"...Anybody there?" The voice on the walkie-talkie Repeated,
Clementine nervously answered "...Hello?"
"...Lauren? Is that you?" The voice asked. Clementine was somewhat surprised by this sudden question, She didn't recognize the voice, And she didn't remember anyone by the Name of Lauren.
"....Uuuh..." Clementine had started to say, but she stopped herself,
Who is this person?...Wait....Maybe she has some food or something....Or...Maybe...I don't even know...
"Hello? Are you still there?" The voice asked. Clementine still didn't really give a response. She was still trying to think of who this person could be.
"Yes I'm here. Who are you?" Clementine responds. "My name is Ruby. What is your name?" the voice replied in soft tone. "Clementine. I--I need help." "Are you safe? Where are you?" Ruby says. Clementine looks around. Light is pouring through the tall treetops of the forest, onto Clementine's dirty face. Birds can be heard chirping from above. "I'm safe... I'm not sure where I am though" Clementine finally says into the talkie. "Can you look for something tall? Something that we can both see?" Ruby responds, the talkie starts to crackle. Clementine looks up and sees a cross, and walks toward it.
Clementine walked slowly twigs and leaves crunching every step, her bones aching at every movement. She finally comes into a clearing, full of dead grass and a small cemetery. She looks around more and finds a church with a large tower. "Well there's this church. Its painted white and it has a tower with a cross on top." Clementine replies. She rubs her stomach I hope she has food. "Okay I see it. Its pretty far but I'll be there in a few minutes. Don't worry I'll be there soon." Ruby says. Clementine sighs and sits on a bench outside the church door. I hope she gets here soon.
Very nice post, but I just realize that we haven't told everyone about our intention of keeping Clementine alone for as long as possible duringt this first episode. No worries though, this is just as good!
Good first post, I am interested in where the story could be going, and if they will meet up without trouble.
Maybe she could help me... I have to try.
"Yes I'm here. Who are you?" Clementine responds.… more "My name is Ruby. What is your name?" the voice replied in soft tone. "Clementine. I--I need help." "Are you safe? Where are you?" Ruby says. Clementine looks around. Light is pouring through the tall treetops of the forest, onto Clementine's dirty face. Birds can be heard chirping from above. "I'm safe... I'm not sure where I am though" Clementine finally says into the talkie. "Can you look for something tall? Something that we can both see?" Ruby responds, the talkie starts to crackle. Clementine looks up and sees a cross, and walks toward it.
Clementine walked slowly twigs and leaves crunching every step, her bones aching at every movement. She finally comes into a clearing, full of dead grass and a small cemetery. She looks around more and finds a church with a large tower. "Well there's this chur… [view original content]
Very nice post, but I just realize that we haven't told everyone about our intention of keeping Clementine alone for as long as possible dur… moreingt this first episode. No worries though, this is just as good!
Good first post, I am interested in where the story could be going, and if they will meet up without trouble.
It had been a while. It felt like an eternity. Hours had gone by, and she was just waiting. When all of a sudden, she hears the voice crackle through the walkie-talkie once again.
"I'm here." Ruby says. Clementine looks around expecting to see a lady near the church... "I don't see you." Clementine says softly. The lady begins to respond. "What if we're at different churches..?" She asks in a disappointed tone.
Clementine begins to speak again. "Dammit!" Ruby was shocked by the way Clementine had spoke. "How old are you?"
"I'm- Well, when it started I was 9... I'm not sure how old I am.... How old are you?" She takes a minute to respond. "I'm 34... Are you alone?"
Alone.... That is the word she hates. It reminds her of everything that has ever happened. It makes her want to cry, but she doesn't. She's way to strong, way to adapted to cry.
"Y-Yes. I'm alone." She says as she sheds a tear. "You have no idea how bad I feel for you. I'm not even going to ask how long you may have been like this, all I'm going to say until the morning is-"
Ruby's voice starts to crackle through the walkie-talkie. "No... Please don't leave.. I don't want to be alone again..." She says as she starts a soft cry.
I still need food... And water.. Her thoughts begin to haze. Maybe I could check this church.... They have to have something... She approaches the front door to the church, and tries opening the door. Surprised it wasn't locked, she opens it.
