Does anyone else find Harys somewhat likable?

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Personally I find there's just something really neat about him. I like that he almost never speaks and when he does he has a nice voice. There was also something that I liked about him stepping in between Rodrik and the Whitehill men (during their historical reenactment) and asking Lady Forrester to get him out of there, even if he was slightly dickish.

When I first saw him I thought he was Gryff and was terrified until the actual Gryff appeared, then I laughed for quite some time. That may be part of why I like him. I thought "oh gods, if that's Ludd's fourthborn then the seed is (really fucking) strong"

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  • When I first saw him I thought he was Gryff and was terrified until the actual Gryff appeared

    Lol, imgaine if that's Gryff.

  • I'm sure you're not the only one, but I hate him

  • Right? When I first saw him I was set on being defiant before but then instantly went "NOPE" until actual Gryff showed up, then I decided again that being defiant at all opportunities was for the best.

    Killah posted: »

    When I first saw him I thought he was Gryff and was terrified until the actual Gryff appeared Lol, imgaine if that's Gryff.

  • I think him and I are going to be totes besties.

    I'm sure you're not the only one, but I hate him

  • He killed The Beast, he's on my to kill list now.

  • He has a cool beard...

  • Do I find him likeable? Let's just say I hope he has kids because I want to make them orphans.

  • I guess he could be a little bit like The Hound... Badass guy who just happens to work for the worst kind of asshole. Though I doubt he'll ever be as likable as The Hound.

  • He's a piece of shit, but for some reason I still like him even after Ep5.

    It seems like he only acts when necessary and only kills when he has to. In Ep3, he tells Elissa 'get your boy out of here while you still can', then knocks Royland to the ground if you tell him to attack. Both times he prevents a possible death.

    Then in Ep5 he does little in the actual fight. He kills the Beast in one hit and disappears, only to swoop round and stab Asher/Rodrik in the back when he makes himself known again - and he pretty much delivers the final blow that takes the Forrester down.

    We have a lot of reasons to hate him, but I just can't for some reason.

  • He's alright in my book. But that was my first thought too that he was actually Gryff, saw him and went "Oh this might be tougher than I thought" then Gryff actually shows up and I relaxed quite a bit. I was hoping we'd be able to turn him after we captured Gryff and crew but no such luck.

  • There's totally going to be a fight with him in Episode 6 and I look forward to it.

  • Right? I found the spitting on Rodrik/Asher to be a tad excessive but still can't dislike him.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    He's a piece of shit, but for some reason I still like him even after Ep5. It seems like he only acts when necessary and only kills when

  • Definitely, even though I like him I'm still looking forward to getting the chance to kill him.

    There's totally going to be a fight with him in Episode 6 and I look forward to it.

  • No, Gryff is mean to him and I will be nice to him and he will say "Asher es harys fwend, harys hav enuf of meen gryf!"

    Definitely, even though I like him I'm still looking forward to getting the chance to kill him.

  • He's generic goon number 1 to me

  • To be fair, ALL the Whitehill soldiers are generic goons. Even Ludd and Gryff are just generic villains with no real redeemable qualities.

    Clemenem posted: »

    He's generic goon number 1 to me

  • Ludd knows mercy at least and has significance. Harys is just a generic soldier in a generic garrison

    To be fair, ALL the Whitehill soldiers are generic goons. Even Ludd and Gryff are just generic villains with no real redeemable qualities.

  • A funny detail - in ep. 3 Harys states, that Gryff should be the one to deal with Rodrick, not the soldiers. However, later, if Rodrick stays behind, Harys and these soldiers actually deal with him without Gryff's help.

    I like him a lot, his calmness, confidence and strenght are really worth respect in my book. And the beard, of course. One of the best beards in the whole game, if you ask me. Someone has brought up, that he can be associated with the Hound. That's a fair point, though, I found him more cat-like. For me he is associated with a lynx, it'd be cool, if he had a coat of arms of his own (knights can have those, right?) with a lynx on it.

    Also, I consider him as a man, who is loyal personally to Gryff, not to house Whitehill in general. Sadly enough, we're not likely to learn the backstory of those two, though it might be a really interesting one.

  • This guy gets it.

    Bolc56 posted: »

    He killed The Beast, he's on my to kill list now.

  • Eh, we've seen more mercy out of Harys than we have out of Ludd, he saved Rodrik from a potential death/major ass-kicking and knocked Royland down when killing him would have been more than justified. I assume your talking about Ryon with Ludd, but that isn't mercy because he wasn't going to kill him anyways.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Ludd knows mercy at least and has significance. Harys is just a generic soldier in a generic garrison

  • Right? He seems to really respect Gryff. I wonder how someone as calm and strong as he is (the exact opposite of Gryff) came to respect Gryff. I think it'd be a great backstory too.

    Krapinka posted: »

    A funny detail - in ep. 3 Harys states, that Gryff should be the one to deal with Rodrick, not the soldiers. However, later, if Rodrick stay

  • Glad I'm not the only one who flipped his shit when he appeared, thinking he was Gryff... Then the original one A.K.A Malefoy 2.0 showed up and I just LMAO'd for a good 10 minutes xD

  • Yes. When I saw him I immediately thought of that quote from the preview: "nothing is worse than a fourthborn with something to prove!" And I thought "What the Hell could THAT have to prove?" But yeah, I had a great laugh when the actual Gryff appeared.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Glad I'm not the only one who flipped his shit when he appeared, thinking he was Gryff... Then the original one A.K.A Malefoy 2.0 showed up and I just LMAO'd for a good 10 minutes xD

  • I don't think he respects him that much. He's probably to Ludd what Hotah is to Doran. Meaning loyal as fuck towards his lord (prince in the case of Hotah).

