As much as it pained me, I had Asher stay behind. I just feel like it would mean more for Rodrik to be the one to end the Whitehills. Asher's story was over for me. He'd done his duty by bringing the fighters over. Rodrik still had work to do, and, on top of that, Elaena might be pregnant now.
I still cried like a little kid, though. Damn. I watched a playthrough where Rodrik dies, and it just wasn't as sad as Asher's death. But I guess I stand by my choice.
More proof that Rodrik's death is canon. If you choose to kill asher, he holds his sword with 2 hands. Rodrik has a 2-handed sword. Looks like telltale were too lazy to put both of their fighting styles in there.
I prefer rodrik but the pit fighters will follow asher.
Canon wise i'd say rodrik makes more sense to be i episode 6, he has much more involvement with the ironrath story
I'm just curious, Asher's "army" seems to be comprised of a total of like 6 or 7 pit fighters from what we see in the game. How many did he actually bring? Doesn't seem to be much point of having so few people fighting for them.......Did he really go through all of that for a handful of pit fighters to come over with him?
Is anyone else crying like a baby? I still don't know what to do. I don't know if I stand by my choice of leaving Rodrik. I love him! And I love Asher. There are merits to keeping either of them (different heartbreaks, posssibilities, revenges, etc). Also, Rodrik's death is more brutal than Asher's (just look at the cutscenes on youtube). Maybe he was supposed to die. When I couldn't decide, the screen got very red, and I heard Beska talking to Asher. Then I was listening to Rodrik's voices when it just went with him. Maybe I'd accidentally pressed X and I'm telling myself this so I can sleep tonight. Either way, I'm so sad. Why did we even have to make this decision?
Rodrik died for me. Still kinda torn over that decision. I feel like Rodrik should have been the one to finally kill Gryff and the Whitehills, it was his fight, but on the other hand Royland's words really got to me and he convinced me that always submitting WAS the wrong way to act.
My Rodrik always chose diplomacy but fuck that, I'm done with that shit. I need Asher to burn Highpoint to the ground!
Also, did you hear Beskha?! Dude. How could I possibly break her heart? (and mine, too, because Asher is bae)
I thought exactly same way. But.. I am worried after the war, actually. But if I can't win the war, it's no use worrying after that. So I left Rodrick.
I chose Rodrick. I'm treating this family like a tree. The young branches get encouraged to be a little more agressive, while the older, and more frail or weak branches are pruned back.
Needn't anyone forget that old branch DID plant a seed before pruning. ahem
This is just my opinion based off how i experienced the game, it just made sense to me.
As much as i enjoy Rodrik and his story, staying behind was the only choice (Weeell not really)
In my playthrough, Duncan was the traitor and while it was bullshit, he made some good points, often i acted out of emotions without thinking about consequences. His words didn't stop me from putting a sword through his heart, but they got me thinking about it. Then i realized i had done it again.
The maester said that lord Gregor would've died for anyone from his house, high or low. And i feel that Rodrik would do the same.
Especially when that "one" it's his little brother. You can be damn sure he is going to protect him. And so he passed the torch to Asher, giving him the opportunity to save the house and become a great lord, because he already tried and failed.
It broke my heart and I wanted to throw my controller at the screen but I had Asher stay. I can easily see both of them making that sacrifice but Talia needs Rodrik, Elaena needs him (and her brother literally just died and her dad apparently told her not to come home), and honestly the House needs him. He's been raised from basically birth in how to lead a House whereas Asher never had any interest in that responsibility so even if he can take out the Whitehills, there's still a House to run afterwards and he knows nothing about it. Plus in my playthrough Elaena and Rodrik seem to be back on so if we don't all die next episode, we won't have to worry about the House continuing. A huge part of it for me was I wasn't going to give Gryff the satisfaction of cutting Rodrik down, especially after he's basically come back from the dead and has spent months in pain and had to deal with that holy terror. I feel like he deserves it more. Sorry, Asher, and R.I.P. ;_;
I sacrificed Rodrick. I don't know why. I don't replay these games because choices don't mean anything especially as we got a whopping six d… moreeterminant characters this episodes, but I can just play episode 6 with both characters. For my first one it will be with Rodrick sacrificed.
