If they are already infected?

Why does being bitten matter? Shouldn't they just become zombies anyway.
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Why does being bitten matter? Shouldn't they just become zombies anyway.
Bites make them sick
Well it's not about getting bit, although that's the easiest way to turn. If you die in any form, even if it's a fever you turn. So basically it's survival of the fittest because civilization went to shit, and if you die you turn.... BUTT there are also the zombies that can bite you and you don't have to die from the bite to turn.
Or in better terms, the bite "kills" you and you turn into a walker.
I assume that the bites from a walker is a different strain of the infection that speeds up the degeneration process at a phenomenal speed. Everyone is infected but the degeneration phase is either incredibly slow (as in takes years to develop) or does nothing to the host until they are bitten by a walker, or they die, thus allowing the infection to run rampant now that their immunity system is more or less gone.
The bite doesn't turn you, the bite kills you and your death leads to turning.
Why do people not get ill from sewing rotten zombie flesh to their bodies like a coat or rubbing guts all over themselves?
Why despite all this blood splattering everywhere on their clothes and faces, does nobody gets it in their mouth or eyes and risk infection?
How can a corpse keep moving after it dies and be so strong when their bodies would be breaking down?
I had the impression that getting bit let to a much more fatal version of the infection, accelerating your death and therefore making you become a Walker sooner.
Being bitten just speeds up the process. Like the infection stays dormant until a walker bites you and then your body's just like "oh shit, zombie time".
Carrion. Getting that in you, the nasty bacteria will slowly kill your body. I think. This disease has multiple things going for it. GG walkers.
There's 2 different things here. The infection that they are already infected with, makes them turn when they die. Being bitten just kills you, nothing else. At least that's my understanding of what happens.
What if the bite is just a small one on the leg or something? I don't think death would be caused by blood loss in that case and I'm pretty sure you would still die even if you cleaned it well so it's probably not due to bacteria.
The only way to really prevent turning is by amputating the area which leads me to believe that the virus is in the saliva and it transfers through the bloodstream, speeding up the process of infection instead of just acting like a gunshot or a stab wound.
Yeah but then, wouldn't kissing be fatal? o_o
Direct blood contact with zombie gunk will cause a fever/infection that is invariably fatal, unless the affected limb is amputated directly after. Bites are the easiest and most common way to come into blood contact with zombie gunk, so yeah.
The 'virus' everyone is infected with is completely dormant. It does absolutely nothing until you die. All it does is cause you to come back.
Those two are all but confirmed by Robert Kirkman. To explain how bites always kill, my working theory is that whatever causes people to reanimate also causes the development of an incredibly lethal toxin within the body, which is why the bites/blood-contact are always fatal, regardless of how 'fresh' the zombie is.
The key is that only blood contact will cause the infection/fever. No matter how much blood and guts you get covered in, as long as it doesn't enter a deep, open wound, it shouldn't have any negative effects. And believe it or not, the game actually follows that rule pretty well, as none of the characters put any guts near wounds: Kenny, Luke, and Carlos all avoid putting guts on their faces (due to cuts, bruises, etc), Clementine will avoid putting any of her cheek if she got hit by Troy, and Sarita will do the same as Clementine if she got hit.
Here's a small excerpt from Letter Hacks (fan-mail column at the end of comic issues)
The virus inside you has no effect until you die, after which you will turn into a zombie. Getting bit doesn't give you the virus, it just causes a fatal infection
Well, I have a theory.
The virus is just stable and dormant in the body. Our immune system can somehow keep it at bay or maybe the body does not recognize the virus as a threat or the virus is able to trick the body or whatever. However, the bite of a walker has a mutated version of the virus that the body considers an invader and starts to attack it. This will trigger the dormant virus to mutate into the mutated version in which will attack the body too. At this point that person is showing signs of weakness and fever. This mutated virus that have been inside the body is somehow different from the one that came from the bite, and so the body has to deal with a 2 vs. 1 attack making it harder to beat. The mutated viruses will together create a poisonous substance or something that will kill the body. As it produces the substance and attacks the body, the body gets weaker and can lead to blackouts or sight fading (Hence, Lee being unable to walk upright anymore or even stand up on his own in the jewelry store without Clem) and the person will now have a terrible fever and coughing symptoms. At this point, it is pretty near for the person to die soon and become a "puppet" of the virus.
