: »

    No-one wants to do anything bad, because no-one percieves what they do as bad. Arvo shows clear regret for robbing a group with children in at the end of episode 4.

  • How do we know that Arvo was the one to give the order to ambush our group? For all we know his own group made the decision on their own and forced Arvo to scout them out as part of their plan, especially since he seemed to be the only one who could speak English.

    Natasha's death couldn't be Arvo's fault, not unless we know for sure that Arvo planned the ambush and made the call while acting as the scout.

    Sg190th posted: »

    Then he should know the consequence such as his sister's death. I can't sympathize someone like Arvo.

  • Do you just like all the characters everyone hates? :P

    Not everyone hates Arvo. I certainly don't. I think the hate for him is pretty unfair actually.

    Kateis posted: »

    Why do you do this to us? Why Arvo? You could have liked any other character but Arvo. Do you just like all the characters everyone hates? :P

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited July 2015

    You know, I still think the character that has the most unfair amount of hate is Duck

    I mean, there are people that have literally hated him since the first time he spoke

    sialark posted: »

    Do you just like all the characters everyone hates? :P Not everyone hates Arvo. I certainly don't. I think the hate for him is pretty unfair actually.

  • I find it unfair too.

    I just don't like the idea that Kenny is seen as in the right for taking a defenceless and crippled kid hostage and go on to physically and verbally abuse him for the majority of the final episode, simply because in the end he's railroaded into shooting down Clementine when he tries to escape from Kenny.

    As for the ambush event, it's never stated who carried out the plan, and we're supposed to believe that a frail looking teenaged boy with a leg brace is the mastermind behind it all, and certainly not the other three group members who look stronger and capable than him.

    sialark posted: »

    Do you just like all the characters everyone hates? :P Not everyone hates Arvo. I certainly don't. I think the hate for him is pretty unfair actually.

  • I'd find it funny if those who disliked Duck were also fans of Kenny.

    How'd you think Kenny would feel knowing that he has fans that loathes his son?

    Deltino posted: »

    You know, I still think the character that has the most unfair amount of hate is Duck I mean, there are people that have literally hated him since the first time he spoke

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    How'd you think Kenny would feel knowing that he has fans that loathes his son?

    Alt text

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I'd find it funny if those who disliked Duck were also fans of Kenny. How'd you think Kenny would feel knowing that he has fans that loathes his son?

  • That's too bad, and pretty ridiculous. I admit I found him a bit annoying at first, and I'd be lying if I said he didn't annoy me just a tad now. But I never hated his guts for stuff he can't really be held responsible for, as he's just a kid. o_o

    ...I wonder if poor Duck ever had nightmares of Shaun dying. "Everything rolls off his back like a duck," psh sure. :/

    Deltino posted: »

    You know, I still think the character that has the most unfair amount of hate is Duck I mean, there are people that have literally hated him since the first time he spoke

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited July 2015

    ...I wonder if poor Duck ever had nightmares of Shaun dying.

    He did. Kenny can mention it in episode 3, how some nights he'd just wake up screaming

    Which quite frankly, is pretty horrible. I imagine that'd be hard enough to deal with as an adult, but as a kid? I really can't imagine.

    sialark posted: »

    That's too bad, and pretty ridiculous. I admit I found him a bit annoying at first, and I'd be lying if I said he didn't annoy me just a tad

  • Completely agreed with everything you've said. It's kind of baffling to me that people are even implying he was the head of his group when it's pretty clear he's not.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I find it unfair too. I just don't like the idea that Kenny is seen as in the right for taking a defenceless and crippled kid hostage and

  • Aw shit. Poor kid. :(

    Deltino posted: »

    ...I wonder if poor Duck ever had nightmares of Shaun dying. He did. Kenny can mention it in episode 3, how some nights he'd just wa

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Pretty sure Buricko is the shot caller, with Vitali being his second-in-command jackass, and Arvo and Natasha being the relatively sensible ones

    Buricko's the first guy to start talking, who just yells at everyone to put down their guns, and commands Arvo to ask and do things during that confrontation. Also, Arvo can even say "They are not telling me to ask," and can additionally say that "Buricko is saying we will take everything."

    And come on, just look at the guy. He's a tatted up hulk. That's the kind of guy you'd feel super uncomfortable around if he was simply sitting next to you on a bus.

    sialark posted: »

    Completely agreed with everything you've said. It's kind of baffling to me that people are even implying he was the head of his group when it's pretty clear he's not.

  • edited July 2015

    How about let's make a list of all the horrible things Kenny has done? I think that'd be much more productive.