After episode 1 I had always defied the Whitehills, didn't kiss the ring, I struck and talked down to his men, didn't give Gryff the satisfaction of watching me stay down neither did I hit him even once. I was rude to Ludd in his hold and called his bluff (having seen his family mural). Despite this I had every intention of working toward an alliance at the end in order to spite the Boltons. Now I hold the writing of this latest episode in very low regard but this Whitehills ambush? The line has been crossed and now no Whitehill will survive should I have the opportunity, not Gwen, not their dogs, not even their Maester should my mood remain this way.
That sai… [view original content]
Im super late but I finally got a chsnce to play the episode. Hey, I work okay? Now I hate everything. I picked Asher because I thought he'd have a slightly better chance, eventhough I knew he was going to die, and because we need Rodrick as lord of the house. But its such an incredibly hard choice to make. But dammit, that hurt, I really like both of those characters, and I wish we had more time with Asher. This game is just designed to break your heart and make you feel like you're doing everything wrong. At least, thats how I feel when I play it, lol.
i save asher because it feels completely anticlimactic for me if he died when he just landed in Westeros.
still i felt really bad for rodrik after everything hes being through just to die but i dont regret it.
I'm so mad we had to chose!!! I left Asher to die, but I just can't get over it!! I could not picture myself leaving Rodrik behind after everything he went through... And whatever happened I always made sure Asher always put his family first, so my choice was kinda logical... But then again he was pretty much fine until I bothered him with Westeros matters, he did not deserve to go like this... F*ck everything seriously.
Plus my traitor, Royland, did not make any sense, he was all like "you are weak, like your brother blah blah" when I made a point of making Rodrik a tough Lord, that never yielded, never knelt, never stayed down, never damn apologized, or, the complete opposite of his sweet little bro Ethan, so I really didn't get where he was coming from. Wonder what he hould have said had I spared him...
My traitor was Duncan and he accused me of encouraging violence by not backing down. ::sigh:: I knew the traitor couldnt have been the mother but it was no less upsetting. Add to this what happened to Arthur and Finn, and yeah, I hate it so much. This is a good game but it doesn't make me happy playing it, lol. At least I got to have Asher be a badass in the pit fight.
I'm so mad we had to chose!!! I left Asher to die, but I just can't get over it!! I could not picture myself leaving Rodrik behind after eve… morerything he went through... And whatever happened I always made sure Asher always put his family first, so my choice was kinda logical... But then again he was pretty much fine until I bothered him with Westeros matters, he did not deserve to go like this... F*ck everything seriously.
Plus my traitor, Royland, did not make any sense, he was all like "you are weak, like your brother blah blah" when I made a point of making Rodrik a tough Lord, that never yielded, never knelt, never stayed down, never damn apologized, or, the complete opposite of his sweet little bro Ethan, so I really didn't get where he was coming from. Wonder what he hould have said had I spared him...
I know right ??? What was even the point of making us choose between taking Finn with us or leaving him behind ??? Same goes for Arthur. I took him and his army WITH ME to House Whitehill, yet he still got captured, and tortured by Snow, this makes me angry... We absolutely have no choice in this game. Who's to say Rodrik or Asher isn't gonna die in the next episode ?!
My traitor was Duncan and he accused me of encouraging violence by not backing down. ::sigh:: I knew the traitor couldnt have been the mothe… morer but it was no less upsetting. Add to this what happened to Arthur and Finn, and yeah, I hate it so much. This is a good game but it doesn't make me happy playing it, lol. At least I got to have Asher be a badass in the pit fight.
