Official Create your Own TWD story or Fanfic



  • Awesome story bro this crossover I always wanted to see and did it perfect good job
  • Thanks
    Urbanite posted: »

    Awesome story bro this crossover I always wanted to see and did it perfect good job

  • Yes The last of us ps4 never knew that awesome story to btw
    Markd4547 posted: » The Last Of Us ps4

  • So, I've been thinking (if JonGon was on board) that I could make my stories into comics. I have a pretty good imagination and have often imagined the situations in my story perfectly, but I can't fit in every detail, due to it being all words. So, with the help of JonGon's excellent artwork, I would try to create my story into a set of comics. Any thoughts?
  • WheresCarleyWheresCarley Banned
    edited May 2014
    Love this violent, smart and very cute well done 10/10
    Markd4547 posted: »

    As promised to Tobi TWD and TWAU crossover Chapter 1 The Walking Bigby Bigby arrived in Cranes office he was in clear distress shaking

  • I might write a story here if I get a good idea. It probably won't be a crossover but just a fanfic.

    Still gotta post my story. It's gonna be a long wait until the features are back up again.
  • 1 Bump, 2 Bump, 3 Bump, 4 Bump.
  • edited May 2014
    Title: Out of the past, part 1.
    Main Characters: Kenny, Clementine, Jim, and a surprise character.
    Timeline: 3 years after Reasons.
    Subject: Old enemies, choices and loyalty.

    As the sun rose over the community, a 65 year old Kenny begins work on repairing a headlight on his new Chevy Pickup.
    Having always been a fan of Chevy vehicles, Kenny was overjoyed when he happened to find one that was still salvageable.
    Over the past 9 months, he has fixed it up and worked diligently at keeping the engine well cared for, as well keeping the truck washed and polished on a regular basis, leaving Kelly to often remark: "He's like our son with a new toy."

    Kenny son Lee, age 6, is often seen with his father, watching intently everything he does.
    Kenny has begun to teach the boy about taking care of the truck, by having him wash it's tires.
    As well teaching him how to play baseball.
    Despite his advanced age, Kenny still acts like a man in his 40's, largely do to his son.

    Kelly has begun teaching the boy how to read and write.
    As well as reading to him at bedtime and making clothes for the growing boy.
    In spite of tending to other daily tasks,, many of which are difficult, Kelly remains a devoted girlfriend and mother.

    Clementine, who's daughter Jenny, is now 3 yrs old, is busy at caring for her.
    She is often seen walking with her around the compound.
    Ever since the little girl discovered she has legs, she has been running both Jim and Clementine ragged!

    The summer has again rolled around and already people are out collecting the crops.
    The winter had been relatively mild, except for a bad frost which lasted nearly a month.
    People from far and wide have flocked to the colony, making its members grow to fifty.

    Life has been peaceful or the people living here.
    So much so, that the colonists have begun to call their community: Eden.
    However, that peace was about to be broken.

    A month into the summer, a 31 year old Clementine happens to be standing guard at the front gate, taking a break from her daughter.
    Off in the distance, she notices a huge convoy, consisting of well over two hundred people approaching.
    Using a pair of binoculars, she notices that the people consisting of it are well armed.

    "Go get Kenny," she says to one of the guards beside her.
    As the guard leaves, the other asks her, " What do you think they want?"
    Clementine, still watching the large group approach replies: " I don't know, but I don't like it."

    As the convoy rolls up to their gates, Kenny arrives atop of the wall beside Clem, with Jim in tow.
    After the convoy comes to a stop, a tall man with long white hair and heavy white stubble, riding a motorcycle with an ederly grey haired woman on the back, dismounts and stretches.
    He then approaches the wall.
    Kenny points his rifle at him and states: That's far enough mister."

