Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Lmao, now I have to make it so ATR in the story drew some fake open eyes on herself with a marker. That's some pretty bad supervising, haha. I'll make sure not to pick you, to keep watch. B]

    A nap? Let's just say I was supervising them with my eyes closed

  • Nooooo Noncy is in trouble! =(

    Wanderer7897: 2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is.

    Deceptio: 3) Look for something, distract the man.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • 2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is.

    2) Go back and get help.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • Wanderer7897: 2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is.

    Deceptio: 3) Look for something, distract the man. ...dammit, Lee. more hard choices......

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • 4) Make my way over to them. Try to talk to negotiate with the man. 1) Shoot him! He has a gun in his hands, we can't risk it.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • 4) Make my way over to them. Try to talk to negotiate with the man. 1) Shoot him! He has a gun in his hands, we can't risk it.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • edited June 2014

    Sorry! Forgot to reply!

  • 2) Aim gun at him.

    3) Look for something distract the man.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • edited June 2014

    This is gonna be good. The wandering around part was funny haha.

    2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is.

    3) Look for something, distract the man.

    Is the white hoodie guy CoolStoryBro? 2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is. I guess you missed t

  • edited June 2014

    Indeed its me :P

    I like the way he portrayed me, that's pretty much me in real life too to be honest ;)

    One thing is for sure : even if you guys voted for him to tell me to shoot that guy without mercy, I wouldn't do it. I would do things my way even if the other guy told me to shoot him on the spot, I want to gather some information first and that character just said " I hope everyone's alright", which I deduce means it might or might not be CSB.

    Even if it wasn't, that means that more people are having trouble with an horde of walkers and I'll be damned if I didn't choose to help save some potentially good people, i'll just play It safe and do it the smart way.

    2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is.

    I just hope you didn't think my character would just jump out and instantly point a gun at him, I would announce my presence first to be safe then ask him to tell me who is. I'm not getting shot on my introduction scene ;)

    Onto Deceptio his predicament then, this one is a tad bit harder.

    On one hand distracting the man might be a good idea, but someone might get shot as a result...

    Going back for help might also be a good idea, but the fact that we don't know the intentions of the man and whether he would kill them if they didn't talk quick enough might be a problem. It does seem safer though, it would also give the group some time to prepare themselves for what's coming. Only problem is the time it will take for him to do that...

    Negotiation in this position is out of the question, if it turns out to be from Tobi's group, there's definitely no negotiation to be had, if its some random survivor the odds might be a bit better, but if it's some crazy psychopath the risks are too high to take.

    It's also important to note that Deceptio only has one leg now, if things turn out for the worst, there's no quick escape to be had...
    Decision doesn't make itself so I vote for:

    3) Look for something, distract the man.

    It sounds risky but its the only valid option in this case, he has to act quick and the only thing he could do at this point is hope for the best. Going back with crutches will take too long and negotiation is out of the question in my opinion, it doesn't sound wise, nor does waiting for things to play out in front of him. That would just add even more to his guilty conscience...

    sardines posted: »

    Hey it's Password!! 2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is. 3) Look for something, distract the man.

  • 3) Say nothing.

    3) Look for something, distract the man.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • 2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is.

    3) Look for something, distract the man.

    Dun dun DUUUUUN.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • How do you want me to interpret this?

    Azlyn posted: »


  • (◞≼◉ื≽◟ ;益;◞≼◉ื≽◟)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    How do you want me to interpret this?

  • 2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is.

    3) Look for something, distract the man.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • Oh ok, thank you for clarifying.

    Azlyn posted: »

    (◞≼◉ื≽◟ ;益;◞≼◉ื≽◟)

  • ( ◉◞౪◟◉)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Oh ok, thank you for clarifying.

  • 2) and 3). I can't type long shit because of my phone.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • 1) Shoot him! He has a gun in his hands, we can't risk it.

    1) Do nothing. Wait it out.

    Alt text

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st


    Azlyn posted: »

    ( ◉◞౪◟◉)

  • 3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • 2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is. & 3) Look for something, distract the man.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • edited June 2014

    2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is.

    2) Go back for the others.

    If that is someone from Tobi's group "Hunting" I'd prefer them taking 3 people, not the whole group.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • 2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is.

    3) Look for something, distract the man.

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st




    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • (◕‿◕✿)

    Azlyn posted: »

    ( ◉◞౪◟◉)

  • edited June 2014


    (!) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    I looked at SweetPea."Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them."

    "Yay!" She shouted.

    I smiled."Come on. Let's catch up to them." We started running towards them. They were about halfway to the exit."Hey! Wait up!" I shouted.

    Gary and Azlyn turned around."Huh?" Gary said.

    We caught up to them."Please, let us join you. I'm worried about you guys. You two are nice people." SweetPea told them with a frown.

    "Um... join us? Why?" Azlyn asked.

    "We ran into some bandits, earlier. It's just... it isn't safe out here anymore. We already lost four of our people. After running into some good folks, I just want to be in a group again." I said to them while looking down.