There were one to many walkers on the other side of the door. They came rushing at her like a cannon ball. She had began to count how many there were, as she backs away from them. 12... 12 and a half if I count that one... She says referring to a walker crawling with only it's arms attached.
She tries to spread the walkers out, so she could try killing them. That was a mistake. They begin to spread all around her. What am I going to do...? She pulls her large hunting knife back out from her pocket, and rushes at one of them. She stabs it into it's brain, and blood comes gushing out.
1- 11 to go... She runs at another, trying to get herself un-trapped. She stabs it's forehead, killing it, but also causing it to fall on top of her. "Sh-Shit." She tries to push it off of her, but it would not budge. It was way to big for her to simply push off of her. Then a thought comes to her mind. Maybe I could make him... Lose some weight. She uses her knife to stab through it's stomach, knocking all of it's fat and guts out.
Now you're a lot lighter... She says pushing it off of her. 10 to go... When she got up, for a strange reason, the walkers begin to fade away from her. She then remembers how the walker blood is now covered on her clothes. "Good..." she whispers as she walks into the church.
She enters a storage room inside of the church and finds everything a kid would ever want.
There were crackers, chips, soda, and water bottles.
"I think I can maybe wait a little bit for Ruby..." Clementine says as she smiles, ready to dig into the food.
Clementine is just about to take a bite out of one of the many crackers when yet another loud crackle emits from the device hanging from her belt. To the little girl's fear the walkers start growling and move towards her and the large pile of food. "Hello?" a feminine voice interrupts the noise, agitating the walkers even more. "Not now..." Clementine whispers desperately into the lower end of the walkie-talkie. Her futile attempts at blending in with the crowd soon end when the walkers reach her, nearly taking a bite out of her thin arm. Struggling to shake the attacker off, Clementine falls to the ground, causing the walker to trip over her and onto his legless friend. The girl swiftly jumps back on her feet after which she rushes out of the church, closing the door and blocking it with the wooden bench she had sat upon a few minutes earlier. "Okay, what did you want to say?" Clementine gasps while sitting down on the stairs leading up to the church. A few minutes pass by before the walkie-talkie makes more inaudible noise, followed by a much clearer sound. "Clementine, you need to check the display of your walkie for a set of coordinates. I need to know the X- and the Y coordinate, alright?" Agreeing, Clementine checks the small screen for the letters and numbers, which she then passes to Ruby.
"Alright." Ruby says while checking her map. "That's about... Five to six days worth of walking. Maybe if I can find a vehicle..." Wondering off in thought, she nearly forgets about Clementine. "Oh, shoot... Clem, are you still there?" Her question is answered by a simple ''Yes." followed by silence. As the skies turn red and the sun is about to set, Ruby carefully sneaks into a small shed, which is overshadowed by a group of large trees and their thick, green branches. No walkers found, the weary woman lays down on the small mattress, which is covered in dried-up blood, silently praying for a few hours of sleep. She bonks her head against the wall when Clementine's faint whisper wakes her from her sleep. The pitch-black darkness of the shed deems her unable to see, so Ruby slowly sits up and responds to the girl's call. "What was that, sweetie? I didn't hear you." Another short period of silence ensues, which is broken by a small, yet strong voice. "You don't have to come for me, Ruby. It could be dangerous." Heart-broken by the girl's selfless words, Ruby replies with confidence, before saying goodnight and falling into the first deep sleep she has had in a long time.
It had been a while. It felt like an eternity. Hours had gone by, and she was just waiting. When all of a sudden, she hears the voice crackl… moree through the walkie-talkie once again.
"I'm here." Ruby says. Clementine looks around expecting to see a lady near the church... "I don't see you." Clementine says softly. The lady begins to respond. "What if we're at different churches..?" She asks in a disappointed tone.
Clementine begins to speak again. "Dammit!" Ruby was shocked by the way Clementine had spoke. "How old are you?"
"I'm- Well, when it started I was 9... I'm not sure how old I am.... How old are you?" She takes a minute to respond. "I'm 34... Are you alone?"
Alone.... That is the word she hates. It reminds her of everything that has ever happened. It makes her want to cry, but she doesn't. She's way to strong, way to adapted to cry.