I chose Asher to stay behind. It was a tough decision, and I sat on it for as long as I possibily could but untimately my Asher never wanted to be lord but he did want to save his family. This in my mind was not Rodrik saying 'Hey bro, you stay behind cause I'm fine to walk on my own now!' it was Asher saying 'This is our families fight and you have to be the one to lead it.'
Rodrik may not be the capable fighter that Asher is, but Rodrik has the Whitehills worried. Asher, who is so out of the loop with everything thats happened wouldn't know where to begin with whats next. The fight is coming and it's coming fast - Rodrik makes sense because he has all the facts.
I hope it pays off for me. I really do, cause risking Asher sucked.
It broke my heart and I wanted to throw my controller at the screen but I had Asher stay. I can easily see both of them making that sacrific… moree but Talia needs Rodrik, Elaena needs him (and her brother literally just died and her dad apparently told her not to come home), and honestly the House needs him. He's been raised from basically birth in how to lead a House whereas Asher never had any interest in that responsibility so even if he can take out the Whitehills, there's still a House to run afterwards and he knows nothing about it. Plus in my playthrough Elaena and Rodrik seem to be back on so if we don't all die next episode, we won't have to worry about the House continuing. A huge part of it for me was I wasn't going to give Gryff the satisfaction of cutting Rodrik down, especially after he's basically come back from the dead and has spent months in pain and had to deal with that holy terror. I feel like he deserves it more. Sorry, Asher, and R.I.P. ;_;
Thanks for clearing that up, I was wondering who would've been flayed if I had taken Arthur with me. I hear what you're saying and you're right, we pretty much don't have a choice; just the illusion of choice. It seems no matter what we do or how hard we try we are doomed to failure. We take 1 step forward and 2 steps back. I won't be at all surprised if whoever survived will be killed at the end of episode 6.
I know right ??? What was even the point of making us choose between taking Finn with us or leaving him behind ??? Same goes for Arthur. I t… moreook him and his army WITH ME to House Whitehill, yet he still got captured, and tortured by Snow, this makes me angry... We absolutely have no choice in this game. Who's to say Rodrik or Asher isn't gonna die in the next episode ?!
I picked Asher to stay. The reason is simple: Asher didnt have as much to lose as Rodrick did. For Asher, there was just Beskha, a true friend, but thats it. However, Asher was a cool guy, and it really hurt seeing him die. But Rodrick, he has Talia, Eleana, and all the suffers he had to undergo simply cant be for nothing! He suffered so much, he clearly does deserve his revenge, and I dont want anyone to take this revenge from him. I hope he crushes the Whitehills and makes all of them pay for what they have done.
This was a really tough decision for me, for a while I had suspected that we may have to choose between Asher and Rodrik; but strangely when it happened I was still shocked. I guess it was also because I expected him to return in the last episode or not at all.
I chose Asher to stay, not because I think Rodrik would make a better Lord then Asher. I think they would both make a good Lord. Here are my reasons:
Rodrik has the alliance with Eleanor and in my play through she could possibly as they say in the GOT universe "be with child" if that is the case then unless her and Rodrik marry the child will be born a bastard.
Although technically it was Asher who won the pit fighter army, I'm confident that Rodrik can also win them over too, don't forget he's also got Beska at his side and I suspect she will take over from Royland (yes he was the traitor in my play through).
There is now definitely nothing holding me back from completely obliterating House Whitehill into oblivion. I might've spared Gywn if both Rodrik and Asher had lived or if Asher had lived.
The whole point of the decision is that it's not meant to be easy. If was as easy as oh this guy would make a terrible Lord and I never like him anyway, against the other guy who you totally love and would obviously make a brilliant Lord; it would be a no brainer. In fact I think I'm going to make another play through in which Asher lives.
* This was a really tough decision for me, for a while I had suspected that we may have to choose between Asher and Rodrik; but strangely wh… moreen it happened I was still shocked. I guess it was also because I expected him to return in the last episode or not at all.
