I had Asher stay behind. In a time of war you can't let your leader die when things are heating up. And as Ludd said, Rodrik's death means a victory for the Whitehills. The truth of it is that, in the end, Asher is more expendable as much as I hate to say it. He fulfilled his purpose, to get soldiers for Rodrik. I hate to say that, but it's how I view it. It is war. I'll admit that my preference for Rodrik did play a part in my choice to leave Asher, but I stand behind my reasoning above.
I chose Rodrick to live, Asher to stay. To me, it just seemed like Asher would be more likely to sacrifice himself (though I may be wrong). Asher was my favorite character, so it definitely wasn't easy, but I felt I was making the more responsible choice. I may have also had some inkling of a hope that, if Asher stayed, he'd be able to fight his way out, while there was obviously no way Rodrick would win that fight, Haven't played the 6th episode yet, but after I made my decision I had Baskha swear she'd watch Rodrick (though I doubt they'll get along). After a little thought, however, I have no clue what will happen with the pit fighters. I made decisions that made them like Asher, because I felt it was necessary and Asher was up to it. If I had to make the same choices with Rodrick, however, I wouldn't be able to, as it's obviously not in his character. So probably lost my fighters with this choice, but at least the Whitehills can't gloat over the king's dead body!
It's funny because I made this thread so long ago now, and my opinion has definitely changed. Although I agree with what I wrote then, I now think it's better to have Rodrik be the one to survive.
Rodrik lives.
Asher knew he was coming to Westeros to die.
Rodrik had Lady Glenmore to live for.
He couldn't abandon her.
Asher knew, however, it was his duty to die for his lord and brother and house.
I am NEVER buying another Tell-A-Tale game due to this game! To all the loyal fans who have played and loved Tell a tale games, THIS GAME IS NOT FOR YOU! This game went overboard and exceeded its power with the decisions you can make! Regardless to what you do or the justice you get supposibly get, you have already LOST! Their is literally no victory to be earned from this game since the damage towards the foresters family is shattered, at least in the walking dead when the characters died, they died in honor and justice, but this was just crap! It wasn't even the last battle LOL! Was your purpose to intensify the final battle? Because if it was tell a tale games, you guys did the OPPOSITE! I am NEVER PLAYING OR BUYING ANOTHER GAME FROM YOUR COMPANY!
I am NEVER buying another Tell A Tale game due to this game! To all the loyal fans who have played and loved Tell a tale games, THIS GAME IS NOT FOR YOU! This game went overboard and exceeded its power with the decisions you can make! Regardless to what you do or the justice you supposedly get, you have already LOST! Their is literally no victory to be earned from this game since the damage towards the foresters family is shattered, at least in the other games such as the walking dead, when the characters died, they died in honor and justice, but this was just crap! It wasn't even the last battle LOL! Was your purpose to intensify the final battle? Because if it was tell a tale games, you guys did the OPPOSITE! I am NEVER PLAYING OR BUYING ANOTHER GAME FROM YOUR COMPANY!
I chose Asher because Rodrick was crippled and he moves slow and I felt like Asher would be the better fighter long term and Asher is what t… morehe kingdom needed plus he has the respect of the pit fighters and he's younger and stronger and in a lot of scenes with Rodrick people were just like kicking his cane and he'd fall to the floor and stuff and I feel like Asher would have put up a fight he probably would have killed a lot of the people that Roderick couldn't and he has fighters behind him plus he needed to live because he has control of the army. But it was a hard decision because Roderick is leaving behind his fiance and family but his sister already hates him and his fiance's dad was never going to let them get married anyway and he lost respect for a lot of people so there's that too
I am NEVER buying another Tell A Tale game due to this game! To all the loyal fans who have played and loved Tell a tale games, THIS GAME IS… more NOT FOR YOU! This game went overboard and exceeded its power with the decisions you can make! Regardless to what you do or the justice you supposedly get, you have already LOST! Their is literally no victory to be earned from this game since the damage towards the foresters family is shattered, at least in the other games such as the walking dead, when the characters died, they died in honor and justice, but this was just crap! It wasn't even the last battle LOL! Was your purpose to intensify the final battle? Because if it was tell a tale games, you guys did the OPPOSITE! I am NEVER PLAYING OR BUYING ANOTHER GAME FROM YOUR COMPANY!
