Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Lmao. I've heard some people call me that in these last few days. Did you guys secretly come up with it?

    No problem, BroPro.

    Thanks, Saltbro!

  • Lol, yup. Usually we just make them up, haha. B]

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Lmao. I've heard some people call me that in these last few days. Did you guys secretly come up with it? No problem, BroPro.

  • 1) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos.

    3) Let's take this opportunity to sneak into the superstore.

    they're going to die trying to save the kid and simon so theres no point

    and @LeeTheProfessional, i didn't think you would include my machete, because that thing will probably save me from a lot of things.

    something i forgot to add into my character is that if she finds a kid, she'll help them but not stick with them because she wouldnt want to see them die.

    Chapter Four: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Markd4547- 4 months in "A military Humvee with a turret on top! Just what I need!" I said to mys

  • I'll stick with it. B)

    I won't be that busy until the weekend. How many parts should I expect before Sunday?

    Lol, yup. Usually we just make them up, haha. B]

  • I'm hoping I can put another part later tonight, but I won't be on the computer too much. If I focus on the new characters for the first half of Ch.4, I can probably put more parts up in one day. I want to focus on the war for the second half of Ch.4, if possible. It'll depend how many people live.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'll stick with it. I won't be that busy until the weekend. How many parts should I expect before Sunday?

  • Don't worry, I have plans for your character. Thanks for voting! B]

    1) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos. 3) Let's take this opportunity to sneak into the superstore. they're going to die t

  • Mark - I say we cause some chaos and shoot!

    Juice - Help the man and kid out.

    Chapter Four: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Markd4547- 4 months in "A military Humvee with a turret on top! Just what I need!" I said to mys

  • Hehe. Sure.

    Alt text

    Lol, "Always the quiet ones."

  • I wish I could earn money everytime she says something. Is she high again?

    I feel I'm screwing everyone again.

  • "Is she high again?"

    Come on, SweetPea. She's ALWAYS high, Is that even a ques--

    You should know the answer to this, lol. B]

    I wish I could earn money everytime she says something. Is she high again?

  • Ohhh, right, I forgot that there's no going back for her. ;-; And that she's a...

    "Is she high again?" Come on, SweetPea. She's ALWAYS high, Is that even a ques-- You should know the answer to this, lol. B]

  • Lmao, now you're getting it!

    Ohhh, right, I forgot that there's no going back for her. ;-; And that she's a...

  • Sorry man. :/ Hopefully you'll live, do you remember the Church situation in Chapter 2? I survived that whole thing.

    I got lucky. Real lucky.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    or vote what you feel like (sry for all that i just don't want to die)

  • Okay.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    you know i don't mind you not voting in mine But in the second choice vote 2 save the kid plz

  • Lol, finally!

    Lmao, now you're getting it!

  • you know i don't mind you not voting in mine

    But in the second choice vote 2 save the kid plz

    Twistee posted: »

    Sorry man. Hopefully you'll live, do you remember the Church situation in Chapter 2? I survived that whole thing. I got lucky. Real lucky.

  • 3) Come out from hiding and "talk" to them. Gonna choose this one even though it isn't gonna win. :p

    3) Let's try and help that man and kid out.

    Chapter Four: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Markd4547- 4 months in "A military Humvee with a turret on top! Just what I need!" I said to mys

  • edited August 2014

    At the moment of the last edit, these are the current votes so far.


    1 – Shoot 13

    2 - Wait 11

    3 – Talk 3


    1 – Wait 5

    2 – Help 16

    3 – Sneak 4

    4 – Say nothing 2

    Also of interest to note, every combination of 1 & 2 has 2 thumbs up.
    Now,... taps the tips of his fingers while biting his lower lip and repeatedly moving his eyes left to right...

    I wonder how that happened? ;P

  • ok soo will you actualy vote or or are you making a false promise (sry but i don't see you're vote if u did)

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    you know i don't mind you not voting in mine But in the second choice vote 2 save the kid plz

  • Really i thought wait had more votes are you sure

    At the moment of the last edit, these are the current votes so far. Mark 1 – Shoot 13 2 - Wait 11 3 – Talk 3 Juicy 1 – Wai

  • I just did a recount and yes, these are correct and current.

    Don't worry, you'll make it out of this, but better start mourning your friend, Papai :(

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Really i thought wait had more votes are you sure


    I just did a recount and yes, these are correct and current. Don't worry, you'll make it out of this, but better start mourning your friend, Papai

  • edited August 2014

    Can a hockey mask stop a bullet? I don't think so. As long as Mark aims for the neck or head, Papai is done for. But it's up to Pro to see how things turn out.