    Gary and Azlyn looked at each other. Gary turned to us."Uhh, it's sorta difficult." He looked down."Hmm... give us a minute." He said to us, and then him and Azlyn walked to the side to talk to each other, privately.

    "Do you think they'll let us join?" SweetPea whispered.

    I sighed."I don't know... I think we should have just left by ourselves."

    I looked over at Gary and Azlyn, they nodded at each other, and started making their way back to us."Well... you two seem like good people as well. We have a group with us already, It's not up to me to decide if you should stay with us or not. You'll have to talk to Mashiro_Shiina about that."

    "So, we can at least accompany you guys, and talk to the leader?" I asked.

    "Yep. If you two want to tag along, then go ahead. I'm not sure if she'll let you two join though, but you never know." He said with a smile.

    "Thank you so much!" SweetPea replied with a smile.

    Azlyn looked at Gary."Well, we should get going."

    "You're right." He turned to us."Come on, Awesomeo and SweetPea. Let's get outta here." They turned around and started walking, me and SweetPea followed them out of the amusement park, and onto the street. We told them about ourselves, and they did the same."My goal is to kill 150 walkers. I've already killed 40 different ones." Gary told us.

    "Why 150 different walkers?" I asked.

    Gary closed his eyes and smiled."Heh, I just feel like I'll become a walker killing master when I achieve that goal. Azlyn is keeping my record in her small agenda book. She also writes stories and is even making one about being in the apocalypse. Ain't that ironic?"

    SweetPea turned to her."You write stories?! That's amazing! I would like to read one, if you don't mind." She told her with a smile.

    "Really?! I would love it if you did." She replied.

    SweetPea started walking next to her and they started talking. We walked until the sun came up, and it was almost the afternoon now. We made a turn onto a dirt road."Twistee is usually the one who goes out to look for weapons, he's sorta crazy though, but don't get intimidated. We have ps3gamer095, he likes to think anything is possible. The NarwhalKing who tries to be nice and funny, but usually ends up sounding like an asshole, so don't be alarmed. We have our swordsman, GOUSTTTT. He's the oldest of the group, he's also a swordsmith and blacksmith, but he hasn't gotten around to making anything yet, since we don't have the proper tools or equipment. TheWalkingSheep and Swagguykiller69 are brothers, and they help us out a lot. SGK was a surgeon while his brother Sheep was a firefighter. Then there's Azlyn's best friend, Clubremix_Guetta. They usually hang out together almost all the time. Last but not least, Azlyn's sister, Sxphyre. She's usually by herself, and doesn't interact with the others." Gary explained to me.

    "That's a lot of group members. I'm hoping Shiina will let us join." I said to him.

    "Shiina is tough, but she means well. Maybe she might give you guys a chance. I'll talk to her if anything." Gary replied.

    We kept walking, and I noticed a fence around a grassy field, with what looked like a church in the distance."That's the place." Azlyn told us.

    "A church?" SweetPea replied.

    "Yeah, I was hiding with my sister phyre in it, when Shiina and the others came along. Gary joined later on, he was by himself, but Shiina let him join us. Shiina is smart and tough, she makes the hard decisions for us. That's why she's our leader, even the older people from our group agreed with the decision."

    "Wow, I hope she will be willing to accept me and Awesomeo." SweetPea told her.

    "What the hell?!" Something caught Gary by surprise.

    "What is it?" I asked him. I turned to see what he was looking at, and in the distance I could see a man holding someone hostage, while aiming an AK47 at a group of people, there was also a wrecked car, parked next to a tree."Is that your group?!"

    "Oh no! Gary we have to do something!" Azlyn told him.

    "Shit!" Gary turned to look at me and SweetPea."That's our group, but what's happening doesn't concern you. I don't want you guys to risk your lives for some people that you don't even know. Go on and leave, me and Azlyn will figure something out."

    "What?! We can't do that!" SweetPea told him.

    "It's our business, not yours. You two need to get out of here, while you still can." Gary told her. Azlyn and him turned around and hopped the small fence, they hid in the grassy field. Gary turned around."Now go!" He said before moving forward.

    SweetPea turned to me."What should we do, Awesomeo?! We need to help them!"

    "You heard what he said. He has a point."

    "What?! I can't believe what you're saying right now!"

    "Come on, SweetPea. It's what they both want. They asked us to leave."

    SweetPea turned and had a worried look on her face. I looked at Gary and Azlyn moving up. I saw the man holding someone hostage while their group members looked on. I didn't know what to do...

    1) Let's go SweetPea. You heard what they said. No need to get involved.

    2) You're right. We should try to do something.

    3) Say nothing.


    (!) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal.

    I was waiting for Guilty to give me an answer."Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal." He said to me.

    I smirked at him."Good." I looked down at Shadow."Go on. Go with Guilty, he'll look after you for a while."

    "Okay..." He said to me and got up. He walked over to him.

    "Now, get out of my office. Ever will take you to where you need to go." I said to them. They started walking out, and I took out my walkie-talkie."Ever, come in. This is Tobi."

    "Ever here. What is it boss?"

    "Guilty will be working with Shadow. Take them where I told you to take them."

