Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Everyday is a punch! Duck, Katjaa, Sarita.. - Kenny

    Duck gets mentioned

    A few pages before, someone said that Lee and Duck get mentioned in every single episode, even after their death. Lee was mentioned indeed but nobody remembered poor Duck.

  • Oops, my bad! I guess that Duck will never be forgotten.

    Everyday is a punch! Duck, Katjaa, Sarita.. - Kenny Duck gets mentioned

  • edited July 2014

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    We need to talk about this little scene for a moment here.

    Clem and Bonnie are smiling over Mike's unintentional joke about eating the shit out of that raccoon, but maybe what you didn't notice is that Clementine didn't get the joke. She is smiling for the wrong reasons.

    What Clementine miss interpreted it as, was that Mike said "I'd eat the shit out of the raccoon" as in actually eating the raccoon poops, while to the adults, Mike and Bonnie, that had an entirely different meaning to their ears.

    I'm sure Clem must know something about the birds and the bees, but I don't think she'd be old enough to get that meaning. Even I didn't get it until after a 'worldly' friend from years back kept going on about writing something in a fic involving the subject of 'eating' with her two favorite characters...and well, that one time I said to another friend 'dammit I'm eating you for breakfast!' out of frustration and they ended up having to take me to one side and tell me what it meant, and thus, I never used that saying again after that XD

    So yeah, I highly doubt an 11 year old girl would know about that stuff.

  • Duck and Katjaa were very well-written characters IMHO, you could relate to both of them. Katjaa's death is second only to Lee's in my opinion: I didn't really cry like I did on Lee's death, but i could feel the tears forming in my eyes, especially after seeing Kenny's emotional state in the situation. (even though I don't like Kenny's personality and didn't get along with him as Lee in s01).

    I think I'll get downvoted for this, but to me Sarita was nowhere near as good a character as Katjaa OR Duck, she felt just like a plot device (to develop Kenny's character) ever since she asked Clem if she thought Kenny was acting different. The way I see it, episode 4 confirmed that affecting Kenny emotionally in this season was her only role indeed.

    Oops, my bad! I guess that Duck will never be forgotten.

  • edited July 2014

    One of the RVs resembles the one from Season 1. Part of me was waiting to see if Lily, dead or as a walker, would be seen (since she stole the RV in my game).

    Another "duck" sighting--there is a painting of a duck in the trailer with Sarah and Luke.

    Luke stated that he had been injured (courtesy of Carver), but seemed fine in Episode 3 and while chasing after Sarah at the start of Episode 4.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited July 2014

    Yeah, I saw that RV and I would have thought it was Lily if not for the fact that Kenny said it didn't have many miles left on it.

  • Like I said, never underestimate dick grayson.

    Everyday is a punch! Duck, Katjaa, Sarita.. - Kenny Duck gets mentioned

  • edited July 2014

    I was replaying Season 1 today and noticed that the melancholic theme that plays when Duck is dying is the same as when Kenny was supposedly dead after he got beat up by Carver.

    Pretty sad...Poor Ken :c

    Feels :´(

    It also plays on a few other scenes where they're talking about Duck being bitten... If Kenny gets a peaceful death instead of a violent one, I want this to play at the scene. It would be sure to make me cry a river :[

  • What Clementine miss interpreted it as, was that Mike said "I'd eat the shit out of the raccoon" as in actually eating the raccoon poops

    I don't know, I think that was more likely the joke Bonnie laughed at to. The other joke is something a 14 year old might think of. Although to be fair both jokes are immature, but I think the poops one is funnier.

  • edited July 2014

    If you choose ''Our friends makes us strong.'' dialouge option while trying to convince Sarah to come with you, Clementine will mention Lee.

    Clementine: ''When everything started, I met my friend Lee. He tried to help me find my parents. He protected me more than anyone else in my whole life. He died to keep me safe. I was so scared.''

    Sarah: ''But... you're still here?''

    Clementine: ''Because he taught me to be strong even when I'm scared. Because he wanted me to live. And your dad protected you because he wanted you to live. He would still want that.''


  • Yeah I chose that... WHY, WHY ;_;

  • When searching walkers with Jane, you can find two drivers lisenses, one being Lelands

  • edited July 2014

    For all the comparisons between Jane and Molly, here's another similarity: their goodbyes. Not only do they both leave the group as it's splintering, their farewell scenes also end with them descending a flight of steps whilst the exact same track plays.

    Click here

  • And immediately after... "Oh shoot, I scalped him! Why don't I have better aim???"

  • jesus nice find!

    Kennysucks posted: »

    When searching walkers with Jane, you can find two drivers lisenses, one being Lelands

  • Yeah, that's what I was talking about!

    fallandir posted: »

    Sure. There's picture I managed to catch - you guys can see Kenny's hat - but I don't exactly know it's a moment that @hihitwd talked about: And there is yt video: Voices are funny btw :>

  • Thanks :)

    child123 posted: »

    jesus nice find!

  • When you enter the trailer where Luke and Sarah are hiding, the hallway has several pictures of ducks hanging on the wall (you can see them over Luke's shoulder when you first speak to him). Telltale's really rubbing salt in the wound! Poor Duck...

  • I think that's why Sarah stick there...the paiting, the looks so like the makes her feel safe, feel like being with dad...

    nursethalia posted: »

    When you enter the trailer where Luke and Sarah are hiding, the hallway has several pictures of ducks hanging on the wall (you can see them over Luke's shoulder when you first speak to him). Telltale's really rubbing salt in the wound! Poor Duck...

