well I would say game of thrones but they are working on that so.....Boardwalk empire or a personal favorite of mine I would love to see as a telltale game Dexter
This might sound really weird, but maybe something similar to Lost, the TV show?... I'd like to see TellTale try to make an island-based survival story.
This might sound really weird, but maybe something similar to Lost, the TV show?... I'd like to see TellTale try to make an island-based survival story.
This might sound really weird, but maybe something similar to Lost, the TV show?... I'd like to see TellTale try to make an island-based survival story.
Lots of good ideas here. I'd suggest Firefly or Mad Men. As long as the player character is NOT someone already well established in whatever show/comic/movie that's used. Playing as Bigby in TWAU is fine for me, I like the story, but I prefer having a reasonably blank slate to build on.
So for Firefly, maybe jump between playing a Browncoat (not Mal or one of his crew), and an Alliance officer. Kind of like how TTG seems to be setting up the Borderlands game, playing as two different people/sides of a single story.
For Mad Men, maybe a ad man or woman just starting out at Sterling Cooper.
It's not a series of course, but it does make it all the easier to make a game about. I'm a nut when it comes to the Civil War. If Telltale can make a great game about zombies, I'm sure they can do a stellar job about the Civil War.
And to continue with that idea, maybe you can choose one of two characters to play as? They are brothers, but haven't seen each other in years. One is with the Confederates, and the other is in the Union. I've always wanted to see a story like that.
It's not a series of course, but it does make it all the easier to make a game about. I'm a nut when it comes to the Civil War. If Telltale … morecan make a great game about zombies, I'm sure they can do a stellar job about the Civil War.
And to continue with that idea, maybe you can choose one of two characters to play as? They are brothers, but haven't seen each other in years. One is with the Confederates, and the other is in the Union. I've always wanted to see a story like that.
I am giving off ideas of things that I have never really watched ROFL o.o; and is out of the ordinary genre.
Freaks and Geeks.. Coming of age sure has a lot of paths
I know the show got canceled and there isn't really a way to make another season. So they should pick it up and finish it with multiple endings and one being true.
Also there is another one called Amazon where it ended abruptly.
Or X files! Spooky~~~
damn now that I'm hearing ideas for a harry potter game I really want one dang it and i'm not even a big potter fan(liked the movies but got bored after order of the phoenix) but the concept and ideas for it sound awesome. not sure if it could be called harry potter though if he's not in it. maybe potter has a role as a teacher or the new headmaster :P
damn now that I'm hearing ideas for a harry potter game I really want one dang it and i'm not even a big potter fan(liked the movies but got… more bored after order of the phoenix) but the concept and ideas for it sound awesome. not sure if it could be called harry potter though if he's not in it. maybe potter has a role as a teacher or the new headmaster :P
Well, a second season of The Wolf Among Us would be nice.....But other than that, I'd love to see some other comic series turned into a game. None of those super hero ones though, that subject is worn out in my opinion.
I'd like to see something in the spirit of Bill & Ted, Dr Who, Stargate or Sliders.... basically, a fun sci-fi with changing locations and time travel related puzzles. Back to the Future didn't really have the adventure aspect of exploring different locations and places. It was a long story all relating to the one town, whereas this could have more variety and self-contained episodes.
Dark Knight like WAU an investigation with Bruce Wayne
Play as both Joker and Batman to understand both sides and motives, their past and why act like they do. Unravel the mystery as batman and joker get closer and closer to each other to a final confrontation.
Become the Dark Knight with decisions to decide what hero you be will morals be your strength or ultimate downfall also Joker with your decisions build an empire of villains use your power to send a message or kill the Batman and become a legend your choice.
Dark Knight like WAU an investigation with Bruce Wayne
Play as both Joker and Batman to understand both sides and motives, their past and… more why act like they do. Unravel the mystery as batman and joker get closer and closer to each other to a final confrontation.
Become the Dark Knight with decisions to decide what hero you be will morals be your strength or ultimate downfall also Joker with your decisions build an empire of villains use your power to send a message or kill the Batman and become a legend your choice.
There is an old point & click adventure game from Westwood about Blade Runner and was very good for that time(late 90s) with multiple endings. I should't be crazy see something about this with Telltale they have the perfect tools to make one again.
Yeah! Luckily Batman arkham knight is coming on this year but after that I definetly want more of the dark knight. It would be perfect if telltale would make a game about him.
