"Amid The Ruins" 1 Year Anniversary! Commemorating The Ones We Lost
As it has been one year since the initial release of "Amid The Ruins," I thought it would be appropriate to acknowledge the souls we lost in this penultimate episode...
Sarita - You were a kind and gentle person who strived for peace between everyone. Even though you left us so quickly, we'll remember you always.
Nick (Determinant)- While you almost shot us in the face within the first twenty-three seconds of knowing you, many of us came to love you regardless of the aforementioned fact. You deeply cared for your friends' well-being and wanted the best for everyone when it came down to it. Bye, Nick (again depending on whether his throat was torn out two episodes earlier). May I say, even as a walker, you're still attractive.
Sarah - To this day, whenever I see people cheer, laugh, celebrate, etc. at your death, it reminds me that heartless monsters are always going to be a part of our world. Even though your PTSD tried to bury you, you overcame it. You tried your best and that's what matters. I'll always remember how you got your vengeance by killing Becca (referring to my fan fiction). Rest in peace, Sarah. You were everyone's hope for a better, brighter future.
Rebecca - A strong, speaks-her-mind woman who was disliked at first, but soon became a favorite of many. Her kind, caring tone when speaking with her group was reassuring. While her sassy, "oh no you didn't" tone used in risky situations was funny and serious. Plus, she was responsible for one of the newest members and survivors of the world. A member who was almost killed by a woman trying to justify her actions with even more death (we'll get to that when "No Going Back" gets its one-year). Goodbye, Bec. You'll be missed.
"Even through all the pain,
There'll always be a light.
And from the ones we lost in vain,
They bestow the will to fight.
We may be lost in endless strife,
But we will always find a way.
We'll find a way to endure life,
Be that as hard as it may."
Grief written by me.
Yeah, I'm a depressing poet. xD Anyway, see you in August for the next one.
If anyone can tell me how to change the links so the pictures are automatically visible, I'd appreciate it!

no italics ofc
Just click the landscape button that's next to the globe and put the jpg/gif link into it.
A year already? Jesus. Well I do miss Rebecca, Sarah, and Nick. Shame how they wasted such good characters that had much promise. I was mostly upset about how the episode turned out. I was expecting something creepy/dark/scary to happen. The slide was amazing, the episode just didn't live up to it which is a shame.
Click the Image button , its right next to the globe, and paste in the direct link to the picture you want to link.
Kenny, I will always be with you. (I went with him in the ending anyway).
Happy one year anniversary Amid the Ruins. I know I give this episode a lot of shit sometimes, but it's still a good episode nonetheless.
Sarita was treated like she didn't exist after she died.
Opinion, I guess.
I'm heartless because I found a video game character annoying?
I loved this episode
No, OP is saying those people are heartless because they cheered, laughed, celebrated etc. at her death.
It's still a video game? I have no idea how you could be heartless because you "celebrated" a VIDEO GAME characters death.
It's got it's issues, but it's woefully underappreciated in terms of gauging the audiences' preconceived notions on morality and mortality.
Out of all the episodes in the season, it's second only to All That Remains.
RIP Sarita, Nick, sweet Sarah and honney Rebecca Т_Т
Even though I don't agree with your view on Sarah as I said in a previous thread video game characters don't have feelings especially not dead ones :P
I don't actually miss any of them. I didn't get attached to these characters at all.
It was a nice episode to play, it reminded me of Season 1 a little because we could free roam a little bit.
I miss Sarah a lot. There was no reason to kill her that way. She deserved better.