I wonder how she's gonna wash walker's guts off her jacket
Gunab posted: »I just noticed something while i was playing around with some new features of my program. Clems pants are getting dirtier!
I just noticed something while i was playing around with some new features of my program. Clems pants are getting dirtier!
I don't know why but the jacket makes Clem look younger IMO
She's probably just goning to switch the texture of her jacket back to the clean version
fallandir posted: »I wonder how she's gonna wash walker's guts off her jacket
The power of "Texture Switch" washing powder is incredible! :>
Gunab posted: »She's probably just goning to switch the texture of her jacket back to the clean version
Same here; I thought what he noticed was that Clem was shorter before I read the bottom XD
Bilbo Baggins posted: »I don't know why but the jacket makes Clem look younger IMO
it's happening EVERYONE PREPARE FOR THE BOM!!!!!!!!!!
Gunab posted: »We're getting closer to "the hug"
We're getting closer to "the hug"
Well, that's impossible, as it's literally the same head on both versions
TheAmazingKMan posted: »Same here; I thought what he noticed was that Clem was shorter before I read the bottom XD
Kenny is reaching for Clem!
We're just two pictures away from the hug!
InKennyWeTrust posted: »JUST HUG HER, GODDAMNIT!
Gunab posted: »Kenny is reaching for Clem!
Hug! Hug! Hug! Kenny, she needs a father!!! ;_;
Gunab, man, I'm so happy I found your thread.
I've read every page.
A lot of feels.
Wish I could do that, but I suck at programming xD
So instead I'll follow your little stories.
Hehe, thanks And I thought 55 likes and the title might encourage people to look into this thread
Crips posted: »Gunab, man, I'm so happy I found your thread. I've read every page. A lot of feels. Wish I could do that, but I suck at programming xD So instead I'll follow your little stories.
Gunab, man, I'm so happy I found your thread. I've read every page. A lot of feels. Wish I could do that, but I suck at programming xD So instead I'll follow your little stories.
I just liked it.
Looking forward to more ''pic stories''
Gunab posted: »Hehe, thanks And I thought 55 likes and the title might encourage people to look into this thread
Something about this picture tells me that I must say goodbye to Kenny. I'm a little afraid of what will come in EP04 guys.. Hopefully I'm wrong!
Kenny! if something happens to you, I'll save you man. I promise!!! ;..(
ALMOST THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You just loooooove teasing us, don't you??! xD
Just one more pic to go!
nickybello posted: »ALMOST THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are awesome! I love them!
Clem almost can't hold it anymore!
Oh, I so do And it depends on how much I like the scene and on how many good angles I find
Dont_Look_Back posted: »You just loooooove teasing us, don't you??! xD
If only I'm actually single right now... just saying
kawaiiclem posted: » [view original content]
HUG! You can do it Clem!
Gunab posted: »Clem almost can't hold it anymore!
Don't worry, I wouldn't dare damaging either
Clem_Everett posted: »Kenny. beware of her hat. Clemmy. careful with his Epic Beard.
Kenny. beware of her hat. Clemmy. careful with his Epic Beard.
Kenny. beware of her hat.
Clemmy. careful with his Epic Beard.
They look the same to me..
I just can't wait for the 100% hug.
I was careful and didn't damage either
I just finished the scene Looks cute Now I only need to find some good angles
Crips posted: »I just can't wait for the 100% hug.
Great! ^ ^
Gunab posted: »I was careful and didn't damage either
Awww... Dr Who That was a sad sad episode.
Bilbo Baggins posted: »media3.giphy.com/media/2WxWfiavndgcM/giphy.gif
Lets start with a wider shot, before we move in closer
It's so cute! I'll explode from cuteness overload
Gunab posted: »Lets start with a wider shot, before we move in closer
You are here too?
Crips posted: »It's so cute! I'll explode from cuteness overload
I want to see Kenny's and Clem's face
Yes, from yesterday.
clementinewalker posted: »You are here too?
YES!!! Hug Her tight!! \o/
I wonder how she's gonna wash walker's guts off her jacket
I don't know why but the jacket makes Clem look younger IMO
She's probably just goning to switch the texture of her jacket back to the clean version
The power of "Texture Switch" washing powder is incredible! :>
Same here; I thought what he noticed was that Clem was shorter before I read the bottom XD
it's happening EVERYONE PREPARE FOR THE BOM!!!!!!!!!!
Well, that's impossible, as it's literally the same head on both versions
Kenny is reaching for Clem!
We're just two pictures away from the hug!
Hug! Hug! Hug! Kenny, she needs a father!!! ;_;
Gunab, man, I'm so happy I found your thread.
I've read every page.
A lot of feels.
Wish I could do that, but I suck at programming xD
So instead I'll follow your little stories.
Hehe, thanks
And I thought 55 likes and the title might encourage people to look into this thread 
I just liked it.
Looking forward to more ''pic stories''
Something about this picture tells me that I must say goodbye to Kenny. I'm a little afraid of what will come in EP04 guys.. Hopefully I'm wrong!
Kenny! if something happens to you, I'll save you man. I promise!!! ;..(
ALMOST THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You just loooooove teasing us, don't you??! xD
Just one more pic to go!
These are awesome! I love them!
Clem almost can't hold it anymore!
Oh, I so do
And it depends on how much I like the scene and on how many good angles I find 
If only
I'm actually single right now... just saying 
HUG! You can do it Clem!
Don't worry, I wouldn't dare damaging either
Kenny. beware of her hat.
Clemmy. careful with his Epic Beard.
They look the same to me..
I just can't wait for the 100% hug.
I was careful and didn't damage either
I just finished the scene
Looks cute
Now I only need to find some good angles 
Great! ^ ^
Awww... Dr Who
That was a sad sad episode.
Lets start with a wider shot, before we move in closer
It's so cute! I'll explode from cuteness overload
You are here too?
I want to see Kenny's and Clem's face
Yes, from yesterday.
YES!!! Hug Her tight!! \o/