Agreed, and Asher's alliance with Daenerys. That also was a big factor in my diction.
P.S. And most of all Asher is also my favorite character in the game. He was also the logical choice. Win win.
I chose Rodrik, simply because he was basically Robb Stark. Whenever I saw him, he always said things that remind me of Robb. Asher, on the other hand, is pretty much mostly his own character. Whereas Rodrik is Robb Stark without an army, Asher is kinda like Daario, but with a goal, with people he loves, with an interesting backstory, and with just a little more charisma in the way he moves and speaks.
My only regret with Rodrik is that now, Gregor's sword is lost. The Forrester legacy is gone.
Well as I just said, that doesn't mean much when there are only 4 left.
I am not claiming Rodrik has a big army. Neither does, that's the point. It's silly to use Asher has pit fighter respect as a reason. They were clearly fodder.
Actually, IMO Asher looks a lot more like Robb than Jon Snow. The only relatable thing between Asher and Jon was that they went away from their family. But if you think carefully, you'll see that Robb is very similar to Asher in a way. They both were much more impulsive and chose a "bad" romantic interest despite knowing it would affect their family. Although both Jon and Asher went away from their houses, Jon went by choice simply because he was tired of being a bastard and wanted to do something greater. Asher, in the other way, was sent way because of his scandal with Gwyn. If someone really looks like Jon in this game, this one is Gared, who also gone to the Watch searching for something greater (North Grove) and to honor his family in a way, despite not actually being a notable member of the house... If I had to pick between Jon and Robb, I would totally save Jon. Also, between Rodrick and Asher, I personally chose to save Rodrick. =3
Fair enough, I suppose. It was more of a split-second-decision thing for me. It was like choosing between Robb Stark and Jon Snow. Ultimatel… morey, I love both... but if I HAD to pick a favourite, Robb just wins it... just like Rodrik just wins it with Asher.
Still, with my alternative saves, both will live! (That helps me sleep better at night)
Maybe she'll marry Asher instead. Haha. Like how it went with Catelyn Stark. She's engaged to Ned's brother first, right? Haha. I don't like Gwyn for some reason. Every attempt she made ended badly for House Forrester anyway.
I chose Rodrick to stay, I loved Rodrick but I played it out in my head, it just makes sense that Asher lives. If you were a writer, thats what you would do right? Its poetic that Asher has gone through this journey and becomes a changed man, leads his house rather than exile. This is family history right here. Many brothers have died, but the prodigal son returns from exile and established new dynasty of Forrester . My traitor was Royland, I let him live, and Royland called me out by saying I was weak, letting myself kiss the ring and then be kicked in and such, thing is Royland doesnt understand that that is what he would have done, if he was Lord. He is very aggressive but he never puts himself in others shoes. Im hoping that Asher has mercy and becomes the better man in various situations in the next ep so Royland regrets that these are the last things he said to Rodrick before he gave his life and recognizes he was actually a very strong and brave man for douing the things he did. This is why I am happy I let him live.
I think that it works out this way, I was sad with how Rodrick died, in typical GoT fashion I keep garnering hatred for the asshole enemies. I hope to the seven heavens that TellTale give Asher a chance to be a mature badass in the next ep.
I chose Rodrick in a heartbeat. I did kind of like Rodrick, but Asher is easily my favorite character in the game. On top of that, Asher is simply more useful/capable at this point. I wish Rodrick could have gone out better than he did, but keeping Asher alive only made sense to me.
I've always liked your perspective and articulate explanation of why Rodrik should live, but every time I read it, it makes me even firmer in my decision to let Rodrik sacrifice himself. Gregor Forrester could've asked Gared to hold them off as he hobbled off to safety from the Red Wedding despite knowing Rodrik was "dead" and that Ethan did not know how or what it meant to rule, sure he was wounded but Rodrik survived without food or water for however long that was with a third degree burn across his face and a severely wounded leg. Gregor sacrificed himself because Tuttle was his subject, follower, squire, and a young man. As his lord and leader Gregor saved him because he was noble in action and not just in title.