I don't want to read this utter drivel. :P Misspelt name? Check. Referring to House Forrester as a Kingdom? Check. Acting like determinant factors (like Talia being angry at Rodrik for sparing the traitor) are canon, and not, you know, the byproduct of his own decisions. Check. Stupidly believing the pit fighters wouldn't follow Rodrik? Check.
Just another person who I imagine kissed the ring, submitted to Gryff, refused to stab Ramsay, and then left Rodrik because they saw him as weak, while being oblivious to the fact they are the reason why... check. A shame his account's no longer active; it would have been nice for him to see all this, oh well...
To torture you. :P (I also really like reading your comments) Anyway, I noticed that some Asher fans are so disrespectful towards Rodrik (calling him a cripple, stupid, useless, weak etc), but Rodrik fans seem to like both brothers, I mean really, I haven't seen even one Rodrik fan hating on Asher. It's just the thing I noticed, or maybe I'm being paranoid, but I just had to say it. And I'm not talking about all Asher fans, but some of them are just immature brats who like Asher because 'he is more badass than Roderick'.
Why would you bring me here!? xD
I don't want to read this utter drivel. :P Misspelt name? Check. Referring to House Forrester as a Kingd… moreom? Check. Acting like determinant factors (like Talia being angry at Rodrik for sparing the traitor) are canon, and not, you know, the byproduct of his own decisions. Check. Stupidly believing the pit fighters wouldn't follow Rodrik? Check.
Just another person who I imagine kissed the ring, submitted to Gryff, refused to stab Ramsay, and then left Rodrik because they saw him as weak, while being oblivious to the fact they are the reason why... check. A shame his account's no longer active; it would have been nice for him to see all this, oh well...
To torture you. :P (I also really like reading your comments)
Well, it worked and thank you! I'm glad my ramblings are of some use.
I noticed that some Asher fans are so disrespectful towards Rodrik
I know, that's why I have so many rants on here I have no problem with anyone leaving Rodrik, each to their own, but when I see them parade it about as being the definitive right choice (which was especially severe in the wake of Episode 5) and only have faulty, illogical reasons to back it up (Roderick is a cripple, the army won't follow him, blah blah), then I cannot resist but call them out. :P But as you say, obviously not all Asher fans are like that, but a very vocal portion are.
I mean really, I haven't seen even one Rodrik fan hating on Asher. (and they actually have good arguments, like you).
I certainly feel that way. I mean, I love Asher, I shed manly tears when I had to leave him, he was the background on my iPhone lock-screen until Mira died for me in Episode 6 (tragic, but true) however, I just believe he should be the one to stay. And I've just never found a compelling argument that's made me doubt that, to be honest. I'm always approaching it open-minded. Always willing to be debated, I mean, you yourself have seen my ridiculous amount of comments on this :P but the fact is, I never see any real arguments for why Asher should be saved other than being told how he's more badass (which is subjective), and how Rodrik is crippled and the army won't follow him (which isn't true). Or more often than not, they think this is enough:
but some of them are just immature brats who like Asher because 'he is more badass than Roderick'
And yeah, in the end, that's it. Some people are just immature, stupid and frankly shallow, and thus are drawn to Asher due to his blonde hair, light-hearted nature and physicality (e.g. all his fights scene throughout the series). But, plenty of people, of course, like him for genuine reasons, and the same that I do, such as his loyalty, compassion, and pure selflessness. So it's all good. However, I'll never be able to resist challenging people who leave Rodrik due to faulty logic. And I'm happy to hear some people enjoy all my tirades
Why would you bring me here!? xD
To torture you. :P (I also really like reading your comments) Anyway, I noticed that some Asher fan… mores are so disrespectful towards Rodrik (calling him a cripple, stupid, useless, weak etc), but Rodrik fans seem to like both brothers, I mean really, I haven't seen even one Rodrik fan hating on Asher. It's just the thing I noticed, or maybe I'm being paranoid, but I just had to say it. And I'm not talking about all Asher fans, but some of them are just immature brats who like Asher because 'he is more badass than Roderick'.
