Want me to put it back in? And maybe you should probably tell me what you are going to do? It seems that the other members think it is out of place and I think we should just leave it.
Want me to put it back in? And maybe you should probably tell me what you are going to do? It seems that the other members think it is out of place and I think we should just leave it.
While that sounds quite brutal, I'm not sure if Clem nor Ruby would perform such a feat of badassery. Eager to see whatever you two come up with though. : )
Hmmm.... I agree with T1G. I can't see Clem and Ruby killing them in a murderous way.... Maybe Elizabeth and Selma, or shovel man come rescue them? IDK. I'll put it back in I guess?...
Hmmm.... I agree with T1G. I can't see Clem and Ruby killing them in a murderous way.... Maybe Elizabeth and Selma, or shovel man come rescue them? IDK. I'll put it back in I guess?...
Guys... Let's please not exaggerate, Clem and Ruby aren't this brutal. This is the walking dead, a serious drama, not any random killing. Seriously, I am feeling like in the wrong movie right now.
Guys... Let's please not exaggerate, Clem and Ruby aren't this brutal. This is the walking dead, a serious drama, not any random killing. Seriously, I am feeling like in the wrong movie right now.
Dead-silence and heavy breathing linger in the crisp spring air as Clementine's small legs start running into the woods towards the faint echo of the gunshot, closely followed by Ruby. The anxious woman shouts at the girl to stop, but she instead continues to rush through the trees and shrubbery, ignoring every distraction along the way. "Clem! Stop!" Ruby screams desperately. Clementine graciously dodges thick branches and tricky roots, until a crawling walker appears from behind a tree and grabs her ankle, causing her to trip and fall into a muddy pool of water. Ruby cringes when a gut-wrenching yell of terror emits from the little girl's mouth. She grabs her pocket knife and follows the noise until she finds Clementine struggling to stay alive. Motherly instincts take over as the determined woman's muscles tense up, rapidly stabbing the corpse's face until nothing but a pathetic mess of blood and brains is left on the ground and covering her clothes. Her breathing heavy, Ruby looks up only to find Clementine staring into her eyes like she's turned into a blood-thirsty monster. "Don't you ever do that again, will you?" The woman exclaims while standing up. The girl is now staring in shock at the mutilated corpse that had been holding her leg just moments ago, the blood-drenched hat shedding a grim shadow on her weary face. "I'm... I'm sorry." She whispers before looking up at Ruby. "But I still need to find whoever shot that gun." The exhausted woman leans against a tree in an effort to catch her breath, running had never quite been her strong point. "Why the hell are you running towards the gunshot? That's the exact opposite of what you should have done!" "I don't care what I should have done. For God's sake, it could have been Bryan out there!" Clementine whispers loudly, trying not to attract any unwanted attention. "From what you've told me Bryan would only shoot if it was absolutely necessary, why would he break that rule now?"
"That's just another reason to find the source of that gunshot. Bryan could be in danger." Clementine says determinedly. Her mind is set and there's nothing able to change it, so Ruby unwillingly obliges to her commands. "This better not go wrong." She mutters before pursuing her younger counterpart into the forest and into the direction of the distant gunshot, hoping for the best.
Yet, what she had found, was nothing like what she had hoped for.
(Play this: )
The body of a young girl shot through the head and engulfed in white flowers bathes in the weak sunlight flowing through the thin canopy above. Her skin is as pale as the dress she is wearing, her face drenched in crimson. The inanimate body of a middle-aged man lies in front of her. His hand tightly grips around the handle of a revolver, its barrel still smoking. Two bullet casings idly lay next to the corpse, a grim left-over of the scene that had unfolded so close, and yet so far away from where the girls had been. Tears flowing from her eyes, Ruby falls to her knees. A terrifying scream of anger and desperation bursts out of her mouth and tears through the sky as the truth becomes clear. Lauren is dead. Peter is dead. Her husband and her daughter both taken away within seconds, leaving nothing left to live for. Clementine slowly moves away from the weeping woman and crouches down next to her fallen husband, carefully examining a white piece of paper crumbled up within his stiff hand. "It's a note." She states. Ruby doesn't respond. "I'm sorry." Clementine whispers before prying the palm of the man's hand open as carefully as possible. When she has opened it far enough she slides the paper out and starts reading out loud with trembling hands and watery eyes.