    After removing his sunglasses, the man replies, his deep-gravelly voice marked by a soft Chicago accent: "When I initially heard talk of a place of safety, that many were describing as a paradise, I dismissed them."
    "But the more I heard as time went on, I had to come and see for myself," the man continued.
    Kenny after eyeing the man the others who had followed him in cars, trucks and motorcycles, and who were now stepping out and stretching, asks: "What is you're purpose here?"

    " My name is Charlie, my men and I are from up north. We've been traveling for the past couple weeks, tending to take what we want when we want, " the man replied.
    " There's nothing for you here, " Kenny barks," Now I suggest you and your men just turn around and leave."
    The woman, who had been on the Motorcycle with Charlie shouts out: " Wait a minute! You, I know your voice."

    She approaches the wall, and stops beside Charlie.
    Kenny's jaw drops and his eyes widen, for low and behold, it was Lilly!
    " Afraid of ghosts Kenny," Lilly asked?

    "Lilly," Clementine exclaims!
    " Who are you," Lilly asks?
    "Clementine," Clementine replies.
    "Holly Shit," Lilly exclaimed with a look mixed with surprise and joy on her face, " You've actually survived?"

    Kenny having gotten past his initial surprise interrupts: "So you're still alive Lilly, well that's fuckin' great!"
    " Now why don't you, you're dipshit boyfriend, and all these goons that followed you here, turn around and go back to where ever the hell it is that you came from," Kenny continued.

    "You've just made a deadly mistake you motherfucker," Charlie replied, "I take what I want, and anyone who stands in my way, I take care of."
    "He's telling the truth," Lilly exclaims.

    Looking at Clementine, Lilly said: "Clementine, I've done things terrible things, to survive. My biggest fear was finding you, and watching the people I had fallen in with kill you, and that I would not be able to stop them."
    Lilly continued: "I do not wish to see you hurt now, so I promise if you join us that nothing bad will happen to you or any family you may have, when we take this place."

    Clementine, after looking at Kenny and Jim, replied sternly: " No deal Lilly!"
    " Kenny and me have been together for 20 years now. He raised me as his own daughter! I will not leave him now," Clementine added.
    "Clementine is my wife, and if she's dead set on staying, then I'm with her, and we will defend what is ours," Jim replied!

    Kenny looked at Clementine and smiling, his heart glowing with the pride of a father towards his child, turned towards the convoy in defiance and shouted: "You want our land, then come and get it?!"
    "If you try, be forewarned, you'll all die here," Kenny added.

    " We out number you, and you three stand their alone and defy us," Lilly shouted, her face stern, and her voice seething with anger?
    "We're not alone," Kenny replied confidently.
    Suddenly others began to appear on the wall on both sides of the trio, lead by a 73 year old Dave.
    And in a moments notice, Charlie and Lilly found themselves staring down the barrels of over two dozen rifles, several of which were military-grade assault rifles, and handguns.

    After backing away slowly, Charlie and Lilly mounted their bike.
    After restarting the motorcycle, Charlie shouted to the community: "Get ready, cause we'll be back, and you will all be on a trip straight to hell!"
    Then motioning to the men behind him, Charlie and Lilly drove off with their army falling right behind them.

    "They'll be back sure enough," Dave stated.
    "Agreed dad, we gotta start making plans," Jim replied.
    After posting a double guard at the gate, Kenny, Clementine, Jim and Dave, retire to the principles office, to make preparations for the battle to come.

    To be continued.....
    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Here's my story. Title: Reasons. Setting: Las Vegas NV, San Jose California. Timeline: 12, 15 & 17 years since season 2. Main char

  • Added a sequel to the story. Check it out!
    Markd4547 posted: »

    No prob thanks for the share and going over my points can't wait to read the next story MOAR

  • edited May 2014
    Won't you take me to, bumpy town, won't take me to, bumpy town.