Rodrik proves he is in every way his father's son by saving his younger brother and once again proving that the true Lord of house Forrester is noble in action not title. Asher spent his adult life in exile missing his family and remembering Gwyn and the Whitehills, now that the Whitehills and Forresters are in open war his exile served no purpose other than Whitehill satisfaction, for him to come back and die to give Gryff more satisfaction is worse then Rodrik dying as Asher didn't even have the luxury of being with his family, to grow into such a strong tempered leader in exile only to return and die horribly isn't right. Rodrik is lord, its his duty to protect his house and family to the end, not let his brother sacrifice himself simply for his own self preservation.
Why is everyone leaving Rodrik behind? He survived the Red Wedding to die in another ambushed act of treachery?
To me, Asher completed hi… mores role when he brought the sellsword 'army' to Ironrath - and when the moment came to decide who to leave behind - I felt that in that scenario Asher would prove the ultimate devotion to his family after they exiled him and volunteer to stay behind to save his House's Lord - I just couldn't let Rodrik die with Gryff's smug face staring back at him - Rodrik already has developed relationships with the Whitehills - and now to add to that they killed yet another member of his family - I want Rodrik to unleash his full fury and lead House Forrester to victory against the Whitehills so that Asher's sacrifice was not in vain - and for Beskha to avenge him.
I know Asher is a far more interesting character than Rodrik... but I think canonically Asher would have volunteered to stay behind - House Forrester wil… [view original content]
Well as I just said, that doesn't mean much when there are only 4 left.
I am not claiming Rodrik has a big army. Neither does, that's the point. It's silly to use Asher has pit fighter respect as a reason. They were clearly fodder.
I left Asher behind, because in my playthrough I broke the promise to Talia as Rodrik (I couldn't kill Duncan, if it was the maester, probably, but I like duncan and Royland too much to kill), and I felt it would be extra cruel to have Rodrik die while Talia was still mad at him
I know Asher is a far more interesting character than Rodrik
That's entirely a matter of personal opinion. To me Asher was the typical swashbuckler with charm and a mouth. I loved him a lot, don't get me wrong. But I for one find Rodrick a much more interesting character.
Apart from that I wholeheartedly agree with your choice and reasons.
Why is everyone leaving Rodrik behind? He survived the Red Wedding to die in another ambushed act of treachery?
To me, Asher completed hi… mores role when he brought the sellsword 'army' to Ironrath - and when the moment came to decide who to leave behind - I felt that in that scenario Asher would prove the ultimate devotion to his family after they exiled him and volunteer to stay behind to save his House's Lord - I just couldn't let Rodrik die with Gryff's smug face staring back at him - Rodrik already has developed relationships with the Whitehills - and now to add to that they killed yet another member of his family - I want Rodrik to unleash his full fury and lead House Forrester to victory against the Whitehills so that Asher's sacrifice was not in vain - and for Beskha to avenge him.
I know Asher is a far more interesting character than Rodrik... but I think canonically Asher would have volunteered to stay behind - House Forrester wil… [view original content]
My choice was made the instant I realized I'd have to do it, but it still took me forever to press the button. I was so frustrated and sad that I had to sacrifice one of them... Damn the Whitehills to hell, I'll have no mercy for anyone but Gwyn.
Anyway, I chose Asher to stay and Rodrick to survive.
I always prefered Rodrick as a character and he's fit to be a lord. Asher is an adventurer at heart, loyal to the death to his family (in my play at least, in all related dialogue choices I've always made clear who the real family was, even if it meant hurting Beskha's feelings) but I couldn't see him settling for life in Ironrath and rule, sit and listen to his Council, pass wise judgements, be a father and stable husband (to whom by the way?), be a father figure to his people.
All qualities that Rodrick possesses. And since I never did the mistake to make Rodrick humiliate himself in vain like so many players did, he is known for his strength of will and his unsoiled honour, having impressed even Gryff's henchmen as he refused to lay in the mud despite being severely beaten. He is and will continue to be an inspiration to his people and allies, and the living incarnation of the "Iron from Ice" spirit, the living proof that Forresters can never be broken no matter the scars, no matter the adversity and threats.
And then there's Eleana. Their beautiful story deserves a marriage and children. She already lost her brother, I'd be damned if she lost her beloved one on top of that.
