Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I said To Jew to do that video and he did omgawd!
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    If you want to have fun copy these links- http:/(/) and http:/(/)youtube com/watch v=uvjILP7SOvo

  • Hahahahaha xD
    Oh Kenny. Beating up urbans before it was cool.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    If you want to have fun copy these links- http:/(/) and http:/(/)youtube com/watch v=uvjILP7SOvo

  • Haha it's hilarious.
    Puncake32 posted: »

    I said To Jew to do that video and he did omgawd!

  • Why? You tired? :P

    If by "fun" you mean reading Lee's story and then immediately falling asleep, then yes.

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited May 2014
    I showed him a video and told him to do a Twd version and he did :O I even come up with the videos name, Here Is the video :// Add Http.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Haha it's hilarious.

  • Ha,so thats the cool thing to do in Canada?

    Hahahahaha xD Oh Kenny. Beating up urbans before it was cool.

  • A little bit yeah. I've been drinking energy drinks trying to stay awake (=_=)
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Why? You tired? :P

  • LOL yeah, and then we invite them inside our igloos for moose jerky.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Ha,so thats the cool thing to do in Canada?

  • Do you normally stay awake this long? I do c:

    A little bit yeah. I've been drinking energy drinks trying to stay awake (=_=)

  • Is moose jerky...tough?

    LOL yeah, and then we invite them inside our igloos for moose jerky.

  • Finally on the last character for this part. Will be up "soon."

    LOL yeah, and then we invite them inside our igloos for moose jerky.

  • Good.

    Finally on the last character for this part. Will be up "soon."

  • edited May 2014
    Sometimes, but tonight I just feel extra tired.
    I know I won't be able to sleep without reading the next part though
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Do you normally stay awake this long? I do c:

  • edited May 2014
    Soon soon soon soon osooonosonsoonsoonnsoon

    Dude, I might just have to read it in the morning. =/

    Finally on the last character for this part. Will be up "soon."

  • Not after you beat it a few times.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Is moose jerky...tough?

  • Soon?Oh my god man I am so not tempted to choke you with your own feces. :D

    Finally on the last character for this part. Will be up "soon."

  • That's fucking disgusting.Don't say that shit.

    Not after you beat it a few times.

  • Yeah, it would keep me awake too. I'm also staying up til then...maybe longer if I'm still not tired.

    Sometimes, but tonight I just feel extra tired. I know I won't be able to sleep without reading the next part though

  • Sorry :x
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    That's fucking disgusting.Don't say that shit.

  • It's okay you just frustrate me sometimes.I still love you tho,we'll bang okay.

    Sorry :x

  • No thanks ^_^
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    It's okay you just frustrate me sometimes.I still love you tho,we'll bang okay.

  • A hit and a miss.Ehh atl least I still have NoncyFlippledorp. :P

    No thanks ^_^

  • Yeahh, now I have you all to myself, lol ;3

    No thanks ^_^

  • You always have had me to yourself baby.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yeahh, now I have you all to myself, lol ;3

  • edited May 2014
    Poor WhatTheDuck = friendzoned forever ;D
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    You always have had me to yourself baby.

  • edited May 2014

    Fuck! It kinda looks like I'm saying "open" xD
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    You always have had me to yourself baby.

  • I'm use to it.*sighs*

    Poor WhatTheDuck = friendzoned forever ;D

  • Lol =P
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope. Fuck! It kinda looks like I'm saying "open" xD

  • Poor Lee. Now I feel bad for making him finish this part now :/

    Lol =P

  • edited May 2014

    (!) We will all go with Belan.

    I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke.

    "We will all go with Belan." She said as she looked at all of us.

    "Alright, fuck it then. I can deal with that." Jewfreeus said.

    I turned to my classmates. "Look, guys. It's okay if you want to stay. I think it's a better idea if I go out there by myself anyway. It'll be a lot less riskier."

    etitheking spoke."Nah, man. Forget it. Noncy is saying that we all should go, so that's what we'll do."

    "I agree." Said AllThatRemains.

    PaulKenneth stood up. "Alright. Let's go check out what that noise was."

    I thought it was a bad idea for everyone to go at once, but it was what they were willing to do.