Doctor Who or Firefly.
I forgot about Doctor Who. Would be cool to see the 10th Doctor
Harry Potter!
A firefly game would be amazing as well... That world has so much potential.
well I would say game of thrones but they are working on that
so.....Boardwalk empire or a personal favorite of mine I would love to see as a telltale game Dexter
This might sound really weird, but maybe something similar to Lost, the TV show?... I'd like to see TellTale try to make an island-based survival story.
That's a good idea
I was going to say that too! Definitely Doctor Who!
I like that idea too!
Lots of good ideas here. I'd suggest Firefly or Mad Men. As long as the player character is NOT someone already well established in whatever show/comic/movie that's used. Playing as Bigby in TWAU is fine for me, I like the story, but I prefer having a reasonably blank slate to build on.
So for Firefly, maybe jump between playing a Browncoat (not Mal or one of his crew), and an Alliance officer. Kind of like how TTG seems to be setting up the Borderlands game, playing as two different people/sides of a single story.
For Mad Men, maybe a ad man or woman just starting out at Sterling Cooper.
I'd like to see a Dexter or Law and Order game
It's not a series of course, but it does make it all the easier to make a game about. I'm a nut when it comes to the Civil War. If Telltale can make a great game about zombies, I'm sure they can do a stellar job about the Civil War.
And to continue with that idea, maybe you can choose one of two characters to play as? They are brothers, but haven't seen each other in years. One is with the Confederates, and the other is in the Union. I've always wanted to see a story like that.
The idea of having a story-driven war game is really compelling to me... Maybe something set in WWII
didn't TTG do a Law and order game already?
I heard somewhere that telltale are interested in doing star wars and halo games those would be pretty awesome
yea they did but it was not that great in fact imo it was pretty bad
Yep, I am glad that someone on this forums watches his videos.
I'd like to see them do a Fringe game or maybe a game based on the comic The Crossed
I am giving off ideas of things that I have never really watched ROFL o.o; and is out of the ordinary genre.
Freaks and Geeks.. Coming of age sure has a lot of paths
I know the show got canceled and there isn't really a way to make another season. So they should pick it up and finish it with multiple endings and one being true.
Also there is another one called Amazon where it ended abruptly.
Or X files! Spooky~~~
Wise words
damn now that I'm hearing ideas for a harry potter game I really want one dang it and i'm not even a big potter fan(liked the movies but got bored after order of the phoenix) but the concept and ideas for it sound awesome. not sure if it could be called harry potter though if he's not in it. maybe potter has a role as a teacher or the new headmaster :P
Maybe Hogwarts?
I think they should focus on finishing s2 of TWD and make that as good as it can be, then think about what there gonna do after a Game of Thrones.
Bumped because of stupid spammers
Maybe not superheroes like Batman or Superman, but something like Watchmen might work.
I'd love to see a Harry Potter game that was set after the movies! (so it probably wouldn't be called Harry Potter haha)
I'd like to see something in the spirit of Bill & Ted, Dr Who, Stargate or Sliders.... basically, a fun sci-fi with changing locations and time travel related puzzles. Back to the Future didn't really have the adventure aspect of exploring different locations and places. It was a long story all relating to the one town, whereas this could have more variety and self-contained episodes.
This was my childhood.
Carnivàle, Twin Peaks and....
You and me both brother.
Dark Knight like WAU an investigation with Bruce Wayne
Play as both Joker and Batman to understand both sides and motives, their past and why act like they do. Unravel the mystery as batman and joker get closer and closer to each other to a final confrontation.
Become the Dark Knight with decisions to decide what hero you be will morals be your strength or ultimate downfall also Joker with your decisions build an empire of villains use your power to send a message or kill the Batman and become a legend your choice.
I would also like to see the dark knight in telltale´s game.
Damn son we posted the dark knight game idea at the same time
There is an old point & click adventure game from Westwood about Blade Runner and was very good for that time(late 90s) with multiple endings. I should't be crazy see something about this with Telltale they have the perfect tools to make one again.
WE NEED DARK KNIGHT!!! have good taste vince
The original
Yeah! Luckily Batman arkham knight is coming on this year but after that I definetly want more of the dark knight. It would be perfect if telltale would make a game about him.
Harry potter could work. Its an interesting universe and they could do there own story
After the books, you mean