Don't doubt an instant that Asher's death broke my heart. I was so angry I can't believe my gamepad didn't snap under my grip. But at least I gave this damn handsome devil a fight to the end and kept trying to slash, hack and stab these fucking Whitehill pigs long after no attack options were available. A poor consolation, but know that you will be avenged brother. Rivers of Whitehill blood will flow to honour your noble sacrifice.
You're referring to the Mercenary (happened to be an ex pit fighter), Knight and Unsullied. Just saying.
Clearly they also know getting owned. That display was laughable. The big dude who was threatening to eat Asher went down like a chump.
I was referring to when Beshka, Croft, and Asher take Meereen, I'm not sure how many there are because it goes from some 25 to 5 to 8 in a plot hole ambush where a wolverine healed Gryff is leading the Ironwrath garrison that Royland or Duncan freed. I don't know how Royland or Duncan freed ALL of the Whitehill prisoners when Rodrik said no one in or out, and Royland or Duncan say they only freed Gryff yet Harys and that douchebag Whitehill guard from the captured Garrison is there, sorry if im not counting on the plothole visuals of a suddenly healed Gryff and suddenly free Whitehill force along with a rapidly changing "Army." To justify my decision.
You're referring to the Mercenary (happened to be an ex pit fighter), Knight and Unsullied. Just saying.
Clearly they also know getting owned. That display was laughable. The big dude who was threatening to eat Asher went down like a chump.
I chose to leave Asher behind, as I feel Rodrik is the much better character and is a much smarter and more capable leader, while Asher, as stated by Lady Forrester, has no interest in being one.
Well atleast the brother you choose are going out like a fucking boss. And why the fuck did the Forresters runaway from there? Eventually Gryff and his men will leave the harbour and that would be the perfect opportunity to ambush them. Quite stupid really, I don't know if they were outnumbered heavily but it certainly didn't look like it.
Rodrik went from being near death carried in a corpse cart back into full plate armor wielding the Forrester sword. All while being trampled on by the Whitehills and Ramsay Bolton. He did his duty to keep the house from falling into utter ruin. My Rodrik defied and fought the Whitehills at every possible opportunity... Until Ryon's life was at risk... And Asher's.
Asher was exiled from his home for the good of the house and for his own good. It saved his life and his house and it made him into the person he is now. He was described as volatile and unpredictable in episode 1. The way I've played him shows he had changed. He was ruthless when necessary, but could show restraint and use his wit to benefit those he cares about.
It's my Asher's time to stand and fight for his father and brother who died at the hands of the Boltons and Rodrik who gave his life to ensure that the house remains strong. To fight for his family and become the lord he was meant to be. It's been a long time since Asher's killed some Whitehills. Now he can get rid of all of them
I chose Rodrik, simply because he was basically Robb Stark. Whenever I saw him, he always said things that remind me of Robb. Asher, on the … moreother hand, is pretty much mostly his own character. Whereas Rodrik is Robb Stark without an army, Asher is kinda like Daario, but with a goal, with people he loves, with an interesting backstory, and with just a little more charisma in the way he moves and speaks.
My only regret with Rodrik is that now, Gregor's sword is lost. The Forrester legacy is gone.
Or Malcolm could've been the one to send a letter (and hence a raven) first thus, Lady Elyssa would have a raven to send back to them with correspondence. If not, TT has overlooked a plot hole. Or all the characters share one giant super mind.
could be before that happened like episode 2 when they found out rodrick had lived and Ethan had just died, the mom could have sent one to m… morealcom and maybe before Asher left essos left as well but maybe just malcom sending one that says hey we got you "sellswords" be ready for Asher. im not saying they were talking back and forth but maybe like a total of two times they sent each other something
Or Malcolm could've been the one to send a letter (and hence a raven) first thus, Lady Elyssa would have a raven to send back to them with correspondence. If not, TT has overlooked a plot hole. Or all the characters share one giant super mind.
I would have my Asher kill Gwyn, along with the rest of the Whitehills. SCREW THEM ALL!! Asher can move on to Amaya or even Elaena (because I still want that ForresterxGlenmore marriage) although Elaena would be heart broken.
The ones who are saying "Asher isn't fit to be leader" are wrong. He single handedly gained a group of followers, gained an audience with the Mother of Dragons, etc. He DOES know how to lead and be diplomatic whIle also being a warrior. Maybe, with Rodrik being the older brother and Asher showing more of his rebellious side, Gregor did not give Asher the chance to "lead" like Rodrik.
