Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Too much scrolling...THROW. THE. CHEEEEEESE!

    Yes, that was random, though the scrolling is really annoying :/
  • Yes,I concur.

    Too much scrolling...THROW. THE. CHEEEEEESE! Yes, that was random, though the scrolling is really annoying :/

  • Yeah, that's why I wanted you guys to reply to the comment with the options, to vote. But some of the comments are about the story so I'm cool with it.

    BTW! When we get images/GIFS back. Can you guys do me a favor and not spam them in this thread, please!

    Too much scrolling...THROW. THE. CHEEEEEESE! Yes, that was random, though the scrolling is really annoying :/

  • Mwahahaha

    Yeah, that's why I wanted you guys to reply to the comment with the options, to vote. But some of the comments are about the story so I'm co

  • Even better, lol!
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Hehe, or LeeTheFuckingBrofessional. Alright, now I'm just pushing it x)

  • Yeah, I was gonna suggest you to say that. When they come back, this place is gonna be a mess xD

    Yeah, that's why I wanted you guys to reply to the comment with the options, to vote. But some of the comments are about the story so I'm co

  • If we had images and gifs in this thread, it would make scrolling a nightmare...

    Yeah, that's why I wanted you guys to reply to the comment with the options, to vote. But some of the comments are about the story so I'm co

  • I won't spam, you have my word on that.

    Yeah, that's why I wanted you guys to reply to the comment with the options, to vote. But some of the comments are about the story so I'm co

  • Ehh you don't have to worry abovabout me,I never use gifs.

    Yeah, that's why I wanted you guys to reply to the comment with the options, to vote. But some of the comments are about the story so I'm co

  • Bwahahaha!


  • *Insert "Too long didn't read" gif with black guy, holding chicken*

    Just kidding. The scrolling is annoying though.

    4) etitheking, wait! Let's all go see what that was.

    3) Fine. You distract them. But I'm coming back for you. (Don't come back for him!)

    Belan (!) We will all go with Belan. I waited for Noncy to say something, and then she finally spoke. "We will all go w

  • Thank you all! That way people could find the next parts easier. Speaking of, starting it now. :p

    I won't spam, you have my word on that.

  • :3

    I'm just kidding by the way, I wasn't used to post them anyways.


  • Okay. =)
    i just wanted to say thank you for doing this whole thing for us. It's very entertaining to read, and I know it must be a hell of a thing to write all these parts. I know i couldn't do it, and I think you're doing a great job. So thanks. :3

    Thank you all! That way people could find the next parts easier. Speaking of, starting it now. :p

  • edited May 2014
    Yay! :3

    Thank you all! That way people could find the next parts easier. Speaking of, starting it now. :p

  • Awesome, man. Looking forward :)

    Thank you all! That way people could find the next parts easier. Speaking of, starting it now. :p

  • 1) etitheking, jump out! Me and PaulKenneth will go check it out.
    2) Let's sneak out
  • And I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read them all. :p Lol, yeah sometimes I try to think about what will happen next, doing this thing from the top of my head honestly. Thanks a lot everyone!

    Okay. =) i just wanted to say thank you for doing this whole thing for us. It's very entertaining to read, and I know it must be a hell of

  • We wouldn't be here if it weren't for your work Pro! Thank you for being awesome! c:

    And I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read them all. :p Lol, yeah sometimes I try to think about what will happen next, doing this thing from the top of my head honestly. Thanks a lot everyone!

  • I don't even read books, but I love reading your stories. So that says a lot :D

    And I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read them all. :p Lol, yeah sometimes I try to think about what will happen next, doing this thing from the top of my head honestly. Thanks a lot everyone!

  • Lol, same here! I'm done with the next part just rereading it. B]
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I don't even read books, but I love reading your stories. So that says a lot :D

  • Fuck yea!

    Lol, same here! I'm done with the next part just rereading it. B]

  • edited May 2014

    We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no matter what, we needed to make sure his family was okay. The deeper we drove into the city the crazier it seemed to get. We saw people all over the place looting stores and taking everything they could carry. We saw walkers eating people and what appeared to be a bunch of escaped prisoners shooting back at the police. Gunshots and explosions everywhere. Buildings on fire and people asking for help. I was just trying to drive right passed the whole thing.There was no time for any of that. We had to find TWDFan's family.