    Lord_EAA posted: »


  • Alt text

    You think you scare me king indeed admirable but mistaken HAHAHHAHHAHAHA

    How will Guilty King get killed?

  • 1) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos.

    2) Let's try and help that man and kid out.

    Chapter Four: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Markd4547- 4 months in "A military Humvee with a turret on top! Just what I need!" I said to mys

  • 1) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos.
    2) Let's try and help that man and kid out.

  • That 20 year old Urban though...XD

    Dark_Star posted: »

    AH FFS! updates HAPPY?!

  • Next time, could you please reply to the comment that has the votes. That way it's easier for me to count them. Also, almost done with the next part, it involves your character. B]

    Spooch posted: »

    1) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos. 2) Let's try and help that man and kid out.

  • Sorry :3. Also, sweet :).

    Next time, could you please reply to the comment that has the votes. That way it's easier for me to count them. Also, almost done with the next part, it involves your character. B]

  • edited August 2014


    I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadiw, romybarboza77, and our leader Not_Dead_Yet. SuperChocoLatte was out on a supply run alone, like how he always does it. We had recently kicked Saltlick123 out of the group for getting into a fight with Romy about three days ago. Salt123 was on edge and was drinking heavily. He lashed out on Romy for trying to help and ended up punching him in the face. Poor Romy ended up with a black eye, and I could have sworn Salt123 would have killed him if none of us had intervened. Blue and Star held Salt123 back, while me and Latte helped Romy up. NDY had enough and thought that was the last straw, he kicked Salt123 out of the group and sent him on his way without anything to eat or anything to defend himself with. I remember how WTWH was just sitting next to a tree watching the whole thing, it was like he wanted to help but he was conflicted on whether he should do anything or not. WTWH said that he has two sides to him, a good and a bad, a ying and yang. Although we've never really seen him do anything evil, he usually just kept to himself and stayed quiet unless someone talked to him first. The RV door opened and the other guys came out. I stood up."Well? What are we going to do?" I asked them.

    Star sighed."We've decided that a few of us should go out and look for Salt123. Make sure he's okay."

    NDY spoke up."That's right. Maybe it was a bit harsh of me to send him out there without anything. He was drunk at the time, too. I'm just hoping he's still alive out there." He said with his arms crossed.

    "Well, who's going? I'm worried about him, too. We can't just abandon him, even though he was causing trouble. He lost his family and just needs time, we can help bring him back to his former self." I told them.

    "You're right. He may an asshole at times, but I forgive him. I should have just gave him some space and not ask so many questions." Romy said while looking down.

    Blue placed his hand on his back."It's okay, man. Don't worry about it."

    "We need people to stay here and defend this place from any bandits or walkers. So only a few of us should go out looking for him." NDY told us.

    "I'll go. I have no problem trying to look for him. I think I know where he might be." Blue told him.

    "All right, good. That's one. Who else wants to go with Blue?" NDY asked.

    "I'm more than willing to go. We have to get him back." Romy said.

    "I'll go as well. I was beginning to get tired of just sitting here. I want to help look for Salt123." I told NDY.

    "Okay, that's enough people. Me, Star and WTWH will stay here. Latte should be back soon, so I'll wait for his return while I keep watch tonight." NDY told us.

    "Where is WTWH?" I asked.

    "In the RV eating some snacks." Star replied.

    "Okay then. We should get some things for the road and be on our way." Romy told us.

    Blue was looking up."Yeah, sun's going down. We should leave right away."

    Everyone agreed. We went into the RV and packed a few things. Once we were done, we headed outside and got ready to leave."Before you go, take this with you." Star told me while handing me a hammer.

    "Thanks, Star. I'll take care of it." I said with a smile.

    "Be careful, guys... Try not to get into any trouble. Um... Oh! And watch out for those pesky bandits." WTWH told us.

    "Right... last week they tried to sneak up on us and take our supplies. Fuckers nearly got away, but we managed to get them." NDY said.

    "Salt123 surprisingly helped us that day, did well defending this place, heh." Romy told us.

    "Well, he was a gun shop owner. He's familiar with weapons. He did well with that hunting rifle. Thank God he was here when those bandits attacked." Star said.

    "One of them got away, though. The big guy with a jean jacket vest, and trucker cap. I don't know if he has anymore of his friends out there, but we have to be careful." NDY told us.