If you find this, it means I have failed you. Lauren... She got bit. I did my best to cover the wounds, but there is only so much I could do. I picked the most beautiful white flowers I could find and placed them next to her on the ground. Her body, it was so weak and fragile. I couldn't bear to witness the horror, the pain and the suffering she had to go through. So I ended it. I couldn't even ask her if she... Ruby, I'm so sorry. I'm just so fucking sorry... Please, just remember that even though you might feel like there is no hope, there is. There is always something left to fight for, even when it doesn't feel like there is. Don't make the mistake I did. In this world, you don't live. You survive and you find something to fight for. You will never forget the pain, but you have got to learn to give it a place and to move on with your life, no matter how hard that might be.
I took the easy way out. But you're a fighter. You're the strongest woman I have met in my life. You will make it. You are strong.
I'm sorry,
The short, but astounding part that follows sends a chill down Clementine's spine and makes every hair stick up straight. 'PS: Find a man named Bryan, he promised me to take care of you.'
Followed by another shot.
Dead-silence and heavy breathing linger in the crisp spring air as Clementine's small legs start running into t… morehe woods towards the faint echo of the gunshot, closely followed by Ruby. The anxious woman shouts at the girl to stop, but she instead continues to rush through the trees and shrubbery, ignoring every distraction along the way. "Clem! Stop!" Ruby screams desperately. Clementine graciously dodges thick branches and tricky roots, until a crawling walker appears from behind a tree and grabs her ankle, causing her to trip and fall into a muddy pool of water. Ruby cringes when a gut-wrenching yell of terror emits from the little girl's mouth. She grabs her pocket knife and follows the noise until she finds Clementine struggling to stay alive. Motherly instincts take over as the determined woman's muscles tense up, rapidly stabbing the corpse's face until nothing but a pathetic mess of blood and brains is left… [view original content]
Followed by another shot.
Dead-silence and heavy breathing linger in the crisp spring air as Clementine's small legs start running into t… morehe woods towards the faint echo of the gunshot, closely followed by Ruby. The anxious woman shouts at the girl to stop, but she instead continues to rush through the trees and shrubbery, ignoring every distraction along the way. "Clem! Stop!" Ruby screams desperately. Clementine graciously dodges thick branches and tricky roots, until a crawling walker appears from behind a tree and grabs her ankle, causing her to trip and fall into a muddy pool of water. Ruby cringes when a gut-wrenching yell of terror emits from the little girl's mouth. She grabs her pocket knife and follows the noise until she finds Clementine struggling to stay alive. Motherly instincts take over as the determined woman's muscles tense up, rapidly stabbing the corpse's face until nothing but a pathetic mess of blood and brains is left… [view original content]
"Bryan...", she whispers. I knew he's alive - I knew it. The fact that she's been right all that time doesn't relieve her as much as she had expected. The heartbreaking weeping of a mother after her little girl and her husband makes her forget everything around her. Her eyes fall on the skinny body of a beautifu girl, younger than Clem. For some reason she feels guilty for this situation, like she caused all the deads of the people around her, a chain of reactions, which started back then with her stupid decision to fall for the campman... This caused the butterfly effect, started with Lee... many people died, even children, like Duck, Charlie, probably Danielle, and now Lauren... Clem's thoughts trail off to all the people they had lost, as she is kneeling above the grave. As much as she wants to: she can't shed a tear.
Clem and Ruby have been sitting there for hours, or so it felt. The sun is about to go down. Clem is sitting by a tree while Ruby lays on the body of her daughter whilst holding her husbands hand.
Clementine can tell by the chirping of the cicadas and nightingales that it's going to get dark really soon. "Ruby?". After a while Ruby raises her head. "My apologies for your loss... I didn't know....". "It's okay Clem... I wish I could turn back time. But I can't.". Ruby stares into Clem's sad eyes, when she says: "Just so you know: I don't regret that I've found you.". A hint of a smile appears on Clementine's face when she suddenly can't hold it and runs towards Ruby, hugging her and finally crying her heart out. They can both sense growls in the far distance. "Maybe we should go back into the cave and ....". Ruby interrupts her: "No, please. Let's keep moving. The least I need is being stuck in there, caught in a depressive state of mind. Lauren used to love the nature. I feel closer to her out here.".