I chose Asher to stay, not because I think Rodrik would make a better Lord then Asher. I think they would both make a good Lord. Here are my reasons:
* Rodrik has the alliance with Eleanor and in my play through she could possibly as they say in the GOT universe "be with child" if that is the case then unless her and Rodrik marry the child will be born a bastard.
* Although technically it was Asher who won the pit fighter army, I'm confident that Rodrik can also win them over too, don't forget he's also got Beska at his side and I suspect she will take over from Royland (yes he was the traitor in my play through).
* There is now definitely nothing holding me back fr… [view original content]
In my first play through, i chose Asher to stay but now i made another save file and made Rodrik stay behind so I can play through with both characters. I love them both too much so at least this way i have the satisfaction of playing as both of them in the final episode.
When I was playing ep. 5 for the first time I chose Asher to stay behind - and I think it's one of those few times when I'm going to rewind and change a really major decision in telltale's game. Point is, when I was choosing between them, I didn't do it the right way, my way of thinking was wrong and I understand it now. I was choosing between them as if they were non-playable characters and I had to decide which one I like more. I've played both of them as nice, calm, sensible and merciful guys, but it always felt, that no matter what I do as either of them, Rodrick fits that description better, that there is something about Asher, that I just can not control. But later I've been thinking a lot, and I realized one simple truth - both Rodrick and Asher are me. I can decide the way their personalities will develop. Every decision they make is my decision. I am in control if them both and nothing can change that. Game won't force me into choosing an option I don't like just because I'm playing as Asher instead of Rodrick. So I didn't have to choose which one of them I'll leave behind - I had to choose which one of them decides to stay. And the moment I realized this, I realized that it will be Rodrick. It is just the way he is in my playthrough. He doesn't care about the fact, that Asher was exiled and considered to be a black sheep of the family by most of them, that they haven't seen each over for a long time, it doesn't matter to him, that now he'll be remembered as a guy, who was subdued and eventually killed by Whitehills, he couldn't care less that he won't be a lord, won't get any revenge, won't satisfy his pride, won't win any glory. Asher is his little brother - this is the only thing he needs to know.
Even though this is enough for me to change my decision and have no regrets about it, there are several more reasons that I came up with after playing and that are really important for me:
Rodrick's death will be more painful for Talia and Elaena, Asher's - for Beskha, and, maybe, Gwyn, and I honestly care about them more.
As Rodrick game probably would've continued to force me into relationship with Elaena, and I am really, really tired of this.
As Rodrick I've always tried to be supportive and protective brother for Talia - because I considered her to be one of the best female characters of the game, strong and eager to protect her loved ones, but not bloodthirsty. Episode five has really changed my mind about her. If she continues to pull that Arya Stark crap (and I'm pretty sure she will), she'll get completely different treatment from me. Speaking of character development, the scenario where a brother, who hasn't been around for a long time, treats her strictly, seems more believable to me, than the one where her other brother suddenly changes his attitude towards her.
I want to marry Gwyn. Nuff said.
Asher has better chances of controlling the pit fighters. Their attitude bothers me a lot, I need to be sure than not a single one of them will try to do anything aside from protecting my house.
Asher's beard holds magic power, which will ease getting access to the North Grove.
I let Asher live. Rodrik already cheated death once, and Asher's story was just starting to ramp up.
Rodrik, I had just the feeling that was the reason why he survive the first time and I like Asher more than Rodrik.
As much as it pained me, I had Asher stay behind. I just feel like it would mean more for Rodrik to be the one to end the Whitehills. Asher's story was over for me. He'd done his duty by bringing the fighters over. Rodrik still had work to do, and, on top of that, Elaena might be pregnant now.
I still cried like a little kid, though. Damn. I watched a playthrough where Rodrik dies, and it just wasn't as sad as Asher's death. But I guess I stand by my choice.
I prefer rodrik but the pit fighters will follow asher.