I have never made it a secret that I love Rodrik, but that doesn't mean I don't love Asher as well. Asher is a badass who went through his share of hardship in order to support his family. I felt terrible that Asher died in my playthrough and I wished that he could have lived and return to Ironrath with Rodrik and reunite with his family.
Why would you bring me here!? xD
To torture you. :P (I also really like reading your comments) Anyway, I noticed that some Asher fan… mores are so disrespectful towards Rodrik (calling him a cripple, stupid, useless, weak etc), but Rodrik fans seem to like both brothers, I mean really, I haven't seen even one Rodrik fan hating on Asher. It's just the thing I noticed, or maybe I'm being paranoid, but I just had to say it. And I'm not talking about all Asher fans, but some of them are just immature brats who like Asher because 'he is more badass than Roderick'.
I chose Asher because Rodrick was crippled and he moves slow and I felt like Asher would be the better fighter long term and Asher is what t… morehe kingdom needed plus he has the respect of the pit fighters and he's younger and stronger and in a lot of scenes with Rodrick people were just like kicking his cane and he'd fall to the floor and stuff and I feel like Asher would have put up a fight he probably would have killed a lot of the people that Roderick couldn't and he has fighters behind him plus he needed to live because he has control of the army. But it was a hard decision because Roderick is leaving behind his fiance and family but his sister already hates him and his fiance's dad was never going to let them get married anyway and he lost respect for a lot of people so there's that too
Honestly I chose Asher to live, I'm going to be like those other people and say I chose him because "he was bad ass" I chose for him to live, because I felt like I connected with him in a way, and I feel like me and him had a lot in common: Loyal, comedic, rough around the edges here and there, and finally good looking( just kidding). We all have to admit that was one of the hardest desicions I've had to make in a telltale game thus far having to choose between Rodrik and Asher. But in the end I feel like Asher became a true lord and fought bravely in the battle for Ironrath. In season 2 Ive been thinking as well if you choose Asher to live and succeeds in killing Ludd than maybe just maybe Ramsay Snow will conflict the terms he once set with Ludd and Rodrik, and set new terms with Gryff and Asher, because that way whichever lord falls first then, it would truly be over no one could replace the both of them( I believe, I'm not sure but I believe Ryon is too young to be lord if Asher fell) With Gryff as lord house White hill is doomed! And the Forresters will prevail! Iron From Ice!
I feel bad, because I really didn't connect with Rodrik. It wasn't hard for me to save Asher in the slightest, but it was the same between saving Mira or Tom, I had done so much as Mira, it seemed a waste just to go through it all to get her head chopped off. If I spend a long time with a certain character or I relate to them enough, I will choose them no matter what.
I chose Asher to stay even though personally I loved Rodrik's character. Staying behind for his family just seems something that my Rodrik in my playthrough would have done.
I played both. I'm not convinced sacrificing Tom will make much of a difference, but I'm hoping season 2 will provide a way for her to be like Sansa Stark and get out of her arrangement with Lord Morgryn. That's the only reason I kept her alive with my last play through.
I chose Rodrik to stay behind as he is a broken shell of his former self at a time when House Forrester needs a strong lord who can lead the house in battle. Thinking of the longer term, Asher also has favour with Dany who may one day be Queen.
I agree with your points in the sense you get no justice, but it is not because of the game but because of the series, Game of Thrones itself. The books and movies are complicated and it seems no one wins. This game would not live up to the Game of Thrones name is everyone didn't die, and families weren't shattered. Its not the game you don't like, its the series it is based on. Trust me, as a massive Game of Thrones fans, if this game was not as it is, it would be utter disappointment.