Then Ruby goes to the grave looking at both the loves of her life, taking off her backpack and putting out a ring and then swapping it with the one Peter has on his finger. "Farewell, Pete. I'll see you one day - until then: no Tequila. You know what happened at Janice's... I highly doubt they serve that nasty stuff up there..." Clem can see a smile, though it doesn't last long. With tearing eyes Ruby goes on. "Buh bye, darling."
After that she takes off her necklace - it has lizard pendant. She pulls it over Lauren's head and hugs her lifeless body one last time: "You're safe, now... Mommy loves you....". As she stands up she takes a deep breath and puts on her backpack.
"Ok, honey. Let's go."
Damn, this was quite the character defining post for Ruby. Faced with the loss of her loved ones she stayed strong, even a little hopeful. If I would've written this post she would've turned into a bitter woman like... Season 2 Christa, who also lost both her husband and her child.
I think this is a good post, but I kind of get the feeling Ruby is shrugging it off a little easily. It would make more sense if she'd simply leave without a word or Clem forces her or something.
But, changes aren't nescessary, I'm just being nitpicky. : )
"Bryan...", she whispers. I knew he's alive - I knew it. The fact that she's been right all that time doesn't relieve her as much as she had… more expected. The heartbreaking weeping of a mother after her little girl and her husband makes her forget everything around her. Her eyes fall on the skinny body of a beautifu girl, younger than Clem. For some reason she feels guilty for this situation, like she caused all the deads of the people around her, a chain of reactions, which started back then with her stupid decision to fall for the campman... This caused the butterfly effect, started with Lee... many people died, even children, like Duck, Charlie, probably Danielle, and now Lauren... Clem's thoughts trail off to all the people they had lost, as she is kneeling above the grave. As much as she wants to: she can't shed a tear.
Clem and Ruby have been sitting there for hours, or so it felt. The sun is about to go down. Clem is sitting by a tree w… [view original content]
Damn, this was quite the character defining post for Ruby. Faced with the loss of her loved ones she stayed strong, even a little hopeful. I… moref I would've written this post she would've turned into a bitter woman like... Season 2 Christa, who also lost both her husband and her child.
I think this is a good post, but I kind of get the feeling Ruby is shrugging it off a little easily. It would make more sense if she'd simply leave without a word or Clem forces her or something.
But, changes aren't nescessary, I'm just being nitpicky. : )
I agree with you. Though, you didn't know that I was planning for her to have a serious breakdown, as soon as the first shock is gone. People tend to react much calmer in the beginning and later on when they realize what the consequences are it's getting real painful. How about that?
Sounds good, luckily I don't really know much about grief, my entire family is still alive and well. : ) I'll read about the five stages of grief tonight.
I agree with you. Though, you didn't know that I was planning for her to have a serious breakdown, as soon as the first shock is gone. Peopl… moree tend to react much calmer in the beginning and later on when they realize what the consequences are it's getting real painful. How about that?
Sounds good, luckily I don't really know much about grief, my entire family is still alive and well. : ) I'll read about the five stages of grief tonight.
As you stated, she is in the first stage. She has cried her heart out and has decided to deny it, to try to move and to isolate herself from the world around her. Tough times lie ahead...
Sweeping off the dirt covering her skirt, Clementine stands up and starts to follow Ruby. Her pace is fast and the girl struggles to keep up. "Where are we going?" She pants while nearly tripping over her own feet. Ruby refuses to answer and instead keeps walking silently through the woods. "Where are we going?" Clementine persists. "You heard what the note said. Bryan was with them but for some reason they got separated. He could be out there. He could be in danger!" She grabs the woman's wrist, forcing her to stop. She takes hold of her sorrowful face and looks deep into her once so beautiful blue eyes. They're tone has become dull and lifeless, like a reflection of her thoughts and emotions. "Ruby. Look at me. I want you to listen very carefully to what I'm about to say. Peter and Lauren are dead. They're gone." The woman's eyes move away in a desperate attempt at escaping the terrifying words, the horrifying truth. "But you can't give up now. Peter left that note for a reason. He's given you a second chance, and that second chance is Bryan." Ruby hesitantly moves her eyes to Clementine's. "Promise me that we will find Bryan together. He will keep us safe, just like Peter would have wanted." A short silence is ended when she slowly nods in agreement. Clementine sighs in deeply before dropping her hands to her sides. "Let's go." She says while gesturing at Ruby to follow her into the thick shrubbery blocking the way to a small clearing with a shed. "We might be able to stay in there for the night."