Canon wise i'd say rodrik makes more sense to be i episode 6, he has much more involvement with the ironrath story
More proof that Rodrik's death is canon. If you choose to kill asher, he holds his sword with 2 hands. Rodrik has a 2-handed sword. Looks like telltale were too lazy to put both of their fighting styles in there.
All five of them.
I choose asher to live but maybe I rewind
I'm just curious, Asher's "army" seems to be comprised of a total of like 6 or 7 pit fighters from what we see in the game. How many did he actually bring? Doesn't seem to be much point of having so few people fighting for them.......Did he really go through all of that for a handful of pit fighters to come over with him?
I just posted a comment saying pretty much the same thing. Some army he brought with him.....or were they not all there?
Is anyone else crying like a baby? I still don't know what to do. I don't know if I stand by my choice of leaving Rodrik. I love him! And I love Asher. There are merits to keeping either of them (different heartbreaks, posssibilities, revenges, etc). Also, Rodrik's death is more brutal than Asher's (just look at the cutscenes on youtube). Maybe he was supposed to die. When I couldn't decide, the screen got very red, and I heard Beska talking to Asher. Then I was listening to Rodrik's voices when it just went with him. Maybe I'd accidentally pressed X and I'm telling myself this so I can sleep tonight. Either way, I'm so sad. Why did we even have to make this decision?
I made Asher stay. It just seems logical for the story - he has done his duty by bringing the army, and now, it's Rodrik who must finish the fight.
Totally! I thought the same! Asher has done his duty for his house but Rodrik isn't finished yet..
I made Asher stay, despite my liking him. To me, it would've not fit Asher's character at all to let his brother stay. Not one bit.
I Had Asher stay behind, I think its a fitting end to His story. Plus I am abit attached to Rodrik and Like him more.
Rodrik died for me. Still kinda torn over that decision. I feel like Rodrik should have been the one to finally kill Gryff and the Whitehills, it was his fight, but on the other hand Royland's words really got to me and he convinced me that always submitting WAS the wrong way to act.
My Rodrik always chose diplomacy but fuck that, I'm done with that shit. I need Asher to burn Highpoint to the ground!
Also, did you hear Beskha?! Dude. How could I possibly break her heart? (and mine, too, because Asher is bae)
I thought exactly same way. But.. I am worried after the war, actually. But if I can't win the war, it's no use worrying after that. So I left Rodrick.
I chose Rodrick. I'm treating this family like a tree. The young branches get encouraged to be a little more agressive, while the older, and more frail or weak branches are pruned back.
Needn't anyone forget that old branch DID plant a seed before pruning. ahem
No reason why I left Asher behind.
Guess it was from the heat of the moment.
This is just my opinion based off how i experienced the game, it just made sense to me.
As much as i enjoy Rodrik and his story, staying behind was the only choice (Weeell not really)
In my playthrough, Duncan was the traitor and while it was bullshit, he made some good points, often i acted out of emotions without thinking about consequences. His words didn't stop me from putting a sword through his heart, but they got me thinking about it. Then i realized i had done it again.
The maester said that lord Gregor would've died for anyone from his house, high or low. And i feel that Rodrik would do the same.
Especially when that "one" it's his little brother. You can be damn sure he is going to protect him. And so he passed the torch to Asher, giving him the opportunity to save the house and become a great lord, because he already tried and failed.
Asher is the Lord where I am. And if given the choice he will destroy every Whitehill that I am allowed to.
It broke my heart and I wanted to throw my controller at the screen but I had Asher stay. I can easily see both of them making that sacrifice but Talia needs Rodrik, Elaena needs him (and her brother literally just died and her dad apparently told her not to come home), and honestly the House needs him. He's been raised from basically birth in how to lead a House whereas Asher never had any interest in that responsibility so even if he can take out the Whitehills, there's still a House to run afterwards and he knows nothing about it. Plus in my playthrough Elaena and Rodrik seem to be back on so if we don't all die next episode, we won't have to worry about the House continuing.
