Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)




    RIP Shale. :c

    Azlyn (!) Go after the dirtbag's who killed SGK and Phyre. See where they're headed. "I have to find out where they're taking my frien

  • Lol, you'll hate Tobi later on...

    WTF TOBI. RIP Shale. :c

  • Lol, that's like from a trailer, dramatic questions and all.


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    Will Guetta be able to jump out a window?

  • edited June 2014

    Either a base or a military truck? idk. A boat is too obvious but we are close to a lake huh?

    What do you think our group found?

  • Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying? :o

    Lol, you'll hate Tobi later on...

  • edited June 2014

    Found out next time! Coming nooS!

    Lol, that's like from a trailer, dramatic questions and all. Answer:

  • Lol, we'll see Jon. B]

    JonGon posted: »

    Either a base or a military truck? idk. A boat is too obvious but we are close to a lake huh?

  • :o It better not be the R word...

    Lol, you'll hate Tobi later on...

  • Maybe?

    Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?

  • People?! I didn't think of people yet. But who?!

    Lol, we'll see Jon. B]

  • Nah, but you guys will hate him, I'm sure of it.

    JonGon posted: »

    It better not be the R word...


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    Lol, we'll see Jon. B]

  • Alt text

    Lol, you'll hate Tobi later on...

  • So many questions left unanswered! Will Jon ever find out what will happen?! Find out next time!

    JonGon posted: »

    People?! I didn't think of people yet. But who?!

  • Droga...


  • Hm. Hmm.

    So many questions left unanswered! Will Jon ever find out what will happen?! Find out next time!

  • Yeah... no.


  • HYPE... crumbles. Damn you Pro ;_;

    Yeah... no.

  • Lol.

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    Things will get worse from here...

    HYPE... crumbles. Damn you Pro ;_;

  • Worse? WORSE??? If they will see a crushed boat... I tell you Pro, I'll cry.

    Lol. Things will get worse from here...

  • I'm going to die.

    What do you guys think will happen on the second half of Ch.3?

  • Alt text

    Worse? WORSE??? If they will see a crushed boat... I tell you Pro, I'll cry.

  • Sardines will become an awesome badass and also Gustavdines will happen.

    Just kidding, everyone will die.

    What do you guys think will happen on the second half of Ch.3?

  • Alt text

    sardines posted: »

    Sardines will become an awesome badass and also Gustavdines will happen. Just kidding, everyone will die.

  • Well, good thing I was wrong, haha. Could have happened, though.

    sardines posted: »

    Holy shit. Uh... just... holy shit. RIP Shale. ): Thank god he didn't kill Shadow instead. "Tobi. That was pretty... pretty fucked up.

  • Holy shit, we are in trouble. Tobi better not hurt my group too much, or else he will have to pay. Oh, who am I kidding, he will pay either way. Was a very nice read, Pro. Keep them coming.

    Azlyn (!) Go after the dirtbag's who killed SGK and Phyre. See where they're headed. "I have to find out where they're taking my frien

  • Its even funnier if you picture him saying it the way he does....xD

    sardines posted: »

    Holy shit. Uh... just... holy shit. RIP Shale. ): Thank god he didn't kill Shadow instead. "Tobi. That was pretty... pretty fucked up.

  • Actually... it's almost worse that you were wrong. Had Tobi been the type to kill Shadow instead and trick us, we would have been dealing with a different kind of villain, someone more 'cunning' and sly. In this case, one might think he could be reasoned with in some manner or a deal of sorts could be made... But instead, he's just complete and pure bloodthirsty evil. ;_;

    Well, good thing I was wrong, haha. Could have happened, though.

  • edited July 2014

    Holy shit... What the-- I don't even-- Damn... RIP Shale

    Azlyn (!) Go after the dirtbag's who killed SGK and Phyre. See where they're headed. "I have to find out where they're taking my frien


    Before I even catch up pls Gary Oak be dead pls my reaction ^

  • edited August 2014

    Different outcomes: First half of Ch.3

    If AWESOMEO told SweetPea to shoot Gary and take his stuff, Azlyn would have killed SweetPea and run away, he would go after her, and then get an option to kill her, or use her as a hostage and make her lead him to her group. If he said nothing, SweetPea would run towards Gary and Azlyn, she would join them, Awesomeo would go off by himself. If he told her to leave, they would let Gary and Azlyn leave, and go their separate ways. When Awesomeo and SweetPea join Gary and Azlyn, if Awesomeo told SweetPea to help, they would both go over and Awesomeo would recognize Mark. Mark would spot him and go crazy, he would start shooting at them and using Twistee as a human shield. Azlyn and SweetPea would try to go to the back of the church, Shiina would tell the group to go inside the church where they could hide. Mark would pick up a grenade and throw it at Awesomeo and Gary. SweetPea would get angry and start shooting. Twistee would get shot, and Mark would run around to try to get to Azlyn and SweetPea. He would shout at them to stop shooting, but they wouldn't listen. He would get an option to take a car and leave or go into the church. If Awesomeo said nothing, SweetPea would get angry and leave him while she goes to help, Awesomeo would regret it, but he would leave on his own.