(Listen to this: )
Sweeping off the dirt covering her skirt, Clementine stands up and starts to follow Ruby. Her pace is fast and the gi… morerl struggles to keep up. "Where are we going?" She pants while nearly tripping over her own feet. Ruby refuses to answer and instead keeps walking silently through the woods. "Where are we going?" Clementine persists. "You heard what the note said. Bryan was with them but for some reason they got separated. He could be out there. He could be in danger!" She grabs the woman's wrist, forcing her to stop. She takes hold of her sorrowful face and looks deep into her once so beautiful blue eyes. They're tone has become dull and lifeless, like a reflection of her thoughts and emotions. "Ruby. Look at me. I want you to listen very carefully to what I'm about to say. Peter and Lauren are dead. They're gone." The woman's eyes move away in a desperate attempt at escaping the terrifying words, the horrifying truth. … [view original content]
They'll probably try to find Bryan first. At least, that's what Clem wants and that's what Ruby promised to do. If that'll really happen is still a mystery though... ; )
I know we're not supposed to plan ahead, but my brain is almost making me do it.
I have such a great idea, but I'm not going to do it...
This may also cause me to not write until the end of the episode.
I got the impression that you got something wrong. The planning too much ahead thing should be avoided, yes. Though, you are definately allowed to have your ideas and put them into the game if it feels right and if it supports the current storyline. Don't set things in stone in your mind, yet feel free to have plenty of ideas. I would like to see you posting again.
I know we're not supposed to plan ahead, but my brain is almost making me do it.
I have such a great idea, but I'm not going to do it...
This may also cause me to not write until the end of the episode.
Ah... Sorry was at school. I'll edit out the men.
Actually, I could continue from the three men easily.
Too late. Go ahead and continue though if you want
Aww. It was gonna be pretty badass too.
Want me to put it back in? And maybe you should probably tell me what you are going to do? It seems that the other members think it is out of place and I think we should just leave it.
I was going to kill them off, in a pretty "murderous" way.
While that sounds quite brutal, I'm not sure if Clem nor Ruby would perform such a feat of badassery. Eager to see whatever you two come up with though. : )
Hmmm.... I agree with T1G. I can't see Clem and Ruby killing them in a murderous way.... Maybe Elizabeth and Selma, or shovel man come rescue them? IDK. I'll put it back in I guess?...
I was gonna have Ruby kill all 3, but if it doesn't fit her character then well... I got nothing.
Guys... Let's please not exaggerate, Clem and Ruby aren't this brutal. This is the walking dead, a serious drama, not any random killing. Seriously, I am feeling like in the wrong movie right now.
I don't think so... I'm going to switch it back to the gunshot...
I like it more, now. Maybe we'll find out later where the gunshot came from
Okay, that's cool. Shovel Man isn't a good guy by the way. I'll save all my twisted brutalities for him lol.
Damn, now that I know what to write, I can't because I'm already in bed... Maybe I can find a spot to continue tomorrow though. : )
I agree. Sometimes we forget that TWD focuses on the Characters and their relationships rather than mindlessly killing humans/Walkers.
You writez, pleaz
I'm going to write after T1G
I am online now, and will write within... 20 minutes? As fast as possible, I promise.
This will be my most dramatic post so far.
Followed by another shot.
Dead-silence and heavy breathing linger in the crisp spring air as Clementine's small legs start running into the woods towards the faint echo of the gunshot, closely followed by Ruby. The anxious woman shouts at the girl to stop, but she instead continues to rush through the trees and shrubbery, ignoring every distraction along the way. "Clem! Stop!" Ruby screams desperately. Clementine graciously dodges thick branches and tricky roots, until a crawling walker appears from behind a tree and grabs her ankle, causing her to trip and fall into a muddy pool of water. Ruby cringes when a gut-wrenching yell of terror emits from the little girl's mouth. She grabs her pocket knife and follows the noise until she finds Clementine struggling to stay alive. Motherly instincts take over as the determined woman's muscles tense up, rapidly stabbing the corpse's face until nothing but a pathetic mess of blood and brains is left on the ground and covering her clothes. Her breathing heavy, Ruby looks up only to find Clementine staring into her eyes like she's turned into a blood-thirsty monster. "Don't you ever do that again, will you?" The woman exclaims while standing up. The girl is now staring in shock at the mutilated corpse that had been holding her leg just moments ago, the blood-drenched hat shedding a grim shadow on her weary face. "I'm... I'm sorry." She whispers before looking up at Ruby. "But I still need to find whoever shot that gun." The exhausted woman leans against a tree in an effort to catch her breath, running had never quite been her strong point. "Why the hell are you running towards the gunshot? That's the exact opposite of what you should have done!" "I don't care what I should have done. For God's sake, it could have been Bryan out there!" Clementine whispers loudly, trying not to attract any unwanted attention. "From what you've told me Bryan would only shoot if it was absolutely necessary, why would he break that rule now?"