    Much better than funky town :P

    1 Bump, 2 Bump, 3 Bump, 4 Bump.

  • I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long. I want the formatting (bolding and pics) to come back. But whatever. I'll post the next episode now.
  • edited May 2014
    Episode Three: Conflict

    Chapter One: Found

    The man with the horrid speech and perverted behavior named Freddie had walked into the room. Vanessa held her breath and got ready to jump out and stab him if necessary. He bent down to look under the bed. “Look at what we got here…” He said as he pulled Lisa out from under the bed. “Don’t touch me!” She said struggling to get away. After a moment of shock Vanessa jumped out and stabbed his shoulder with the knife. He cried out in pain “Help!!!” And soon footsteps were heard from downstairs coming this way.

    Freddie was skinny, and looked frail but some unknown strength brought him to kick Vanessa down and she lay there on the floor. Freddie put his foot on Vanessa’s back and saw Lisa’s wound. “Injured one? That ain’t any fun.” He said as he pulled out his gun and shot her in the face. Vanessa screamed as she watcher her friend die in a matter of seconds. The gunshot rang through her ears as she was pinned on the ground.

    Two men enter the room. One big bald white muscled man, and a tall black man looking at her and Freddie with curious eyes. “Lookie what we got here boss. A fresh one! Nice and young too!” Freddie said in delight. “Leave her. Take her stuff and were going,” the leader named Warren said. “Oh come on boss. I need me some entertainment.” Freddie said with a grin. “Fine. Greg you’ll carry her. Fred this is the last girl you’re taking. Lets go.” Warren said as he walked downstairs. The big man named Greg tied her hands and legs and slung her over his shoulder. She tried to fight back punching Greg’s hard shoulder and back.” You ain’t getting out so you mind as well stop.” Greg said like he wasn’t hurt at all.

    They began exiting the house. “Hey Warren. Thanks for lettin’ me bring her along. I kn----“ A bullet flies right into Freddie’s head and blood splatters all over Greg and Warren. Warren takes out his gun and begins firing at the source of the shot. The shooter was a better shot and hit Warren in the leg, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. Greg holds Vanessa up to block himself as he steps out into the open, his arm around her neck. “One more shot and the girl dies” Greg said. The shooter steps out with his hands in the air, his gun dropped onto the ground. “Okay, okay you win.” It was Tony.

    He looked at Vanessa, which she knew meant where is Lisa? She frowned and his face changed. She didn’t know what he was thinking. “What… What do you want?” Tony said. “Give me your weapon and I’ll be leaving.” Greg said. Tony kicked his gun over. Greg dropped Vanessa and grabbed the gun, which said Harry on it. He pointed it at both of them. “Get going” Greg said. Tony unbound Vanessa and they slowly walked away backwards. Greg picked up Warren and began running down the road, not looking behind him.

    Chapter 2: Separation

    “So we gonna kill these folks and take all their stuff?” Steve said. Russell snapped out of his daze. He looked around the small room. Steve was holding his gun out at two poorly looking people who were cowering against the wall as he pointed his gun at them.

    The group had split up in pairs. Raisa and Jordan, Russell and Steve, Violet and Jin, Derek stayed at the car. Russel and Steve had found a dirty, sick, couple that had a lot of supplies. Steve had just suggested killing them and taking their stuff. Russel knew from the get go that this guy was nuts. He decided he didn’t want to mess with him and in a scared voice replied “Yeah… Okay…” Steve laughed. “You have to trust me. We can’t take them in because we need seven.” Steve said as he shot them both.

    “I need to go to the washroom.” Russell said. Steve looked at him and laughed, “You don’t need my permission boy. Go ahead” as Russell left the room. Once he was outside he made a run for it. He needed to warn the others about this psychopath. The closest to him was the car.

    “Derek! Steve is not a good man. He just murdered some people! You need to get your daughter and leave.” Russell said. Derek began running “I knew I couldn’t trust that guy…” Once he had reached the area that his daughter was he saw her and Jin walk into a house. He went in after them. “What’s going on Derek?” Jin asked. “We need to leave. Steve is not all who he says he is. He killed two people!” Derek explained. “No Steve is a good man. I trust him so you will not leave.” Jin said as he pointed his gun at Violet and Derek.

