Pretty much every line kenny said in that episode was gold.
"I don't know what the fuck you're sayin', but I know it's bullshit!"
The quote you just said.
"What you gonna do? TELL ON ME?"
"Go on now.... you don't need to see this..."
I've seen my fair share of Kenny haters that have transitioned over to liking him now in Episode 3. His self-sacrifice for Clementine was also rather heroic. Seen a flare of Lee when he done that action.
I Can't imagine the Walking Dead without him now,his character adds so much to scenes,he just has so much life and personality that it rubs people the right way.He is a family man who would rather die fighting for they're freedom and himself be sacrificed,his voice acting is so well done it's hard to believe it's not a real person come to life.
To be fair, Kenny wasn't exactly himself then. He was still grieving over Katjaa and Duck, and the last thing he had going for him was getting a boat which was what he had planned to do with Katjaa and Duck. That not working out for him sent him over the edge, so he wasn't thinking about anyone's best interest/safety at that time, not even his own.
I would agree that Kenny has Clementine's back, but only when things are going his way. Season 1 when Kenny and Lee discover there are no boats, Kenny goes back to the house and gets drunk with no concern for where Clem is or whether she is safe.
yeah i like Kenny too now, I clicked on this thread after it somehow came back to life and i realised i started it xD but yeah i like Kenny now and i can appreciate that him and Nick seem to get a long better now
Pretty much every line kenny said in that episode was gold.
"I don't know what the fuck you're sayin', but I know it's bullshit!"
… moreThe quote you just said.
"What you gonna do? TELL ON ME?"
"Go on now.... you don't need to see this..."
I've seen my fair share of Kenny haters that have transitioned over to liking him now in Episode 3. His self-sacrifice for Clementine was also rather heroic. Seen a flare of Lee when he done that action.
Even though Kenny makes rash decisions I still feel safe with them, like Kenny is pretty tough and doesn't really get scared so i trust him and his plans
Kenny is definitely not the most morally good character in the game by all means. Personally, I've always been more on Kenny's side because … morehe reminds me a lot of a few of the men in my life and because he's the most stable thing that remains from season one. While Lee's actions dictate how far Kenny is willing to go to help him, he proves over and over again that he'll always have Clementine's back. Out of the entire group, he's probably the one who would be most likely to give his life for Clementine - if Bonnie hadn't have stepped in when she did, Kenny would have died for sure... and if Sarita dies in episode 4, Clem will be the only person he has left. Then again, this reliance on Clem can warp him into an overprotective maniac, but we have yet to see episodes 4 and 5 so not much can be said about that. But I will say that even I, who most people would probably call a Kenny supporter, get REALLY frustrated with Kenny's short temper and h… [view original content]
As opposed to chaotic good or chaotic evil because.....? I'm just wondering what your reasoning is, I saw a meme earlier that casted him as chaotic good.
I've said this before, but Kenny is a "chaotic neutral" character. Seeing him as a definite good is not a healthy thing, especially after all the messed up shit he's done.
Because he nearly accidentally killed Clem the first time we met him, then didn't help me and uncle Pete at the river and then killed a nice innocent man that was going to help us...oh no wait, that are the resons why i don't like him.
Because he nearly accidentally killed Clem the first time we met him, then didn't help me and uncle Pete at the river and then killed a nice innocent man that was going to help us...oh no wait, that are the resons why i don't like him.
Because he's a pretty morally ambiguous character, as a matter of fact he reminds me a bit of Travis Bickle (from Taxi Driver.) You could argue that what he did to Larry or Carver were completely justifiable, and your opinion would be justifiable. You could also argue the opposite and still be justifiable in your opinion.
Personally, I think what he did to Larry and Carver was less than justifiable. On the other hand, I applauded Travis for his actions. So, what do I know? Morallity is purely a reflective trait and something that differs from person to person.
As opposed to chaotic good or chaotic evil because.....? I'm just wondering what your reasoning is, I saw a meme earlier that casted him as chaotic good.
See that nail over there? You just hit it on the head. I got real sick of babysitting Kenny rather early on. Cooler heads are needed in a terrible situation, not trigger happy dimwits.
Well, I for one don't understand why people love Kenny so much either. So I don't think this is a troll thread, and I'm curious to know wha… moret the answer is myself. As others have noted, Kennysucks raises a lot of valid points.
To me, Kenny is a perfect example of the type of character you see in every post-apocalypse story who's just unbelievably, unrealistically aggressive about every single thing. His kneejerk reaction is always immediately just to kill people or leave them behind without even trying a more rational solution first. And I have yet to see what I consider to be a reasonable defense for how Kenny's actions are not those of a monster.
