Why is Rodrick calling Talia a child?

She's like 16-17, i dont really understand why Rodrik calls her a child. Hell even in GOT universe , men marry 13-15 years old girls and f.... them 0_0


  • edited July 2015

    Duude she's not older than 14 xD

  • edited July 2015

    LOL she IS a child and even if she weren't, i'm 19 and my mother calls me like that. It isn't that unusal.

  • I think it helps her be blameless and protects her from harms way.

  • edited July 2015

    Dude she's like 14...

    Mira fits more the description of 17

  • woah, that's a bit of understatement if i ever heard one. Mira's way older than 17 thats for sure

    _DIO_ posted: »

    Dude she's like 14... Mira fits more the description of 17

  • Fair point.

    I think it helps her be blameless and protects her from harms way.

  • edited July 2015

    She's not a child, if she were 8-9 years old i could understand that but she is older than 14

    Majda posted: »

    LOL she IS a child and even if she weren't, i'm 19 and my mother calls me like that. It isn't that unusal.

  • Noble handmaidens are never or extremely rarely full grown adults

    woah, that's a bit of understatement if i ever heard one. Mira's way older than 17 thats for sure

  • edited July 2015

    nope I believe too that Mira and Gared are 17-19

    Talia and Ethan 13-14

    I don't understand how this

    Alt text

    looks like a 17 years old boy. Look at the mothers height and look at his. xD If he were 16/17 he would be taller and with a little beard going like Gared.

    woah, that's a bit of understatement if i ever heard one. Mira's way older than 17 thats for sure

  • Mira can't be much older than 17 since she's not married yet.

    woah, that's a bit of understatement if i ever heard one. Mira's way older than 17 thats for sure

  • edited July 2015

    I always assumed:

    Ryon: 10?

    Ethan and Talia: 15

    Mira: 19

    Asher: 22

    Rodrik: 25

    That's just my assumption though, it's not verified (I think...)

    Ah, and the game is set in the show universe which tends to age everyone up, so that's the only reason I find an unmarried 19 year old believable. If it was the book universe I'd be bothered; and Rodrik would probably be the oldest at 16.

  • Most people have stated that Asher is 21. Having fallen in love with Gwyn at 17 and been travelling around Essos for four years; I think Beskha mentions something about them working side by side for four years.

    I always assumed: Ryon: 10? Ethan and Talia: 15 Mira: 19 Asher: 22 Rodrik: 25 That's just my assumption though, it's not v

  • It's confirmed that Ryon is 7.

    I always assumed: Ryon: 10? Ethan and Talia: 15 Mira: 19 Asher: 22 Rodrik: 25 That's just my assumption though, it's not v

  • I think Ryon is 9 , Talia and Ethan is 15 , Gared is 17 , Asher is 20 , Mira is 23 , Rodrik is 25.
    Mira is older than Asher.

  • Could you remind us the context, goingoutwithabang?

  • Your profile picture is maimed Gryff model! :O

  • Rodrik says "This is a lord's business not a childs(referring to Talia)" in great hall

    Could you remind us the context, goingoutwithabang?

  • The twins are 14 arent they? Thats still a child.

  • The twins are about 14 so they are kids

  • Ehh I'd say she's 14

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Duude she's not older than 14 xD

  • I think the twins are around 14, Gared is 19, Mira is 17, Asher is 21 and Rodrik is 25. Also it was mentioned in the codex that Asher is the secondborn and Mira is the thirdborn child of Gregor's.

  • Talia and Ethan looked like 14 year olds to me. For big bro Rodrik that means they're still kids.

    Mira looks 17-ish.

  • Ah, that's right. Mira says it if I recall correctly. Thank you.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    It's confirmed that Ryon is 7.

  • edited July 2015


  • I don't believe she is older than Asher. Check the codex, I believe the children go in order of birth.

    I think Ryon is 9 , Talia and Ethan is 15 , Gared is 17 , Asher is 20 , Mira is 23 , Rodrik is 25. Mira is older than Asher.

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