What is your favorite walking dead game choice

We all have favorite choices what is yours. My top 5 are
5. Cut sarita's arm off or keep it. I kept her arm because she would die easily but I found it very tempting. Reason: it is a choice that has a twist. Cutting of her arm is actually hurting sarita.
4. Leave lily behind or bring her in the Rv. I left lily behind in most of my saves because she is untrustworthy and to far gone. But in a lot of my saves. I brought her along because i liked lily. Reason
after the shocking moment where she kills Carly or Doug. You have to make this choice and you are still recovering from the moment
3. have Clem kill lee or leave him to turn. I had Clem shoot lee because i wanted her to mature and not imagine me as a person who would try to attack her and be thought of a monster. Reason. Do I even have to say it
2. Show bite or conceal don't feel don't let them know. I decided to show it because what would they should know and I should not die without them knowing. Reason. Just like the lily choice. You are still recovering from a shocking moment.
1. The hardest choice is!!!!??? Help Kenny kill Larry or help lily Dave her dad. I decided to help her because clementine is watching and I feel like lily is the person who deserves to be treated kindly because she has nothing and Kenny has everything. Reason. It has immediate consequences and it is a choice that will be remembers
whar is your favorite choice in the game
Have a great day and let me know what you think
Sorry, I have a thing with this since I was there....I was that Saltlick that was dropped on Larry, all the blood man...imagine your ass being dropped on a guys head then his head explodes...
Back to the subject, I think the hardest for me at the time was showing the bite or hiding it but I ended up showing it.
And my favorite was killing Larry

Save Carley or Save Doug. Love it.
Hardest decision...
Its the obvious one because it was the only decision that had a great effect on the story.
And I'm glad Clem left Lee to turn
To high five Duck or leave him hanging.
I feel like that shouldn't even be a choice
they should just patch the game to not allow you to continue the section without hi-5ing him
Revealing your hiding place or sneaking out to find Kenny/Luke in Season 2 Episode 2. I thought the whole scene was extremely intense.
At Kenny [shoot] BOOM HEAD SHOT!
Jeez all 11 of those were ur hardest decision(s)?
Sit with Kenny or Luke
No, my favorite choices.
I like the choice where you watch Kenny and Jane kill each other, i got sick of their shit so when i got the chance to get rid of them i seized it.
Hardest choice: I can't really think of one.
The meat locker choice and Sarita's arm. They were great because of the sheer panic they caused me.
The meat locker is still one of the hardest for me.
Stay with Kenny - stay with Kenny - stay ALWAYS WITH KENNY!
And just for you guys. I will also post worst/disappointing choices coming later today.
I know i'm gonna get some hate for this, but IMO shooting Kenny was the best choice of both Seasons. I had been waiting for a chance to shoot him since Duck and Kaatja died. Made me sooo happy
So tired of being forced into plans that are fucking ridiculous and only serve to get someone killed, and then have to protect or defend the person that Kenny deems at fault for the messes that He caused.
No death threats pls
it's just a game.
Good one George.
I always go with kill kenny, and then i tell jane she's a psycho and i'd rather take my chances alone with the plot baby.
My favorite Walking Dead choice? In all honesty & I'm not trying to start shit, but shooting Kenny.
Depends what you mean.
If you mean favorite as in a choice you were glad that you were glad you were finally able to pick, then I'd probably go with "You're fucking crazy!" Not because of Jane, but because of the fact that we finally get a suitable opportunity for Clem to drop an F-bomb (something that I really wanted to see happen since the beginning of S2)
Favorite as in most difficult to make? Probably the choice of shooting Kenny or looking away for me. That's a choice that I was really on the fence about when it came up
Favorite as in the best presented (cinematography, music, tension, how morally neutral it is, etc)? The meat locker choice and the Ben choice. Both are fantastically handled in terms of build-up and in terms of the tension and weight of them (in the moment, at least). The meat locker benefits from the really tense soundtrack, setting and tone that accompanies it, while the Ben choice benefits (no pun intended. you know, benefits) quite heavily from the cinematography and setting (it also has some great soundtrack elements to it, like this trimmed down version of Bitter Revenge/It's Over that plays when he's hanging over the ledge.) They are also controversial choices for a lot of people, and I'd consider the Ben choice to be one of the most morally/ethically gray choices of the entire series.