The best argument I've seen people make for why they like Kenny is that if you support him 100% of the time, he'll have Lee's back. And I certainly understand the appeal of the bromance. Hey, Kenny was my bro too for most of the first two episodes. Right up until he decided to murder a … [view original content]
Spot on. It would be one thing if Kenny was ONLY stupid or ONLY trigger-infolhappy or ONLY an immature jerk or ONLY self centered. Put all those together and you have a bunch of awful decisions that lead to good people getting killed and possible allies being soured right out of the gate. So many times throughout the game I thought to myself "Ok, maybe THIS is the part where I can cut loose this sack of bricks that's been weighing us down!"
Im with you in that I think people cut Kenny way too much slack when they vilify everyone else. Ben for instance, 17 year old scared kid. He… more did a lot of dumb things but none of it was malicious. Kenny on the other hand is what, 40's, and everything he does is deliberate. So many things he said and did made me mad and I dont understand why people think he is such a great guy. Im not saying that he is the worst person in the world but he has proven himself, IMO, to be not this saint people make him out to be.
To be honest, I never really liked how this argument is so often framed in terms of Kenny vs. Lilly. I get the impression that whenever I c… moreriticize Kenny, people automatically assume I'm a Lilly supporter. But you know who the one person in Season 1 I hated even more than Kenny is? Lilly.
The whole debate over which one of them was going to be the leader never really amounted to anything anyway. As of Episode 3, Lilly had left the group and Kenny had pretty much fallen apart. Even if a group that small actually needs a leader, which is something I never really bought to begin with, Kenny and Lilly were probably the two worst candidates for the job as far as I'm concerned. They were both terrible leaders, and I'm not sure why people would want to side with either of them.
You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. My big thing about the "Kenny's family just died" thing only hold up (a tiny tint bit) for some of his actions, but it does not affect the fact that he is dumb, irrational and a bigot.
You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. My big thing about the "Kenny's family just died" thing only hold up (a tiny tint bit) for some of his actions, but it does not affect the fact that he is dumb, irrational and a bigot.
let me ask YOU something magdesky. how the hell would u help shawn with no weapons and no way to get the tractor of him?
Lee couldn'… moret move the tractor by himself. That doesn't make it the immovable object. With another hand, it's very possible that they could have gotten it off him. Or at the very least, one of them could have held off the walkers while the other worked on freeing Shawn.
That's incorrect. When Lee can't find Clementine, it's when he returns to the house after going to the docks with Kenny. Clementine followed them there. Lee got separated from the group. So prior to that, he had last left Clementine with Kenny and Molly. When he gets back to the house, Kenny is sitting around getting drunk and says he doesn't know where Clementine is. I mean, that part you're right about. Kenny didn't know where Clementine was. … [view original content]
A banned user called KennySucks, a thread over reacting to homophobia and racism. Trollometer is saying something... ITS OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAANNNNNDDDD
Spot on. A liability that I could not wait to rid myself of. At so many moments during the game I hoped hoped HOPED that I had seen the last of him or he would turn up dead. Eff that guy.
Never did like Kenny and never will like Kenny. He's nothing more than an ignorant liability. In real life, you wouldn't want a person like … morethat in your group. He has issues with leadership, anger and is one finger away from completely snapping. Imagine him snapping at the WORST possible time. He's already made poor decisions in the heat of the moment and if I remember correctly, he like Nick, could've gotten Clem killed.
A banned user called KennySucks, a thread over reacting to homophobia and racism. Trollometer is saying something... ITS OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAANNNNNDDDD
While I am not oblivious to why people may NOT like him, I've always been on his side and thus he's been loyal to me since the start. I saved Duck, he gave me a ride to Macon. I defended Duck at the drug store, he saved my life after Larry punched me in the face and left me to get eaten. In Episode 2, I assisted him in putting down Larry, and he offered me and Clem a spot in the RV. I supported the Boat plan, and put Duck down so he didn't have too. He helped us in Crawford, and wouldn't let me go search for Clem alone, saying I've always been there for him, and it didn't matter if I was bitten or not, he'd stick with me until the end. I'm aware that Kenny and Ben had major differences and Kenny hated his guts, but in my playthrough, Kenny forgave Ben and put him down so he wouldn't have to face his fear of getting eaten. Season 2, in a nutshell, Kenny was ALWAYS backing me up. He took the blame for the radio, getting beaten nearly to death and so many other instances. And let's not forget, Kenny was willing to give up his survival just so Clem and Aj could stay at Wellington. Hate him or not, that WAS selfless and a sacrifice, I didn't stay at Wellington, but I firmly believe Kenny is a great man, and a man that has stayed by my side this entire time. In my eyes, a hero.
