Why did Asher bring, like 7 pit fighters?

InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Seriously. When he was in that fighting arena, there was a couple dozen. Not including Beskha or himself, he brought like 7 people if you spared Bloodsong. I think? Is there a reason why= he brought so few that I missed?


  • Seven is the holy number.

  • I guess because if he brought lots more then Telltale wouldn't be able to have the Whitehills easily overpower them at the harbour.

  • Well Beshka did say that one pit fighter is worth any ten sellswords.

  • Asher is so badass that all he needed was 7 good men.

  • He brought as many as were willing to come. Admittedly they tried to cover this low number up by having Beskha say 'One pitfighter is worth any ten sellswords', so technically they brought 70 fighters. But it was a bit weak and silly to be calling them an army.

  • Maybe theres more but there not all on the screen at once.

  • He probably knows something that we don't.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It could be a technical issue, if there where too many it could make the harbour area look overcrowded which might make it harder to animate the scene and cause other issues.

    There will probably be more fighters in episode 6 but as background animation to use less recources , Mira could also get us some fighters if she convinces Cersi to give us some.

  • Yeah it was a glitch they add story mode to the spoiler things.

  • I do believe - that house Forrester, are well and truly f*cked as Beskha so nicely puts it. For some reason no matter what you do your efforts are thwarted, basically we are playing Failfest the game: Get on your nerves edition. So the number of pit fighters is of no consequence.

  • Hmm..he is hiding something.

  • I want to believe it's a technical issue and they'll find a way to show us the full army next episode.

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