Steaks and beer, what more would you want, this Saturday evening?
And now what you've been waiting for. I had to whip out photoshop and … moremodify Sarahs face-texture, as there the shadow the glasses cast on her face is actually part of her texture
How AWESOME does Clem look with glasses?
Troy: kicks clem
Clem: don't kick me it's rude.
Troy: get up gunab's gonna have a word.
Gunab: Troy you didn't kick her did you?
Troy: wh-wh-what? no no ofcourse not no
Clem: yeah he did he kick me...
Gunab: looks at troy like that hamster that stares scary at you
Troy: i'm sorry gunab i-
Gunab: clem darlin go back to sleep i didn't mean to wake you up me and troy are gonna talk a little..........grabs his crowbar
Clem: ok
You're awesome dude! With all the talk of Luke's VA who is a singer it would amazing, we could even try and tweet it to him!
Thanks for the shoutout nicky! But I would like this thread to keep Gunab's amazing work only.
Give him a chance to prove himself worthy ;-;
i know just wanted to update some people
Oh, I don't mind
It was late yesterday, so I didn't clean up and left some props lying around...
Damn it, Clem! Always snooping around!
She can now have infinite hats!
I think she's more freaked out by finding another hat.
sorry didn't mean to
it would be funnier if she saw season 1 clem and then season 1 clem says hey that's my hat give it back!
That looks exactly like hers, stains and all
That'd be hilarious
Anyone see resemblance?

I knew it!
Coincidence, I never watched breaking bad
Second picture of my first (!) series. Whose boot might that be?
First picture again
Bloody Mary. I think outside the box.
Another idea: Can you make Lee and Carlos arm wrestle while Clem and Sarah are cheering?
But why would Lee and Carlos fight? I think they'd get along just fine
maybe s1 clem ended up in the future lol
It's not really a fight, more like a match against bros to see who is stronger.
Hmm... I don't know, seems like much effort for very little effect. No cuteness or feel-train-effect, if you know what I mean
Clem hat to work hard for me these last days. She's deserving a nap
But Sarah and Clementine are cheering in the background, so that could be cute.
I hope someone is watching her back. This is great Gunab!
Troy: kicks clem
Clem: don't kick me it's rude.
Troy: get up gunab's gonna have a word.
Gunab: Troy you didn't kick her did you?
Troy: wh-wh-what? no no ofcourse not no
Clem: yeah he did he kick me...
Gunab: looks at troy like that hamster that stares scary at you
Troy: i'm sorry gunab i-
Gunab: clem darlin go back to sleep i didn't mean to wake you up me and troy are gonna talk a little..........grabs his crowbar
Clem: ok
I hope so!
Yep, Jane, but why's Clem running to her?
Last one for today. Another Clem and Sarah picture. Noting cute this time!
Zombie chomped her arm?
Nah, nothing that simple
Jane "put down" Carlos? Or anyone
Is Jane trying to get rid of someone we know?
I don't know that feel Sarah ;~;
Edit: Gah Dayum, I just realized its a cross for Carlos. I thought Sarah was looking for her glasses...
That will happen when we get to Wellington! ^_^
Christa you better be alive!!! :.(
This is some really great stuff you're doing here, man! Keep up the awesome work!