Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



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    "Choose or die Guilty." I really like how you did my character, everyone just wants to see me dead!

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    Not true everyone has the potential for doing evil and good we can change XD

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    Go to sleep, SweetPea...

  • I guess you're right.

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Not true everyone has the potential for doing evil and good we can change XD

  • Not sure about that quote also mean visa versa it's basically saying Hitler could of been the next Jesus XD and the pope could of been on a murdering rampage if he wanted to maybe. But sweetpea my character won't harm you ok deal :D

    I guess you're right.

  • You must sleep for your dreams of making SweetPea'S SWEET TEA AWAIT.

  • Lol, me neither, I just found that gif and felt like posting it. :p Your character already harmed my feelings, but okay. <3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Not sure about that quote also mean visa versa it's basically saying Hitler could of been the next Jesus XD and the pope could of been on a murdering rampage if he wanted to maybe. But sweetpea my character won't harm you ok deal

  • But I don't feel like sleeping, my sweet tea can wait. :c

    You must sleep for your dreams of making SweetPea'S SWEET TEA AWAIT.

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    Deal <3

    Lol, me neither, I just found that gif and felt like posting it. Your character already harmed my feelings, but okay.

  • Heh, if you say so. B]

    But I don't feel like sleeping, my sweet tea can wait. :c

  • It's the truth. It's always time for sweet tea, it doesn't need to be now.

    Heh, if you say so. B]

  • :p

    It's the truth. It's always time for sweet tea, it doesn't need to be now.

  • edited July 2014

    I actually came up with some incredible ideas for your story.

    PS: If you're doing the comic by yourself, lemme tell ya, it is absolutely painful to do! 2.5 weeks per release is my fastest when alone. Goes to show you need a team to make weekly releases.

    I actually wouldn't mind turning this into a comic after the story is over, there's a certain way I want to draw it though. PM me, I would love to see your ideas. B]

  • [whispers] wobble

    Azlyn posted: »

    Wiggle wiggle wiggle

  • edited July 2014

    By myself?! Lol, I wouldn't bet on that. I like the way you and JonGon draw, I think you guys might be able to make it like how I want it to look, but I would like to have your comic done first so you won't have too much work. We'll see though, Tobi. I wouldn't mind this. B]

    I actually came up with some incredible ideas for your story. PS: If you're doing the comic by yourself, lemme tell ya, it is absolutely

  • Good to see you, hombre. :3

    Glad to have you back! You were missed! B]


    I want everyone on this planet to see this video.

  • Well to be honest my comic is most likely gonna take over a year(yes I'm crazy to even do that! lol). So I will probably just do the covers for the series.

    By myself?! Lol, I wouldn't bet on that. I like the way you and JonGon draw, I think you guys might be able to make it like how I want it to

  • Lol, damn! Actually, hmm, I had something in mind. I'll PM you and Jon about it.

    Well to be honest my comic is most likely gonna take over a year(yes I'm crazy to even do that! lol). So I will probably just do the covers for the series.



    Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy I Started revving up the chainsaw."What the fuck, Tobi?! A chainsaw? What the hell?!" Broken shouted. "Tobi, stop t

  • edited July 2014


    (!) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide.

    I was petting Angel while ATR and DLB were comforting me. Jewf and CSB were done putting Awesomeo in his grave. I saw Jon and Deceptio talking for awhile, I looked up and saw Jon making his way over."Alright, SweetPea. We'll wait for the others to arrive, and then we can decide whether you should stay or not. We don't really have a leader, our group is a democracy, although we do have people we look up to as leaders. We've been keeping each other alive thanks to teamwork and trust. Some of us didn't make it, but we've stayed strong and have gotten through a lot of things. Pro told me that every member of this group is important, that we wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for everyone helping each other. I have to agree with him, we're friends, a team, a family. If you think you're up to join us, then you'll have to prove your worth." He told me.

    "I understand. Who are your other group members? Where are they?" I asked.

    "Heh, we have quite a lot of people right now." Deceptio said.

    "Yeah, You've already met me and my sister ATR. I was with CSB for a while. I helped him and another man named Kunny escape from a horde of walkers. Unfortunately, Kunny didn't make it... me and CSB managed to run into my sister and the others." DLB told me.

    "Yes, I didn't know if my sister was alive since I was trapped in school with Jewf, Noncy, Belan, Paul and eking. Only me, Jewf and Noncy survived. We never went back to the city to check if our parents made it... but DLB told me that they were most likely dead. There was this SWAT member named Rich who joined up with us, he helped us escape. He was looking for his brother Cameron. He uh... he went a little crazy and almost killed me... thankfully Jewf was there to save me." ATR explained.