    "Definitely... I'll make sure to kill them all next time." WTWH told us.

    Romy turned and gave him a confused look."But you barely helped last time they were here..."

    "Um... heh, I wasn't ready... But now I'm more than prepared to fight off those bandits." WTWH replied.

    "Uh... if you say so." Romy said.

    "Well, we should get going. We're wasting too much time and it's getting dark out." Blue told us.

    "Yeah, we don't want to be out here too long with those walkers out there. We need to find a safe place to stay in for the night while we look for Salt123." I told the group.

    "Right, stay safe out there, guys. Try to avoid anything that might be dangerous." Star told us.

    "Look around you, man! The dead are up and walking, everything is dangerous now, haha!" Romy replied.

    Star sighed."Just... be careful, guys."

    "We will. Try not to worry too much, Latte should be back here any minute, so keep an eye out for him." I told him.

    "Come on, let's get going." Blue told me and Romy.

    "Take care, you three..." WTWH told us, while waving goodbye.

    "See you soon." NDY said.

    "Bring Salt123 back here safely!" Star told us as we were walking away from them.

    Several minutes had gone by and it was already dark out. We were walking down a dirt road, following Blue. He said he might know where to find Salt123, so we just went with it."Ugh, I'm starving." Romy said out loud.

    "Didn't you just eat back at the camp?" I asked him.

    "Man, that was like ages ago, bro! Don't you have any power bars in that backpack of yours?" He asked me.

    I shook my head and sighed."It's only been like fifteen minutes. We need to try to save as much food as we can."

    "Come on! It's only one power bar, not like we don't have more with us." Romy told me.

    "Just gave him a power bar so he can shut his mouth, heh." Blue told me.

    "Don't be that way, Blue. I'll share with you if you're nice to me." Romy told him with a smile.

    "No thanks, man. I don't like sharing with arrogant people who constantly nag others." Blue replied.

    "Asking for something to eat while one is hungry, is NOT nagging, my friend. Are you saying that you would rather starve than to try and get a bite to eat?" Romy asked.

    "Heh, no, and I never said that. I just think you should keep it down a bit so you don't attract any unwanted attention out here." Blue said.

    "Well maybe if Spooch gave a certain hungry someone a power bar, then that certain someone wouldn't be complaining too much, huh?" Romy started nudging my arm and raising his eyebrows.

    I sighed."Fine, Romy. You can have a damn power bar."

    "Thank the lord!" He shouted.

    "Shut up, Romy! Keep your voice down, man." Blue told him while looking back at him.

    "Heh, sorry, got a little carried away there." Romy said with a smile.

    I handed him a power bar."There. Happy now?!" I asked.

    "You're damn right I'm happy now! Haha, thanks, man." He grabbed the power bar and started peeling off the wrapper.

    "Sheesh. I just hope we find Salt123 before Romy drives us insane." I told Blue.

    "Heh, don't worry, man. Shouldn't take too long where we're going." He replied.

    "Where exactly are we going?" I asked him.

    "You'll see." He said and kept walking.

    "Ooo, secretive!" Romy said while chewing on the power bar.

    Blue turned to look at him."How's that eye, still hurt?" He asked.

    "Hmm, I don't know, man. Why don't you come over here and punch my eye a few more times. I think Salt123 didn't do enough damage to it." Romy said sarcastically."Of course it still hurts! It's sore as hell, and I can barely see a damn thing from my left eye. It doesn't help that I'm already blind as a bat either."

    "Sheesh, just asking, man. Sorry, heh." Blue told him.

    "Yeah, yeah... how much further until we reach your secret place?" Romy asked.

    "If we keep going, we should be there by morning. We've already rested, so I hope you guys don't mind walking all night long." Blue told us.

    "Not a problem, man. As long as we get to Salt123, I'm fine with anything." I told him.

    "Same here, whatever works the best." Romy replied as we kept walking down the dirt road. We had been walking for a long time now, the sun was starting to come up and everyone was getting tired. Romy was telling us about one of his ridiculous stories."And I kid you not, that damn dog was running towards me at the speed of lighting! I ran for my life and tried hopping over a pointed fence, somehow the back of my pants got caught on one of the spikes and I was just hanging there trying to escape. I was sobbing, crying out for my mom and just hoping the Chihuahua wasn't going to take a chunk out of my exposed ass cheek."

    Me and Blue started laughing."Hahaha! Are you kidding me?! You were scared of a tiny Chihuahua?!" I asked.

