Why His Death Sucks



  • but only if we all just...
    pretend we hate him so telltale will keep him alive to piss us off :D

    SaveNick Contrary to popular belief, Nick is not becoming a danger to the group. Nick can break the 2 episode determinant world record set by Doug and Carley in the first season, but only if we all just...

  • Nick is dead in my history... no hope for me :(

  • We need more signatures, Seriously!

  • I actually really like Nick, he could be an amazing character if they continued to keep him. I really hope our choices matter a lot more this season, and Nick can stay alive for season 3. He's had a lot of character development in my opinion, and I still want to know more about him. I feel like him and Clem could really get a long if he stayed. #SaveNick

  • Honestly, I hope they make Nick a double determinant, but hell with it, #SaveNick

  • So, Rafoli pointed out in the TWAU forums that a determinant character, if saved, survived the whole game. A DETERMINANT character survived the game! I know TWAU and TWD are two different games, but this gives me a little hope for Nick.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Actually 3 determinant characters survived the game.

    Liayso posted: »

    So, Rafoli pointed out in the TWAU forums that a determinant character, if saved, survived the whole game. A DETERMINANT character survived the game! I know TWAU and TWD are two different games, but this gives me a little hope for Nick.

  • Wait I didn't know people actually liked him?!
    Can someone explain to me why? I got him killed in E2

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited July 2014

    You're in a minority here, only 15% of people got Nick killed in episode 2.

    Journey95 posted: »

    Wait I didn't know people actually liked him?! Can someone explain to me why? I got him killed in E2

  • SaveNick and #SaveTheThread

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You're in a minority here, only 15% of people got Nick killed in episode 2.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    If you want to know, most people view Nick as one of the most well developed characters. But his development is determinant. If you don't accept his apology or you don't save him at the end of episode 1 or you don't talk to him after he shoots Mathew, you learn nothing about him. I personally think he's my favorite character because of his development.

    Journey95 posted: »

    Wait I didn't know people actually liked him?! Can someone explain to me why? I got him killed in E2

  • You are saying that to Journey,right,not me?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator


    Cody_nara posted: »

    You are saying that to Journey,right,not me?

  • #SAVENICK #IfDeterminantCharactersCanSurviveTWAUThenNickCanSuriviveTWDSeason2

    I really like Nick, okay.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    We can only hope.

    Liayso posted: »

    #SAVENICK #IfDeterminantCharactersCanSurviveTWAUThenNickCanSuriviveTWDSeason2 I really like Nick, okay.

  • Bumping this thread up, because, you know, reasons.

    Those reasons being that Nick is a really great character and I want him to live.

    #SAVENICK #FuckHisDeterminantStatus

  • I am still bitter about the lack of Nick content in In Harm's Way, it was really unsatisfying.

    If they dare to dispose of him like a prop in Amid The Ruins, I think I just might have to bite into the nearest living being in my vicinity.

    Do it for Pete, Nick!

  • I love nick, You love nick.

  • This is da shit

    Alt text

  • PeteLives

  • edited July 2014

    We didn't save him you guys...........

  • I'm sorry Uncle Pete.


  • edited July 2014


  • I am so glad I am not the only Nick fan. He'll there are loads of us. It is good to see.

  • Telltale has lost interest on him since episode 2, so this is no surprise. I bet they can't wait to get rid of him when making episode 3.

  • Amid the Ruins is out, and Telltale is now laughing maniacally at this thread...

  • I bet. :(

    They're probably bathing in our tears too.

  • edited July 2014

    My reaction:

    Alt text

    Seriously, he didn't even have one line. Goddammit Telltale.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yeah, that was a terrible way to send him off.

  • I..... I failed uncle pete, may the holy lord ARVO bless nick for our sins.

  • He's ALIVE!


    NICK IS ALIVE! Juicy came and saved him, he cut him free from the barbed wire - at the cost of his straw.

  • if arvo is so amazing why did he lure his group to us and not warn us about them

  • ARVO the god not arvo the asshole

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    if arvo is so amazing why did he lure his group to us and not warn us about them

  • Nick's dead, and the only one that seem to give a fuck was Rebecca...

  • At least his hair was really cute though. Can't deny that.

  • It was amazing and majestic. I miss him though. :(

    skoothz posted: »

    At least his hair was really cute though. Can't deny that.

This discussion has been closed.