Asher proved that he was a very talented killer, but do you really think "killing" and "ruling" are the same thing??, Rodrick has been train… moreed to take over the house since he was born. Not only was he a very talented swords men that Lannister soldiers even feared upon the battlefield. He survived the red wedding and can still hold his own against the Whithills after months of pain. Asher to me seemed like someone who made choices without thinking them through. He put the lives of his family on the line when he made a very poor move to run away with Gywn Whithill. I loved Asher to the very end, he did his job and came back to fight along side his older brother. it was more of Asher duty to sacrifice himself for Rodrick as he is the older brother and knows the land and laws he means to rule.
To the ones simply saying "I chose Rodrik to stay because Asher is faster and in better shape", just watch again the scene where Asher gets an arrow to his leg and see if you can tell who was running better to reach the gates: Rodrik or Asher? Most of the people who uses this kind of argument is merely trying to compare Asher's battle history throughout most of the episodes with Rodrik's bad shape in most of it, which can be totally misleading... To be fair, both of them are mostly in the same condition, you dont have to believe me, just watch each of their scenes where they are left behind. The difference between them is literally a skin change. Rodrik is a tough cookie. Both of them are, of course.
The thing is we only had a short scene with him at his best shape in the nearly beginning of the series, which shows him as very deadly and capable. However, most of us got used to the "broken" Rodrik, slowly healing and evolving, which could lead to a false sense of perception about him. Honestly, as the way things are right now, I think you can even find stronger arguments to make Rodrik being the one in better shape of combat, not Asher. Yeah, its obvious that Rodrik has more visible scars and such. However, remember that the Maester said that most men in his place would probaly never walk again and Rodrik made more than it.
He did not only heal in such a short period of time (losing only to Griff's Deadpool-like healing factor), but he also is in shape to even equal an Asher "in his prime" who "only" got an arrow to the leg, and even run better than him to reach the gates levers while wearing fully covered heavy armor and the family's Two-Handed Greatsword. That's why, in my opinion, both of them are equally suitable to take any of the roles, story wise. You can make your case for any of them alone, but ultimately, the most important factor should be your preference, really.
I chose Asher to stay because I can relate to Rodrik more, and plus I couldn't leave Elaena behind, I just couldn't, Beshka is a strong independent woman!
Went with leaving Asher. My Asher constantly screwed Beshka over, so it was almost a relief to end that. Rodrik is the oldest and I'd rather have a consistent lord for the house. Rodrik vs Whitehills is a lot more personal than the guy who suddenly arrives in the middle of the war. Glenmores are more important than a handful of pit fighters. Gwyn will also be more upset about it. Asher only liked fighting but Rodrik can do that and play the diplomat. Going down in a fight sounds much more like Asher. And dying right when you get home sounds a lot more GOT to me.
I chose Asher to stay behind, even if he was easily my fav character. I think it was because I was much more invested in Rodrick's storyline and woldn't have wanted him to die without avenging his family.
I chose Asher to stay because I can relate to Rodrik more, and plus I couldn't leave Elaena behind, I just couldn't, Beshka is a strong independent woman!
I chose Rodrick to stay because I believe Asher has more benefits if he stays.
Asher Positives
1.Gwyn Whitehill, Asher could secure peace with the Whitehills if a marriage is formed between Him and Gwyn ending the blood feud.
2.Asher is a more skilled fighter than Rodrick
3.He has the pit fighters respect would make a better story if Asher avenged Rodrick.
Asher Negatives
1.The Glenmores and Elaena are gone
2.He is not as skilled a lord as Rodrick diplomatically.
But besides that the benefits outweigh the negatives which is why keeping Asher is the right choice for me.
I chose Asher to stay. Don't really know why tho...but I think my main thoughts were 'Rodrik's a experienced lord, he survived the Red Wedding...AAAA MAA FAAACKAANG GAAAWD! Sorry Asher bae...!!!!'
That were exactly my thoughts.
Sorry, this comment is stupid. But it's almost 4am.
