Did you hug or hit Luke?



  • edited May 2014

    Damn right. But I'm also





  • The option to hit Luke was there. But I couldn't bring myself to hit him. I knew he'd come back!

  • Did you still mash the button when he pulled you aside?

    I knew who it was THE SECOND I saw that orange sweater. I was already hoping for a hug option, but the hit is still cute XD


    Aw, jeez, I HOPE not, no, no, THINK POSITIVEEEEE

  • edited May 2014

    I found it on Google Images, but I can't find it now! TT^TT

    What, really? Well that is pretty sweet- I mean, that's kind of weird (where can I find it?)

  • Shame :(

    I found it on Google Images, but I can't find it now! TT^TT

  • edited May 2014

    I HUG THAT BITCH!!! man i was so happy to see him! ^_^


    Twas quite the scene XD

    Did you still mash the button when he pulled you aside?

  • Do you know what happens if you don't resist at first?

    Did you still mash the button when he pulled you aside?

  • Hugged him.
  • Clem in my first play through, gave him a hug. Second one, hit him. All she does is hit him on the shoulder.
  • I hit him.
    Was kinda disappointed that it was just a weak little punch, though.
  • I hugged him, I figured Clementine should be as nice as she can to everyone just in case...
  • Actually, hitting him is a very cute option. But I thought that if I will pick it, Clementine will make a FALCON PUUUUUNCH on Luke and I definitely didn't want to do it. So I hugged him! :3
  • Hit him. I like Luke, but I thought it would be funnier.
  • I hit him - just for the giggles.
  • Hugged. She already bit him hard enough to draw blood, give the poor guy a break.
  • I hit the fool. He did leave us, which, pragmatically, was the best thing to do, but still. :/
  • I hugged him first, then did another playthrough where I punched him. Kinda wish you could do both, though - punch and hug the guy. :3

  • I had sex with him

  • If I can choose to kill him...

  • And I thought Lexi was the only one :/

    I had sex with him

  • edited February 2015

    About to punch you're butthurt face in a minute, you asshat.

    I could taste Luke hate from the other side of the world, don't think you'll go unnoticed.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I punched that butthurt bitch. smh.

  • I hugged him of course, Luke deserved a hug for coming back and not ditching us, he deserved a hug for traveling here with no food or sleep just to try and get us out. So all those people who were hoping he would die from the punch why don't you think about that, he came back to try to rescue you all when he could have just easily ditched you. Sure he might not have been there in the first place but he obviously thought he would have been more helpful on the outside so he can help you get out.

  • I hit him because i dislike him, if i had a gun it would've ended up as i wanted it to.

  • Alt text

    Brace yourself for a shitstorm my friend.

    Majda posted: »

    I hit him because i dislike him, if i had a gun it would've ended up as i wanted it to.

  • Lovely.

    Majda posted: »

    I hit him because i dislike him, if i had a gun it would've ended up as i wanted it to.

  • edited February 2015

    Oh you did not... you did, didn't you? How can you dislike him so much that you would, ok. I'm not going to get mad... Just,

    Alt text

    Majda posted: »

    I hit him because i dislike him, if i had a gun it would've ended up as i wanted it to.

  • i hit him lol, just cause i thought it would be funny

  • I hugged him

    There aren't many opportunities to show affection in the game so leaped on it

  • It'll be okay Kateis, have this gif of Luke smiling to make you feel better! :)

    photo SMMMMMMMMMMMMMMML_zpseacxttmd.gif

    Kateis posted: »

    Oh you did not... you did, didn't you? How can you dislike him so much that you would, ok. I'm not going to get mad... Just,

  • You just made me feel worse, just look at his smile. That smile is dead now. He was the only one who didn't have a creepy smile, Telltale can't make smiles but they made Luke smile... I'm gonna go cry now.

    Simply posted: »

    It'll be okay Kateis, have this gif of Luke smiling to make you feel better!

  • Aw sorry! What about one of him sad?

    photo LUKESAD_zpsq7l7zk0o.gif

    Kateis posted: »

    You just made me feel worse, just look at his smile. That smile is dead now. He was the only one who didn't have a creepy smile, Telltale can't make smiles but they made Luke smile... I'm gonna go cry now.

  • I don't know what I'm feeling now, I feel fine but at the same time I want to cry... what is happening to me?

    Simply posted: »

    Aw sorry! What about one of him sad?

  • It's grieving, my dear. Let it all out.

    Kateis posted: »

    I don't know what I'm feeling now, I feel fine but at the same time I want to cry... what is happening to me?

  • It's all out, I let it out 5 months ago. Why does this feel like a real death?

    Simply posted: »

    It's grieving, my dear. Let it all out.

  • Because Luke is love. Luke is life.


    Kateis posted: »

    It's all out, I let it out 5 months ago. Why does this feel like a real death?

  • edited February 2015

    A hug for Luke, I could never hurt him. .3.

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