"Y-Yes. I'm alone." She says as she sheds a tear. "You have no idea how bad I feel for you… [view original content]
not part of story'im exited to get into the story again! The last time I posted was around the end of episode 3 and then I kinda forgot about this story, until now!
not part of story'im exited to get into the story again! The last time I posted was around the end of episode 3 and then I kinda forgot about this story, until now!
not part of story'im exited to get into the story again! The last time I posted was around the end of episode 3 and then I kinda forgot about this story, until now!
Some tips: Clem now has to find new food and drinks, and maybe she wants to move towards Ruby. There's also the possibility of some group of bandits or even a few stray soldiers from the last season to appear.
I just want the story to continue, I hope it isn't too hard.
Some tips: Clem now has to find new food and drinks, and maybe she wants to move towards Ruby. There's also the possibility of some group of… more bandits or even a few stray soldiers from the last season to appear.
I just want the story to continue, I hope it isn't too hard.
Clementine goes to the back of the church, and begins to lay on the wet damp grass. A smile begins to form on her face. 5 days, and I can once again not be alone. Her smile begins to fade away, as she begins to think of all of her friends she has lost.
Melody... Danielle... Frank... Bryan.... Kenny.. They're all gone.
Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of people coming from the surrounding tree's. "Shit..." She whispers as she hides behind a small well.
"I can't believe we're the only survivors of the battle... Even our boss has died..." Says a man with a dark cloak. "It was his own damn fault! He should know you can''t just march up into a settlement and begin to fight!"... "Why the hell not? He's done it plenty of times before!" The taller man,only wearing shorts continues talking..."Yeah I guess you're right.But this was the biggest group we've ever tried to take down before.".... "That's why we had to poison the food."
Clementine had realized that those had to have been the only survivors from Jack's settlement.
She had gotten out of her spot behind the well. She had an idea on how she could trick the two men. "He-Hello?" She says as she steps in front of them. "What the hell?! Who are you?"... Clementine begins to speak, sounding as scared as she possibly could. "I'm all alone.. I need food.. do you have any..?" The two men look at each other, then back at Clementine.
"Fuck. You." The cloaked man says as he charges at Clementine with a sharp knife. She dodges his attack and he goes flying into a tree. Clementine acts quickly and pulls her own knife out, and stabs the man in the neck. The one wearing shorts lifted his hands in the air. "Please don't hurt me. I'm not like him."
She agrees she won't hurt him, but keeps her eyes on him. She then begins to check the dead man for food and water.
Clementine goes to the back of the church, and begins to lay on the wet damp grass. A smile begins to form on her face. 5 days, and I can on… morece again not be alone. Her smile begins to fade away, as she begins to think of all of her friends she has lost.
Melody... Danielle... Frank... Bryan.... Kenny.. They're all gone.
Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of people coming from the surrounding tree's. "Shit..." She whispers as she hides behind a small well.
"I can't believe we're the only survivors of the battle... Even our boss has died..." Says a man with a dark cloak. "It was his own damn fault! He should know you can''t just march up into a settlement and begin to fight!"... "Why the hell not? He's done it plenty of times before!" The taller man,only wearing shorts continues talking..."Yeah I guess you're right.But this was the biggest group we've ever tried to take down before.".... "That's why we had to poison the food."
… [view original content]
Clementine Looked over the Man, inside one of his pockets was a small Empty TicTac Pack. Clementine just tossed it aside.
"....I'll just be going now." The One wearing shorts said.
Clementine didn't respond, as she looked across him moreso, taking the Dead bodies Knife. as she heard footsteps from behind her going away, the One wearing Shorts running off most likely. Clementine then looked inside the Cloak, finding nothing of any use. She Draped his body with the Cloak and then stood up.
She saw what looked like two teenagers walking off into the distance, one armed with a rifle. They didn't seem to Notice Clem and Didn't seem like they were going to threaten her, So Clementine ignored them and started to walk back towards the church. The man wearing Shorts seemed to have left her alone.
She got back to the Church, and Went back onto the grass. hearing a Walker Growl from a far bit away. Although there was a Gunshot immediately after, signalling the Walker not being a worry anymore. Clementine sat up on the Grass and looked at the walkie Talkie. She then looked to the sky, Trying to keep her Memories brought back by the members of that group appearing again at bay. She wasn't even Sure if she could Trust the Man with Shorts, She then went back to where she killed the Cloaked man to see if The Man wearing Shorts had actually left,To her suspects, He Clearly had, as evident from the footprints that had dug straight into the ground, heading back to wherever they had came from.
mod edit: Don't insult other users. Respect is the first rule of the forum guidelines.