A huge part of it for me was I wasn't going to give Gryff the satisfaction of cutting Rodrik down, especially after he's basically come back from the dead and has spent months in pain and had to deal with that holy terror. I feel like he deserves it more. Sorry, Asher, and R.I.P. ;_;
After reading all this, I don't feel so bad for choosing Rodrik to stay.
I loved this response. Great job!
Im super late but I finally got a chsnce to play the episode. Hey, I work okay? Now I hate everything. I picked Asher because I thought he'd have a slightly better chance, eventhough I knew he was going to die, and because we need Rodrick as lord of the house. But its such an incredibly hard choice to make. But dammit, that hurt, I really like both of those characters, and I wish we had more time with Asher. This game is just designed to break your heart and make you feel like you're doing everything wrong. At least, thats how I feel when I play it, lol.
i save asher because it feels completely anticlimactic for me if he died when he just landed in Westeros.
still i felt really bad for rodrik after everything hes being through just to die but i dont regret it.
I'm so mad we had to chose!!! I left Asher to die, but I just can't get over it!! I could not picture myself leaving Rodrik behind after everything he went through... And whatever happened I always made sure Asher always put his family first, so my choice was kinda logical... But then again he was pretty much fine until I bothered him with Westeros matters, he did not deserve to go like this... F*ck everything seriously.
Plus my traitor, Royland, did not make any sense, he was all like "you are weak, like your brother blah blah" when I made a point of making Rodrik a tough Lord, that never yielded, never knelt, never stayed down, never damn apologized, or, the complete opposite of his sweet little bro Ethan, so I really didn't get where he was coming from. Wonder what he hould have said had I spared him...
My traitor was Duncan and he accused me of encouraging violence by not backing down. ::sigh:: I knew the traitor couldnt have been the mother but it was no less upsetting. Add to this what happened to Arthur and Finn, and yeah, I hate it so much. This is a good game but it doesn't make me happy playing it, lol. At least I got to have Asher be a badass in the pit fight.
I know right ??? What was even the point of making us choose between taking Finn with us or leaving him behind ??? Same goes for Arthur. I took him and his army WITH ME to House Whitehill, yet he still got captured, and tortured by Snow, this makes me angry... We absolutely have no choice in this game. Who's to say Rodrik or Asher isn't gonna die in the next episode ?!
I chose Asher to stay behind. It was a tough decision, and I sat on it for as long as I possibily could but untimately my Asher never wanted to be lord but he did want to save his family. This in my mind was not Rodrik saying 'Hey bro, you stay behind cause I'm fine to walk on my own now!' it was Asher saying 'This is our families fight and you have to be the one to lead it.'
Rodrik may not be the capable fighter that Asher is, but Rodrik has the Whitehills worried. Asher, who is so out of the loop with everything thats happened wouldn't know where to begin with whats next. The fight is coming and it's coming fast - Rodrik makes sense because he has all the facts.
I hope it pays off for me. I really do, cause risking Asher sucked.
I chose Rodrik. I figured Asher was healthier to battle the Whitehills than Rodrik was and I like Asher more.
Well said.
Thanks for clearing that up, I was wondering who would've been flayed if I had taken Arthur with me. I hear what you're saying and you're right, we pretty much don't have a choice; just the illusion of choice. It seems no matter what we do or how hard we try we are doomed to failure. We take 1 step forward and 2 steps back. I won't be at all surprised if whoever survived will be killed at the end of episode 6.
I picked Asher to stay. The reason is simple: Asher didnt have as much to lose as Rodrick did. For Asher, there was just Beskha, a true friend, but thats it. However, Asher was a cool guy, and it really hurt seeing him die. But Rodrick, he has Talia, Eleana, and all the suffers he had to undergo simply cant be for nothing! He suffered so much, he clearly does deserve his revenge, and I dont want anyone to take this revenge from him. I hope he crushes the Whitehills and makes all of them pay for what they have done.