"That's just another reason to find the source of that gunshot. Bryan could be in danger." Clementine says determinedly. Her mind is set and there's nothing able to change it, so Ruby unwillingly obliges to her commands. "This better not go wrong." She mutters before pursuing her younger counterpart into the forest and into the direction of the distant gunshot, hoping for the best.
Yet, what she had found, was nothing like what she had hoped for.
(Play this:
The body of a young girl shot through the head and engulfed in white flowers bathes in the weak sunlight flowing through the thin canopy above. Her skin is as pale as the dress she is wearing, her face drenched in crimson. The inanimate body of a middle-aged man lies in front of her. His hand tightly grips around the handle of a revolver, its barrel still smoking. Two bullet casings idly lay next to the corpse, a grim left-over of the scene that had unfolded so close, and yet so far away from where the girls had been. Tears flowing from her eyes, Ruby falls to her knees. A terrifying scream of anger and desperation bursts out of her mouth and tears through the sky as the truth becomes clear. Lauren is dead. Peter is dead. Her husband and her daughter both taken away within seconds, leaving nothing left to live for. Clementine slowly moves away from the weeping woman and crouches down next to her fallen husband, carefully examining a white piece of paper crumbled up within his stiff hand. "It's a note." She states. Ruby doesn't respond. "I'm sorry." Clementine whispers before prying the palm of the man's hand open as carefully as possible. When she has opened it far enough she slides the paper out and starts reading out loud with trembling hands and watery eyes.
If you find this, it means I have failed you. Lauren... She got bit. I did my best to cover the wounds, but there is only so much I could do. I picked the most beautiful white flowers I could find and placed them next to her on the ground. Her body, it was so weak and fragile. I couldn't bear to witness the horror, the pain and the suffering she had to go through. So I ended it. I couldn't even ask her if she... Ruby, I'm so sorry. I'm just so fucking sorry... Please, just remember that even though you might feel like there is no hope, there is. There is always something left to fight for, even when it doesn't feel like there is. Don't make the mistake I did. In this world, you don't live. You survive and you find something to fight for. You will never forget the pain, but you have got to learn to give it a place and to move on with your life, no matter how hard that might be.
I took the easy way out. But you're a fighter. You're the strongest woman I have met in my life. You will make it. You are strong.
I'm sorry,
The short, but astounding part that follows sends a chill down Clementine's spine and makes every hair stick up straight. 'PS: Find a man named Bryan, he promised me to take care of you.'
I didn't know them but damn!
Oh. My. Fucking. God. How great was that? Awesome!
"Bryan...", she whispers. I knew he's alive - I knew it. The fact that she's been right all that time doesn't relieve her as much as she had expected. The heartbreaking weeping of a mother after her little girl and her husband makes her forget everything around her. Her eyes fall on the skinny body of a beautifu girl, younger than Clem. For some reason she feels guilty for this situation, like she caused all the deads of the people around her, a chain of reactions, which started back then with her stupid decision to fall for the campman... This caused the butterfly effect, started with Lee... many people died, even children, like Duck, Charlie, probably Danielle, and now Lauren... Clem's thoughts trail off to all the people they had lost, as she is kneeling above the grave. As much as she wants to: she can't shed a tear.
Clem and Ruby have been sitting there for hours, or so it felt. The sun is about to go down. Clem is sitting by a tree while Ruby lays on the body of her daughter whilst holding her husbands hand.
Clementine can tell by the chirping of the cicadas and nightingales that it's going to get dark really soon. "Ruby?". After a while Ruby raises her head. "My apologies for your loss... I didn't know....". "It's okay Clem... I wish I could turn back time. But I can't.". Ruby stares into Clem's sad eyes, when she says: "Just so you know: I don't regret that I've found you.". A hint of a smile appears on Clementine's face when she suddenly can't hold it and runs towards Ruby, hugging her and finally crying her heart out. They can both sense growls in the far distance. "Maybe we should go back into the cave and ....". Ruby interrupts her: "No, please. Let's keep moving. The least I need is being stuck in there, caught in a depressive state of mind. Lauren used to love the nature. I feel closer to her out here.".