    "Open the glove box, TWDFan." I told him.

    He did just that and said. "There's a gun in here, and some skin tight black leather gloves, with a slim strap on them." He turned to look at me. "I'm guessing you want them, huh?"

    I kept my eyes on the road. "Yeah. Take the gun though, you'll need it."

    "But I don't even know how to shoot a gun, Pro." He told me with a worried tone.

    "It's alright. I'll teach you everything you need to know, later. Just take it with you for now. The safety is on so don't worry about shooting yourself. Just keep it hidden." I told him.

    "Alright, I guess so." He said back.

    I found an empty spot down the road and and parked for a few seconds as TWDFan passed me my favorite gloves. It was a while since I last put them on. They felt good on my hands. Like it was where they belonged. TWDFan just stared in silence. I put my SUV on drive and proceeded where TWDFan told me.

    "Over there! Make a left over there! Just around that corner, and we should be there soon!" He said in excitement.

    "Got it." I told him as I made a left turn.

    "Holy shit..." TWDFan's eyes widened.

    I stepped on the breaks as hard as I could. A loud screech was made, when I did. Me and TWDFan both looked in front of us. almost a hundred of those living dead monsters were blocking the way. They all heard the loud screech and spotted us. They began heading our way.

    "Oh my God. Go back, go back!" TWDFan shouted.

    I put the car on reverse and drove back. I stopped and put it back on drive.

    "Is there another way to get to your apartment?!" I asked TWDFan.

    "Yes! Try going around, hurry!" He told me.

    I turned to look at him and he was just shocked. How could there be so many of them this quickly? How long was it going to take for everything to be back to normal? Was it like this all over the world? All these questions were running through my mind. TWDFan just put his head down while holding it and shook it in disbelief. He was losing hope. I stepped on the peddle, until it was all the way down and the speedometer jumped up. we needed to get to his apartment as fast as possible...



    (!) Firedog, help me!

    The walker was about to start chewing on Clayton's leg. I was nervous as all hell. He turned to look at us. "Firedog, help me!" He yelled out. I had my handgun pointed and got ready to shoot.


    "Holy fucking shit!." Clayton yelled out.

    Puncake and Jon ran up to him. My hands started shaking and I could barely hold on to the gun. I was just staring at it the whole time.

    "Get over here, Firedog!" Puncake told me.

    I looked up at them and made my way towards their location.

    "Is he okay?!" I asked.

    "Yeah, you got him, man. Thanks. Holy shit..." Clayton said as he was holding on to his leg and breathing heavily. "That thing almost got me, man. What the fuck." He was still shocked.

    "Good job. You got that fucker right in the head." Puncake told me as he put his hand on my shoulder. "Here you go, Jon. Sorry for takin' it, but I just wanted to make sure nothin' happened to your friend here." Puncake explained as he gave JonGon his shotgun back.

    "Not a problem, man. Thanks for not killing us with it. I guess that proves that you're both trustworthy, and that you were telling the truth about these... zombie things." He told Puncake. He turned to his friend Clayton. "Shit, man. You okay? That was way too close."

    "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. I'm... I just need to smoke something." Clayton said as he got up and took out a small bag of weed, and a lighter out of his pocket. He went to the counter and started rolling it up in a dutch, he lit it up and smoked it. "You guys want some? Nah, nah fuck it. I... I need this for myself. Shit." He was still kinda shocked at what just happened. He could've died, but I saved his life. Even I was surprised at that myself.

    I sighed and got up. "Oh shit. Puncake look!" I told my friend as I pointed to the front of the store.

    "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUUUUUUUCK!" He yelled out in anger. "We need to leave, now!" He told all of us.

    There were at least twenty walkers banging outside the store. *KSHH* one of them broke through and a few of them started to crawl in.

    "Damn! Everyone to the back exit, follow me!" Jon said.

    I grabbed my backpack and followed them to the back. Jon was holding the door open as we all went outside. He closed the door behind us and we were crouched beside a dumpster container. We looked around and there were a few of them outside in the back. I wondered why they didn't hear the noise from before. Maybe they did, but something must've distracted them in the woods.

