Third picture. You were right it's Jane!
First picture again
Second picture again
Won't post that many pictures today, as my evening is consumed like every Monday by my World of Warcraft raid
Hey Gunab!!
Can you do a cool action picture like: Clem jumping on top of two walkers, kicking one of them on one side and hitting the head of the other with her hammer!
That would be fantastic! Please tell me you can! ^^
Third picture. You were right it's Jane!
First picture again
Second picture again
Won't post that many pictures today, as my evening is consumed like every Monday by my World of Warcraft raid
Ohh you should redo the scene with Clem and Ken in episode when they both hug, but dont have it so zoomed in like the actual scene so we can see who is with Ken. Then replace Ken with Lee(one armed, in the orriginal scene Ken is holding a rifle so I guess just give Lee a pistol), replace Sarita with Molly and Walter with Ken. If it is possible you should alter Lee's appearance; thicker beard and new jacket or vest. That art would be so f'n epic. Im getting goose bumps just thinking about it.. ahh the feels
It time again for a more technical picture. I reworked my light-calculations to separate between directional- and point-lights. Having only … morepoint lights was becoming a pain with big environments. Also, for the "Luke playing guitar"-Picture I need point lights with falloff.
Looks good. Imagine someone holding a lighter just under her nose
Ohh you should redo the scene with Clem and Ken in episode when they both hug, but dont have it so zoomed in like the actual scene so we can… more see who is with Ken. Then replace Ken with Lee(one armed, in the orriginal scene Ken is holding a rifle so I guess just give Lee a pistol), replace Sarita with Molly and Walter with Ken. If it is possible you should alter Lee's appearance; thicker beard and new jacket or vest. That art would be so f'n epic. Im getting goose bumps just thinking about it.. ahh the feels
I am in the process of rewriting parts of my engine. It's gotten to big and evolved way past the point than I originally intended. So I need to change some stuff. The engine needs to be more selforganizing and less aware of what it's actually drawing there.
In a nutshell: I am separating the OpenGL-Rendering from my Model and Animation-Logic. This way the engine will just draw Meshes and not Models anymore With that I am now a big step closer to implement efficient shadows and I can finally start working on Alpha-Blending, for which I need to order the meshes by cameradistance. That wasn't possible as meshed were combined into a model.
Now, that I made you read all this, I will reward you with a picture
I am in the process of rewriting parts of my engine. It's gotten to big and evolved way past the point than I originally intended. So I need… more to change some stuff. The engine needs to be more selforganizing and less aware of what it's actually drawing there.
In a nutshell: I am separating the OpenGL-Rendering from my Model and Animation-Logic. This way the engine will just draw Meshes and not Models anymore With that I am now a big step closer to implement efficient shadows and I can finally start working on Alpha-Blending, for which I need to order the meshes by cameradistance. That wasn't possible as meshed were combined into a model.
Now, that I made you read all this, I will reward you with a picture
I am in the process of rewriting parts of my engine. It's gotten to big and evolved way past the point than I originally intended. So I need… more to change some stuff. The engine needs to be more selforganizing and less aware of what it's actually drawing there.
In a nutshell: I am separating the OpenGL-Rendering from my Model and Animation-Logic. This way the engine will just draw Meshes and not Models anymore With that I am now a big step closer to implement efficient shadows and I can finally start working on Alpha-Blending, for which I need to order the meshes by cameradistance. That wasn't possible as meshed were combined into a model.
Now, that I made you read all this, I will reward you with a picture
Clem: oh shit! i'm trying lee!
Kenny: picks up clem and kil… morels walker
Lee: good one ken phew that was close goodbye sweat pea i'm glad i got to talk to you... take care
Clem: good bye lee.....wakes up
Kenny: oh thank god your ok! i'm glad you got to talk with lee too
Clem: yeah i missed him...thanks for saving me kenny
Kenny: no problem come on darlin we got work to do gunab wanted you too wake up but thank god i got that walker...that was close
Clem: ok can i make another selfie with sarah first....
Kenny: no...
Clem: pleaaaaaaase ( clem uses her sad face again)
Kenny: damn you little devil (laughs a little) alright fine go make a selfie...
Clem: yes! thx kenny Hey sarah come on let's make a selfie!
Sarah: ok!