Then Ruby goes to the grave looking at both the loves of her life, taking off her backpack and putting out a ring and then swapping it with the one Peter has on his finger. "Farewell, Pete. I'll see you one day - until then: no Tequila. You know what happened at Janice's... I highly doubt they serve that nasty stuff up there..." Clem can see a smile, though it doesn't last long. With tearing eyes Ruby goes on. "Buh bye, darling."
After that she takes off her necklace - it has lizard pendant. She pulls it over Lauren's head and hugs her lifeless body one last time: "You're safe, now... Mommy loves you....". As she stands up she takes a deep breath and puts on her backpack.
"Ok, honey. Let's go."
Thanks! ; )
Hope you like feels, there's lots more where that came from...
Oh man... Poor Ruby. ;(
Damn, this was quite the character defining post for Ruby. Faced with the loss of her loved ones she stayed strong, even a little hopeful. If I would've written this post she would've turned into a bitter woman like... Season 2 Christa, who also lost both her husband and her child.
I think this is a good post, but I kind of get the feeling Ruby is shrugging it off a little easily. It would make more sense if she'd simply leave without a word or Clem forces her or something.
But, changes aren't nescessary, I'm just being nitpicky. : )
I just re-read it, and the situation does seem very emorional after all, great job!
I agree with you. Though, you didn't know that I was planning for her to have a serious breakdown, as soon as the first shock is gone. People tend to react much calmer in the beginning and later on when they realize what the consequences are it's getting real painful. How about that?
Sounds good, luckily I don't really know much about grief, my entire family is still alive and well. : ) I'll read about the five stages of grief tonight.
Yeah, she's having the first stage, actually, "going back to business".
I found an article describing the five stages. It's a pretty good read, although I will only loosely base Ruby's next moments on these stages.
As you stated, she is in the first stage. She has cried her heart out and has decided to deny it, to try to move and to isolate herself from the world around her. Tough times lie ahead...
(Listen to this:
Sweeping off the dirt covering her skirt, Clementine stands up and starts to follow Ruby. Her pace is fast and the girl struggles to keep up. "Where are we going?" She pants while nearly tripping over her own feet. Ruby refuses to answer and instead keeps walking silently through the woods. "Where are we going?" Clementine persists. "You heard what the note said. Bryan was with them but for some reason they got separated. He could be out there. He could be in danger!" She grabs the woman's wrist, forcing her to stop. She takes hold of her sorrowful face and looks deep into her once so beautiful blue eyes. They're tone has become dull and lifeless, like a reflection of her thoughts and emotions. "Ruby. Look at me. I want you to listen very carefully to what I'm about to say. Peter and Lauren are dead. They're gone." The woman's eyes move away in a desperate attempt at escaping the terrifying words, the horrifying truth. "But you can't give up now. Peter left that note for a reason. He's given you a second chance, and that second chance is Bryan." Ruby hesitantly moves her eyes to Clementine's. "Promise me that we will find Bryan together. He will keep us safe, just like Peter would have wanted." A short silence is ended when she slowly nods in agreement. Clementine sighs in deeply before dropping her hands to her sides. "Let's go." She says while gesturing at Ruby to follow her into the thick shrubbery blocking the way to a small clearing with a shed. "We might be able to stay in there for the night."
Short post, hope you like it! : )
Short yet good - well done. I'd like to write, too tired, though. Hope nobody makes them reach the settlement anytime soon.
They'll probably try to find Bryan first. At least, that's what Clem wants and that's what Ruby promised to do. If that'll really happen is still a mystery though... ; )
I think you should still try to write...
I got the impression that you got something wrong. The planning too much ahead thing should be avoided, yes. Though, you are definately allowed to have your ideas and put them into the game if it feels right and if it supports the current storyline. Don't set things in stone in your mind, yet feel free to have plenty of ideas. I would like to see you posting again.
I hope the reason for the current passivity isn't me and my feedback. If yes, you can talk to me, didn't mean to hurt anyone
I'm actually kind of worried. Did we have these type of moments in the old thread?
I'm still here I just currently don't know what to write. But I have no idea where all the other people went, they just vanished.
Well, I've been doing some me stuff.
And I still have no idea.