The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Girls at my school do the exact opposite... And I absolutely hate it...

    Even if I could wear them, I wouldn't want guys starting at my butt all day ;-; Also lmaooooo thongs!!! Guuuuuuurl, if my mom found out I wa

  • Anime or TWD? which do you like better?

    Azlyn posted: »

    Well... Lived. But i didn't think anything could feed my depression like TWD does. And it's my getaway. I NEED it. Same went for TWAU, only not as much...

  • Omgomgomgomg I'm crying again

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    ITS HERE!!!!!!

  • Good trailer, they might have a choice where you have three options to go with, Luke, Kenny or Jane. But it'll probably be to big of a choice. Unless you meet up again later maybe.

  • He's right actually O_O

    Azlyn posted: »

    Redneck Batman? xD

  • edited July 2014

    Fallen but not abandoned, forgotten, given up, etc.

  • There there...

    Alt text

    Omgomgomgomg I'm crying again

  • God, i love Scorpions. My favorite is Wind Of Change. I LOVE that song.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • It makes some sense, at least...

    But, damn, that choice would KILL.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    Good trailer, they might have a choice where you have three options to go with, Luke, Kenny or Jane. But it'll probably be to big of a choice. Unless you meet up again later maybe.

  • Lolol really? Thought most guys wouldn't mind...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Girls at my school do the exact opposite... And I absolutely hate it...

  • Can we please appreciate A Nightmare Before Christmas for a sec.

  • Telltale: lolyes.

    Twistee posted: »

    sigh I really hope they don't make us pick a side. -_-

  • I'm gonna have to say that I think Jane is the most qualified of the current group to keep Clem safe. Luke is spineless and is willing to leave loose ends. Kenny is slowly going crazy and way too rash. But then again Jane could possibly ditch Clem so... I really don't know actually

    CodPatrol posted: »

    Good trailer, they might have a choice where you have three options to go with, Luke, Kenny or Jane. But it'll probably be to big of a choice. Unless you meet up again later maybe.

  • I like how you generalize anime. I'm not an over-all otaku, you know. But, uh, i guess i do enjoy anime.

    But you can't just compare two things so different like that. Anime and TWD kind of games/TV shows are too different to compare.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Anime or TWD? which do you like better?

  • Pleaeepleaseplease don't let kenny die ;-; I will cry forever if he does, I swear on me mum.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    There there...

  • Meh... I'm definitely not choosing Jane. I only like Kenny for his voice and jokes so maybe I'll pick Luke... if it ever happens.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    I'm gonna have to say that I think Jane is the most qualified of the current group to keep Clem safe. Luke is spineless and is willing to l

  • edited July 2014

    YOU!! ATR sorry to hear that and I agree :'(

    I never wanted to say this on these forums (I am constantly judged for it in real life, I don't know how many times I've been called an "emo

  • edited July 2014

    I have a hunch Jane wouldn't leave Clem. But she wouldn't lead the group, either. She can already see it would be... Pointless, i guess.

    PoopBrown posted: »

    I'm gonna have to say that I think Jane is the most qualified of the current group to keep Clem safe. Luke is spineless and is willing to l

  • Shoulders? So no tank tops or tube tops?

    Open-toes shoes? You mean like flip flops, or heels?

    Stomach? So no crop tops? D:

    No skirts/shorts above the knee?!?? If I had your mom, most of my wardrobe would be burned lol

    But Canada is colder than where I am, so that might also factor in....

    And the boys staring at your butt all day...well...since they are behind you, you can't really tell most of the time xD Man, I feel trashy now... ;-;

    Even if I could wear them, I wouldn't want guys starting at my butt all day ;-; Also lmaooooo thongs!!! Guuuuuuurl, if my mom found out I wa

  • Oh I don't mind seeing all that, but I'll never respect a girl that does that, like she's some piece of meat everyone has to see.

    Lolol really? Thought most guys wouldn't mind...

  • Nope.

    Only that one with the thing saying "picks up pretty girls, gets shot" or something. Was that you?

  • That trailer was the best trailer i saw in a loooooong time.

  • I would cry, too. We've... HE'S been through too much to just... Die now...

    Pleaeepleaseplease don't let kenny die ;-; I will cry forever if he does, I swear on me mum.

  • You're telling me or Telltale in general? I'll never let Kenny die.

    Pleaeepleaseplease don't let kenny die ;-; I will cry forever if he does, I swear on me mum.

  • edited July 2014

    I love the soundtrack of that movie.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Can we please appreciate A Nightmare Before Christmas for a sec.

  • Died, but not dead.

  • Uhh I meant what does it have to do with TWD and if it's foreshadowing anything lol

  • So active, much famous! :3

    I have over 10000 comments. -____-

  • Don't let a man be a "gentleman" and open the door for you, his intentions aren't as you think they are.

    Shoulders? So no tank tops or tube tops? Open-toes shoes? You mean like flip flops, or heels? Stomach? So no crop tops? No skirts/

  • edited July 2014

    As an artist, I can tell you it's not terrible. It's a great picture!

    lmao, okay, fuck it. I drew this back in April, before I found this forum, but I'm dedicating it to you, @Markd4547: sdjghkjdghn I know it's terrible, so dooonn'tttt tell meeeeeee

  • I no rite.

    I love the soundtrack of that movie.

  • ;~;

    Liek dis if u crye evrytiem.

    That trailer was the best trailer i saw in a loooooong time.

  • I'm using it right now. :3

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Someone still uses Internet Explorer?

  • I'll never respect a girl that does that

    like she's some piece of meat everyone has to see.

    ....I feel like such a sleaze right now :(

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Oh I don't mind seeing all that, but I'll never respect a girl that does that, like she's some piece of meat everyone has to see.

  • Alt text


    I honestly cried reading this. I'm crying right now. Legit. Everything you just said described perfectly my ENTIRE life a few years ago.

  • edited July 2014

    Actually I almost cried. This game and the characters mean so much to me. If Kenny dies I will crawl into a hole and die.

    Azlyn posted: »

    ;~; Liek dis if u crye evrytiem.

  • Boogeyman in dat film gave me nightmares as a kid one of the best films ever

    Azlyn posted: »

    Can we please appreciate A Nightmare Before Christmas for a sec.

  • I know, we've been through so much together, HE'S been through Hell and walked out alive, i NEED him to be alive. I need him to. I'd... I'd rather Luke die than Kenny. I really mean it. Kenny is... GAHDAMMNITTELLTALE!!!!!!

    Actually I almost cried. This game and the characters mean so much to me. If Kenny dies I will crawl into a hole and die.

  • Nope nope and nope. My wardrobe consists of mostly t shirts and jeans, with the exception of a few knee lengthed dresses for church. On very rare occasions my mom will let me wear flip flops, but I can't paint my toenails because my mom says that it's "what harlots do" Usually I just wear converse.

    I'm not even supposed to wear makeup, but I do anyway because she can't stop me there. I look like an alien without makeup.

    Shoulders? So no tank tops or tube tops? Open-toes shoes? You mean like flip flops, or heels? Stomach? So no crop tops? No skirts/

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