I sacrificed Rodrik. Asher could lead a rebellion if he wanted to, he has that gladiator vibe which is what I liked most about him. Asher got blood thirsty pit-fighters to follow his lead, you best believe he'll get the Forrester soldiers(If there's any left) to follow his lead aswell. Asher has the capability of raising hell and that sounds like one badass lord to me. I get bored of the "good guy" noble lords, been there done that and it has yet to work for the Forresters. So I wanted to try something new.
I sacrificed Rodrick. I don't know why. I don't replay these games because choices don't mean anything especially as we got a whopping six determinant characters this episodes, but I can just play episode 6 with both characters. For my first one it will be with Rodrick sacrificed.
After episode 1 I had always defied the Whitehills, didn't kiss the ring, I struck and talked down to his men, didn't give Gryff the satisfaction of watching me stay down neither did I hit him even once. I was rude to Ludd in his hold and called his bluff (having seen his family mural). Despite this I had every intention of working toward an alliance at the end in order to spite the Boltons. Now I hold the writing of this latest episode in very low regard but this Whitehills ambush? The line has been crossed and now no Whitehill will survive should I have the opportunity, not Gwen, not their dogs, not even their Maester should my mood remain this way.
That said it has dawned on me that who ever you don't sacrifice may be the one to plunge the knife.
Now, I'd be tempted to say that I'd like Rodrick to be the one to do it, as a final **** you to Ludd.
But I'm still happy with Asher being my survivor.
Well...Ludd will have ****ing WISHED he was more welcoming to Rodrick.
Ludd will ****ing MISS dealing with a passive-aggressive Lord.
Because this new Lord, Lord Asher? Gods have mercy on you, Ludd.
I left Rodrik behind, which I feel terrible about, but I think that Asher is who the family needs. The Whitehills always looked down on Rodrik and made fun of him for being crippled. They're going to be more scared of Asher cause he's a healthy, great warrior with a loyal army.
You know what i mean.
I wanted to choose Rodrick and end up choosing Asher. I need to play it again.
Well... Malcolm is making the alliance. Asher really has little to do with it, but I understand that perspective.
I chose Rodrik, simply because he was basically Robb Stark. Whenever I saw him, he always said things that remind me of Robb. Asher, on the other hand, is pretty much mostly his own character. Whereas Rodrik is Robb Stark without an army, Asher is kinda like Daario, but with a goal, with people he loves, with an interesting backstory, and with just a little more charisma in the way he moves and speaks.
My only regret with Rodrik is that now, Gregor's sword is lost. The Forrester legacy is gone.
Well as I just said, that doesn't mean much when there are only 4 left.
I am not claiming Rodrik has a big army. Neither does, that's the point. It's silly to use Asher has pit fighter respect as a reason. They were clearly fodder.
Actually, IMO Asher looks a lot more like Robb than Jon Snow. The only relatable thing between Asher and Jon was that they went away from their family. But if you think carefully, you'll see that Robb is very similar to Asher in a way. They both were much more impulsive and chose a "bad" romantic interest despite knowing it would affect their family. Although both Jon and Asher went away from their houses, Jon went by choice simply because he was tired of being a bastard and wanted to do something greater. Asher, in the other way, was sent way because of his scandal with Gwyn. If someone really looks like Jon in this game, this one is Gared, who also gone to the Watch searching for something greater (North Grove) and to honor his family in a way, despite not actually being a notable member of the house... If I had to pick between Jon and Robb, I would totally save Jon. Also, between Rodrick and Asher, I personally chose to save Rodrick. =3
I understand now why Asher is saved a lot. I should have paid attention.
I chose Rodrick to stay, I loved Rodrick but I played it out in my head, it just makes sense that Asher lives. If you were a writer, thats what you would do right? Its poetic that Asher has gone through this journey and becomes a changed man, leads his house rather than exile. This is family history right here. Many brothers have died, but the prodigal son returns from exile and established new dynasty of Forrester
. My traitor was Royland, I let him live, and Royland called me out by saying I was weak, letting myself kiss the ring and then be kicked in and such, thing is Royland doesnt understand that that is what he would have done, if he was Lord. He is very aggressive but he never puts himself in others shoes. Im hoping that Asher has mercy and becomes the better man in various situations in the next ep so Royland regrets that these are the last things he said to Rodrick before he gave his life and recognizes he was actually a very strong and brave man for douing the things he did. This is why I am happy I let him live.