    "Whenever you're ready, Belan." Noncy said.

    I looked at everyone as they formed a line behind me. I nodded at them, unlocked the door and began to slowly turn the door handle. I pushed the door forward a bit and took a peak outside the hallway. I didn't see anything but a bunch of opened lockers, paper all over the floor with some footprints on them, textbooks and book bags. It was weird seeing how empty and quiet it was. I opened the door some more and looked at the other direction of the hall way.

    *Bratatat!* "Holy shit! Too many of them, running out of ammo. Fuck!"

    Out of nowhere I saw a man wearing a mask and helmet on with some goggles on them, some combat boots, knee pads and a tactical vest. He was running backwards trying to shoot at a crowd of people that had blood all over their bodies, some of them with their organs hanging out and missing limbs. He was shooting at them but they just kept walking towards him.

    It didn't take me long to realize what they where. "What the hell?! There really are zombies out there. Holy shit." I said out loud.

    "The fuck you talkin' bout?" Jewfreeus said as he walked over to take a look. His eyes opened wide. "Goddamn..." He said as he witnessed the same thing that I did.

    "We gotta get the fuck outta here, guys. Belan is telling the truth. There really are zombies out there." Jewfreeus said as he spoke to the rest of the group.

    I kept looking over at the guy as he threw his M16 on the ground and grabbed his MP5 that was around his body via a sling. *Bruppa bruppa* He started shooting at them again. He got a couple head shots in, and and few of them fell down. He turned around and I noticed it said "SWAT" on the back of his vest. He tried to open the double doors that led into the gym, but they were locked. "Fuck!" He yelled out as he turned back around, realizing that the crowd of zombies were getting closer to him.

    "Who's out there?! Someone is shooting a gun." ATR said as she was tippy-toeing to try to see over eking.

    "Ain't nobody out there but a bunch of dead people walking around. We need to leave now." Jewf said with a serious look on his face.

    I spoke up. "There's a SWAT member out there. He can help us escape."

    "What?!" Paul was shocked to hear that.

    "A SWAT member? Is he by himself?" Noncy asked.

    "Yes, and he's about to get surrounded and eaten if we don't do something quick." I kept looking over at the SWAT member as he was shooting back, trying to keep those things away.

    "Ah hell, Belan!" Jewf said. "You didn't need to tell them that. We could've just snuck out while those things were distracted."

    I looked back at Jewf and I got angry. "Whatever, man. If it was you out there, you would want us to try and save you." Jewf made an angry snarl.

    "Children, please. Belan is right. I decided that we all should leave. So I'm making the decision that we all help. So quickly now, let us help the SWAT member out."

    Everyone nodded in agreement, except for Jewf.

    I looked outside and the SWAT member was reloading his weapon. The zombies were still a good 30 feet away from him. I ran out and waved my hands. "HEY! Over here!" I yelled out.

    Everyone else followed and did the same.

    "Over here, sir! Hurry!" Noncy yelled out.

    ATR and Paul were motioning their hands for him to come over. "Please, hurry! Follow us!" ATR said.

    eking put his hands around his mouth and yelled. "Come on, man! Comer over and follow us!"

    I looked back and saw Jewf running away as he turned the corner. "What the fuck?! We're supposed to stick together!" It was too late. Jewf was long gone.

    "Oh shit, there's still people in this building?!" The SWAT member said. He started making his way towards us while shooting at the zombies. "Run! I'll follow you all, hurry up!"

    Everyone was looking around for Jewf. "Where the hell did he go?" Noncy asked.

    "No time for that, let's go!" I told everyone as the SWAT member finally reached us and the crowd of zombies were walking in our direction now.

    "Go everyone!" He told us. "Lead us to an exit, hurry!"

    I told everyone to follow me and we ran down the hallway. I made the same turn as Jewf and lead them to the front of the school. We tried opening the double doors but they were locked down tight. I turned around and told them to follow me again. We ran up the stairs and saw the cafeteria had one door opened, I only got a quick look inside but it seemed empty. We reached the end of the hall and noticed more zombies were blocking the path.

    "Holy shit! Nowhere to run!" Paul said to everyone.