Well that was long
The virus is dormant inside the body for one reason or another. The dormant virus will get triggered to mutate when a walker bites the person. The bite has a mutated version of the virus too, however, it is different from the one that was dormant. The virus(-es) will, together, do an all-out attack on the body and the immune system is having a hard time to fight 2 things at the same time. The viruses will make a substance that will poison or weaken the body and at this point, the body can go in blackouts and the person also have a bad sight and terrible fever. The body gets weaker and soon, the body becomes kin of a "puppet" of the virus. DONE
It's quite far-fetched, but i like far-fetched theories... even if it sounds stupid.
And also another thing I forgot:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but walkers also decay like a dead body, and their immune system is gone. Maybe, just maybe, this could mean many different viruses can be in the saliva or fluids of the body. So if a fairly rotten walker bites a person, it will contract more viruses into the person, so the immune system is really outnumbered and the body can fail. So, theoretically, if a "fresh" walker bites a person, it will take longer than one that was already a walker for a year.
Bite just kills you cause of the bacteria, think of the comodo dragon, I gave the same example on another topic, the comodo dragon bite is lethal even tough its not poisonous, its bite has so much bacteria that when it bites his prey they die a few hours later, its the same with walkers, I think the bite has nothing to do with the infection, the bite just kills you because of all the bacteria, then you die and the virus enters in an active phase and then you are a walker, but even tough i said I think the bite has nothing to do theres still something that bothers me, if the bite gives you a bacterial infection why antibiotics won't stop it?
If you kiss a walker then maybe, lol. But the infection is dormant in everyone else so it's not deadly.
Nowadays, bacteria that poses as a threat to the body adapts to be immune to anti-biotics.
Which is why doctors don't recommend to take anti-biotics unless prescribed.
I see, kind of like how they did it in resident evil outbreak. That would make sense. So people after a certain amount of time should just turn, because overtime i would assume the infectious agent would spread.
Telltale plot-holes :-D
Walkers are dead corpses and their bite contains the nastiest kinds of bacterias, those bacterias kills you and virus will turn you into another walker.
Adaptation/evolution, I didn't think about it you are right, I forgot we also tend to become inmune to some meds.
Sorry if this is a dumb question but how can you get infected without getting bitten?
It's not a dumb question, trust me. I really don't understand how if they're all infected already then why haven't they turned yet? Is it an airborne disease that needs to be triggered or something? We won't know.
I'm guessing it's just a really strong disease and that the bacteria weakens your immune system greatly.
The bite causes symptoms you don't get from any other wound. If you get shot, or stabbed you can treat it, if you get bit, the fever takes over.
It is definitely cool to get down to the science of walkers. One of the reasons why I loved "TS-19", and why I am loving Fear The Walking Dead. Was actually thinking it'd be kinda cool to have an episode based entirely on the pov of a walker. But it's hard to make that episode not boring.
It depends on your beliefs, and your culture. In my religion, we don't take pills of any sort.
I assume that there is a physiological change once someone dies which triggers the infection. Since the dead have the infection active in them, I gather that the active infection when bitten will fuck up the immune system and cause death then the person will turn. Having said that, I still don't understand how Clem didn't turn after half assed cleaned that knife in "All That Remains".
The bite kills you.
I think they took the Dawn of the dead approach. It's really not known why people rise from the dead. Some think a bacteria/virus, some think it's a supernatural/religious thing. If it is a virus of some kind the best way to explain it is that it is dormant in your body until you die, which allows it to take over your corpse. The bite can be explained two ways. Either it's just toxic, and kills you, or it triggers the virus already in your body to become active the same way dying does.
Yeah, the bite just kills you, it gives you terminal fever and then you die. Everyone is infected with the zombie virus, it just doesn't activate until you're completely dead.