I chose Asher to stay, not because I think Rodrik would make a better Lord then Asher. I think they would both make a good Lord. Here are my reasons:
Rodrik has the alliance with Eleanor and in my play through she could possibly as they say in the GOT universe "be with child" if that is the case then unless her and Rodrik marry the child will be born a bastard.
Although technically it was Asher who won the pit fighter army, I'm confident that Rodrik can also win them over too, don't forget he's also got Beska at his side and I suspect she will take over from Royland (yes he was the traitor in my play through).
There is now definitely nothing holding me back from completely obliterating House Whitehill into oblivion. I might've spared Gywn if both Rodrik and Asher had lived or if Asher had lived.
The whole point of the decision is that it's not meant to be easy. If was as easy as oh this guy would make a terrible Lord and I never like him anyway, against the other guy who you totally love and would obviously make a brilliant Lord; it would be a no brainer. In fact I think I'm going to make another play through in which Asher lives.
I chose to let Asher stay cause I believe that's what Rodrik would do cause he's the more heroic one.
I am certain that Asher is just as capable as Rodrik. Throughout the story, they both have the chance to demonstrate their leadership capabilities.
In my first play through, i chose Asher to stay but now i made another save file and made Rodrik stay behind so I can play through with both characters. I love them both too much so at least this way i have the satisfaction of playing as both of them in the final episode.
When I was playing ep. 5 for the first time I chose Asher to stay behind - and I think it's one of those few times when I'm going to rewind and change a really major decision in telltale's game. Point is, when I was choosing between them, I didn't do it the right way, my way of thinking was wrong and I understand it now. I was choosing between them as if they were non-playable characters and I had to decide which one I like more. I've played both of them as nice, calm, sensible and merciful guys, but it always felt, that no matter what I do as either of them, Rodrick fits that description better, that there is something about Asher, that I just can not control. But later I've been thinking a lot, and I realized one simple truth - both Rodrick and Asher are me. I can decide the way their personalities will develop. Every decision they make is my decision. I am in control if them both and nothing can change that. Game won't force me into choosing an option I don't like just because I'm playing as Asher instead of Rodrick. So I didn't have to choose which one of them I'll leave behind - I had to choose which one of them decides to stay. And the moment I realized this, I realized that it will be Rodrick. It is just the way he is in my playthrough. He doesn't care about the fact, that Asher was exiled and considered to be a black sheep of the family by most of them, that they haven't seen each over for a long time, it doesn't matter to him, that now he'll be remembered as a guy, who was subdued and eventually killed by Whitehills, he couldn't care less that he won't be a lord, won't get any revenge, won't satisfy his pride, won't win any glory. Asher is his little brother - this is the only thing he needs to know.
Even though this is enough for me to change my decision and have no regrets about it, there are several more reasons that I came up with after playing and that are really important for me:
Rodrick's death will be more painful for Talia and Elaena, Asher's - for Beskha, and, maybe, Gwyn, and I honestly care about them more.
As Rodrick game probably would've continued to force me into relationship with Elaena, and I am really, really tired of this.
As Rodrick I've always tried to be supportive and protective brother for Talia - because I considered her to be one of the best female characters of the game, strong and eager to protect her loved ones, but not bloodthirsty. Episode five has really changed my mind about her. If she continues to pull that Arya Stark crap (and I'm pretty sure she will), she'll get completely different treatment from me. Speaking of character development, the scenario where a brother, who hasn't been around for a long time, treats her strictly, seems more believable to me, than the one where her other brother suddenly changes his attitude towards her.
I want to marry Gwyn. Nuff said.
Asher has better chances of controlling the pit fighters. Their attitude bothers me a lot, I need to be sure than not a single one of them will try to do anything aside from protecting my house.
Asher's beard holds magic power, which will ease getting access to the North Grove.