I think that it works out this way, I was sad with how Rodrick died, in typical GoT fashion I keep garnering hatred for the asshole enemies. I hope to the seven heavens that TellTale give Asher a chance to be a mature badass in the next ep.
I chose Rodrick in a heartbeat. I did kind of like Rodrick, but Asher is easily my favorite character in the game. On top of that, Asher is simply more useful/capable at this point. I wish Rodrick could have gone out better than he did, but keeping Asher alive only made sense to me.
Chose Asher, It was difficult, but I did it because Rodrik had been through too much with Gryff and the Whitehills to die there.
I've always liked your perspective and articulate explanation of why Rodrik should live, but every time I read it, it makes me even firmer in my decision to let Rodrik sacrifice himself. Gregor Forrester could've asked Gared to hold them off as he hobbled off to safety from the Red Wedding despite knowing Rodrik was "dead" and that Ethan did not know how or what it meant to rule, sure he was wounded but Rodrik survived without food or water for however long that was with a third degree burn across his face and a severely wounded leg. Gregor sacrificed himself because Tuttle was his subject, follower, squire, and a young man. As his lord and leader Gregor saved him because he was noble in action and not just in title.
Rodrik proves he is in every way his father's son by saving his younger brother and once again proving that the true Lord of house Forrester is noble in action not title. Asher spent his adult life in exile missing his family and remembering Gwyn and the Whitehills, now that the Whitehills and Forresters are in open war his exile served no purpose other than Whitehill satisfaction, for him to come back and die to give Gryff more satisfaction is worse then Rodrik dying as Asher didn't even have the luxury of being with his family, to grow into such a strong tempered leader in exile only to return and die horribly isn't right. Rodrik is lord, its his duty to protect his house and family to the end, not let his brother sacrifice himself simply for his own self preservation.
A pitt fighter and two sellswords were key to capturing Meereen, just sayin.
"Victory is all we know."
I left Asher behind, because in my playthrough I broke the promise to Talia as Rodrik (I couldn't kill Duncan, if it was the maester, probably, but I like duncan and Royland too much to kill), and I felt it would be extra cruel to have Rodrik die while Talia was still mad at him
That's entirely a matter of personal opinion. To me Asher was the typical swashbuckler with charm and a mouth. I loved him a lot, don't get me wrong. But I for one find Rodrick a much more interesting character.
Apart from that I wholeheartedly agree with your choice and reasons.
You're referring to the Mercenary (happened to be an ex pit fighter), Knight and Unsullied. Just saying.
Clearly they also know getting owned. That display was laughable. The big dude who was threatening to eat Asher went down like a chump.
My choice was made the instant I realized I'd have to do it, but it still took me forever to press the button. I was so frustrated and sad that I had to sacrifice one of them... Damn the Whitehills to hell, I'll have no mercy for anyone but Gwyn.
Anyway, I chose Asher to stay and Rodrick to survive.
I always prefered Rodrick as a character and he's fit to be a lord. Asher is an adventurer at heart, loyal to the death to his family (in my play at least, in all related dialogue choices I've always made clear who the real family was, even if it meant hurting Beskha's feelings) but I couldn't see him settling for life in Ironrath and rule, sit and listen to his Council, pass wise judgements, be a father and stable husband (to whom by the way?), be a father figure to his people.
All qualities that Rodrick possesses. And since I never did the mistake to make Rodrick humiliate himself in vain like so many players did, he is known for his strength of will and his unsoiled honour, having impressed even Gryff's henchmen as he refused to lay in the mud despite being severely beaten. He is and will continue to be an inspiration to his people and allies, and the living incarnation of the "Iron from Ice" spirit, the living proof that Forresters can never be broken no matter the scars, no matter the adversity and threats.
And then there's Eleana. Their beautiful story deserves a marriage and children. She already lost her brother, I'd be damned if she lost her beloved one on top of that.
Don't doubt an instant that Asher's death broke my heart. I was so angry I can't believe my gamepad didn't snap under my grip. But at least I gave this damn handsome devil a fight to the end and kept trying to slash, hack and stab these fucking Whitehill pigs long after no attack options were available. A poor consolation, but know that you will be avenged brother. Rivers of Whitehill blood will flow to honour your noble sacrifice.