I am NEVER buying another Tell A Tale game due to this game! To all the loyal fans who have played and loved Tell a tale games, THIS GAME IS… more NOT FOR YOU! This game went overboard and exceeded its power with the decisions you can make! Regardless to what you do or the justice you supposedly get, you have already LOST! Their is literally no victory to be earned from this game since the damage towards the foresters family is shattered, at least in the other games such as the walking dead, when the characters died, they died in honor and justice, but this was just crap! It wasn't even the last battle LOL! Was your purpose to intensify the final battle? Because if it was tell a tale games, you guys did the OPPOSITE! I am NEVER PLAYING OR BUYING ANOTHER GAME FROM YOUR COMPANY!
You must never have watched Game of Thrones before then. They make these games like the shows. GoT is fucking ruthless. If they had made this into the show instead of the game, it'd probably be even worse. There is no happy ending. The Forrester's would probably have been completely wiped out in the most violent way possible.
i chose this same Rodrik had a fiancee and i just felt a Asher just most do it no mater what cost but i had hope he will kill Gryff . But Rodrik killed him good is this a one of brothers survive that .
Rodrik lives.
Asher knew he was coming to Westeros to die.
Rodrik had Lady Glenmore to live for.
He couldn't abandon her.
Asher knew, however, it was his duty to die for his lord and brother and house.
First of all you need an army to win a war and asher had earned there respect and was their leader.
Second, rodrick was crippled and instead of having him be one of many war casualties id rather him die to save his brother so and be remembered as selfless and brave.
Third, asher was a great fighter and i thought he had a better chance at surviving.
Asher also has a favour with Dany who may one day be queen
I chose Rodrik to stay behind as he is a broken shell of his former self at a time when House Forrester needs a strong lord who can lead the house in battle. Thinking of the longer term, Asher also has favour with Dany who may one day be Queen.
I chose Asher to live. He was just a badass, and I connected more with him than I have with Rodrik. Also, I don't think Rodrik is the type of person that would leave his younger brother behind for his own survival. Asher is loyal to his family, too, but Rodrik would certainly never let Asher sacrifice himself. Never. That is just how older brothers are in general.
I ended up making two saves with each brother surviving in one but on my first playthrough I chose Asher to live. To me there was just something about having the exiled son come home to help his family with it turning into something bigger than he ever thought or wanted to happen with him becoming the lord of the house. Plus once i seen Asher's complete lack of respect for the Boltons and Ramsay Snow it made me desperately want some interaction between Asher and Ramsay!
Rodrik lives.
Asher knew he was coming to Westeros to die.
Rodrik had Lady Glenmore to live for.
He couldn't abandon her.
Asher knew, however, it was his duty to die for his lord and brother and house.
I had Asher stay behind. In a time of war you can't let your leader die when things are heating up. And as Ludd said, Rodrik's death means a victory for the Whitehills. The truth of it is that, in the end, Asher is more expendable as much as I hate to say it. He fulfilled his purpose, to get soldiers for Rodrik. I hate to say that, but it's how I view it. It is war. I'll admit that my preference for Rodrik did play a part in my choice to leave Asher, but I stand behind my reasoning above.
I chose Rodrick to live, Asher to stay. To me, it just seemed like Asher would be more likely to sacrifice himself (though I may be wrong). Asher was my favorite character, so it definitely wasn't easy, but I felt I was making the more responsible choice. I may have also had some inkling of a hope that, if Asher stayed, he'd be able to fight his way out, while there was obviously no way Rodrick would win that fight, Haven't played the 6th episode yet, but after I made my decision I had Baskha swear she'd watch Rodrick (though I doubt they'll get along). After a little thought, however, I have no clue what will happen with the pit fighters. I made decisions that made them like Asher, because I felt it was necessary and Asher was up to it. If I had to make the same choices with Rodrick, however, I wouldn't be able to, as it's obviously not in his character. So probably lost my fighters with this choice, but at least the Whitehills can't gloat over the king's dead body!
It's funny because I made this thread so long ago now, and my opinion has definitely changed. Although I agree with what I wrote then, I now think it's better to have Rodrik be the one to survive.