Sorry if this is not part of the story but I just … morewanted to say something.
You guys are absolutely amazing! I have read the whole story up to now and it is just awesome! The beginning could use some tweaking but everything else is just unbelievably interesting! I felt like I was reading an actual book on every page. You guys write like professional writers(in my opinion), so good that I'm scared that joining would ruin it. The best part is its based off the Walking Dead Game. You guys have put so much effort into this and really deserve a medal or something. You collaborate well and there are hardly any arguments. (besides hacked zasca) I just wanted to write this because I want you guys to know that you have been recognized by me and hopefully by others. I applaud you and genuinely await and hope you continue this amazing fan fiction.
Cool. A mod edit
Clementine Looked over the Man, inside one of his pockets was a small Empty TicTac Pack. Clementine just tossed it aside.
"....I'll just … morebe going now." The One wearing shorts said.
Clementine didn't respond, as she looked across him moreso, taking the Dead bodies Knife. as she heard footsteps from behind her going away, the One wearing Shorts running off most likely. Clementine then looked inside the Cloak, finding nothing of any use. She Draped his body with the Cloak and then stood up.
She saw what looked like two teenagers walking off into the distance, one armed with a rifle. They didn't seem to Notice Clem and Didn't seem like they were going to threaten her, So Clementine ignored them and started to walk back towards the church. The man wearing Shorts seemed to have left her alone.
She got back to the Church, and Went back onto the grass. hearing a Walker Growl from a far bit away. Although there was a Gunshot immediately a… [view original content]
One was stabbed in the neck. the other wasn't. (the teenagers were just to show there are other survivors who have nothing to do with Clementine's story)
I'm back, people! Hopefully I won't be gone for such a long while again, but life can be busy sometimes.
So far so good with Season 3! It's hard to say if I have any issues with it or anything like that, though I do feel like we're sort of starting off way to fast with other characters. I feel like it'd be better if we followed just Clem and her alone for a little while. I'd wish we just followed this Ruby for a while, and just being able to follow Clem from the talkie, but that's a bit to late, so I can only request a bit of a Clem Alone Focus.
She then went back to where she killed the Cloaked man to see if he was still there, he wasn't, but there was a obvious trail of footsteps that were likely his.
there are two guys.
One was stabbed in the neck. the other wasn't. (the teenagers were just to show there are other survivors who have nothing to do with Clementine's story)
She then went back to where she killed the Cloaked man to see if he was still there, he wasn't, but there was a obvious trail of footsteps that were likely his.
I'm back, people! Hopefully I won't be gone for such a long while again, but life can be busy sometimes.
So far so good with Season 3! It… more's hard to say if I have any issues with it or anything like that, though I do feel like we're sort of starting off way to fast with other characters. I feel like it'd be better if we followed just Clem and her alone for a little while. I'd wish we just followed this Ruby for a while, and just being able to follow Clem from the talkie, but that's a bit to late, so I can only request a bit of a Clem Alone Focus .
I'm back, people! Hopefully I won't be gone for such a long while again, but life can be busy sometimes.
So far so good with Season 3! It… more's hard to say if I have any issues with it or anything like that, though I do feel like we're sort of starting off way to fast with other characters. I feel like it'd be better if we followed just Clem and her alone for a little while. I'd wish we just followed this Ruby for a while, and just being able to follow Clem from the talkie, but that's a bit to late, so I can only request a bit of a Clem Alone Focus .
"I need food. And soon."Clementine begins to look at her surrounding area. I can't go back inside that church.. I'm to weak to take on that many walkers... Maybe I could... Her stomach begins to growl,and her thoughts go hazy. I'm not feeling so well... Clementine's stomach begins to build up acid as she proceeds to start dry heaving.
