Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I can't wait for chapter 2. I bet it would take place a week afterwards and there would be 3 groups. The farm, a city group, and boat. Boat will be the best though.
  • Lol, you sure do love pizza. B] Guess I'll include that in the story :p

    Yay, let's do it! :3 lol I'll have some today, yummy! :p

  • edited May 2014
    Lol, let's just say I love food in general, specially pizza and chocolate. :p Haha, that'd be cool!

    Lol, you sure do love pizza. B] Guess I'll include that in the story :p

  • My only suggestion is using more descriptive verbs.
    Like in one of the earlier stories you use "I said in pain" when "I screamed in agony" would've been better.
    Other than that good job lee.

    I'll try to post daily in this thread. B]

  • Got it. If you want me to use some quotes for your character as well. You can type some up.
    CornPopper posted: »

    My only suggestion is using more descriptive verbs. Like in one of the earlier stories you use "I said in pain" when "I screamed in agony" would've been better. Other than that good job lee.

  • Lol, same here. I can eat a lot, but not gain a pound. Probably high metabolism, haha, or maybe because I work it off. But, oh well. I'm not complaining. B]

    Lol, let's just say I love food in general, specially pizza and chocolate. :p Haha, that'd be cool!

  • (?) The guilty king approves of this.

    Haha. Like I said I have a special part for your character. This is only the beginning.

  • Heh, me too. I've been trying to gain some weight, but I'm giving up now. I guess there's no point of doing that if I'm not going to be healthy. :p I'm not complaining as well, but I have to say, everytime I look in the mirror my ribs freak me out. Lol

    Lol, same here. I can eat a lot, but not gain a pound. Probably high metabolism, haha, or maybe because I work it off. But, oh well. I'm not complaining. B]

  • Shikaka!
    You wanna get high?!?
    Don't forget to bring a towel!
    I've slept with all the finest whores in the land.
    (im not cereal about these)

    Got it. If you want me to use some quotes for your character as well. You can type some up.



    Puncake32 (!) Let's all go. I was looking down and thinking about what we should do next. Suddenly Firedog spoke up. "Let's all go



    Gobananas01 (!) We need to sneak out. "We need to sneak out." I told cameroncr95. "Now's our chance, with that smoke blocking them

  • Lol, damn. It's harder for women too. About to start the next part. B]

    Heh, me too. I've been trying to gain some weight, but I'm giving up now. I guess there's no point of doing that if I'm not going to be heal

  • I wish I could lose some. But I have no life and college gets in the way.

    Heh, me too. I've been trying to gain some weight, but I'm giving up now. I guess there's no point of doing that if I'm not going to be heal

  • Hell yeah!
    firedog122 posted: »

    I can't wait for chapter 2. I bet it would take place a week afterwards and there would be 3 groups. The farm, a city group, and boat. Boat will be the best though.

  • BOAT
    firedog122 posted: »

    We sure are, us and our magical boat.

  • I'll to post it later. Got some stuff and thaaangs to do. I stopped at the second character. Almost done.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I wish I could lose some. But I have no life and college gets in the way.

  • edited May 2014

    (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find.

    I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted to make sure my family was okay.

    Suddenly Belan spoke up. "Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find."

    I got angry and turned to him. "What?! First you leave Jewfreeus behind and now, your telling Rich to go down the road, to who knows where and I'm not even going to be able to make sure my family is okay?!"

    eking backed Belan's choice. "Settle down, ATR. Belan thought there wasn't enough time to go back. We needed to leave. Besides, Jewf ditched us in the first place."

    I gave him an evil glare."Whatever, you two." I looked down and sighed. "Oh, Jewf. Why did you run away?"

    "This is bullshit!" Noncy yelled out in anger. "Only me and ATR want to leave to the city, it seems. What about about you, PaulKenneth?"

    "I don't give a shit where we go. Let's just go down the road, I guess." He said while trying not to move his leg.

    Rich put the car on drive and said."Alright, four on two. Were heading down the road, everyone."

    Noncy crossed her arms, and turned her head to look out the car window. "Ugh! Whatever then. Let's just go."

    "Looks like we have no choice." I said as I turned to look at Belan.