Hey, @Gunab. Someone on this forum ( not going to say who ) took your art and said that he created them. You should put watermarks so people wont take all the credit again.
Hey, @Gunab. Someone on this forum ( not going to say who ) took your art and said that he created them. You should put watermarks so people wont take all the credit again.
Hey, @Gunab. Someone on this forum ( not going to say who ) took your art and said that he created them. You should put watermarks so people wont take all the credit again.
Steaks and beer, what more would you want, this Saturday evening?
And now what you've been waiting for. I had to whip out photoshop and … moremodify Sarahs face-texture, as there the shadow the glasses cast on her face is actually part of her texture
How AWESOME does Clem look with glasses?
Nope I don't. But I know who it is. I'm just waiting for someone to PM me a link to that account, so I can initiate the appropriate steps I'm a vengeful guy on things like that
But as long as the right people (that being the guys from Telltale) know that it's my art...
Don't expect as many pictures the next few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow
Last picture of that series
First picture again
Second picture again
Thrist picture again
Don't expect as many pictures the nex… moret few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow
Nope I don't. But I know who it is. I'm just waiting for someone to PM me a link to that account, so I can initiate the appropriate steps I… more'm a vengeful guy on things like that
But as long as the right people (that being the guys from Telltale) know that it's my art...
I've just read a little. From what the guy who did this is posting here on the forum, I gather he's german, because of frequent use of ^^, this is as far as I know a German thing, because ^ is much more easy accessibleon German Keyboards.
I am German. And our copyright-law does not only protect Telltales copyright on those pictures, but also my rights as an Author (German: Urheberrecht). Sooo... my advise would be for the person to straigten this out.
Nope I don't. But I know who it is. I'm just waiting for someone to PM me a link to that account, so I can initiate the appropriate steps I… more'm a vengeful guy on things like that
But as long as the right people (that being the guys from Telltale) know that it's my art...
Kenny: that girl she is like an angel when she sleeps huh?
Lee: yeah she is man she has something that draws people's attention too it's … morehope.... when i met her i somehow felt like there was still
hope in this world i still miss her...
Kenny: i know pal she misses you to..i don't know why fate caused you to get bit but i will promise you i will protect her no matter what don't worry lee
Lee: thank's kenny i know i can count on you your my friend afterall goodbye man
kenny wakes up and sees clem sleeping like in the picture
Kenny: no problem lee....
A follow-up-image on the "sarah and clem grave"-scene I posted yesterday. Maybe a little tweak to the light and shadows and this would make a nice preview-image for EP4
I am in the process of rewriting parts of my engine. It's gotten to big and evolved way past the point than I originally intended. So I need… more to change some stuff. The engine needs to be more selforganizing and less aware of what it's actually drawing there.
In a nutshell: I am separating the OpenGL-Rendering from my Model and Animation-Logic. This way the engine will just draw Meshes and not Models anymore With that I am now a big step closer to implement efficient shadows and I can finally start working on Alpha-Blending, for which I need to order the meshes by cameradistance. That wasn't possible as meshed were combined into a model.
Now, that I made you read all this, I will reward you with a picture
Last picture of that series
First picture again
Second picture again
Thrist picture again
Don't expect as many pictures the nex… moret few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow
I am in the process of rewriting parts of my engine. It's gotten to big and evolved way past the point than I originally intended. So I need… more to change some stuff. The engine needs to be more selforganizing and less aware of what it's actually drawing there.
In a nutshell: I am separating the OpenGL-Rendering from my Model and Animation-Logic. This way the engine will just draw Meshes and not Models anymore With that I am now a big step closer to implement efficient shadows and I can finally start working on Alpha-Blending, for which I need to order the meshes by cameradistance. That wasn't possible as meshed were combined into a model.
Now, that I made you read all this, I will reward you with a picture
Nope I don't. But I know who it is. I'm just waiting for someone to PM me a link to that account, so I can initiate the appropriate steps I… more'm a vengeful guy on things like that
But as long as the right people (that being the guys from Telltale) know that it's my art...
Last picture of that series
First picture again
Second picture again
Thrist picture again
Don't expect as many pictures the nex… moret few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow
For the model on the single action revolver can the hammer be cocked back?
First of all; I love you and your work. Keep it up man/lady/Ben.