    Команда Арво

  • Why do you do this to us? Why a̶r̶v̶o̶ Kenny? You could have liked any other character but a̶r̶v̶o̶ Kenny. Do you just like all the characters everyone hates? :P

    Kateis posted: »

    Why do you do this to us? Why Arvo? You could have liked any other character but Arvo. Do you just like all the characters everyone hates? :P

  • Ben at least doesn't want to do anything bad and regrets his decisions.

    In the Russian translation, Arvo tries to call off the big tattooed Russian named Buricko. Arvo says, "Buricko, Buricko, stop! Put your gun down! You don't want to do this!" but Buricko doesn't listen. Arvo also says, "They have a baby!" in Russian to his group, suggesting he didn't want to harm a group with a baby and that he was trying to stop his group. In addition, Arvo can say, "Oh shit! Nobody shoot, I don't want to die!" Again he said this in Russian to his fellow group. Obviously Arvo didn't want to fight.


    Sg190th posted: »

    Arvo is nothing like Ben. Ben at least doesn't want to do anything bad and regrets his decisions.

  • This would be one of the few moments where I actually feel Kenny's frustration.

    Deltino posted: »

    How'd you think Kenny would feel knowing that he has fans that loathes his son?

  • Nah.

    longlivelee posted: »

    How about let's make a list of all the horrible things Kenny has done? I think that'd be much more productive. Команда Арво

  • Yah.

    Gobananas01 posted: »


  • You are right in a lot of ways, but to be fair, he does lie about the extent to which Jane (and possibly Clementine, based on your choices) had intimidated him later on during the confrontation with the Russians.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Was Arvo a jerk? He seemed to be bullied and pressurised by the Russian group, showed guilt about robbing the group, and was physically abused by Kenny before doing anything wrong.

  • This video was a parody of the "Ben Murder List" video from Season 1; it doesn't mean literal/direct murders, but rather deaths caused indirectly by the character. In Season 1, it was funny because people liked to use Ben as a scapegoat and exaggerate how much death he had led to for comedic value. Here, though, the video is funny because people hated Arvo - not because he was as incompetent as Ben.

    KCohere posted: »

    I dont recall Arvo murdering anyone.

  • Yeah, yup, that all sounds about right, and what I had guessed as well. Though lol, I still like to imagine Buricko had these little rainbow and pink unicorn tattoos (on the side of his head that we couldn't see) that he got for his little 4-year-old daughter. :3

    Deltino posted: »

    Pretty sure Buricko is the shot caller, with Vitali being his second-in-command jackass, and Arvo and Natasha being the relatively sensible

  • edited July 2015

    Skip to 3:20. Watch at least till 3:32. You now get the joke.

    KCohere posted: »

    I dont recall Arvo murdering anyone.

  • Yeah, he also shot an 11 year old girl. We could've went to that town like we were supposed to, but instead we go Arvo's way and everyone dies.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Was Arvo a jerk? He seemed to be bullied and pressurised by the Russian group, showed guilt about robbing the group, and was physically abused by Kenny before doing anything wrong.

  • We could've went to that town like we were supposed to, but instead we go Arvo's way and everyone dies.

    Lol what. Arvo didn't force them to go to his group's house thing. Clem's group made that decision themselves. And for some reason they all miraculously forgot about the town across the river.

    Yeah, he also shot an 11 year old girl. We could've went to that town like we were supposed to, but instead we go Arvo's way and everyone dies.

  • He shows regret at the beginning of episode 5*

    Does he show regret for anything else? The rest of the episode all he does is make that death glare and shoot Clementine.

    Flog61 posted: »

    No-one wants to do anything bad, because no-one percieves what they do as bad. Arvo shows clear regret for robbing a group with children in at the end of episode 4.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    This is still one of the best TWDG related videos ever Skip to 3:20. Watch at least till 3:32. You now get the joke.

  • Lol what, i know this, i was just stating that we could've went to that town and possibly prevent everything.

    sialark posted: »

    We could've went to that town like we were supposed to, but instead we go Arvo's way and everyone dies. Lol what. Arvo didn't force

  • Maybe everyone was an exaggeration and I did put,


    at the end, I was joking. It was a joke. I was messing on. XD

    sialark posted: »

    Do you just like all the characters everyone hates? :P Not everyone hates Arvo. I certainly don't. I think the hate for him is pretty unfair actually.

  • That doesnt separate him much from Ben in my mind, as Ben lies about the supplies

    You are right in a lot of ways, but to be fair, he does lie about the extent to which Jane (and possibly Clementine, based on your choices) had intimidated him later on during the confrontation with the Russians.

  • Yeah and Lee murdered someone.

    Lee was in a bad mental state, which is why we understand his crime. Arvo had just been tied up and abused.

    Also the Lee flashback basically tells us not to judge him for it.

    Yeah, he also shot an 11 year old girl. We could've went to that town like we were supposed to, but instead we go Arvo's way and everyone dies.

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