    Russell ran toward where Jordan, and Raisa would be. They were searching one of the cars. “You guys have to leave. Steve is not to be trusted. He just killed two innocent people!” “I didn’t really trust him… But my husband thinks he knows what he’s doing. I have to convince him.” Raisa said beginning to walk away. “Whatever. I’m leaving. I was better off alone anyway.” Jordan said as he disappeared into the forest. Russell followed Raisa hoping that the others were okay.

    “Please Jin. Don’t do this. I’m warning you this is a bad thing.” Derek said. “I barely know you. How can I trust you over Steve?” Jin said. “Just let us go. We won’t come back I swear.” Derek said. “No you could come back and kill us. I’m not taking the risk.” Jin said. “You leave me no choice.” Derek said as he charged Jin. Jin shot him in the stomach. Violet screamed but not for long as a bullet flew through her head, a man stepping out of the darkness. “Well done Jin, these people were not to be trusted” Steve said.

    They had made it to the house. Violet, and Derek were on the ground, looking dead. Jin was pointing his gun at Derek’s head. Raisa ran towards him “Jin! Stop this!” She said but she didn’t make it to him as a hidden Steve had shot her in the head. “STEVE! How could you? I trusted you!” Jin said as he turned his gun to Steve crying. Steve was already, ready and shot him in the chest.

    Russell had just watched in utter shock. He ran toward Steve and tackled him down. Steve easily punched him in the face and kicked his ribs. “You started this… Stupid kid.” Steve said as he kept kicking Russell sometimes in the face. The pain was excruciating. Derek slowly crawled towards them. He had his knife in hand. He couldn’t reach them so he threw it. It went right into Steve’s back. Russell, with whatever strength he had left got up and beat him down. Repeatedly punching Steve’s face. “Stop.” Derek said on the ground. Russell did so, backed away and cried a little. He knew everyone was dead or going to die, even Derek, so he walked away.

    Derek managed to crawl over to the injured shape of Steve. He took out the gun in his pants, and lay beside Steve. He put the gun to Steve’s head. And pulled the trigger…

    Russell was walking beside the road… And a pickup truck appeared on the road. It was blue, and the man inside had a cap on…

    Chapter 3:Alive

    Garrot had awoken in the jewelry store. “How in the world am I still alive?” He said as he laughed. He was covered in walker blood and he saw all the walker bodies around him. “Hell. I missed the party huh….” He said. He tried to get up but he fell down again as his ribs still hurt a bit. He tried again and managed to get up. He looked around, and walked outside. The streets were empty.

    He decided to search the neighborhood, look for anyone who’s left. When he went to the drugstore he saw the dead body of Harry lying there. Garrot had no feelings for him and walked away. “Never liked him anyway.” He said.

    He searched and searched for the others but he couldn’t find them. He just went down a road and followed it. It was the direction Steve had them headed. He finally came across a neighborhood…

    He then found a group of dead people in a suburban area. There was definitely a struggle. Garrot laughed. Steve was among the bodies. Steve was on the ground a bullet in his temple. Another guy was beside him with the gun in his hand. An Asian man was shot in the chest as well as what looked like his wife was shot in the head. A chubby girl was shot in the head as well. “Steve. You were a dick. And a psychopath. But you weren’t a bad guy.” Garrot said. He grabbed seven flowers and put it in Steve’s hand and walked away.

    Any mistakes? Let me know! I feel I kind of messed up this episode...
  • You should be sorry, i'm kidding :)

    Yeah I have been pretty quiet on the forum lately

    I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long. I want the formatting (bolding and pics) to come back. But whatever. I'll post the next episode now.

  • edited May 2014
    I want to use this first post to promote a fan-fiction I write for. It is in fact the very first one to be created on these forums and is currently in "Season 3". It follows Clementine right after the cliffhanger at the end of season 1 and was created before the ACTUAL season 2. There used to be a team of dedicated writers, including me, TheMissus and HSPLazerz but the last few months have left us with only 5 people who regularly write any posts at all.