    "Fuck this." The SWAT member said as he took his MP5 out and shot a nearby window. The zombies seemed to notice, and started walking towards us. He ran over to look outside and said "We need to jump out now!"

    "Won't we break a leg or something?!" ATR said with a confused look.

    The SWAT member got ready to climb out. "It's either jump out, or get eaten alive. Your choice." He told all of us. He turned back to look at ATR. "Look, I'll jump down first, and then I can catch you."

    eking put his hand on ATR's back. "Go on, ATR. It'll be okay." She looked at him and nodded.

    I looked back and saw the zombies getting closer. I looked to my left and it seemed like the ones following us before hadn't reached that end of the hall yet. I turned my head and the SWAT guy had already jumped out. I saw ATR sitting on the windowsill.

    ATR was getting ready to jump. "Okay! You better catch me!" she said, and she jumped out. "Ahh!" She yelled as she was falling.

    eking turned back to look at us. "She's good. He caught her. You're turn, Noncy. Hurry."

    Noncy took her heels off. "Won't be needing these if I'm going to be doing a lot of running." She put them aside and got on the windowsill. "Get ready! I'm jumping down!" She yelled while looking down. She then jumped out.

    "She's good." eking said. He looked outside. "Okay, the next of us won't need your help, SWAT guy. We'll jump down without you trying to catch us!"

    "It's, Richmond1226! My name is, Richmond!" The SWAT member yelled back. "And good! I think My back couldn't handle trying to catch the rest of you all!"

    "Alright, guys I'm jumping next." eking told me and Paul.

    Before he was about to jump, we all heard a scream coming from the cafeteria. "AHH! Shit! Someone help me! PLEASE!" It sounded like Jewf.

    "Oh shit! What should we do." Paul turned and asked me.

    I looked at Paul and eking, both waiting for a response. I turned and looked down at the empty hallway that we ran past before, and where the cafeteria was located. I looked back and the zombies were getting even closer to us. I needed to think of something, fast!

    1) etitheking, jump out! Me and PaulKenneth will go check it out.
    2) etitheking, jump out! You do the same and jump out too, PaulKenneth! I'll go check it out.
    3) etitheking, wait! Let's go check it out. PaulKenneth, you jump out the window.
    4) etitheking, wait! Let's all go see what that was.
    5) Wait, etitheking! Go check out what that was. You're the fastest out of all of us. Me and PaulKenneth will jump out.
    6) PaulKenneth, go check out what that was. You're the quietest out of all of us. Me and etitheking will jump out.
    7) Come on! We can't do anything, let's go!
    8) Say nothing.



    (!) I'm not leaving you here. You said you were with me through this and that we were going to make it out alive.

    I looked down at Cameron's ankle, still wrapped with his police uniform shirt. I looked at him and said "I'm not leaving you here. You said you were with me through this and that we were going to make it out alive." I smiled at my new friend, who I had only known for a couple hours.

    "Heh, shit. I did say that didn't I? Well, okay." He tried to get up, using the bunk bed for help. When he finally stood up, he told me."My, older brother, Richmond1226 taught me how to be tough and calm in certain situations. He taught me how to shoot and fight as well. That's why I know what I know, because of him." He showed me the picture of Rich.

    "Sounds like a good man, Cameron" I told him

    He looked at the picture one more time before putting it away. "He is. Alright, Bananas. I think it's time we get the hell out of here, huh?" He told me with a smile on his face.

    I smiled back at him. "You're Goddamn right, partner! C'mon, buddy. We're getting out of here." I told him as I put his arm around my shoulder to help him.

    "Hold on, Bananas." He said as he checked his ammo. He sighed. "Three bullets left and one in the chamber. Well I still have my knife and three tear gas grenades. You still have a shotgun and a riot shield. How much ammo do you have left for your gun, Bananas?"

    I reached for my pocket and took out some shells. "Just five. With the one in the shotgun, that makes six. I wasted most of it when we got trapped trying to get here, and then when those assholes tried to kill us." I said as I looked at the two dead corpses, the one who's brains I smashed in, and also remembering the one I threw over the railing, plus some others that attacked us during the beginning of the riot.

