Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • If you do nothing when Rebecca turns, Bonnie calls for help.

  • At the end of S2 EP1, if you don't give water to the man and choose to run to Pete, you can give water to Pete instead in the next episode. You can also save it for later too(I think for Rebecca).

  • I thought absurd on how he carries so much weaponry.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Luke is geared to the teeth with an AK-47, a pistol, and a machete.

  • In S1E04, when the group is fighting the horde on the streets, you see a zombie with a Save-Lots vest. What could this mean?

  • Don't forget the special tool for when dealing with Jane.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Luke is geared to the teeth with an AK-47, a pistol, and a machete.

  • not to mention, when the began the escape of howe's hardware and they raided the armory, Luke also had a hatchet which he later gave to Clementine

    hihitwd posted: »

    I thought absurd on how he carries so much weaponry.

  • Kenny accepted Luke's apology for banging Jane

  • I guess it also sort of applies to Sarah, thinking Clem was her best friend. Until Carlos dies.

    Someone in this thread already tried to look for some symbolism in songs from credits of episodes. I decided to look through the lyrics of t

  • edited August 2014
    • Clementine received her hat as a birthday gift from her dad

    • It's possible to fail at distracting Andy and getting the lock off the back room. Taking too long will result in that scene being skipped.

    • Ben was on the basketball team with his friend Travis but was traveling with the band group when the apocalypse hit.

    • Saving Doug will make Andy and Danny St. John have a slightly different entrance. Doug will set up an alarm that is triggered by movement across a wire placed outside the motor inn. The brothers will be seen walking down the road until they get caught in the wire. They'll be trying to get out of it as the group takes the few moments to observe them.

    • The framing around Kenny inside the tent after losing Sarita was supposed to mirror the scene when Kenny encounters the boy in the attic.

    • When Lilly is arguing with Lee and Kenny about bringing Ben into the group, Clementine will tug on Ben's arm and try to lead him away to see a picture she drew. This is Clementine sensing a heated argument within the group and getting Ben out of it.

    • The beginning of the game originally was not supposed to be Lee in the police car. A New Day was going to pick up in the drugstore right after triggering the alarm. The story was going to be non-linear but decided against it.

    • In early versions, Larry was going to apologize to Lilly for not being able to protect her and her mother in his last moments.

    • There was a different introduction sequence with Ben and Mr. Parker. Lee, Kenny or Mark had to help Ben shoot walkers as one of them cut Mr. Parker free from the bear trap. If the player wanted to leave the teacher behind, you had the choice of leaving Ben behind too. Leaving him behind would result in Mark dying in the bandit raid and the teacher would become the dinner meal.

    • When playtesters played through Around Every Corner, very few dropped Ben from the bell tower. Wanting to make the decision harder, the writers went back and added in the part of Ben leaving Clementine to be cornered by multiple walkers.

    • Ben has unused dialogue where he thanks Lee for dropping him before being devoured. He also says that he has a wish to die since both Lee and Kenny want him to die as well as he himself thinking he is a screwup.

    • Molly says that she's leaving the group because she feels better off on her own but it is implied that she left only because she didn't want to cause more tension within the group (after learning that not everybody would be getting on the boat).

    • If Lee asks Clementine if she has any allergies, Clementine will mention having a friend who has a peanut allergy.

  • That was actually surprising for me. When Luke was yelling at Kenny, I was expecting Kenny to snap and start yelling back to him like good ol' Kenny.

    But then he was like "K.Just don't do it again."

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Kenny accepted Luke's apology for banging Jane

  • If Alvin dies in Episode 2, you can use Carver's gun to shoot Carver! Not kill him though :(

  • edited August 2014

    How do you know all this? The unused versions .. so interesting!

    quinnics posted: »

    * Clementine received her hat as a birthday gift from her dad * It's possible to fail at distracting Andy and getting the lock off the ba

  • Live streams and interviews from Telltale, some are also mentioned on the wiki.

    remorse667 posted: »

    How do you know all this? The unused versions .. so interesting!

  • Leaving Kenny with the boat in episode 4 results in him having a black eye in episode 5 when you return from going after Vernon.

  • Reggie turns into a walker. When you are looking for the Walkie Talkies, you have an option to look over the edge where Reggie was pushed from. His body is no longer there and the blood spatter indicates that walker reggie crawled out..

  • Wow...Clems being a bit of a bitch here!

    As he gets up he says "I don't need to hear this shit. I cant even look at you right now" and walks out of the tent. I thought I might

  • edited August 2014

    Or some people who place it on the internet. I also know a lot about it and EP2 S1 had the biggest change of the hole season.

    quinnics posted: »

    Live streams and interviews from Telltale, some are also mentioned on the wiki.

  • Armed to the teeth

    Don't forget the special tool for when dealing with Jane.

  • Its funny that she shoots him in the same place as kenny wouldve shit him if alvin dies

    remorse667 posted: »

    If Alvin dies in Episode 2, you can use Carver's gun to shoot Carver! Not kill him though

  • In one of his first playthroughs of TWD, in episode 1. When she asks "what should we do now?" he says "rape you" or something like that with an evil expression. PewDiePie is honestly disgusting.