    If Mark told Shiina to shoot him, she would accidentally shoot Twistee, Mark would then start shooting at them, and kill a few before going into cover. Another group member would pick up Shiina's handgun and go into the church with the remaining group members that are alive. If he decided to kill Twistee and start shooting, he would slice his throat and start killing a few of them, he would pick up a grenade and decide to use it or not. If he used Twistee as a human shield, Mark would kill two group members, but then Twistee would free himself, he would be angry and snap Mark's neck. When Tobi shows up with his crew, If Mark used Twistee as a hostage to escape they would reach the back of the church, he would tell Twistee to work with him, they would notice that Tobi sent a guy after them, Twistee would hate the idea but agree to it. They would run into the tall grassy field. If he killed Twistee and shot at them, Mark would kill Pur and injure CiD. He would run towards the tall grassy field, but Tobi would send someone after him. If Gary didn't ruin his fake surrender plan, he would tell them that there are people hiding in the side of the church, he would then quickly pick up his AK and injure Tobi, they would run inside the church. Tobi's men would have to decide to try and finish them off, or go back to the warehouse.

    If Pro took Deceptio with him without cutting his leg, they would get out of the woods and find the river. They would wait until he turns, TWDFan would get an option to shoot him or leave him. If Pro decided to leave Deceptio behind, the group would start to question him, they wouldn't trust him as much. When Deceptio finds ATR, Noncy and firedog in trouble, if he did nothing, the man would kill all three. Deceptio would scream in anger, the man would find and shoot him. If he went back for help, he would hear a gunshot. Puncake would find him, and Deceptio would explain what's going on. Another shot would be heard, and puncake would tell him to stay while he goes to check it out. Pro, DLB, and Jewf would show up and ask what's happening. He would explain, and Pro would tell them to wait while he checks it out. Another shot would he heard in the distance, when Pro get's there, ATR and Noncy would be dead, but Puncake would have stopped the man before he kills Firedog. If Deceptio tried to negotiate with the man, he would buy them enough time, Firedog would attack the man and ATR would pick up his gun, she would be hesitant to shoot him, but Noncy would take the gun and kill him. If WtW told the group to stay for the night but leave in the afternoon, they would have everything packed and leave. Salt would get there at night only to find out that the group is gone, he would find Firedog's grave and the dead man by the river, he would decide to try and find them or go back to help Sardines. If she told them to leave right away, they would find what will be revealed later on, a lot quicker. If they left the note for Salt, he would try and find them. If she said nothing the group would split up, some would leave and others would stay. If Jewf said that Password and Wanderer could leave, CSB would get angry with the group, but he would understand. If DLB said that the group should find Salt's friends, Pro, Salt, WtW, Clayton, Puncake and Password would go and try to save them. If DLB said nothing, Only Pro and Salt would go and try to save them, Pro would tell the group to leave without them and that they would try and find them later. The group would leave Arrows on trees so they could find them if they returned.

    If Guilty told Tobi that he wasn't going to look after Shadow, Tobi would get mad and threaten to kill Valky. He would tell Tali to bring her over and then put a knife to her throat. Guilty would run up to him and try to fight him, Tobi would get some help from Emu, and then Guilty would be thrown out the window, Tobi would also kill Valky after that. If Guilty asked Tobi to rank Valky up, Tobi would lie and say that she's already close to getting guard duty and that Guilty just needs to do this one little thing before she get's ranked up. If Guilty asked Tobi to rank him up, Tobi would laugh and ask why. Guilty would tell him that he could be useful and become his personal guard, Tobi would think about it and let him go. If Guilty told Shadow about the escape plan, Shadow would trust Guilty more, they would get along better and Shadow would promise to stay quiet about it. If Guilty said "Hey, Shadow. Fuck you." Shadow would be confused, Guilty would insult him and Shadow would get angry, they would start fighting until Ever comes to break it up. Shadow would trust Tobi more, and tell him that Guilty is untrustworthy. If Guilty told Shale that he doesn't care, Shale would get angry and not talk to him. Shale would then talk to Shadow about it. Depending on what he told Shadow, Shale would either find out about the plan and tell Tobi that he's trying to escape, or not hear about it and Tobi would believe him. If Guilty told Shale about the plan and not Shadow, Shale would trust Guilty and keep his mouth shut when Tobi comes back. Depending on what Guilty told Shadow, if Shadow is pissed with Guilty he would tell Tobi that Shale is trying to escape and involve Guilty in his plan. Tobi would kill whoever Guilty told him to kill, he would have killed them both if he decided to say that.