    "Same here." Cameron said. "Alright, give me your shotgun. I'll hold on to it. You grab the riot shield and take my Glock9. That way you can cover us, and still be able to shoot at the same time. If anyone gets to close, I'll blast them with the shotgun. Give me your shells as well. I'll keep it fully loaded just in case."

    "Good idea. But with just 4 bullets in your handgun, it won't be enough if there's too many of them."

    "That's where the tear gas grenades come into play. We can use them, only if it looks like it'll be too much for us to handle." Cameron explained.

    "Ah, gotcha. OK, Cameron, let's get the hell out of here. We've wasted enough time."

    We switched guns and I picked up the riot shield. Cameron loaded up the shotgun. I looked at him and he was starting to sweat a bit. "You Ok there, man?"

    Cameron shook his head. "Yeah... yeah. I... I'm okay. I'm good, I'm good. Just feeling a bit hot." He said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Okay. Let's go." He looked determined.

    He put his arm around my shoulder, and we slowly made our way out. Cameron could only hop on one leg. He said it was too painful to put his weight on his foot. we turned to the right where the three prisoners were before. We could still hear the riot going on at the bottom. I left Cameron next to a wall and checked their dead corpses. "Better be fuckin' dead." I thought to myself. I checked their M16's but both of them had no ammo in them. "Fuckin' great!" I said sarcastically. I went back to get Cameron and we opened the door that led to the stairs. Nobody was in there, so we headed down. When we finally reached the first floor I took a peak out the door and saw other police officers hiding in cover, trying to shoot back at some escaped prisoners.

    Cameron started coughing. "So far so good, Bananas. We haven't needed to use our weapons, and we're almost to the parking lot."

    "Are you absolutely sure that you are OK, Cameron?"

    "Yeah, I'm okay. We have to leave. Stop asking me If I'm okay, and let's get to your squad car." He said as he started to sweat even more, and was looking a bit pale.

    I wasn't sure if Cameron was going to make it, but I couldn't leave him behind. I looked out once more and saw a police officer get shot in the head. The other two laying dead on the floor as well.

    "That's all of them, let's go!" I heard one of the prisoners say as they ran outside and onto the streets of the city.

    "Those fuckin' bastards are going to pay!" I said out in anger. "C'mon, Cameron now's our chance. I have my keys in my office and also some painkillers to help you on the way."

    "Sounds good. Let's go now." Cameron agreed with what I told him.

    I opened the door and looked around. It was a mess. Bullet holes all over the place, shattered glass on the floor. Dead cops and prisoners. I didn't have time to waste, though. I needed to get Cameron in to my office so I could give him the pills. We walked over to the right until we reached my office. I opened it and put the shield up in front of us, I had the Glock pointed and ready to shoot just in case anyone was inside. No one appeared to be in my office, though. The lights were still off as well.

    "It's clear, Bananas. Let's go inside" Cameron told me while breathing a bit heavily.

    As we went inside, I lay Cameron down next to my desk. I looked in the cabinets until I found both my keys and the painkillers that would help Cameron out.

    "Alright, I got 'em. This should do the trick, Cameron." I told him as I gave him some pills. "How you feelin' now?" I asked him with concern.

    "A lot better actually. Thanks, Bananas that did the trick." He told me with a half-smile.

    "Good. Glad I could help." I told him.

    He stopped sweating as much and was looking a bit better. "I hope my brother, Richmond1226 is doing okay. He would always be the one to risk his life trying to save somebody, even if it was a complete stranger. He was always a good person, never doing anything bad. I always looked up to him, and wanted to be like him when I grew up. That's why I became a police officer. I wanted to eventually join the SWAT team, so me and him could partner up, and go on missions together, like we always talked about." Cameron said while looking at the floor. He looked up at me and said "Even though we haven't known each other for that long, Bananas. I can say that I look up to you as well. You remind me a bit of Rich. Heh, You're both good men. Thank you for taking me with you."

    (?) Cameron will remember you helped him.

    I smiled and said "Not a problem, partner. We have to look after each other. It's what we do." I told him

    He smiled back and told me "You're right, man. I'll have your back until the end."