    BuDDy100 posted: »


  • Wewilmissyousarah HAHAH Eddie is the russian leader now

    When she said, "Junkie" I thought of Eddie. I was thinking that those meds we're for Eddie, but it wasn't .-.

  • Where do you get that Ben and Travis were in basketball and not band? Ben calls David "our band director", not "the". He also just seems like a band kid to me, coming from one, lol. Don't know about Travis though.

    quinnics posted: »

    * Clementine received her hat as a birthday gift from her dad * It's possible to fail at distracting Andy and getting the lock off the ba

  • edited August 2014

    Nick and Sarah have a lot of parallels, in episodes 2 and 4, respectively.

    Both retreated to and hid in a building surrounded by walkers after witnessing the deaths of their respective family members (Pete and Carlos). These were people they both heavily depended emotionally, Luke claiming that Pete was Nick's "last anchor" and Sarah making it very explicit that she "needed" her dad.

    Nick talking about his friend Luke and his ability to cope and move on, Sarah talking to/about her friend Clementine and her ability to cope and move on. (There's a post on Tumblr here that shows the parallels in their lines even better than my screencaps do)
    Alt text
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    Both falling behind as the group walks through the forest, the people up front discussing their stability.
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    Both acknowledging their instability when spoken to privately.
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    Not exactly a episode 2/4 parallel, but they're also presented as having an inherent innocence and lack of desire to harm anyone (Pete's story about Nick not wanting to shoot the buck as a child, Sarah claiming she was never mad enough to hurt anyone after Carver made Carlos hit her), though Nick's innocence has quite clearly been corrupted before we even meet him, and by episode 4 Sarah's "rose-tinted glasses" have been shattered.

  • Larry was also going to apologize for accusing Duck of being bitten.

    quinnics posted: »

    * Clementine received her hat as a birthday gift from her dad * It's possible to fail at distracting Andy and getting the lock off the ba

  • edited August 2014

    Remember Roman from Bec's story in 400 days......

    This is Roman in 400 days

    Alt text

    If you notice in season 2 episode 1, When Clementine is at the river with Pete and Nick, you see Roman, shot in the head

    Alt text

  • I guess its supposed to be Carver. But it doesn't really match up with what we know of him either.

    Dyeingbrad posted: »

    Did they ever explain what happened or are we led to believe that was Carver's doing?

  • Did they ever explain what happened or are we led to believe that was Carver's doing?

    Remember Roman from Bec's story in 400 days...... This is Roman in 400 days If you notice in season 2 episode 1, When Clementine is at the river with Pete and Nick, you see Roman, shot in the head

  • Probably Carver's Doing

    Dyeingbrad posted: »

    Did they ever explain what happened or are we led to believe that was Carver's doing?

  • edited August 2014

    Here's something you probably already know...

    In the museum with Mike and Bonnie you can look at the display table..


  • I heard you can ask him about it in episode 3 and he corrects you on it.

    Probably Carver's Doing

  • If Luke wasn't so greedy and if he shared his weapons some deaths could be avoided!

    Kennysucks posted: »

    not to mention, when the began the escape of howe's hardware and they raided the armory, Luke also had a hatchet which he later gave to Clementine

  • If you save Sarah from the trailer park, when you have to choose where to go, you can talk to Sarah.
    If you left her behind, you have a dialogue option to "stay and help" but then Luke says Kenny has it under control and you should go with someone.

  • edited August 2014

    It was in one of the Twitch livestreams that Telltale did. I think they mentioned it during.. the second episode? Or the third. Someone asked something about Ben and one of the guests (I think it was a writer) said, "I don't know about that but I know how he started." I think it may have been Mark Darin.

    The our could refer to our school's band director.

    sardines posted: »

    Where do you get that Ben and Travis were in basketball and not band? Ben calls David "our band director", not "the". He also just seems like a band kid to me, coming from one, lol. Don't know about Travis though.

  • That he's from Save-Lots supermarket.

    hihitwd posted: »

    In S1E04, when the group is fighting the horde on the streets, you see a zombie with a Save-Lots vest. What could this mean?

  • Well when Carver first meets Clem and gives you a description of the cabin group, Clem can say that she saw them at the river, Carver then said it wasnt them but then quickly saved his slip by saying its because the cabin group is careful

    Dyeingbrad posted: »

    Did they ever explain what happened or are we led to believe that was Carver's doing?

  • Okay thanks

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Well when Carver first meets Clem and gives you a description of the cabin group, Clem can say that she saw them at the river, Carver then said it wasnt them but then quickly saved his slip by saying its because the cabin group is careful

  • edited August 2014

    I think that was in Episode 2 when Carver is at the cabin. Clementine can tell Carver that the people he's looking for are all dead and down by the river and he replies,"I'm sorry, but I guess that wasn't them".

    Dyeingbrad posted: »

    I heard you can ask him about it in episode 3 and he corrects you on it.

  • edited August 2014

    No, Clem shoots him on the cheek, while Kenny shoots him in the shoulder.

    SadCat posted: »

    Its funny that she shoots him in the same place as kenny wouldve shit him if alvin dies

  • Wow, the Carley one was messed up.

  • edited August 2014

    In 102 If you are talking to lilly in the hub world after checking the fence with mark he will be looking with his pupils up as if he doesn't care.

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