"Ack" She wasn't sure if she was beginning to get sick, or if she was vomiting from lack of food. "Ruby? Are you still there?" Clementine says into the talkie.It takes a few minutes to answer, but Ruby slowly responds, sounding very sleepy. "Yawn Barley. Why what's wrong?" Clementine takes a rough ammount of time to answer, thinking about weather or not she should tell Ruby about her sickness. "You know what never mind. But do you think you're any closer then you were before..?" Ruby laughs and sighs. "No sorry. I was just trying to get some sleep..."
Clementine also sighs. "It's fine you can go back to sleep." Ruby makes an almost immediate reply. "No. I'm not. You seem scared. And I can't just sit here sleeping knowing that..." They both stay silent for a few minutes.
"Clementine... I barley know you.. But I already feel I can trust you with something... Something I've never told another person before.." She takes a minute before continuing."I used to have a daughter... she was 10 when it started..." She starts to cry as she speaks, but still continues. "When I first heard your voice through this walkie-talkie I thought you were her.." Her voice begins to fade away, but then starts back up again. "I promise I'll be there soon.."
Clementine feels proud that someone who barley knows her, can trust her with a deep secret. Clementine then begins to tell her about someone who was very close to her...
This might have been unclear, but I tried to make it so that Ruby actually thinks her daughter could be alive, which is why she wanted to go tp the forest instead of the mountains in the first place. It would be nice if you would change that little detail for logic's sake. : )
I'm also not sure about the timing of this shocking revelation, with Clementine barfing and being sick and stuff. : / It could be much more dramatic if she would tell her later, like after they have met.
"I need food. And soon."Clementine begins to look at her surrounding area. I can't go back inside that church.. I'm to weak to take on that … moremany walkers... Maybe I could... Her stomach begins to growl,and her thoughts go hazy. I'm not feeling so well... Clementine's stomach begins to build up acid as she proceeds to start dry heaving.
"Ack" She wasn't sure if she was beginning to get sick, or if she was vomiting from lack of food. "Ruby? Are you still there?" Clementine says into the talkie.It takes a few minutes to answer, but Ruby slowly responds, sounding very sleepy. "Yawn Barley. Why what's wrong?" Clementine takes a rough ammount of time to answer, thinking about weather or not she should tell Ruby about her sickness. "You know what never mind. But do you think you're any closer then you were before..?" Ruby laughs and sighs. "No sorry. I was just trying to get some sleep..."
Clementine also sighs. "It's fine you can go back to sl… [view original content]
This might have been unclear, but I tried to make it so that Ruby actually thinks her daughter could be alive, which is why she wanted to go… more tp the forest instead of the mountains in the first place. It would be nice if you would change that little detail for logic's sake. : )
I'm also not sure about the timing of this shocking revelation, with Clementine barfing and being sick and stuff. : / It could be much more dramatic if she would tell her later, like after they have met.
This might have been unclear, but I tried to make it so that Ruby actually thinks her daughter could be alive, which is why she wanted to go… more tp the forest instead of the mountains in the first place. It would be nice if you would change that little detail for logic's sake. : )
I'm also not sure about the timing of this shocking revelation, with Clementine barfing and being sick and stuff. : / It could be much more dramatic if she would tell her later, like after they have met.
Clementine Picked up her Walkie-Talkie.
"...Anybody there?" The voice on the walkie-talkie Repeated,
Clementine nervously answered "...Hello?"
"...Lauren? Is that you?" The voice asked. Clementine was somewhat surprised by this sudden question, She didn't recognize the voice, And she didn't remember anyone by the Name of Lauren.
"....Uuuh..." Clementine had started to say, but she stopped herself,
Who is this person?...Wait....Maybe she has some food or something....Or...Maybe...I don't even know...
"Hello? Are you still there?" The voice asked. Clementine still didn't really give a response. She was still trying to think of who this person could be.
Maybe she could help me... I have to try.
"Yes I'm here. Who are you?" Clementine responds. "My name is Ruby. What is your name?" the voice replied in soft tone. "Clementine. I--I need help." "Are you safe? Where are you?" Ruby says. Clementine looks around. Light is pouring through the tall treetops of the forest, onto Clementine's dirty face. Birds can be heard chirping from above. "I'm safe... I'm not sure where I am though" Clementine finally says into the talkie. "Can you look for something tall? Something that we can both see?" Ruby responds, the talkie starts to crackle. Clementine looks up and sees a cross, and walks toward it.