    If Wanderer told Password to shoot, CSB would be dead, he would remember that he went to school with him, they would both feel bad but decide to leave down the street. If he said nothing, Password would threaten CSB. CSB would run into the gas station, and password would go after him. They would both run into the woods, Wanderer would get an option to follow or keep going down the road. If Wanderer went with Password, CSB would search the woods alone, if he went with CSB, they would both go into the woods and Password would go down the road alone. If all of them went down the road, they would have found Tobi's community and they would be captured by his guards.

    If Azlyn told Gary to surrender and if Mark did the same, everyone could have lived. If she Told Gary to shoot Mark, Twistee would have been shot by accident, Mark and Tobi's group would start shooting, Mark would run away into the tall grassy field. If Azlyn met up with him, Mark would save her from the person that Tobi sent after them. Mark would have to decide to leave on his own or try to help her back to her group. If Tobi killed Gary, Shiina or Guetta, Azlyn would go after them no matter what, but she would be angrier and more determined. If she tried running away when she was hiding behind the big tree, Guy would have shot and killed her. If she did nothing he would find her and bring her back. They would get there too late, and he would tell her to get moving before he kills her. If she went the opposite direction, she would eventually find Awesomeo and SweetPea.

    If PAP decided that telling Tali was a bad idea, they wouldn't get that extra help that they need. If Sardines told PAP to ask Tali, PAP would try to convince him about the escape plan, he would be hesitant but give in. If AC tried to ask, she would get nervous and Tali would tell them to go back to work. If Broken asked, he would tell her to mind her business and get back to work. If Sardines asked, he would say that she shouldn't be asking questions, and that they should get back to work. If Rafoli punched Juice, he would knock him out and take his gun, he would go in the warehouse and find Guilty with Shadow, Shale and Ever. He would kill Ever and they would have to try to escape right then and there. Guilty would grab Ever's gun and they would try and find the rest of the group. Tali would kill Rafoli and injure Guilty, but Guilty would manage to kill him. The cameras would spot them and more guards would be on their way. Valky would take Rafoli's gun and PAP and broken would try to help Guilty. They wouldn't get too far with the guards on the roof. PAP and AC would die, and they would have to decide to try and escape or give up, if they try to escape, Guilty would have to be left behind and he would try to distract the guards until he dies. Broken would die, but Valky would manage to escape. If Rafoli said he doesn't need the water, Juice would call him a coward and insult him. He would keep teasing him with more water, but Rafoli would ignore him and keep working until dinner time.

    If Salt went up to the warehouse and started shooting, he would kill Tali and Sardines would spot him, she would try running towards him, but Juice would kill him right before she reaches him. Juice would be pissed and start asking her questions, he would put her in the torture room and tell Tobi what happened. If Salt waited until nighttime, he would hop the gate, Someone would tell Tobi that a person is trying to sneak in, Tobi would stop trying to ask Shadow and Shale what Guilty told them, and then tell the group to find Salt. Salt would kill two guards before getting captured. He would then be tortured and Tobi would ask him where his group is. He would have to tell him or Tobi would kill him. If Salt left to try and look for Sardines again, he would run into some walkers, and they would kill him.

  • If she went the opposite direction, she would eventually find Awesomeo and SweetPea.

    You laughed when I said I thought this could happen...

    Different outcomes: First half of Ch.3 If AWESOMEO told SweetPea to shoot Gary and take his stuff, Azlyn would have killed SweetPea and r

  • Lol! And it's still funny! B]

    If she went the opposite direction, she would eventually find Awesomeo and SweetPea. You laughed when I said I thought this could happen...

  • Wow, you really thought this all out! It just keeps getting better and better :D

    Different outcomes: First half of Ch.3 If AWESOMEO told SweetPea to shoot Gary and take his stuff, Azlyn would have killed SweetPea and r

  • Thanks, ATR. I'm hoping Ch.4 will be as good as I want it to be.

    Wow, you really thought this all out! It just keeps getting better and better

  • But I was right! 8)

    Lol! And it's still funny! B]

  • Oh, it'll be long as I live ;)

    Thanks, ATR. I'm hoping Ch.4 will be as good as I want it to be.

  • If only ATR was immortal like SweetPea...

    Oh, it'll be long as I live

  • Damn Pro!

    Different outcomes: First half of Ch.3 If AWESOMEO told SweetPea to shoot Gary and take his stuff, Azlyn would have killed SweetPea and r

  • Heh, that's not up to me, but so far everyone has been voting, and you've gotten lucky.

    Lol, don't listen to SweetPea, anyone could die.

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    Oh, it'll be long as I live

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