Well they kept saying he had an army. So I'm guessing more pit fighters came but we just didn't see them.
I was referring to when Beshka, Croft, and Asher take Meereen, I'm not sure how many there are because it goes from some 25 to 5 to 8 in a plot hole ambush where a wolverine healed Gryff is leading the Ironwrath garrison that Royland or Duncan freed. I don't know how Royland or Duncan freed ALL of the Whitehill prisoners when Rodrik said no one in or out, and Royland or Duncan say they only freed Gryff yet Harys and that douchebag Whitehill guard from the captured Garrison is there, sorry if im not counting on the plothole visuals of a suddenly healed Gryff and suddenly free Whitehill force along with a rapidly changing "Army." To justify my decision.
I chose to leave Asher behind, as I feel Rodrik is the much better character and is a much smarter and more capable leader, while Asher, as stated by Lady Forrester, has no interest in being one.
Well atleast the brother you choose are going out like a fucking boss. And why the fuck did the Forresters runaway from there? Eventually Gryff and his men will leave the harbour and that would be the perfect opportunity to ambush them. Quite stupid really, I don't know if they were outnumbered heavily but it certainly didn't look like it.
Rodrik went from being near death carried in a corpse cart back into full plate armor wielding the Forrester sword. All while being trampled on by the Whitehills and Ramsay Bolton. He did his duty to keep the house from falling into utter ruin. My Rodrik defied and fought the Whitehills at every possible opportunity... Until Ryon's life was at risk... And Asher's.
Asher was exiled from his home for the good of the house and for his own good. It saved his life and his house and it made him into the person he is now. He was described as volatile and unpredictable in episode 1. The way I've played him shows he had changed. He was ruthless when necessary, but could show restraint and use his wit to benefit those he cares about.
It's my Asher's time to stand and fight for his father and brother who died at the hands of the Boltons and Rodrik who gave his life to ensure that the house remains strong. To fight for his family and become the lord he was meant to be. It's been a long time since Asher's killed some Whitehills. Now he can get rid of all of them
Asher is Oberyn Martell without poison.
Or Malcolm could've been the one to send a letter (and hence a raven) first thus, Lady Elyssa would have a raven to send back to them with correspondence. If not, TT has overlooked a plot hole. Or all the characters share one giant super mind.
they technically do... us since we play with them all lol
I would have my Asher kill Gwyn, along with the rest of the Whitehills. SCREW THEM ALL!! Asher can move on to Amaya or even Elaena (because I still want that ForresterxGlenmore marriage) although Elaena would be heart broken.
That's what I'm hoping because we see more on the boat than the ones who came with us to Ironrath in the final scenes.
The ones who are saying "Asher isn't fit to be leader" are wrong. He single handedly gained a group of followers, gained an audience with the Mother of Dragons, etc. He DOES know how to lead and be diplomatic whIle also being a warrior. Maybe, with Rodrik being the older brother and Asher showing more of his rebellious side, Gregor did not give Asher the chance to "lead" like Rodrik.
To the ones simply saying "I chose Rodrik to stay because Asher is faster and in better shape", just watch again the scene where Asher gets an arrow to his leg and see if you can tell who was running better to reach the gates: Rodrik or Asher? Most of the people who uses this kind of argument is merely trying to compare Asher's battle history throughout most of the episodes with Rodrik's bad shape in most of it, which can be totally misleading... To be fair, both of them are mostly in the same condition, you dont have to believe me, just watch each of their scenes where they are left behind. The difference between them is literally a skin change. Rodrik is a tough cookie. Both of them are, of course.
The thing is we only had a short scene with him at his best shape in the nearly beginning of the series, which shows him as very deadly and capable. However, most of us got used to the "broken" Rodrik, slowly healing and evolving, which could lead to a false sense of perception about him. Honestly, as the way things are right now, I think you can even find stronger arguments to make Rodrik being the one in better shape of combat, not Asher. Yeah, its obvious that Rodrik has more visible scars and such. However, remember that the Maester said that most men in his place would probaly never walk again and Rodrik made more than it.