I am NEVER buying another Tell-A-Tale game due to this game! To all the loyal fans who have played and loved Tell a tale games, THIS GAME IS NOT FOR YOU! This game went overboard and exceeded its power with the decisions you can make! Regardless to what you do or the justice you get supposibly get, you have already LOST! Their is literally no victory to be earned from this game since the damage towards the foresters family is shattered, at least in the walking dead when the characters died, they died in honor and justice, but this was just crap! It wasn't even the last battle LOL! Was your purpose to intensify the final battle? Because if it was tell a tale games, you guys did the OPPOSITE! I am NEVER PLAYING OR BUYING ANOTHER GAME FROM YOUR COMPANY!
I am NEVER buying another Tell A Tale game due to this game! To all the loyal fans who have played and loved Tell a tale games, THIS GAME IS NOT FOR YOU! This game went overboard and exceeded its power with the decisions you can make! Regardless to what you do or the justice you supposedly get, you have already LOST! Their is literally no victory to be earned from this game since the damage towards the foresters family is shattered, at least in the other games such as the walking dead, when the characters died, they died in honor and justice, but this was just crap! It wasn't even the last battle LOL! Was your purpose to intensify the final battle? Because if it was tell a tale games, you guys did the OPPOSITE! I am NEVER PLAYING OR BUYING ANOTHER GAME FROM YOUR COMPANY!
@DillonDex please, come here.
Why would you bring me here!? xD
I don't want to read this utter drivel. :P Misspelt name? Check. Referring to House Forrester as a Kingdom? Check. Acting like determinant factors (like Talia being angry at Rodrik for sparing the traitor) are canon, and not, you know, the byproduct of his own decisions. Check. Stupidly believing the pit fighters wouldn't follow Rodrik? Check.
Just another person who I imagine kissed the ring, submitted to Gryff, refused to stab Ramsay, and then left Rodrik because they saw him as weak, while being oblivious to the fact they are the reason why... check. A shame his account's no longer active; it would have been nice for him to see all this, oh well...
To torture you. :P (I also really like reading your comments) Anyway, I noticed that some Asher fans are so disrespectful towards Rodrik (calling him a cripple, stupid, useless, weak etc), but Rodrik fans seem to like both brothers, I mean really, I haven't seen even one Rodrik fan hating on Asher. It's just the thing I noticed, or maybe I'm being paranoid, but I just had to say it. And I'm not talking about all Asher fans, but some of them are just immature brats who like Asher because 'he is more badass than Roderick'.
Well, it worked
and thank you! I'm glad my ramblings are of some use.
I know, that's why I have so many rants on here
I have no problem with anyone leaving Rodrik, each to their own, but when I see them parade it about as being the definitive right choice (which was especially severe in the wake of Episode 5) and only have faulty, illogical reasons to back it up (Roderick is a cripple, the army won't follow him, blah blah), then I cannot resist but call them out. :P But as you say, obviously not all Asher fans are like that, but a very vocal portion are.
I certainly feel that way.
I mean, I love Asher, I shed manly tears when I had to leave him, he was the background on my iPhone lock-screen until Mira died for me in Episode 6 (tragic, but true) however, I just believe he should be the one to stay. And I've just never found a compelling argument that's made me doubt that, to be honest. I'm always approaching it open-minded. Always willing to be debated, I mean, you yourself have seen my ridiculous amount of comments on this :P but the fact is, I never see any real arguments for why Asher should be saved other than being told how he's more badass (which is subjective), and how Rodrik is crippled and the army won't follow him (which isn't true). Or more often than not, they think this is enough:
And yeah, in the end, that's it. Some people are just immature, stupid and frankly shallow, and thus are drawn to Asher due to his blonde hair, light-hearted nature and physicality (e.g. all his fights scene throughout the series). But, plenty of people, of course, like him for genuine reasons, and the same that I do, such as his loyalty, compassion, and pure selflessness. So it's all good. However, I'll never be able to resist challenging people who leave Rodrik due to faulty logic.
And I'm happy to hear some people enjoy all my tirades 
I chose Rodrick to stay as I think Asher will be a better Lord, just my personal opinion of course gahaha!
Please guys, It's Rodrik, not Rodrick or Roderick.
I ship you two, @EleanaBaeForever and @DillionDex.