Clementine walked slowly twigs and leaves crunching every step, her bones aching at every movement. She finally comes into a clearing, full of dead grass and a small cemetery. She looks around more and finds a church with a large tower. "Well there's this church. Its painted white and it has a tower with a cross on top." Clementine replies. She rubs her stomach I hope she has food. "Okay I see it. Its pretty far but I'll be there in a few minutes. Don't worry I'll be there soon." Ruby says. Clementine sighs and sits on a bench outside the church door. I hope she gets here soon.
Very nice post, but I just realize that we haven't told everyone about our intention of keeping Clementine alone for as long as possible duringt this first episode. No worries though, this is just as good!
Good first post, I am interested in where the story could be going, and if they will meet up without trouble.
Thanks. Oh okay then. I guess whoever goes next could try to sidetrack Ruby or scare Clem off so that they don't find each other.
It had been a while. It felt like an eternity. Hours had gone by, and she was just waiting. When all of a sudden, she hears the voice crackle through the walkie-talkie once again.
"I'm here." Ruby says. Clementine looks around expecting to see a lady near the church... "I don't see you." Clementine says softly. The lady begins to respond. "What if we're at different churches..?" She asks in a disappointed tone.
Clementine begins to speak again. "Dammit!" Ruby was shocked by the way Clementine had spoke. "How old are you?"
"I'm- Well, when it started I was 9... I'm not sure how old I am.... How old are you?" She takes a minute to respond. "I'm 34... Are you alone?"
Alone.... That is the word she hates. It reminds her of everything that has ever happened. It makes her want to cry, but she doesn't. She's way to strong, way to adapted to cry.
"Y-Yes. I'm alone." She says as she sheds a tear. "You have no idea how bad I feel for you. I'm not even going to ask how long you may have been like this, all I'm going to say until the morning is-"
Ruby's voice starts to crackle through the walkie-talkie. "No... Please don't leave.. I don't want to be alone again..." She says as she starts a soft cry.
I still need food... And water.. Her thoughts begin to haze. Maybe I could check this church.... They have to have something... She approaches the front door to the church, and tries opening the door. Surprised it wasn't locked, she opens it.
There were one to many walkers on the other side of the door. They came rushing at her like a cannon ball. She had began to count how many there were, as she backs away from them. 12... 12 and a half if I count that one... She says referring to a walker crawling with only it's arms attached.
She tries to spread the walkers out, so she could try killing them. That was a mistake. They begin to spread all around her. What am I going to do...? She pulls her large hunting knife back out from her pocket, and rushes at one of them. She stabs it into it's brain, and blood comes gushing out.
1- 11 to go... She runs at another, trying to get herself un-trapped. She stabs it's forehead, killing it, but also causing it to fall on top of her. "Sh-Shit." She tries to push it off of her, but it would not budge. It was way to big for her to simply push off of her. Then a thought comes to her mind. Maybe I could make him... Lose some weight. She uses her knife to stab through it's stomach, knocking all of it's fat and guts out.
Now you're a lot lighter... She says pushing it off of her. 10 to go... When she got up, for a strange reason, the walkers begin to fade away from her. She then remembers how the walker blood is now covered on her clothes. "Good..." she whispers as she walks into the church.
She enters a storage room inside of the church and finds everything a kid would ever want.
There were crackers, chips, soda, and water bottles.
"I think I can maybe wait a little bit for Ruby..." Clementine says as she smiles, ready to dig into the food.
(Please listen to this:
Clementine is just about to take a bite out of one of the many crackers when yet another loud crackle emits from the device hanging from her belt. To the little girl's fear the walkers start growling and move towards her and the large pile of food. "Hello?" a feminine voice interrupts the noise, agitating the walkers even more. "Not now..." Clementine whispers desperately into the lower end of the walkie-talkie. Her futile attempts at blending in with the crowd soon end when the walkers reach her, nearly taking a bite out of her thin arm. Struggling to shake the attacker off, Clementine falls to the ground, causing the walker to trip over her and onto his legless friend. The girl swiftly jumps back on her feet after which she rushes out of the church, closing the door and blocking it with the wooden bench she had sat upon a few minutes earlier. "Okay, what did you want to say?" Clementine gasps while sitting down on the stairs leading up to the church. A few minutes pass by before the walkie-talkie makes more inaudible noise, followed by a much clearer sound. "Clementine, you need to check the display of your walkie for a set of coordinates. I need to know the X- and the Y coordinate, alright?" Agreeing, Clementine checks the small screen for the letters and numbers, which she then passes to Ruby.