    "Shit! More of them?!" Clayton spoke out.

    "I'll get them." Jon replied as he was pointing his shotgun and got ready to shoot.

    "No! Noise will get their attention, and soon they'll be on us. You saw what happened back in the store after I shot my gun." I told both Jon and Clayton.

    Puncake agreed "He's right. We have to sneak away somehow."

    "Alright. I guess so. My car is parked over on the side of the street there." Jon said while pointing to the front of the gas station. "I have my keys on me, but I'm not a very good runner. Clayton here knows some parkour, maybe that could help."

    Clayton laughed. "Heh! I think I'm getting to high to try to run over there." His eyes were starting to turn red, but he had a smile on his face the whole time.

    "Well I'm a pretty decent runner, but I don't know if I can make it over there." I told the crew.

    "Shit, well I ain't a runner, but why don't we all try gettin' to Jon's car?" Puncake told us.

    "Seems risky, but staying here is as well. Those zombies haven't spotted us yet. We just need about 5 minutes." Jon said.

    "What are we going to do guys?" Clayton said smiling at everyone.

    Puncake put his head down and started thinking. JonGon was looking around. Clayton was still smoking some bud. I looked over at Jon's car, and then behind me where there were about 8 roamers staring into the woods. We just need 5 minutes. I decided to say something...

    1) JonGon. You go.
    2) Puncake, take Jon's keys. You can make it.
    3) ClaytonBoylan, you're probably the fastest one here. You go.
    4) JonGon, give me your keys. I'll go.
    5) Let's all go.

  • It's up! Alright gonna go offline now. Gotta do some stuff. I'll probably be on later, so I'll try to put another part up!
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Fuck yea!

  • edited May 2014
    I guess I can say now everyone is screwed. :b

    4) Jon, give me your keys. I'll go.

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • firedog122: 5) Let's all go.

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • 5) Let's all go.

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • 5) Let's all go.

    I can't pick one there all my bro's lol but if I had to I would rather chose them all then one to potientally die it's only fair

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • We gotta watch our backs.

    5) Let's all go.

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • 5) Let's all go.
    If one of us goes with the keys and gets bitten, we're all screwed. If we all go together, we could toss the keys to another if one gets bitten.
    JonGon posted: »

    We gotta watch our backs. 5) Let's all go.

  • 5) Let's all go.
    If one of us goes with the keys and gets bitten, we're all screwed. If we all go together, we could toss the keys to another if one gets bitten.

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • edited May 2014
    5) Let's all go.

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • "Over there! Make a left over there! Just around that corner, and we should be there soon!" Them telltale references...
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    5) Let's all go.

  • I didn't even know you were referencing something there. I need to really keep my eyes peeled :P

    "Over there! Make a left over there! Just around that corner, and we should be there soon!" Them telltale references...

  • Lmao, I actually did that unintentionally. I went back to read it and started laughing when I realized it.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I didn't even know you were referencing something there. I need to really keep my eyes peeled :P

  • The TT PR dept.'s trolling ways are really getting to you, man xD

    I hope you're not accidentally referencing them in your college essays, lol.

    Lmao, I actually did that unintentionally. I went back to read it and started laughing when I realized it.

  • edited May 2014
    Hey, when do you plan to hand in your paper?

    Uh, "soon"

    Why are you air quoting?

    Lol, the Belan part still needs a tie breaker. I'll leave that open for a while. Going to start the next part now.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    The TT PR dept.'s trolling ways are really getting to you, man xD I hope you're not accidentally referencing them in your college essays, lol.

  • 5)Let's all go.

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • Lmao! Imagine if they just happen to be a member of this community. xD

    Maybe you made the Belan story decision-making too hard? Pfff...nahhh!

    Hey, when do you plan to hand in your paper? Uh, "soon" Why are you air quoting? Lol, the Belan part still needs a tie breaker. I'll leave that open for a while. Going to start the next part now.

  • Lol, it has the most options so far. It's a tie between go together or leaving together.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lmao! Imagine if they just happen to be a member of this community. xD Maybe you made the Belan story decision-making too hard? Pfff...nahhh!

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