I'm a Kenny fan, but he can be REALLY annoying. No matter how many times you've been there for him, if you disagree with him on the tiniest thing, he'll push you away and bring it up for the rest of your life.
I don't hate Kenny but I don't love him either, his whole boat plan is stupid from the start but try telling him that. Kenny is only nice to… more you if you agree with him on those stupid ideas. Hes also quit self centered, the way he took the food from station wagon with no regret, how he talked about ditching people from the boat, like Molly who saved his ass. Hes definitely not a nice guy, he is a realistic person and in that sense a great character.
If there was a zombie apocalypse for real, most of this community would like to have a friend like Kenny.
And also, it depends from what y… moreou like in a friend.
Also, like he explained before, he's from Florida; you know what comes out from his mouth.
yeah i like Kenny too now, I clicked on this thread after it somehow came back to life and i realised i started it xD but yeah i like Kenny now and i can appreciate that him and Nick seem to get a long better now
"I don't know what the fuck you're sayin', but I know it's bullshit!"
The quote you just said.
"What you gonna do? TELL ON ME?"
"Go on now.... you don't need to see this..."
I've seen my fair share of Kenny haters that have transitioned over to liking him now in Episode 3. His self-sacrifice for Clementine was also rather heroic. Seen a flare of Lee when he done that action.
Personally, I think what he did to Larry and Carver was less than justifiable. On the other hand, I applauded Travis for his actions. So, what do I know? Morallity is purely a reflective trait and something that differs from person to person.
See that nail over there? You just hit it on the head. I got real sick of babysitting Kenny rather early on. Cooler heads are needed in a terrible situation, not trigger happy dimwits.
Spot on. It would be one thing if Kenny was ONLY stupid or ONLY trigger-infolhappy or ONLY an immature jerk or ONLY self centered. Put all those together and you have a bunch of awful decisions that lead to good people getting killed and possible allies being soured right out of the gate. So many times throughout the game I thought to myself "Ok, maybe THIS is the part where I can cut loose this sack of bricks that's been weighing us down!"
Well said.
Liking pepsi doesn't mean you hate coke, and neither one of them are good for you.
Slice his Achilles tendon and then poke him in his bad eye?
Do you realize you're replying to 10 month old posts?
You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. My big thing about the "Kenny's family just died" thing only hold up (a tiny tint bit) for some of his actions, but it does not affect the fact that he is dumb, irrational and a bigot.
A banned user called KennySucks, a thread over reacting to homophobia and racism. Trollometer is saying something... ITS OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAANNNNNDDDD
Spot on. A liability that I could not wait to rid myself of. At so many moments during the game I hoped hoped HOPED that I had seen the last of him or he would turn up dead. Eff that guy.
Nah, he was a cool member a while ago.
I like Kenny for a multitude of reasons.
While I am not oblivious to why people may NOT like him, I've always been on his side and thus he's been loyal to me since the start. I saved Duck, he gave me a ride to Macon. I defended Duck at the drug store, he saved my life after Larry punched me in the face and left me to get eaten. In Episode 2, I assisted him in putting down Larry, and he offered me and Clem a spot in the RV. I supported the Boat plan, and put Duck down so he didn't have too. He helped us in Crawford, and wouldn't let me go search for Clem alone, saying I've always been there for him, and it didn't matter if I was bitten or not, he'd stick with me until the end. I'm aware that Kenny and Ben had major differences and Kenny hated his guts, but in my playthrough, Kenny forgave Ben and put him down so he wouldn't have to face his fear of getting eaten. Season 2, in a nutshell, Kenny was ALWAYS backing me up. He took the blame for the radio, getting beaten nearly to death and so many other instances. And let's not forget, Kenny was willing to give up his survival just so Clem and Aj could stay at Wellington. Hate him or not, that WAS selfless and a sacrifice, I didn't stay at Wellington, but I firmly believe Kenny is a great man, and a man that has stayed by my side this entire time. In my eyes, a hero.
I'm a Kenny fan, but he can be REALLY annoying. No matter how many times you've been there for him, if you disagree with him on the tiniest thing, he'll push you away and bring it up for the rest of your life.
Crazy shit, that's what.
Lol, too bad about your username.