"Alright." Ruby says while checking her map. "That's about... Five to six days worth of walking. Maybe if I can find a vehicle..." Wondering off in thought, she nearly forgets about Clementine. "Oh, shoot... Clem, are you still there?" Her question is answered by a simple ''Yes." followed by silence. As the skies turn red and the sun is about to set, Ruby carefully sneaks into a small shed, which is overshadowed by a group of large trees and their thick, green branches. No walkers found, the weary woman lays down on the small mattress, which is covered in dried-up blood, silently praying for a few hours of sleep. She bonks her head against the wall when Clementine's faint whisper wakes her from her sleep. The pitch-black darkness of the shed deems her unable to see, so Ruby slowly sits up and responds to the girl's call. "What was that, sweetie? I didn't hear you." Another short period of silence ensues, which is broken by a small, yet strong voice. "You don't have to come for me, Ruby. It could be dangerous." Heart-broken by the girl's selfless words, Ruby replies with confidence, before saying goodnight and falling into the first deep sleep she has had in a long time.
"I know I don't have to come, but I want to."
I don't think she's eleven in our story man, not even close.
True, she's almost ten. : /
I can fix that... I wasn't really sure how old she was, so this is one of the things I normally wait to ask you guys..
Sorry though.
not part of story'im exited to get into the story again! The last time I posted was around the end of episode 3 and then I kinda forgot about this story, until now!
Didn't know that, glad to have you back! : D
(REQUEST: Please, everyone, like ALL the posts! This way we can FIGHT the damn dislike-trolls!)
I remember you - you're the one with a voice similar to Clem's
Yep haha...
Now I remember!
I wantz the story to go on
I was going to write,but I can't seem to find a way to follow up from the last post...
Some tips: Clem now has to find new food and drinks, and maybe she wants to move towards Ruby. There's also the possibility of some group of bandits or even a few stray soldiers from the last season to appear.
I just want the story to continue, I hope it isn't too hard.
Clem is a smart girl. Maybe she can somehow trick the bandits or soldiers to get what she needs, whatever it is. Just thinking.
Clementine goes to the back of the church, and begins to lay on the wet damp grass. A smile begins to form on her face. 5 days, and I can once again not be alone. Her smile begins to fade away, as she begins to think of all of her friends she has lost.
Melody... Danielle... Frank... Bryan.... Kenny.. They're all gone.
Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of people coming from the surrounding tree's. "Shit..." She whispers as she hides behind a small well.
"I can't believe we're the only survivors of the battle... Even our boss has died..." Says a man with a dark cloak. "It was his own damn fault! He should know you can''t just march up into a settlement and begin to fight!"... "Why the hell not? He's done it plenty of times before!" The taller man,only wearing shorts continues talking..."Yeah I guess you're right.But this was the biggest group we've ever tried to take down before.".... "That's why we had to poison the food."
Clementine had realized that those had to have been the only survivors from Jack's settlement.
She had gotten out of her spot behind the well. She had an idea on how she could trick the two men. "He-Hello?" She says as she steps in front of them. "What the hell?! Who are you?"... Clementine begins to speak, sounding as scared as she possibly could. "I'm all alone.. I need food.. do you have any..?" The two men look at each other, then back at Clementine.
"Fuck. You." The cloaked man says as he charges at Clementine with a sharp knife. She dodges his attack and he goes flying into a tree. Clementine acts quickly and pulls her own knife out, and stabs the man in the neck. The one wearing shorts lifted his hands in the air. "Please don't hurt me. I'm not like him."
She agrees she won't hurt him, but keeps her eyes on him. She then begins to check the dead man for food and water.
Good to see you still managed to write something!
Clementine Looked over the Man, inside one of his pockets was a small Empty TicTac Pack. Clementine just tossed it aside.
"....I'll just be going now." The One wearing shorts said.
