Why do they keep referring to AJ as 'it'?
Clem: Wanna hold it?
Jane: I don't wanna hold it.. it's gonna puke.. clem no..
(Bla bla bla bla) i think it's gonna puke.
Clem: It's not gonna puke.
AJ puked...
Jane: It puked! It puked! Gross...
He's a human baby! Why??
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I never cared about AJ, never will.
Well.. he is a burden to the group
Some people do that, it isn't that strange of a thing especially for a kid like Clementine to say it. Jane on the other hand well, she isn't exactly the most caring person towards AJ leaving him unattended during an apocalypse.
Jane doesnt have any real connection with it (or more doesnt want to). Shes the only one who calls it IT
Apart from some determinant clem dialogue
Also babies are often called it by some people just feels more natural
Because "it" is a plot tool
Babies aren't human, they don't develop that gene until they're 7.
Because they all know it's gonna die, best not to get attatched. We never shoulda let Kenneth name it....
I hear people refer to babies as it until theyre old enough to walk and talk. I think its just for simplicity.
Er, no. Jane calling the baby 'it' in one dialogue, while Clem does too, is not character development. Unless, if you choose to give Jane the baby, Clem also doesn't want to have a connection with the baby.
Don't forget that AJ came early. Rebecca says this exactly: "I'm not supposed to be in labor yet, Kenny!" In general, the earlier a baby is born before their due date, the higher risk of complications they're gonna have. Right now the infant mortality rate of the world is 49.4 (meaning about 49 out of 1000 infants will die) and is 73.7 for children under 5 (meaning about 73 children out of 1000 children will die,) and that's today in 2015, with access to medical and hospital care, access to a doctor, and before the world fell apart. Those depressing (but real) numbers probably skyrocketed after the ZA. If you look at the literature, analysis of genealogical data shows a strong relationship between infant mortality rates and allowing deceased infants to remain unnamed, especially with infants dying shortly after birth.
At Arvo's place, they had nearly no baby formula. Newborns are supposed to be fed every few hours. Somehow AJ survived with no formula for around 9 days, because, plot. And people are telling me Jane's unreasonable and "uncaring" for not wanting to get attached to him, when everything pointed towards him dying soon?
I don't know why, but with newborn babies, I also refer to them as "it." Even my Nephew and Nieces. It wasn't really until they got 2-3 months old did I actually started using she and he to refer to em'.
"It's" going to be another item for cheap shock value.
Because much like the film "It," AJ is a horrible demon spawn built off of other peoples' fears.
Salts Possible Answers
[It's the Anti-Christ] ... [The characters are selfaware and realize "It" is just a plot tool]
[Saltlick?] ... [...]
Season 2 had really bad writing.
He shouldn't even be alive considering the conditions at episodes 4&5.
It can't die, Clementine will share her non existent food with it.
I love the Plot holes like Lucky Plothole. That is my favorite. So anyone that dies off screen IE lee, can be brought to back to WRITER 'S NECROMANCY by the UNHOLY WORDS OF LUCKY.
I dunno. When my sister was born, and even before she was born (yet after we knew she'd be a girl), I referred to her as "it", but for me, it was because the shock of her existence hadn't worn off yet... sorry sis.
I hope "it" will be gone on the first episode of Season 3. This "plot" makes no sense.
Ending with Kenny = a week long travel (in a very cold environment) and no ressources for it. Same if Clem leaves alone. Howe's would be an "okay" situation but not for too long.
Having a baby in a very small group with a really limited amount of food and living in a place that isn't safe is suicidal imo.
Plus I think we should have at least been given the option to give the baby to Wellington and leave with Kenny.