    Right? He seems to really respect Gryff. I wonder how someone as calm and strong as he is (the exact opposite of Gryff) came to respect Gryff. I think it'd be a great backstory too.

  • Probably. The way he introduced Gryff and the way he mentioned him when saving Rodrik seemed like respect to me. Maybe not though.

    _DIO_ posted: »

    I don't think he respects him that much. He's probably to Ludd what Hotah is to Doran. Meaning loyal as fuck towards his lord (prince in the case of Hotah).

  • One guy from tumblr had a theory about Harys befriending Gryff out of pity when they were younger (considering that Gryff probably was a pretty miserable human being as a child), taught him how to fight and could even have sometimes protected him from his older brothers. I think, that something like this has actually happened. I don't think, that he really respects Gryff, but he is obviously loyal to him. Such a shame that we probably won't learn anything about him.

    Right? He seems to really respect Gryff. I wonder how someone as calm and strong as he is (the exact opposite of Gryff) came to respect Gryff. I think it'd be a great backstory too.

  • That is actually one of the greatest things I've ever read. I am so making this headcanon.

    Krapinka posted: »

    One guy from tumblr had a theory about Harys befriending Gryff out of pity when they were younger (considering that Gryff probably was a pre

  • No ,stop! You can't make me sympathetic towards Gryff! I want to murder him stop making me feel sorry for him!

    Krapinka posted: »

    One guy from tumblr had a theory about Harys befriending Gryff out of pity when they were younger (considering that Gryff probably was a pre

  • Thou shalt not feel sorry for Gryff !

    Saoralba131 posted: »

    No ,stop! You can't make me sympathetic towards Gryff! I want to murder him stop making me feel sorry for him!

  • Same here. I'd like to believe, that he actually has some personality and motivation, rather than just being one of these characters, who exist only to make player mad and want them to die horribly.

    That is actually one of the greatest things I've ever read. I am so making this headcanon.

  • Never actually tried to. Still, it feels a bit strange to me, that telltale have humanized Whitehills and Gryff to the point, where you can actually feel sorry for them in episode four, just to ruin any chance of player showing mercy to them in future in episode five. Now it feels like all the tapestry thing, the "Forrester+Whitehill" shield and "A Whitehill is still a Whitehill" is just a huge waste screen time.

    Saoralba131 posted: »

    No ,stop! You can't make me sympathetic towards Gryff! I want to murder him stop making me feel sorry for him!

  • Right? I was really disappointed to find that Gryff and his garrison were pretty much nothing more than villains. I like to imagine that that's only how they appear to the Forresters and that they're really nice (well, semi-decent) to people that aren't their enemies. I prefer human enemies with human qualities. Although, even with as much as I (for some reason) like Harys I still intend to kill him and Gryff.

    Although I'm going to be sad as hell if in the next episode we kill Harys or Gryff and the other reacts with visible sadness.

    Krapinka posted: »

    Same here. I'd like to believe, that he actually has some personality and motivation, rather than just being one of these characters, who exist only to make player mad and want them to die horribly.

  • The reason for this can be that even if he does not respect Gryff that much, he can't show it in front of enemies and Gryff's soldiers, because both can make them start questioning his authority and jeopardize the whole garrison thing.

    Probably. The way he introduced Gryff and the way he mentioned him when saving Rodrik seemed like respect to me. Maybe not though.

  • I hated that.

    They humanised him: "Gryff was bullied a lot by his brothers growing up"


    Krapinka posted: »

    Never actually tried to. Still, it feels a bit strange to me, that telltale have humanized Whitehills and Gryff to the point, where you can

  • What...No...No, not at all. All he has done is threatened and hurt us.

  • I despise him sooo much. Maybe even more than Gryff. Cant wait to beat the shit out of him if Telltale gives us the chance.

  • Well, he did save Rodrik from a massive ass kicking and didn't kill Royland when it would have been justified (if you chose to let him attack)

    What...No...No, not at all. All he has done is threatened and hurt us.

  • I definitely can't wait to kill him and Gryff, even if I find him likable.

    Suzy222 posted: »

    I despise him sooo much. Maybe even more than Gryff. Cant wait to beat the shit out of him if Telltale gives us the chance.

  • This phrase is cliche as fuck, but I'm still going to say it - the whole Whitehill situation in ep. 5 is a shitload of wasted potential. Telltale has managed to humanize them perfectly - and for what? To make them one these characters you just hate and want to flay alive once again? The whole Whitehill-Forrester conflict could've been so complicated from moral point of view, their relationship could've been made player-determinant - from pure hatred to attempts of making peace. But of course. We need drama, we need super hard choice, which could've been avoided by simply using some brains, and we need bad guys with magic healing abilities and no redeeming qualities at all. Nicely done, telltale. Nicely done.

    Right? I was really disappointed to find that Gryff and his garrison were pretty much nothing more than villains. I like to imagine that tha

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