    "Hey, man! I was eight years old and that tiny demon was vicious! I was scared shitless, and I had nowhere to run! It kept trying to bite me on my ass but luckily for me, it couldn't reach." Romy explained.

    "Haha! So how did you manage to escape?" Blue asked him.

    Romy sighed."Well, I kept trying to move away, eventually my pants ripped and I fell down. I was relieved for a moment until I turned around and saw half of my underwear had been ripped off along with the back of my pants."

    "Haha! Oh, man! Did anyone see you?!" I asked him.

    "Hell yeah, people saw me! Cars driving by were honking, people rolling down their windows and laughing, kids riding their bicycles stopped to point and laugh. I ran home trying to cover my ass with my hands, my face was red like a tomato. It was the most embarrassing day of my life! What made it worse is that when I finally got home, my mom beat the shit out of me for ripping my pants and underwear. I wasn't able to sit down for the rest of the day. I just laid down in bed, on my stomach, crying until I went to sleep."

    "Hahaha! That's too funny!" I said while laughing and wiping my tears away.

    "That's fucking great, man, haha!" Blue told him.

    Romy sighed."Fuck you, guys... I still have nightmares about that damn Chihuahua." He said with a frightened look on his face.

    "Aha... Ah... Woo! Haven't laughed like that in a long time." Blue said to us.

    "Hehe, yeah! That was pretty funny." I replied.

    "Well, glad you assholes had a good laugh. How much longer until we get there?" Romy asked.

    "We're already here." Blue said while walking over to a fence. He crouched down and placed his hand on it to reveal an opening."Look, I've been here before with Salt123. We cut an opening so it's easier for us to get through."

    "It's the town where we go on supply runs for, right?" I asked.

    "Correct, but just another part of it. You guys have never been here before, but I have with Salt123. Now come on, he should be in the building right in front of us." Blue told us as he made his way to the other side. He turned around to look at us."Oh, Romy. Don't worry about this fence, there aren't any spikes for you to get stuck on." He said with a smile.

    "HA HA, very funny, Blue." He replied sarcastically while making his way over to him.

    I looked around and then proceeded to follow them. Once I got through the gate, Blue told us to follow him to the back of some building. I looked up and saw a sign."The Drunken Chihuahua bar?" Wow..." I said trying not to laugh.

    "Heh, I know..." Blue said.

    "Oh, shut up." Romy said while shaking his head.

    Blue had his hand on the back door and put his index finger on his lips to make a "shh" sound. He opened it slowly and looked inside."Clear." He told us, as he walked in. Romy followed behind, and then I did the same right after. We were in the building now, in a small hallway. KSHH! "The hell was that?!" Blue asked.

    "Sons of bitches! Damn you all to hell!" We heard someone shouting.

    "The fuck? Sounded like Salt123." Romy told us.

    "Definitely did. How did you know he was going to be in here?" I asked Blue.

    "It's a bar that's still stocked up with beer and wine, and plus I've been here before with him." Blue explained.

    "Oh, right. Forget I asked, haha." I said.

    "Come on, he should be in the front. Let's go check it out." Blue said and led the way. We followed him through the small hallway until we made it to a door, and on the other side we saw the front of the bar. Salt123 was sitting down on a bar stool with his black leather jacket, and a bottle of wine in his hands. We saw some walkers banging on the front of the bar's window display."Shit! Salt123, what are you doing?!" Blue asked him.

    Salt123 threw the bottle of wine towards the walkers on the window display. KSHH! "Fuck 'em all! I hate them! Just fucking leave already!" He shouted at them.

    "Shit... is he drunk again?" Romy asked.

    "I'm not fucking drunk." Salt123 said while looking down."What the hell are you guys doing here?" He asked us.

    "We came to bring you back with us. We need you in the group. NDY said it was a mistake to let you go." I told him.

    "Heh, that asshole finally realizing how bad the group needs me? Well, fuck him!" Salt123 replied.

    "Don't be like that, man. We could all use your help, and we've been together for a long time now. We all realized it was a mistake to let you go, we need you to come back with us." Blue told him.

    Salt123 grabbed another wine bottle and then tossed it. KSHH! "You guys just let me go. Why should I even bother going back with a bunch of assholes who don't even care if I live or die?"

    All three of us looked at each other. Romy spoke up."Look, man. NDY made the decision, not us. We came here to bring you back, you and me fought, but that's in the past. I shouldn't have bugged you with so many questions about your family... I'm sorry."