Clementine didn't respond, as she looked across him moreso, taking the Dead bodies Knife. as she heard footsteps from behind her going away, the One wearing Shorts running off most likely. Clementine then looked inside the Cloak, finding nothing of any use. She Draped his body with the Cloak and then stood up.
She saw what looked like two teenagers walking off into the distance, one armed with a rifle. They didn't seem to Notice Clem and Didn't seem like they were going to threaten her, So Clementine ignored them and started to walk back towards the church. The man wearing Shorts seemed to have left her alone.
She got back to the Church, and Went back onto the grass. hearing a Walker Growl from a far bit away. Although there was a Gunshot immediately after, signalling the Walker not being a worry anymore. Clementine sat up on the Grass and looked at the walkie Talkie. She then looked to the sky, Trying to keep her Memories brought back by the members of that group appearing again at bay. She wasn't even Sure if she could Trust the Man with Shorts, She then went back to where she killed the Cloaked man to see if The Man wearing Shorts had actually left,To her suspects, He Clearly had, as evident from the footprints that had dug straight into the ground, heading back to wherever they had came from.
This is whats called motivation people.
Pretty good post! Though i felt like I was a bit confused with somethings such as the two teenagers etc.
Also, how'd he survive a stab to the neck?
What I was wondering... ; P
there are two guys.
One was stabbed in the neck. the other wasn't. (the teenagers were just to show there are other survivors who have nothing to do with Clementine's story)
I'm back, people! Hopefully I won't be gone for such a long while again, but life can be busy sometimes.
So far so good with Season 3! It's hard to say if I have any issues with it or anything like that, though I do feel like we're sort of starting off way to fast with other characters. I feel like it'd be better if we followed just Clem and her alone for a little while. I'd wish we just followed this Ruby for a while, and just being able to follow Clem from the talkie, but that's a bit to late, so I can only request a bit of a Clem Alone Focus
okay, that was a English error.
I'll correct that/
I absolutely agree with you
I think we can still keep Clementine lonely, just with some sort of goal A.K.A Ruby in the back of our minds.
This thread defiantly isn't as popular as the first....
That needs time. Don't discourage us, please
"I need food. And soon."Clementine begins to look at her surrounding area. I can't go back inside that church.. I'm to weak to take on that many walkers... Maybe I could... Her stomach begins to growl,and her thoughts go hazy. I'm not feeling so well... Clementine's stomach begins to build up acid as she proceeds to start dry heaving.
"Ack" She wasn't sure if she was beginning to get sick, or if she was vomiting from lack of food. "Ruby? Are you still there?" Clementine says into the talkie.It takes a few minutes to answer, but Ruby slowly responds, sounding very sleepy. "Yawn Barley. Why what's wrong?" Clementine takes a rough ammount of time to answer, thinking about weather or not she should tell Ruby about her sickness. "You know what never mind. But do you think you're any closer then you were before..?" Ruby laughs and sighs. "No sorry. I was just trying to get some sleep..."
Clementine also sighs. "It's fine you can go back to sleep." Ruby makes an almost immediate reply. "No. I'm not. You seem scared. And I can't just sit here sleeping knowing that..." They both stay silent for a few minutes.
"Clementine... I barley know you.. But I already feel I can trust you with something... Something I've never told another person before.." She takes a minute before continuing."I used to have a daughter... she was 10 when it started..." She starts to cry as she speaks, but still continues. "When I first heard your voice through this walkie-talkie I thought you were her.." Her voice begins to fade away, but then starts back up again. "I promise I'll be there soon.."
Clementine feels proud that someone who barley knows her, can trust her with a deep secret. Clementine then begins to tell her about someone who was very close to her...
(Example: Her parents, Lee, Bryan, Kenny.)
This might have been unclear, but I tried to make it so that Ruby actually thinks her daughter could be alive, which is why she wanted to go tp the forest instead of the mountains in the first place. It would be nice if you would change that little detail for logic's sake. : )
I'm also not sure about the timing of this shocking revelation, with Clementine barfing and being sick and stuff. : / It could be much more dramatic if she would tell her later, like after they have met.
I agree
I didn't mean to be discouraging, sorry.....
Good point. I changed both of those, thanks for the feedback.
not a prob, I know you didn't mean to
Who will be the next to write?
I'm going to start up my computer, I'll see what I can do. : )