Let us pay our respects...



  • Nah, I just have a dark sense of humour

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    You're one evil hungarian, amirite? (I saw you on the map)

  • No problemo, compadre.

    dpetersz posted: »

    Nah, I just have a dark sense of humour

  • On the bright side he went out with a bang.

    dpetersz posted: »

    Rest in peace Scooter Or should i say Rest in pieces? No that was horrible i'm sorry I think i'll just show myself out

  • Yeah I was all set to set those clowns up for a horrible fall but on seeing that I'll try to get everyone I can back to Pandora.

    Anyhow, so long Scooter old buddy. I'll eat a pimentaco in your honor. We'll all miss you...

    And then the Nu-U kicked in.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Didn't finch and kroger look a lil sad too?

  • R.I.P. Scooter, guess you are not going to be in Borderlands 3. :( :( :(

  • Nice Lucky Zaford cameo.

    tumnus555 posted: »

    To commemorate Scooter, I will post what Scooter loved: Cars, Women, and Cars [in that order]

  • Yep. If you decide to launch the satellite after Scooter dies then Finch gives a nod of understanding even though he was ready to shoot Scooter minutes earlier, and Kroger looks pretty bummed out too.

    They're criminals and scumbags, but they aren't heartless.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Didn't finch and kroger look a lil sad too?

  • RIP indeed Scoot' ... Catch-a-last-riiiiiiiiiiiiiiide !

    This is, to me, a sign BL3 NPC characters are being worked on, at GB and poor old Scooter won't be there.

  • I know Im a little late.
    But i just wanted to say,
    That no death of a character, if its in a game or a movie or whatever, has hit me harder than this one. And i hate myswlf that I didnt know what step 3 would do. I realy hope gearbox is gonna do something in bl3 in honot for him.
    That wasnt the death he deserved.
    God, there are still tears in my eyes when i think about the scene.
    Catch a Riiiiiiiiiide.
    RIP Scooter
    May you remain in our hearts

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