    Any support or even readers are appreciated. We have summaries for the entire first thread and for the first episode of the new thread. Reading them takes about half an hour, but after that you can have hours of enjoyment writing with us. : )

    Link to the newer thread, which has a link to the old one: www(.)

    (Get rid of the brackets, of course.)
  • I would really appreciate any new writer, you don't have to be skilled, just enjoying building awesometastic storylines in a group. Can't wait for you to join.
    That_1_Guy posted: »

    I want to use this first post to promote a fan-fiction I write for. It is in fact the very first one to be created on these forums and is cu

  • Must make Mr.J happy. Must make Mr.J happy. Must Mr.J happy. Must...
  • Not back till tomorrow just in a internet cafe in spain right now I´m back tomorrow night and will be reviewing all stories and responding to all comments don´t have much time to comment so expensive might as well buy whole internet ffs
  • Thats best idea I ever heard please do definitely have something special there love this

    So, I've been thinking (if JonGon was on board) that I could make my stories into comics. I have a pretty good imagination and have often im

  • Holy shit, Mark is still alive, thats funny I thought the St Johns cut off his legs :P
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Not back till tomorrow just in a internet cafe in spain right now I´m back tomorrow night and will be reviewing all stories and responding to all comments don´t have much time to comment so expensive might as well buy whole internet ffs

  • I'll try to post another segment in a couple days.

  • First off this is just epic you seem to be improving every story have great potential as a writer

    Things I liked

    Realistic within TWD Universe

    Grammar and Spacing perfect

    Kept me entertained thorough was hooked to every line

    All the killing loved it

    The descriptions in the action scenes really set the scene for me so much fun seeing the violent and brutal scenes could picture in perfectly in my head was written so well

    References to TWD dead with Russell

    Constant twist with Jin, steve being killers and working together etc on the edge of my seat not knowing what's going to happen next

    Seven Concept especially ending seven flowers the psychology and intelligent writing here loved it one of my favorite parts

    The bravery in the writing to shot female(lisa in the head etc) makes the reader on edge and makes the story more exciting as shows your willing to do anything and expect the unexpected

    Kept tension high thorough action and killing from the start love it

    Kept tension high thorough




    Your improving all the time and definitely one of the best writers on the forum thanks for the share

    (just got back today from Spain sorry for the wait)

    Episode Three: Conflict Chapter One: Found The man with the horrid speech and perverted behavior named Freddie had walked into the

  • Wow thanks! I don't know I felt like I overdid the killing lo but I'm glad it was a good thing.

    How was Spain? :D
  • edited May 2014
    I'm working on a 3 Character Series, It's on a Website, I'm no sure to share Publicly yet, I have no Confidence and Motivation.

    But here are the Series Titles
    And Dr. Luke's and Aiden Warren's Quotes

    Just how much can you take before you lose it.
    How much can you keep trying before you give up.
    I'd rather lose it than to Give Up.
    - Dr Luke
    The Walking Dead "This Is Not Real" Part 2 "14 Days"

    One day when it's all over, what ever happens, It won't Matter who lives
    and Survives, We won't live to see it, but if all ends when we are still here, We still won't live to see
    a new start, if we Survive, we can't start over without stopping it. When the End Comes, there will be no End to that"
    - Aiden Warren
    The Walking Dead "This Is Not Real " part 1 "Was All A Test"

    The Walking Dead "This Is Not Real"
    Part 1: Was All A Test
    Luke sees his Wife Dies by David as he ate her, and Luke killed him as no other choice.
    Luie Mourns over the tragic and has no clue on what is happening, but Luke being He has been a Doctor
    for Research for Diseases And Cures, He tries to figure out of a possible Human Disease as related to cancer and or
    Wild Animals in Jungles.