I have never made it a secret that I love Rodrik, but that doesn't mean I don't love Asher as well. Asher is a badass who went through his share of hardship in order to support his family. I felt terrible that Asher died in my playthrough and I wished that he could have lived and return to Ironrath with Rodrik and reunite with his family.
My God....
K, bye.
I think it's the auto correct from Mobile/Computer sometimes.
Honestly I chose Asher to live, I'm going to be like those other people and say I chose him because "he was bad ass" I chose for him to live, because I felt like I connected with him in a way, and I feel like me and him had a lot in common: Loyal, comedic, rough around the edges here and there, and finally good looking( just kidding). We all have to admit that was one of the hardest desicions I've had to make in a telltale game thus far having to choose between Rodrik and Asher. But in the end I feel like Asher became a true lord and fought bravely in the battle for Ironrath. In season 2 Ive been thinking as well if you choose Asher to live and succeeds in killing Ludd than maybe just maybe Ramsay Snow will conflict the terms he once set with Ludd and Rodrik, and set new terms with Gryff and Asher, because that way whichever lord falls first then, it would truly be over no one could replace the both of them( I believe, I'm not sure but I believe Ryon is too young to be lord if Asher fell) With Gryff as lord house White hill is doomed! And the Forresters will prevail! Iron From Ice!
I feel bad, because I really didn't connect with Rodrik. It wasn't hard for me to save Asher in the slightest, but it was the same between saving Mira or Tom, I had done so much as Mira, it seemed a waste just to go through it all to get her head chopped off. If I spend a long time with a certain character or I relate to them enough, I will choose them no matter what.
It's our decision to like and play this game, not yours, no one will listen to you. So BYE BYE
I chose Asher to stay even though personally I loved Rodrik's character. Staying behind for his family just seems something that my Rodrik in my playthrough would have done.
I played both. I'm not convinced sacrificing Tom will make much of a difference, but I'm hoping season 2 will provide a way for her to be like Sansa Stark and get out of her arrangement with Lord Morgryn. That's the only reason I kept her alive with my last play through.
I chose Rodrik to stay behind as he is a broken shell of his former self at a time when House Forrester needs a strong lord who can lead the house in battle. Thinking of the longer term, Asher also has favour with Dany who may one day be Queen.
I agree with your points in the sense you get no justice, but it is not because of the game but because of the series, Game of Thrones itself. The books and movies are complicated and it seems no one wins. This game would not live up to the Game of Thrones name is everyone didn't die, and families weren't shattered. Its not the game you don't like, its the series it is based on. Trust me, as a massive Game of Thrones fans, if this game was not as it is, it would be utter disappointment.
You must never have watched Game of Thrones before then. They make these games like the shows. GoT is fucking ruthless. If they had made this into the show instead of the game, it'd probably be even worse. There is no happy ending. The Forrester's would probably have been completely wiped out in the most violent way possible.
i chose this same Rodrik had a fiancee and i just felt a Asher just most do it no mater what cost but i had hope he will kill Gryff . But Rodrik killed him good is this a one of brothers survive that .
I also chose rodrick to stay behind.
First of all you need an army to win a war and asher had earned there respect and was their leader.
Second, rodrick was crippled and instead of having him be one of many war casualties id rather him die to save his brother so and be remembered as selfless and brave.
Third, asher was a great fighter and i thought he had a better chance at surviving.
Another reason there
I made Rodrik stay for these reasons (IN NO ORDER):
I like Rodrerick but I saved Ashur because I think he was better compared to his brother.
I chose Asher to live. He was just a badass, and I connected more with him than I have with Rodrik. Also, I don't think Rodrik is the type of person that would leave his younger brother behind for his own survival. Asher is loyal to his family, too, but Rodrik would certainly never let Asher sacrifice himself. Never. That is just how older brothers are in general.
I ended up making two saves with each brother surviving in one but on my first playthrough I chose Asher to live. To me there was just something about having the exiled son come home to help his family with it turning into something bigger than he ever thought or wanted to happen with him becoming the lord of the house. Plus once i seen Asher's complete lack of respect for the Boltons and Ramsay Snow it made me desperately want some interaction between Asher and Ramsay!