    "I'm sorry. I'm worried about my family too, but. I think we'll be safer away from the city." Belan said with an unhappy look.

    I sighed again. "Okay. Let's just go then."

    I heard Noncy whisper something next to me. "Where did you go, Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy?..." She said to herself.

    Rich made a right turn out of the parking lot and onto the road. I turned to look back at the school which was slowly being overrun by these zombies, and more of them coming out of the woods. I kept wondering if Jewf was still alive.

    Belan turned to look at eking."You think I made the right choice?"

    "Yeah, man. Don't worry about it." eking responded.

    We were on the road for a while. It was pretty empty, everything was dark and quiet around us. It seemed like nothing crazy was going on.

    Rich spoke up. "Shit, you guys. Were almost on "E." I need to stop the car somewhere."

    "Oh, great!" Noncy said sarcastically.

    Rich made a turn into a dirt road leading to the river. I remembered how I use to come down here to go fishing with my dad on Sunday's. I really hoped my family was safe. Rich parked the car next to the river, and all of us got out. Rich, eking, and Belan helped get Paul out of the back of the pickup, and sat him next to a tree.

    "thanks, guys." He said to them with a half smile.

    "No problem, Paul. I'm going to go take a look around." eking told us.

    "I'll stay with the group and keep a look out. Belan, follow eking just to be safe." Rich said to him.

    I stayed next to Paul with Noncy. Rich was walking around with his gun, making sure nothing got close to us. Belan and eking went out to take a look around the river.

    "Holy shit! You guys come quickly!" We heard Belan yell out to us.

    Rich turned to look at me. "ATR, go check it out. I'll stay here with Noncy and Paul."

    I nodded and ran over to see what Belan was yelling about. When I reached their location. I was shocked at what he and eking had found.

    "Oh my god..." I said as I witnessed it...



    I needed to get Cameron to the hospital. I put the sirens on and tried to avoid hitting anyone in the streets. People seemed too busy looting the stores. I turned to look at Cameron.

    "Hey, man. We're almost there. You'll be fine."

    Cameron was just laying there. He didn't give me any response.

    "C'mon, Cameron! Don't give up now. I need you, partner. Don't fuckin' die on me." I turned to look up in front of us."Oh shit!" I said as I saw a bloodied man in the middle of the street.

    I turned the steering wheel, trying to avoid hitting him and we ran off the road, into the woods. The car flipped and was rolling over down the hill, until we hit the ground and we stopped. I felt a bit of pain, on my right arm, but It seemed like I was okay. I looked over to Cameron and he still wasn't moving. I unbuckled my seat belt an opened the door. I got out of the wrecked squad car and took a breather. I heard moaning coming from inside the car.

    I quickly focused my attention inside the car. "Cameron, you're still alive?!" I asked my partner.

    He turned to look at me, and I got chills going down my spine when I saw him. "Holy shit..." I said as I saw Cameron growling at me with his hands trying to reach me. His skin was greyish and his pupils were completely white."What the fuck happened?!" I yelled out to myself.

    Cameron was trying to reach me, but the seat belt was holding him back. Everything was going wrong. The people in the city were going crazy and Cameron... I didn't even know what the hell was going on anymore. I heard gunshots coming from above the hill and onto the streets. I needed to get out of here fast. I opened the back door and got the riot shield and shotgun out. Cameron still had a tear gas grenade and a knife on him, that could be useful. I went around the car to the passenger side and opened it. I placed the riot shield down. I had my shotgun ready, Cameron had his attention on me and was still trying to get his hands on me, while growling ferociously. I didn't know what to do...

    1) I'm sorry, Cameron. I don't know what happened. But I have to leave you here.
    2) Cameron... what the fuck?... I have to shoot you... I need to get that tear gas grenade and knife.
    3) I can't shoot you, man. I have to try to get that tear gas grenade and knife off of him somehow.

  • Nice cliffhanger on ATR's POV, lol

    Gobananas01: 2) Cameron... what the fuck?... I have to shoot you... I need to get that tear gas grenade and knife.