    Part 2: 14 Days
    It's been over 14 Days Since Luke hasn't left his Home for another safe location and listening for Radio Transmission Calls
    and going out and getting food and drinks and Hygiene to stay alive and Clean for Him and His Daughter.

    Part 3: We Are The Cure
    Luke thinks and brainstorms and writes and watches old videos and studies on how this is possible and figures if it can from Cancer
    or something from Aids or another virus to rot the human body and causes mind to lose complete conscious and feeling
    and goes for live human flesh like Wild Animals. Luke then Decide to go to his Work, the Labs to get to work and studies.
    Where he knows is where Aiden Warren will know to find Him.
    Luke goes to a Hospital first for supplies and encounters the sick and a Female Doctor who has lost her sanity as she blames
    Humans and their own conscious for this cause.

    Part 4: A Human Error (Bonus) Luke is just out side Labs Building, and as Aiden Warren shows up, Luke then Decides for Aiden to keep Cindy
    And Protect her as Luke knows Aiden is a very skilled Soldier, as Aiden preferred Warrior and not Soldier.
    Luke don't want to Risk Losing Cindy with any accidents or Leaks when studying Viruses as Luke Plans to capture a Sick
    and Experiment.

    Series 2
    Not The End: Jeff George As "The Mayor" (4 Part)
    Jeff George For The Walking Dead. Jeff George who Runs a Peaceful Community for the Post-Outbreak. He did provide a couple blocks of Homes
    for people to survive and Men to Guard the streets, and is a good hearted Man. People Call Him "The Mayor"
    (Aiden Warren Appearances)
    Twist. Aiden Warren Appears in Dr. Luke's Part 4 Bonus, and Finds Luke and Luke's Daughter,
    and Jeff George's 3 Part Short Story. And Part 4 Bonus Aiden Warren Comes in town and into Jeff's office
    and He says "Did you find Him?"
    Jeff "Alive and Well?"
    Jeff" Hey Cindy"

    Part 1: The Unfaced Truth
    Part 2: We Can't Complain
    Part 3: Time Will Tell
    Part 4: Transition

    Series 3
    Redemption: Andrew Roth As Andy Charleson (4 Part)
    Andrew Charleson: A Hitman/Mercenary and High Skilled In Martial Arts,
    and now this happens, Now Andrew seems to cant trust and anyone anywhere as now all criminals and killers
    and do as they want as there is no law for consequences,
    Andrew will have to either go solo survive alone or have to trusts those who need and can trust him to even Survive.
    A Good Opening and a Confusing Ending.

    Part 1: Mercy
    Part 2: Change
    Part 3: Faith
    Part 4: Redemption Of Sin
  • Loved this story so original and unique anyway

    Things I liked

    Realistic within TWD universe

    Original and unique concept with an older Clem and Kenny etc

    Built tension slowly so I found the arrival of the convoy really exciting and unexpected

    Grammar and spacing perfect

    Find the story pacing was quality was really easy to read and always knew what was happening

    Described well always felt in the moment and added more tension to the scenes

    Liked the character depth at the start showing how each character interacts and glimpses into their personality and traits loved this

    Theme I read so many violent and gruesome TWD stories even though loved them this was really refreshing more story based around characters daily lives

    Love twists with the Lily return so unexpected and that line "afraid of ghosts" just so badass and epic really intelligent writing


    Not till your finished the story as wouldn't be far to rate it by as chapter 9


    Epic story and I'm really exciting to read the next chapters thanks for the share

    (sorry for the wait I just got back from spain today)
    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    TWD. Title: Out of the past, part 1. Main Characters: Kenny, Clementine, Jim, and a surprise character. Timeline: 3 years after Reason

  • Great and killing is always good thing MOAR and really thanks for taking the time to write a story especially a quality one

    Wow thanks! I don't know I felt like I overdid the killing lo but I'm glad it was a good thing. How was Spain? :D

  • edited May 2014
    Well they all sound cool love to read it not sure myself how to share link till the features come back

    I'm working on a 3 Character Series, It's on a Website, I'm no sure to share Publicly yet, I have no Confidence and Motivation. But her

  • edited May 2014
    Sorry for not posting the third chapter for my story yet, Mark. I figured that I would wait until you came back from your trip. I was looking at stories and made a few more chapters for my tale on my original story thread fyi.