    Salt123 closed his eyes and gritted his teeth."Don't bring my family up... Just... don't."

    I scratched my head and then turned to look at the window display. The walkers were starting to pile up and banging harder on the windows."Shit... we need to go, now." I told them.

    "I ain't leaving. Just go on without me." Salt123 told us.

    "No! We came here to bring you back, and that's exactly what we're going to do!" Blue shouted.

    Salt123 looked up at him and his eyes widened. Romy spoke up again."Look, man. I forgive you for what you did, so at least do me this one favor and come back to the group. We need you Salt123, if those bandits attack again..."

    Salt123 sighed and then chuckled a bit."Heh, Look at those fuckers out there. Waiting to sink their teeth into our flesh. They tear us apart, limb from limb, and whatever is left comes back and more of those fuckers are made. Saw it happen to my family... I wonder... I wonder if I'll get to see them again in the afterlife."

    The window display was starting to crack."Fuck! Salt123, we have to leave! Keep surviving for your family! Stay alive for them! Don't let it end here! Come on!" I shouted.

    "Just go... I'll be okay..." He said.

    "Come on, guys, let's go!" Romy shouted while running back.

    "Shit... let's go, Spooch!" Blue said while starting to head towards the back as well.

    "Salt123, man, come on!" I shouted one more time. Salt123 grabbed another bottle of wine, but this time he started to drink it."Fuck..." I said to myself and started going towards the back door. Once I reached the back, I didn't see Blue or Romy anywhere. KSHH!!! I heard a loud noise that sounded like glass breaking."Where the hell did they go?! Don't tell me they left without me!" I said to myself. I ran towards the gate, and right when I was about to go through, I heard someone whistling.

    I turned around and spotted Romy in the streets, trying to get the walker's attention. I saw Blue hiding behind a dumpster container that was on the side of the bar. He turned around and saw me, he motioned for me to go to him."Spooch! Over here!" He whispered.

    I ran towards him and hid beside him."What's Romy doing?! He's going to get himself killed!" I whispered.

    "He's going to distract them so we can get back inside the bar." Blue explained.

    "But Salt123 doesn't want to go back! He could be dead by now." I replied.

    "It's what Romy insisted. Don't think so. I didn't hear any screaming, and by the time Romy started distracting them, not a lot of walkers could have gotten through." Blue told me.

    I saw Romy heading into another alley. The plan had worked, some of the walkers were following him."Well, they're following him..." I said.

    Blue moved to the corner of the building and peeked out."I can still see a few walkers by the front of the bar. Some of them trying to get inside. You still have that hammer that Star gave you, right?" Blue asked me.

    "Yeah, I do." I said while taking it out.

    Blue turned to look at the alleyway that Romy was in before. It was filling up with walkers."Shit..." He turned to look at the front of the bar again."More walkers heading towards the bar..." He whispered."You're good at making some tough decisions. What should we do, Spooch?" He asked me...

    1) Let's leave. We can't save them.

    2) We need to save Salt123. Let's get inside the bar again.

    3) We need to save Romy. Let's try to get around that alleyway.

    4) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy.

    5) Go help Salt123. I'll go check on Romy.


  • edited August 2014

    And the Blue comes into play...

    Hm... this'll take some thinking. I'll edit my comment later.

    5) Spooch shall help Romy and I will help Salt. EDIT: That moment when you realize you typed the wrong vote... lol.

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • 3) We need to save Romy. Let's try to get around that alleyway.

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • edited August 2014

    4) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy. Also, good chapter :).

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • Dammit, I like Salt and Romy!

    4) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy.

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • :D

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    "I fought the law and the law won!" I still can't get over that XD I hope Latte survives awhile...

  • wait until dark out

    Let's wait and see what the other person will do

    Great story as always.

    Chapter Four: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Markd4547- 4 months in "A military Humvee with a turret on top! Just what I need!" I said to mys

  • 5) Go help salt, i'll go check Romy

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • 4) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy.

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • You said you wanted to kill people off, and I think this is where someone will die no matter the choice.

    I dont know why but something is telling me that in choices 2-5, all 4 will end up dead.

    With that being said, I am going to have to go with 1) Let's leave. We can't save them.

    This seems like a suicide mission, Romy and Salt are already surrounded, and if all Spooch has is the hammer, then he is probably done for if he is trying to pull a tyrese and going through a mob with a hammer. Its better to have 2 casualties than 4. Tough choice but this will be my final decision.

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • I say; "Go help Salt123. I'll go check on Romy."

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

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