He did not only heal in such a short period of time (losing only to Griff's Deadpool-like healing factor), but he also is in shape to even equal an Asher "in his prime" who "only" got an arrow to the leg, and even run better than him to reach the gates levers while wearing fully covered heavy armor and the family's Two-Handed Greatsword. That's why, in my opinion, both of them are equally suitable to take any of the roles, story wise. You can make your case for any of them alone, but ultimately, the most important factor should be your preference, really.
I chose Asher to stay because I can relate to Rodrik more, and plus I couldn't leave Elaena behind, I just couldn't, Beshka is a strong independent woman!
Went with leaving Asher. My Asher constantly screwed Beshka over, so it was almost a relief to end that. Rodrik is the oldest and I'd rather have a consistent lord for the house. Rodrik vs Whitehills is a lot more personal than the guy who suddenly arrives in the middle of the war. Glenmores are more important than a handful of pit fighters. Gwyn will also be more upset about it. Asher only liked fighting but Rodrik can do that and play the diplomat. Going down in a fight sounds much more like Asher. And dying right when you get home sounds a lot more GOT to me.
I chose Asher to stay behind, even if he was easily my fav character. I think it was because I was much more invested in Rodrick's storyline and woldn't have wanted him to die without avenging his family.
...Who needs no man xD
I chose Rodrick to stay because I believe Asher has more benefits if he stays.
Asher Positives
1.Gwyn Whitehill, Asher could secure peace with the Whitehills if a marriage is formed between Him and Gwyn ending the blood feud.
2.Asher is a more skilled fighter than Rodrick
3.He has the pit fighters respect would make a better story if Asher avenged Rodrick.
Asher Negatives
1.The Glenmores and Elaena are gone
2.He is not as skilled a lord as Rodrick diplomatically.
But besides that the benefits outweigh the negatives which is why keeping Asher is the right choice for me.
I chose Asher to stay. Don't really know why tho...but I think my main thoughts were 'Rodrik's a experienced lord, he survived the Red Wedding...AAAA MAA FAAACKAANG GAAAWD! Sorry Asher bae...!!!!'
That were exactly my thoughts.
Sorry, this comment is stupid. But it's almost 4am.
Vaughn. Oh wait wrong game.
I choose Rodrik. He is the older brother and it is his responsibility to take care of his younger siblings
I sacrificed Rodrik. Asher could lead a rebellion if he wanted to, he has that gladiator vibe which is what I liked most about him. Asher got blood thirsty pit-fighters to follow his lead, you best believe he'll get the Forrester soldiers(If there's any left) to follow his lead aswell. Asher has the capability of raising hell and that sounds like one badass lord to me. I get bored of the "good guy" noble lords, been there done that and it has yet to work for the Forresters. So I wanted to try something new.
It's cool bro, I was offered the same choice
I sacrificed Rodrick. I don't know why. I don't replay these games because choices don't mean anything especially as we got a whopping six determinant characters this episodes, but I can just play episode 6 with both characters. For my first one it will be with Rodrick sacrificed.
After episode 1 I had always defied the Whitehills, didn't kiss the ring, I struck and talked down to his men, didn't give Gryff the satisfaction of watching me stay down neither did I hit him even once. I was rude to Ludd in his hold and called his bluff (having seen his family mural). Despite this I had every intention of working toward an alliance at the end in order to spite the Boltons. Now I hold the writing of this latest episode in very low regard but this Whitehills ambush? The line has been crossed and now no Whitehill will survive should I have the opportunity, not Gwen, not their dogs, not even their Maester should my mood remain this way.
That said it has dawned on me that who ever you don't sacrifice may be the one to plunge the knife.
Now, I'd be tempted to say that I'd like Rodrick to be the one to do it, as a final **** you to Ludd.
But I'm still happy with Asher being my survivor.
Well...Ludd will have ****ing WISHED he was more welcoming to Rodrick.
Ludd will ****ing MISS dealing with a passive-aggressive Lord.
Because this new Lord, Lord Asher? Gods have mercy on you, Ludd.
I left Rodrik behind, which I feel terrible about, but I think that Asher is who the family needs. The Whitehills always looked down on Rodrik and made fun of him for being crippled. They're going to be more scared of Asher cause he's a healthy, great warrior with a loyal army.