
  • Haha thanks, even though I don't post as much as the others but I try to make the community laugh here and there when I can.

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    Hahaha Thaaaaangs you guys sure make up for it you're all awesome

  • You sure as hell are nice and funny, Everyone in this thread is. Its just that Saltlick was the first one to talk to me on the forum when I joined so i have a special place for him in my heart and Goustttt was right there too and has been super nice to me. Im glad Im getting to know you too though :)

    Haha thanks, even though I don't post as much as the others but I try to make the community laugh here and there when I can.

  • Really ? That's a surprise !

  • I don't think Im a great person haha

  • Heh, well this is a place were we like to make each other laugh and share our love for the games that Telltale made, we'll try to keep this place as fun and awesome as possible, so far you've been cool here in the community so we'll have your back here if anything as long as one of us are online. Glad to here it, nice getting to know some good people around here as well! :]

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    You sure as hell are nice and funny, Everyone in this thread is. Its just that Saltlick was the first one to talk to me on the forum when I

  • Lol, one of my all time favorite games! If you have the magic cape with the purple Yoshi combo this game is a breeze.

  • haha the cat, since we're sharing some vidya gamez music here, how about some smash bros.


  • Did he just leave the forum forever ? I hope not he is Awesome I hope he is just busy

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    Does anyone know where @SaltLick305 is ? O.o Hello there Im out looking for my people, One of them to be exact. Maybe you've seem him ? Charming avatar with an old man. Sorry guys that's the best I could do

  • Yeah if you wait long enough he does it for you, I was like this doesn't feel right and then when you find out the truth damn...

  • Haha this again, well it starts off good but then after the prologue you don't use Snake anymore, and Raidon was just whining the whole time so I was like "Jesus, are you fucking kidding me!" I didn't really like the new bosses and the story was weird. It was a reenactment of the first game and then the ending scene where everyone was walking around I was like wtf...

  • Haha I know about these! After playing the other MGS games it was finally starting to make sense, the whole thing about The Patriots I realized what Kojima was trying to do but still playing it back then for the first time I was just like wtf? lol. I liked the game but didn't like it at the same time if it makes any sense, just my least favorite in the series. But it did have this.


  • edited April 2014

    I think it was only in the MGS2:Substance PS2 version after you complete the game. MGS4 was my second least favorite, lol I know man long cutscenes, Improved gameplay and all but I didn't like the story as much after playing MGS3.

  • MGS2 made too much sense that people didn't get it lol, My favorite bosses are from MGS1, psycho mantis messing with your controller and reading the memory card haha, and the fight with liquid on top of Metal Gear Rex with the chase scene after that, it was really well done for a PS1 game.

    Hell yeah BB is badass with his CQC but The Boss is still superior to him, I honestly think she let him win because if he would have failed there would have been a WWIII, all she really wanted was to have Peace. Lol yeah I read that somewhere. The fake colonel telling Raiden(us) that we have been playing the game too long and should turn off the system when the AI was messing up lol.

  • Yeah it would be amazing if done right, I think it should be Kojima's last MGS game if he does make it in the future. Lmao bro, that shit was so weird the first time the AI Colonel was messing up, I thought I broke the game for a second lol. I might try MGS2 again, this makes me want to play it once more.

    Alt text


    You'd *wish: :P

  • Don't be that way, you know i was just kidding :P

  • Well, yeah. :3

    Now stop hitting on a 14 year old.

  • What's more shocking was that when I was very little I enjoyed playing it..... yeah, I had no idea what was wrong with me back then.

  • Fallout 3 > New Vegas, you say?

    Must. Not. Be. Douchebag. Must. Not. Say. "Elder Scrolls with guns".

    Belan posted: »

    Man, you have some good taste. Fallout 3 > Fallout New Vegas though * The Walking Dead * The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (You

  • One does not simply leave the forum forever.

  • I think he did xD

    Rafoli posted: »

    One does not simply leave the forum forever.

  • Hey Azlyn, just wanna let you know that I'll make a Steam account after I finish my comic. Ciao.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Well, yeah. Now stop hitting on a 14 year old.

  • edited April 2014

    Why do the good conversations always happen when I'm sleeping :(

  • I don't know, I feel like New Vegas and Fallout 3 are very similar in game play with only a few minor tweaks in NV. I just prefer the atmosphere and story of Fallout 3 much better for some reason.

    Or maybe I just preferred Fallout 3's radio. Not sure.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Fallout 3 > New Vegas, you say? Must. Not. Be. Douchebag. Must. Not. Say. "Elder Scrolls with guns".

  • NV, to me, feels more fallout. It has NCR, Great Khans, Marcus, the west coast, the enclave armor, no goddamn unkillable NPCs, some references to the other games as well as more choices/factions and variety.

    Belan posted: »

    I don't know, I feel like New Vegas and Fallout 3 are very similar in game play with only a few minor tweaks in NV. I just prefer the atmosp

  • edited April 2014

    Oh yeah! I forgot about the MG1 and 2 remakes, supposedly he was eventually going to make them. Lmao nice man, "I hear it's amazing when the famous giant purple stuffed worm in flapjaw space, with a tuning fork, does a raw blink on Hairi Kairi Rock! I need scissors!! 61!!". I kind of want to play MGS1 even more though maybe I'll play all of them all over. Love this theme "!" B]


  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited April 2014
  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited April 2014

    You're making a Steam? Cool, add me if you want if you do. My username is KDeceptio.

    Hey Azlyn, just wanna let you know that I'll make a Steam account after I finish my comic. Ciao.

  • RAFOLIonPCin720p

    Hey Azlyn, just wanna let you know that I'll make a Steam account after I finish my comic. Ciao.

  • Yeah 1 and 2 were the best ones. They made me very proud of my country.

    Ugh, Max Payne 3 wtf... After I beat the game and played the multiplayer which wasn't that exciting in my opinion I quickly returned the gam

  • edited April 2014

    You're board, you say?

    Alt text

  • Coolio. See you there, then? Just tell me when you're ready. You tell me your username and i friend ya.

    Ciao, bella.

    Hey Azlyn, just wanna let you know that I'll make a Steam account after I finish my comic. Ciao.

  • I know that feel, bro.

    Rafoli posted: »

    Why do the good conversations always happen when I'm sleeping

  • Awww :(

    Tell him to get better soon for me!

    How old is your lil' bro? My little bro is 7, 8 in October.

    Anyways, how'd it happen?

    Oh, right, you can't read this.


  • edited April 2014

    "He was on a swing and he thought it would be a great idea to jump off..."

    Alt text

    Well, I hope he get's better.

  • edited April 2014

    No problem. Alt text

  • edited April 2014


    My bro screams a lot, even hits me. I'm not allowed to hit him back, though. That's because if i do, i'd send that little shit to the sun. But i still love him, because he's my bro. Me and him, we have a lot of stuff and thangs in common, but we're both just too stubborn to stay together in one room for more than 5 minutes without fighting. Literally. 5 minutes. We seriously can't stay together more than that... And when we're apart, like now, we both miss each other. Funny, huh? We can't fathom each other when we're in the same , but we love each other exactly when we aren't together. All in all, i DO love him a lot, he's just really annoying. Welp, i guess i have to live deal with it til he's older, then i can smack his ass.

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