    But don't fret! I'll post my third chapter sometime today or tomorrow! I'm eager to type out the chapter anyways! For the users who have liked my only story in this topic thus far!
  • Thanks I'll head over now and take a look also can't wait to see your story here going to be epic. It's ok take your time and make the best story you can also thanks for what you shared already your a quality writer

    Sorry for not posting the third chapter for my story yet, Mark. I figured that I would wait until you came back from your trip. I was lookin

  • I just got lucky
    AusZombie posted: »

    Holy shit, Mark is still alive, thats funny I thought the St Johns cut off his legs :P

  • YES can't wait to see the rest so excited take your time and make the best stories possible

    I'll try to post another segment in a couple days.

  • Cool know your talented writer love to read it
    That_1_Guy posted: »

    I might write a story here if I get a good idea. It probably won't be a crossover but just a fanfic.

  • edited May 2014
    This story is based around a week and a half after Omid was killed. This set of stories is called Recovery, you'll see why eventually.

    The clinic was pitch black, making Clementine increasingly paranoid of something lurking in the shadows. But nothing happened; it was quiet except for Christa, who was in the other medical room, rummaging through medicines. Clementine grasped her hand gun and tried to make out shapes in the darkness; she saw a wheel chair at the end of the dark, white tiled hallway, along with some benches and what looked like to be miscellaneous medical supplies, such as, IV tubes and respirators. Christa had the only flashlight, and she used it for examining the vast amounts of medicines they were collecting through the long-abandoned military clinic. She sighed and sat down on the uncomfortable, white bench outside of Christa’s scavenging room and thought about Lee.
    “How did it go wrong?” She asked herself, quietly, to make sure her voice didn’t echo throughout the empty hallway. Clementine couldn’t help but think that everyone’s death was ultimately her fault. If she hadn’t left Lee to go look for her parents, she would be on a boat, sailing off to some unknown location with Lee, Kenny and Omid. “It’s all my fault-”
    “Shh!” Christa whispered, while she browsed through the medications that would help her get through the pregnancy.
    Clementine fell silent, once again. She knew Christa blamed Omid’s death on her, and now the only words she heard out of Christa were “Quiet” and “Shh”. Clementine had really grown accustom to her surroundings and was now able to make out images a lot clearer than before, which would be helpful for noticing a walker shambling around the corner. But, to her luck, nothing happened, and the only thing that could be heard was Christa, going through ransacked medical cabinets.
    They were in the middle of a four-way intersect, which was the main lobby for the hospital. Apparently, remnants of the military held up here, guarding what was within with their lives…and it came to that. Dozens of military, doctor and civilian (mostly in amnesia robes) bodies could be found inside the rooms or in the main corridor, which Clementine sat in. When they had first entered the building, Clementine thought this place would have large amounts of supplies stockpiled or at least military weaponry. But it appeared scavengers had gotten to this place long before, and cleared out most of its resources, though there was one upside to that. The building was mostly clear of walkers.
    Clementine plugged her nose at the smell of the rotting corpses with blunt impacts, bullet penetrations or stab wounds to the head. “Ugh…disgusting.”
    Suddenly, a strong metal noise was heard coming from the end of the hallway, opposite of where they had come in. Clementine was about to dart into the room where Christa hid, silently, but it was too late. Something was in the hospital, with them.
    The door at the end of the hallway swung open, letting in the cold, dark night’s breeze, which chilled Clementine to the bone. An object came walking in; it was pretty tall, if she had to guess, Clementine would’ve said around five foot, eight inches. The way it walked, looked exactly like a walker, as it clumsily rammed into and knocked over wheel chairs and heart rate monitors that stood in its way. Though it was pitch black, Clementine could see that the object had all the telltale signs of a walker, except for one thing. In both of its hands, the object held two tools, most likely one of them was used to pry open the door it entered through. The…whatever it was, walked slowly towards the center of the four-way intersection, the main lobby. Once it reached its destination, it stopped and glared around, slowly. First down Clementine and Christa’s hallway, then towards the information and personnel section, behind the front desk, then lastly, it looked down the hallway to the main entrance.
    At first, the object looked to be going down the hallway to the main entrance, and then Clementine heard a small sound. Christa had dropped a capsule, filled with pills, to the ground, which attracted the gaze of the object that was a mere thirty feet away. It rotated and started, once again to choose which path to head down. Clementine slowly held out her gun and pointed it at the object, from where she was, underneath a white bench in the hallway. She didn’t think she could make the shot from here, maybe if the walker would come closer, she could hit it. But it did nothing, except for stand there and look around. It took one step forward, with a clumsy-like limp in its walk. Clementine, being startled, shot off a round. The sound echoed like the takeoff of a fighter jet throughout the dark, hospital corridors but was interrupted by a scream.
    “Ah, fu-!” The object shouted as it collapsed into the nearest door, making it swing ajar, and close just as quickly.
    “Clem, what happened?!” Christa ran out, at surprising speed (for a pregnant woman), with a worried look spread across her face. “Did you shoot?”
    Clementine’s hand shook, making her gun rapidly click. She stood; in her blue hoodie, her cap, and her stained white dress, in shock. “I…I…I did.” She took a gasp, “I didn’t mean to, I thought it was a walker. I’m so sorry.” Tears started coming down from Clementine’s face, which Christa ignored, as she started walking towards the origin of the shout.
    “Come on; let’s see if whoever it was is still alive.” Christa said, coldly. Clementine slowly followed, with her hands still shaking and her gun pointing directly at the floor just in case it discharged again. Clementine was hoping that whoever she had just shot was still alive.
  • We can Post Links here?
  • This was all before the link features got taken down.