    I wasn't sure If he was going to make it. Somehow he still had hope, even though he looked sick. "Let's get--" *Boom* *Bratatat!* *KSHH!* Before I could finish my sentence, we heard a loud explosion outside and a barrage of bullets came out of nowhere and shattered my office windows."What the fuck?!" I was able to see a few prisoners inside a car, parked outside. The driver came out of the car and stood on top of it, holding a megaphone.

    "We came back to kill everyone of you stupid pigs! If you come out now, and surrender, then we might let y'all live!"

    Cameron struggled to get up and made his way over to the couch. I followed his lead.

    "I see, three of them. One standing on top of the car, and the other two on the side of it with machine guns." He told me as he pointed them out.

    "We can take 'em. Just, like those other three before. They don't even know we're here. Element of surprise." I told Cameron with confidence.

    "Seems a bit risky, though... wait a minute! The tear gas grenades!" He turned to me and looked ecstatic.

    "Holy shit! I forgot about those. Nice, one Cameron!"

    The man on the megaphone spoke again. "Come the fuck out right now, or I'll start shootin' again!"

    "Time to shut this guy's fucking mouth." Cameron said as he pulled the pin off of a tear gas grenade and chucked it over to their car.

    "The fuck?!" The megaphone guy said as he saw the tear gas grenade hit the car and releasing white smoke. "Oh shit! Is that--" He started coughing before he could say anything else. He fell off the car. "Ah, you motherfuckers! My fuckin' eye's burn like hell and I can't breathe" He gagged and rolled around, holding his face. The man to the left was doing the same. We saw one of the other men, open the back door of the car and he took out a gas mask. He picked up the tear gas grenade, and threw it back, but it only reached half way. Now there was smoke blocking us from seeing them. We just needed to wait until it would dissipate.

    "No more stupid games you, pigs! We know where you are. Surrender now, or we'll have to go in there and kill you dumb assholes!" Another voice said through the megaphone.

    "Well shit. I wasn't expecting that." Said Cameron. "Listen, Bananas. You go on ahead to the parking lot. I'll keep these guys distracted."

    "Fuck no, man. I'm not leaving you. I told you this before." I responded angrily.

    "Well, what else are we going to do then?!" Cameron shouted back.

    I looked at the smoke and then to my right where the parking lot door was. I looked back at Cameron as he waited for an answer.

    1) Looks like we're fucked. We surrender.
    2) We need to sneak out.
    3) Fine. You distract them. But I'm coming back for you.
    4) Say nothing.

  • FUCK YES FINALLY NoncyFlippledorp 1)etitheking jump out!Me and Paul Kenneth will go check it out. Gobanannas01 2)We need to sneak out.

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • Noncy: 7) Come on! We can't do anything, let's go!

    bananas: 2) We need to sneak out.

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • I'm going to cut the last part out. It's not going through properly.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    FUCK YES FINALLY NoncyFlippledorp 1)etitheking jump out!Me and Paul Kenneth will go check it out. Gobanannas01 2)We need to sneak out.

  • 7) Come on! We can't do anything, let's go!
    2) We need to sneak out.

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • It's okay. Sorry for keeping you up, bro :/

    I'm going to cut the last part out. It's not going through properly.

  • Could you guys read the whole part with Pro and TWDFan? Or did it stop at

    "Oh my God. Go back, go back!" TWDFan shou
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Noncy: 7) Come on! We can't do anything, let's go! bananas: 2) We need to sneak out.

  • It stopped there for me

    Could you guys read the whole part with Pro and TWDFan? Or did it stop at "Oh my God. Go back, go back!" TWDFan shou

  • Ah, okay. Thanks! I'll just include it in another part. Guess it was too long, heh. At least a few of you got a sneak peak. Good thing I saved it. B]
    CornPopper posted: »

    It stopped there for me

  • Yah, it got cut off after "TWDFan shou". I didn't wanna read it until it was fixed :P

    Could you guys read the whole part with Pro and TWDFan? Or did it stop at "Oh my God. Go back, go back!" TWDFan shou

  • Meh, it's Sunday, haha. I said I was going to try to at least put one last part up, so I did.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    It's okay. Sorry for keeping you up, bro :/

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