Secondly; I know your hands are full these days but can you do Lee (one armed) and Clementine vs. Carver showdown? If you have time one day of course.
Thats seems possible for me to do, I know a posing studio which I know how to work around it. I might be able to do that.
Hmm I have a feeling she's aiming at Luke or Sarah. She told whom ever to look at the flowers. XD
Ohh you should redo the scene with Clem and Ken in episode when they both hug, but dont have it so zoomed in like the actual scene so we can see who is with Ken. Then replace Ken with Lee(one armed, in the orriginal scene Ken is holding a rifle so I guess just give Lee a pistol), replace Sarita with Molly and Walter with Ken. If it is possible you should alter Lee's appearance; thicker beard and new jacket or vest. That art would be so f'n epic. Im getting goose bumps just thinking about it.. ahh the feels
I love it when she gives somebody that death glare.Good job
I use this pose as the default pose for when I'm testing stuff
I think I've done enough Hug-Images for now
But don't worry, something similar is coming up soon. But maybe not this week, though.
And I can't simply relace models, my engine doesn't work that way
Just like the game 
I am in the process of rewriting parts of my engine. It's gotten to big and evolved way past the point than I originally intended. So I need to change some stuff. The engine needs to be more selforganizing and less aware of what it's actually drawing there.
In a nutshell: I am separating the OpenGL-Rendering from my Model and Animation-Logic. This way the engine will just draw Meshes and not Models anymore
With that I am now a big step closer to implement efficient shadows and I can finally start working on Alpha-Blending, for which I need to order the meshes by cameradistance. That wasn't possible as meshed were combined into a model.
Now, that I made you read all this, I will reward you with a picture
Clem: oh shit! i'm trying lee!
Kenny: picks up clem and kills walker
Lee: good one ken phew that was close goodbye sweat pea i'm glad i got to talk to you... take care
Clem: good bye lee.....wakes up
Kenny: oh thank god your ok! i'm glad you got to talk with lee too
Clem: yeah i missed him...thanks for saving me kenny
Kenny: no problem come on darlin we got work to do gunab wanted you too wake up but thank god i got that walker...that was close
Clem: ok can i make another selfie with sarah first....
Kenny: no...
Clem: pleaaaaaaase ( clem uses her sad face again)
Kenny: damn you little devil (laughs a little) alright fine go make a selfie...
Clem: yes! thx kenny Hey sarah come on let's make a selfie!
Sarah: ok!
sorry for making these little fanfic's im just bored sorry lol
Hey, @Gunab. Someone on this forum ( not going to say who ) took your art and said that he created them. You should put watermarks so people wont take all the credit again.
damn that's not good
Could you PM me who and where?
No, just sad.
my perception on Sarah had changed after seeing her without glasses.
Clem: Say my name
Me: Clemenberg
Clem: You're goddamn right.
Hey Gunab, I saw someone taking credit for your art on Instagram, do you have an account?
Nope I don't. But I know who it is. I'm just waiting for someone to PM me a link to that account, so I can initiate the appropriate steps
I'm a vengeful guy on things like that 
But as long as the right people (that being the guys from Telltale) know that it's my art...
Last picture of that series
First picture again
Second picture again
Thrist picture again
Don't expect as many pictures the next few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam
But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow 
Don't look at the flowers, Sarah!
:OO are you serious????????????????????????????????????????????
I don't know how to check PMs.... Help?
Yay, replying to myself
I've just read a little. From what the guy who did this is posting here on the forum, I gather he's german, because of frequent use of ^^, this is as far as I know a German thing, because ^ is much more easy accessibleon German Keyboards.
I am German. And our copyright-law does not only protect Telltales copyright on those pictures, but also my rights as an Author (German: Urheberrecht). Sooo... my advise would be for the person to straigten this out.
Yes I am, it's on my list, though
They show up in you notifications
There are no flowers. She's just walking here. Still sad about Carlos' death.
;_; So sadddddddddd
Sad? I think it's cute
At least that's what I intended
Did you notice, that she's using her hat as pillow?
Mission accepted elimante Walker

It's adorable but the fanfic is sad when you connect it, making the picture sad and all sorts of feels and such and aksfjwae ;_;
Found it, I'll pm!
This is what I would do to Jane:
That's not nice! I daubt Jane would actually do it
... LOL