    "It was... it was a crazy night. He cut Cameron's brother's chest open and ripped out his heart. His name was Bananas, we found him by some miracle, he was looking for Rich to explain to him what happened to Cameron. He died and turned into a walker the first night this happened. Bananas did what he had to and ended his suffering. Cameron helped him escape the prison while there was a riot going on. Too bad we never got to meet him..." Jewf told me.

    "Bananas was a good man. He helped me and my dad Randomz find our my brother Fan when we had to escape the city because two psychos were going around killing people. Our neighbor WtW distracted them while we escaped. She told us to take her pet Angel with us and to take care of her. Honestly, I thought we weren't going to see her again. When we finally found them, she was with my brother and with the guy who had been watching over them and training them, our friend Pro. It was a happy reunion, I was crying, my brother and father were crying, WtW and Angel were crying. All tears of joy, we couldn't believe that we had found each other. We introduced Bananas to them, and they introduced Pro to us. WtW told us that she was able to escape the two psychos when some guy on a roof threw a brick at one of them and was able to distract them long enough. We still don't know who he is, but I hope he's still alive out there..." Deceptio told me.

    "Wait... two psychos, and a man who threw a brick at one of them? Oh my God..." I said out loud.

    "What? What is it?" ATR asked.

    I started tearing up."Awesomeo told me the same thing. Back at my farm, I was with Stache, WTD, and Mokonage. We met a traveler named Raging who was walking away from the city, we convinced him to stay with us. Awesomeo was out on a supply run alone, when he came back, none of us could have predicted what would happen that day..." I said to them.

    "Wait... so is Awesomeo the one who saved WtW? What happened that day?" CSB asked me.

    "Yes! It had to have been him! He described the same exact thing. When he came back... I was sitting down at the table getting ready for Mokonage's dinner, he was a chef. Stache made a promise to protect me after my parents passed away, he used to work with my father back at the farm ever since he was young. WTD was a surgeon and he helped Awesomeo back at the city when he got injured, he brought him back and we let him stay. Dinner was almost ready but then we heard a loud gunshot outside, we went to go check and I found out that the two psychos had Awesomeo hostage, and they had killed my horse Betsy... it was horrible. I was crying and was barely able to move. Mokonage took me to the barn in the back of the house. We heard gunshots and then an explosion, Mokonage was keeping me calm and trying to make me feel better."

    "Jesus... did you see what the psychos looked like?" Jon asked me.

    "WTD was able to kill one, but the other escaped. They were also able to kill Stache. Awesomeo described the one that got away. After that, we immediately left and tried to go deeper into the countryside, just in case the remaining psycho would return to finish the job. We don't know if he ever did, we found a large open field with a small town next to it. We dug a hole and made a tunnel that led into a small room that we made. It lasted for a while, until Awesomeo and WTD came back one day from a supply run and told us that a large horde was heading our way. We decided to leave and look for another place to stay in. We found another town and ran into some bandits. They killed Raging and Mokonage, I was so angry and I started beating on one of them, I bashed her face in, I don't know what got over me. It was like I couldn't take it anymore." I explained.

    "It's okay. We must do what it takes to survive nowadays." Jewf told me.

    "Don't worry about it, SweetPea. Walkers aren't the only dangerous things out there." CSB told me.

    I looked down."We didn't have time to bury them. Me, Awesomeo and WTD left them when a small horde of walkers managed to break into the hunting store that we were in. We eventually found an amusement park, it was filled with roamers. We lost WTD that night while we were trying to get past them. Me and Awesomeo found two people after we were barely able to escape. Gary and Azlyn. They said they had a group with them, they let us join and we followed them back to a church. Their group was in danger, with some guy holding one of their group members hostage. We could barely see what was going on, but they told us to leave. I wanted to help, but Awesomeo told me that it was best if we left."

    "You've been through a lot..." DLB told me.

    "We all have..." Jewf said.

    "We were in the woods for a day, just moving away from town's and cities. That's when that guy showed up and killed Awesomeo. You guys know the rest..." I told them.

    Jon sighed."Well, I'm sure everyone here is willing to let you stay. We'll just wait for the others though. Damn, I can't believe we just buried the man who saved WtW..."

    "I just hope that psycho is dead." DLB told us.

    "He has a scar going across his face... that's all I know." I told them.

    "Don't worry, if we find him, we'll take care of him." Jon told me.

    "Man... looking back at everything we've been through, and where we are now... I guarantee none of us would be alive if we hadn't grouped up. I want to thank you guys. Even though I'm not the friendliest person around, I mean it. Thank you all." Jewf told them.

    Jon placed his hand on Jewf's shoulder."You got it, bro."

    "We're a family, man. We look after each other." Deceptio told him.

    "We'll have each others backs no matter what." ATR told them.

    "If only I had ran into you guys a lot sooner." I said with a smile."I can't wait to meet the rest of your group members, I hope they let me stay."