  • Clem got the 1st, 2nd and 3rd time in one day.
    Comfirm the death of her mom. Comfirm the death of her dad. Shoot Lee or leave him to death.

    That is just Kenny, he is really focused on his familly and clem lost Lee yes it is bad but for Kenny it was the 3rd time he lost someone he really loves with his whole heart, so i kinda understand his behaviour

  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That was Leland's license?

    Kennysucks posted: »

    When searching walkers with Jane, you can find two drivers lisenses, one being Lelands

  • Well i know your being sarcastic and i was just hopeing that we can all just thiiink that maybe mwe can run into molly or maybe even krista

    REALLY?! I had no idea!

  • Its pretty sad cause after Sarahs done screaming right after Carlos' death, if you listen carefully she says something very quietly like "pleeeaaae no" shes like begging for him not to die :(

    24601 posted: »

    I think that's why Sarah stick there...the paiting, the looks so like the makes her feel safe, feel like being with dad...

  • Actualy, i think he says "Luke!" right beforre being shooted.

  • Can I see a picture of the licenses?

    Kennysucks posted: »

    When searching walkers with Jane, you can find two drivers lisenses, one being Lelands

  • This is also the only option that convinces Sarah to take the glasses back from Clem without having to save her first. It’s really heartwarming and depressing how it implies Clem was actually getting through to Sarah by talking about Lee.

    And that's why her second death is so contrived. While her first death actually fit her character arc, dying alone after being unable to grow up, saving her from the trailer park shows that Clem was succeeding in convincing Sarah that she wanted to live. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have screamed for help when she was pinned.

    And I know some people defend the writing of her second death by echoing Jane’s line of “everyone’s luck runs out”, but c’mon. Sarah’s death was so illogical and easy to avoid that it makes me cringe. Why did no one tell her to stay back with Rebecca during the fight? Why did no one go down to help Jane? Why did it not occur to anyone to maybe shoot Sarah so she wouldn’t have to suffer?

    What a pretty shitty send-off for a pretty okay lady.

  • Even if you taech Sarah how to use a gun, you can't save her. WHY TELLTALE WHY

  • In S1 Ep.3 Just a little while before Lee has the dream of Clem getting bit you can tell Clementine how Lee's brother almost got killed once because he beat up some guys in a moving truck.

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    I just found this pic on Twitter. Could this mean Jane is double-jointed?

  • edited July 2014

    Did anyone else notice these similarities between S1 E4 and S2 E4?

    • In both episodes, the "badass loner" girls Molly and Jane both leave the group towards the end of the episode.
    • Both episodes have parts where you need to negotiate with someone pointing a gun at you (Vernon and Arvo)
    • Ben and Sarah have similar fates, as you can decide to leave them behind and if you don't, they end up falling and being killed.
      EDIT: Shit I forgot that Ben dies in Episode 5 but they still have surprisingly similar fates
  • It is possible NOT to have to [axe Sarita] if you chopped her arm off at the end of Episode 3. You just need to make Kenny feel needed and tell him you can't do this without him. (In every playthough I've watched people either left Sarita's arm in tact or were forced to axe Sarita hence mentioning this.)

    In the trailer with Sarah, if you are honest with her and tell her about Clem's past experience with Lee comparing the situation to Carlos, it seems to have a positive effect on her and Clem gives her her glasses right there and then. (Like above the playthroughs I've watched show Sarah getting her glasses back after they escape through the roof) Sadly, it doesn't effect the [convince] or [leave] choice though. I thought I'd convinced her with my chosen words but still had to convince and slap her to move.

  • I really don't think it was his. It vaguely resembled him, but you don't see a name on the license.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    When searching walkers with Jane, you can find two drivers lisenses, one being Lelands

  • edited July 2014

    Or you can just tell Kenny "She's already dead" to avoid axing her. You only have to axe Sarita if you pick "We can't let her turn" or... well, "[Axe Sarita]".

    It is possible NOT to have to [axe Sarita] if you chopped her arm off at the end of Episode 3. You just need to make Kenny feel needed and t

  • Everyone forgot the fact that kenny saved lee in ep 1

  • Hey hey shh.. Let the Kenny haters have their circlejerk man.

    Bygler posted: »

    Everyone forgot the fact that kenny saved lee in ep 1

  • (My face after reading this comment)

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    Hey hey shh.. Let the Kenny haters have their circlejerk man.

  • edited July 2014

    Man, you always find some cool stuff, but I think you're wrong here. Look:

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    Driver's License

    Sandusky, Jon

    Kennysucks posted: »

    When searching walkers with Jane, you can find two drivers lisenses, one being Lelands

  • Yeah... not Leland...

    fallandir posted: »

    Man, you always find some cool stuff, but I think you're wrong here. Look: Virginia Driver's License Sandusky, Jon

  • Maybe since every episode has different writers, each does their own take on the story and don't continue off of each other's work. Or Telltale just completely lost inspiration for Sarah and wanted her gone as soon as possible...

    Shumisha posted: »

    Even if you taech Sarah how to use a gun, you can't save her. WHY TELLTALE WHY

  • Ah shit D: apologies for being wrong, I only got like a 2 second glance and I havent had solid internet for a week or so, and i wasnt willing to waste a bunch of data to get just a screenshot :p but thanks for the compliment

    fallandir posted: »

    Man, you always find some cool stuff, but I think you're wrong here. Look: Virginia Driver's License Sandusky, Jon

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