    We can Post Links here?

  • There was really not much Info given, but thanks :)
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Cool know your talented writer love to read it

  • I do avoid writing the Actual Characters even for Fan of Imagination and Vision.
    I preferred Creating My Own Characters, But for Aiden Warren, He does Run a good Community in a University and It's Campus.

    He told the group He was in, Let's clean this place, People wasn't up for that, He Convinced them, He said Let's kill some of them, there will be too many, but we do it little by little, kill some, come back later, find more people, talk them into it, We can make this place a community.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    Cool know your talented writer love to read it

  • edited May 2014
    Loved this chapter finally another Clay story and I'm glad kept up the high standards but can't do a full review till your finished as wouldn't be fair

    Things I liked

    Realistic with TWD universe

    Built tension slowly making the end more exciting

    Grammar was great didn't spot any mistakes

    Described perfectly always felt in every moment and never got lost

    Character references using Clem and Christa as leads made me enjoy the story even more and behaved exactly like I would imagine in terms of personality and traits from playing the game

    Had great pacing was entertained thorough

    Psychology element with Clem reflecting on things in her head I enjoyed

    Gruesome and violent scenes were written superbly

    Love the plot twist and mystery element with Clem at the end when she shot the potential walker

    Left it on a cliffhanger and can't wait and I'm really excited to see next chapter


    Thanks for the share superb as always Clay

    This story is based around a week and a half after Omid was killed. This set of stories is called Recovery, you'll see why eventually.

  • As long as it's story related don't mind this thread is all about encouraging people to write and I recommend users on this thread visit and contribute as it's quality really great concept and story thread
    That_1_Guy posted: »

    I want to use this first post to promote a fan-fiction I write for. It is in fact the very first one to be created on these forums and is cu

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