    AllThatRemains (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find. I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted

  • Shit, Cameron. That sucks =(

    2) Cameron... what the fuck?... I have to shoot you... I need to get that tear gas grenade and knife.
  • Our first death in the story. R.I.P. cameroncr95.

    Shit, Cameron. That sucks =( 2) Cameron... what the fuck?... I have to shoot you... I need to get that tear gas grenade and knife.

  • 3) I can't shoot you, man. I have to try to get that tear gas grenade and knife off of him somehow.

    hopefully we don't have to waste ammo.

    AllThatRemains (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find. I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted

  • R.I.P. cameroncr95. He will be missed.

    Our first death in the story. R.I.P. cameroncr95.

  • 2)Cameron..what the fuck?...I have to shoot you...I need to get that tear gas greanade and knife.

    AllThatRemains (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find. I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted

  • edited May 2014
    WHAT DID I SEE WHAT DID I SEE ugh the suspense. And RIP Cameron

    AllThatRemains (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find. I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted

  • edited May 2014
    Going to start another part right now. Really trying to get to a certain part, in the story. B]

    Don't forget to vote.

    WHAT DID I SEE WHAT DID I SEE ugh the suspense. And RIP Cameron

  • I did vote in my comment, but it cut it off at RIP Cameron for some reason. I'll just copy/paste:

    3) I can't shoot you, man. I have to try to get that tear gas grenade and knife off of him somehow.

    I know shooting him is what needs to be done, but I doubt many people in the beginning of the apocalypse will see it that way, especially if it is someone they know. This seems the most realistic option. Gobananas01 doesn't even see him as a monster, he still sees him and refers to him as Cameron.

    Going to start another part right now. Really trying to get to a certain part, in the story. B] Don't forget to vote.

  • Haha, at least my legs are kind of chubby. I can use a oversized sweater and no one will never know about my ribs. :p Okay, I'm gonna read it now. :3

    Lol, damn. It's harder for women too. About to start the next part. B]

  • You could donate me some. :p Lol
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I wish I could lose some. But I have no life and college gets in the way.

  • But if you saw someone growling at you and their pupils were all white, wouldn't you get the idea that they're not okay?

    I did vote in my comment, but it cut it off at RIP Cameron for some reason. I'll just copy/paste: 3) I can't shoot you, man. I have to

  • I mean lose weight, lol.

    You could donate me some. :p Lol

  • Nope all my friends are like that. >_>

    But if you saw someone growling at you and their pupils were all white, wouldn't you get the idea that they're not okay?

  • Yep, and I meant donate me some weight. Haha c:
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I mean lose weight, lol.

  • Lol, okay.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Nope all my friends are like that. >_>

  • Great stuff Pro. :3

    2) Cameron... what the fuck?... I have to shoot you... I need to get that tear gas grenade and knife.

    AllThatRemains (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find. I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted

  • All my friends are dead.

    Lol, okay.

  • That explains everything.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    All my friends are dead.

  • Ohh, my bad. I thought you meant pizza, lol. If I could do that, I would!

    Yep, and I meant donate me some weight. Haha c:

  • edited May 2014
    3) I can't shoot you, man. I have to try to get that tear gas grenade and knife off of him somehow.

    Sorry that I missed the voting on the last one, was kind of busy.

    AllThatRemains (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find. I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted

  • There is no way bananas knows it's a zombie apocalypse yet so he wouldn't shoot Cameron. He would just think that he needs to get to hospital.
    Using logic the best answer is 3).

    AllThatRemains (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find. I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted

  • Yes, but they don't really know what's going on. We all know what to do in these situations because of TWD/other zombie media, but most people don't come to the same conclusions in real life. Someone doesn't look okay? Most people who have no idea of what's going on or the extent of how serious it is don't automatically think about killing a person they know just because they aren't acting normal.

    I'm not saying it is the best option, or the smartest. I am just thinking through the perspective of someone at the beginning of the zombie apocalypse who has no idea what the hell is going on. Similar to how people chose not to leave Cameron behind after he first got bitten- it is much more realistic to think that Gobananas01 just wouldn't know.

    But if you saw someone growling at you and their pupils were all white, wouldn't you get the idea that they're not okay?

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