    "Okay, Tobi. On my way. Out."

    I put the walkie-talkie away and started heading to the outside of the warehouse to see what type of good news CiD had to tell me. I opened the double metal doors and headed out with Emu to my side."Cluke_is_Dumb, my best friend! You've been gone for a while, what the hell type of good news do you have for me?" I asked with a smile.

    "Heh, check it out, Tobi." He said to me as he handed me some pictures."See that? We could definitely go hunting for them."

    I looked through the pictures and saw a group of people."Hmm... more potential members for my community." I said with a smile. I looked up at CiD."You know how to get back to this location with no problems, right?"

    "Yep, I'll just need a few guys with me."

    "Good. I'll be coming along with you as well. We'll take three separate cars. You lead the way, and the others will follow." I said to him.

    "Excellent. I'll go get the truck ready." CiD told me and headed back.

    Gustav showed up behind me to change shifts with Juice."Fuckin' Rafoli. That guy's really starting to piss me off."

    "Heh, what's the matter, Gustav? Can't handle a peasant worker?" Emu asked him.

    "Hey, shut the fuck up, Emu! Ain't nobody asked you, alright?!" Gustav replied.

    "Why don't you make me, asshole!" Emu said to him.

    "Hey! Shut the fuck up. The both of you!" I said to them."Now, listen. CiD found a group of people for us to hunt, and possibly recruit. We'll be going out there to get them today. So take some ammo and get your asses to those cars."

    They both looked at me."On it, Tobi." Emu replied.

    "You got it." Gustav said.

    They headed to the armory to get some ammo, I looked up at the roof and saw Purugly with Its_That_Guy, keeping watch."Hey, you two! We're going hunting, I need two more guys."

    "Ah, hell yeah! I'm up for that!" Guy replied.

    "Sounds like a good idea, I was getting bored up here anyway." Pur said to me.

    "How's it looking up there, anyway?" I asked.

    "Quiet and empty as usual." He told me.

    "Alright, good. Get down here, and take some ammo. You two will be together in one car. Emu and Gustav will be in another, and I'll be with CiD in the first car. Just follow us to the location."

    "Got it. We'll be there in a few." Guy said.

    "Hey, Tobi!" I heard CiD Calling me. I turned around to look at him waiting in the car."Once we get there, how are we going to recruit them?"

    "We'll see what the group is like first, then I'll make a decision. If we have to take them by force, then we will do so." I said with a smile.

    CiD Chuckled."Hehe, excellent! That's why you're my best friend, Tobi. Not afraid to do what needs to be done."

    I saw Emu and Gustav getting in one of the cars. Guy and Pur made it outside and took some ammo before getting in the last car. I walked over to the car that CiD was waiting in, and got inside."Alright, CiD. It's hunting time." I said with a smirk on my face.


  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    Alt text

    1) Let's go SweetPea. You heard what they said. No need to get involved. ( If Markd sees them he's going to go apeshit. Man, I wish WTD was there ;-; )

    AWESOMEO (!) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them. I looked at SweetPea."Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join

  • Yeah, I made my debut! I welcome you Swagguy as my brother :)

    For AwesomeO:
    3) Say nothing.

    AWESOMEO (!) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them. I looked at SweetPea."Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join

  • 2) You're right. We should try to do something.

    AWESOMEO (!) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them. I looked at SweetPea."Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join

  • edited June 2014

    2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is.

    4) Make my way over to them. Try to talk to negotiate with the man.

    well im alone on that one...

    Wanderer7897 It's been a little over a month, ever since this whole thing started. I remember running out of the school when the panic st

  • AWESOMEO: 2) You're right. We should try to do something. ...the more help, the better. Amirite??

    AWESOMEO (!) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them. I looked at SweetPea."Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join

  • I got mentioned! Yay! jumps out the window

    3) Say nothing. ":D" SweetPea can make the choice.

    AWESOMEO (!) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them. I looked at SweetPea."Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join

  • 1) Let's go SweetPea. You heard what they said. No need to get involved. - Mark would rape them xD

    and I am highly disappointed I had to take shadow without getting ranked up first. It only puts me and the group into a disadvantage, seeing as to how Shadow will probably end up ratting out on us.

    AWESOMEO (!) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them. I looked at SweetPea."Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join

  • 2) You're right. We should try to do something.

    AWESOMEO (!) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them. I looked at SweetPea."Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join

  • Faaaawwwwk I knew I was forgetting someone in the Deceptio part. Sorry DLB, I forgot to mention that Pro was helping you and Jewf on their training. I'll edit that in right now.

    2) Aim your gun at him, tell him to put the gun down, let's see who he is. 4) Make my way over to them. Try to talk to negotiate with the man. well im alone on that one...

  • Alt text

    Jumps out window? Lol.

    I got mentioned! Yay! jumps out the window 3) Say nothing. ":D" SweetPea can make the choice.

  • Now we have to wait and see...

    1) Let's go SweetPea. You heard what they said. No need to get involved. - Mark would rape them xD and I am highly disappointed I had to

  • if we die, I blame everyone who voted for me to take shadow xD

    Now we have to wait and see...

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