    "Don't worry about it. We'll try to convince them." Jon said and then checked his watch."Damn! It's already midnight?! The others should be arriving soon. You guys should go inside and get some rest. I'll stay out here a bit longer."

    "Yeah, I'm going to tell Wanderer to get some rest. I'll go back to watch duty." CSB told him.

    "Alright, man. Jewf, get some rest. Look for me when you're ready to switch shifts" Jon told him.

    "Alright, I can do that." He turned to the rest of us."C'mon, it's time to sleep. The group will be here in the morning if anything." Jewf told us.

    "Okay, goodnight everybody!" ATR told us.

    "Follow me, SweetPea. I'll show you where you can sleep tonight." DLB told me, and we made our way inside the mansion...


    I headed upstairs with Jewf. We went into our room and then he sighed."I think I'm going to tell 'em."

    "What? About eking?" I asked.

    "Yeah, it's time. I think I should get it over with already." He replied.

    "Are you really sure about this?" I asked him.

    "I think so... what do you think?" He asked me...

    1) Sure. I think it's time to tell the group.

    2) No. I think it's a bad idea.

    3) Say nothing.

    4) ???


    "Go! Hurry We need to leave!" WtW shouted, as we were driving off. I kept hearing gunshots.

    "Where are we going?!" A female asked.

    "Don't worry about it! You'll be safe, the others will meet up with us later!" I told her.

    "Sardines! Help me with PAP!" Another female told her.

    "Okay, Broken! What do I do?!" She asked.

    "Keep pressure on his wound... ugh... stop the bleeding." An injured male told them.

    "Guilty is right, you have to stop the bleeding." An injured female said.

    "Listen to Guilty and Valky! We have to save him!" A teenage girl told them.

    "Come on, AC. Help Sardines!" Broken told her.

    "Will he make it, Gary?" Azlyn asked a young male.

    "I don't know..." He replied.

    "Let's help them, Guetta!" A blonde female told another female.

    "Okay, Shiina. Let's see what we can do." She replied.

    "Fuck! He's losing too much blood!" Broken shouted.

    "Come on, PAP! Don't give up!" Valky shouted while looking back at them.

    "Oh, man..." I said to myself. Everything was going from bad to worse. We were separated from our groups and I wasn't sure if they were going to make it out alive...


  • 3) Say nothing.


    SweetPeaClem (!) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide. I was petting Angel while ATR and DLB were comforting me. Jewf

  • Oh shit, just remembered I don't know where the fuck my character is. O_O

    4) ???

    SweetPeaClem (!) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide. I was petting Angel while ATR and DLB were comforting me. Jewf

  • You stayed behind with us. We're going on foot, Rafoli. B]

    Rafoli posted: »

    Oh shit, just remembered I don't know where the fuck my character is. O_O 4) ???

  • Fuck yeah, we gave up our space in the car like the real men we are. Now it makes sense, thank you lol.

    You stayed behind with us. We're going on foot, Rafoli. B]

  • Let's hope we survive, man.

    Rafoli posted: »

    Fuck yeah, we gave up our space in the car like the real men we are. Now it makes sense, thank you lol.

  • 4) ???

    Gotta go with those question mark choices again, too tempting to pass up. >.<

    SweetPeaClem (!) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide. I was petting Angel while ATR and DLB were comforting me. Jewf

  • Lmao, oh I wonder what she'll do.

    Twistee posted: »

    4) ??? Gotta go with those question mark choices again, too tempting to pass up. >.<

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited July 2014

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    Let's hope we survive, man.

  • 4) ???

    Yes the mystery I NEED TO KNOW

    SweetPeaClem (!) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide. I was petting Angel while ATR and DLB were comforting me. Jewf

  • I can't wait to meet SweetPea!!!!!!

    ATR: 4) ???

    SweetPeaClem (!) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide. I was petting Angel while ATR and DLB were comforting me. Jewf

  • 4) ???

    lmao, watch Pro screw us over and make something really bad happen.

    SweetPeaClem (!) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide. I was petting Angel while ATR and DLB were comforting me. Jewf

  • 2) No. I think it's a bad idea.

    Conceal, don't feel. Put on a shoooow. Make one wrong move and everyone will knoooow.

    SweetPeaClem (!) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide. I was petting Angel while ATR and DLB were comforting me. Jewf

  • 4) ???


    SweetPeaClem (!) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide. I was petting Angel while ATR and DLB were comforting me. Jewf

  • 4) ???

    SweetPeaClem (!) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide. I was petting Angel while ATR and DLB were comforting me. Jewf

  • 4.) ???

    I have no idea what I'm getting myself into.... #yolo

    SweetPeaClem (!) We should wait for the others, and then we can decide. I was petting Angel while ATR and DLB were comforting me. Jewf

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