Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • from forest gump shit happens

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Yeah, but I've always wondered what's the big deal? Everyone seems to mention it whenever the screen comes up, but I've never gotten the hyp

  • Obviously a different kind of dream sequence, pretty cool.

  • huh.. I remember this song from a while back...

    Listen to this song while thinking of Sarah

  • found this in 203 file

    Reggie:He gave everybody toothbrushes once, but not Luke,cause Bill hates that guy,He told him, he was, like..."Your teeth are pretty enough already."

  • School bands travel for the away games. They go in separate buses, and not coordinated together. Besides, the sport in particular was football.

    quinnics posted: »

    It was in one of the Twitch livestreams that Telltale did. I think they mentioned it during.. the second episode? Or the third. Someone aske

  • When playtesters played through Around Every Corner, very few dropped Ben from the bell tower. Wanting to make the decision harder, the writers went back and added in the part of Ben leaving Clementine to be cornered by multiple walkers.

    WAT? CHEAP! Fucking cheap!

    quinnics posted: »

    * Clementine received her hat as a birthday gift from her dad * It's possible to fail at distracting Andy and getting the lock off the ba

  • Suck it, Roman! teabag

    Remember Roman from Bec's story in 400 days...... This is Roman in 400 days If you notice in season 2 episode 1, When Clementine is at the river with Pete and Nick, you see Roman, shot in the head

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited August 2014

    When Carver found Luke in S2E3, he beat him off screen, this is shown when Clem, Kenny, and Mike are take back to the pen because Luke is on the ground with multiple bruises and some blood on his face, infact he even has those bruises as of now, but this is what he looked like not long after Carver beating Kenny

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  • edited August 2014

    Luke's real reasons

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    child123 posted: »

    found this in 203 file Reggie:He gave everybody toothbrushes once, but not Luke,cause Bill hates that guy,He told him, he was, like..."Your teeth are pretty enough already."

  • Carlos to Kenny: You have no idea who you're dealing with!

    Pride posted: »

    Luke's real reasons

  • One of the Telltale staff said this during a livestream playthrough.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    School bands travel for the away games. They go in separate buses, and not coordinated together. Besides, the sport in particular was football.

  • Well dammit. Go to 10:25

    I don't know how things are done in small towns, but I guess having the band and the sport team ride together(Darin also makes it clear that this was the case) on the buses is believable because small-town-stereotype.

    Ben does in fact say "the band director".

    quinnics posted: »

    One of the Telltale staff said this during a livestream playthrough.

  • The story was going to be non-linear but decided against it.


    quinnics posted: »

    * Clementine received her hat as a birthday gift from her dad * It's possible to fail at distracting Andy and getting the lock off the ba

  • It did seem odd that the teams were traveling together but I guess it was just more convenient this way, I suppose.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Well dammit. Go to 10:25 I don't know how things are done in small towns, but I guess h

  • edited August 2014

    Yeah I was expecting that too, but he had the baby with him so that's why he didn't yell back. If he didn't have the baby with him, he probably would have done so..

    Pride posted: »

    That was actually surprising for me. When Luke was yelling at Kenny, I was expecting Kenny to snap and start yelling back to him like good ol' Kenny. But then he was like "K.Just don't do it again."

  • Luke bby its okei. Ur still bootiful ;-;

    Kennysucks posted: »

    When Carver found Luke in S2E3, he beat him off screen, this is shown when Clem, Kenny, and Mike are take back to the pen because Luke is on

  • The School I go to is in a Small town and we have a bigger school, but the football team, cheerleaders and band all ride on the same 1-2 buses. While the band director normally hauls the band equipment in a trailer attached to his truck.

    quinnics posted: »

    It did seem odd that the teams were traveling together but I guess it was just more convenient this way, I suppose.

  • I never saw Kenny shoot Carver in the shoulder, just the knees. How did you see that happen?

    bloop posted: »

    No, Clem shoots him on the cheek, while Kenny shoots him in the shoulder.

  • Kenny can shoot Carver in the shoulder in Episode 2, causing Alvin to die. And Carver will have his wound through all of Episode 3.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    I never saw Kenny shoot Carver in the shoulder, just the knees. How did you see that happen?

  • During the recap of Season 1 in the beginning of Season 2, Lee's text color is blue. While back playing Season 1, Lee's text color is white. Showing that whoever's text color is white, is the playable character.

  • Clementine can choose to find Kenny when Carver arrive at the lodge and take everyone hostage. If Clem tells Kenny to shoot, Kenny will fire and hit Carver in the shoulder. Then Alvin dies.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    I never saw Kenny shoot Carver in the shoulder, just the knees. How did you see that happen?

  • Nick genuinely laughs exactly once in the entirety of Season Two, if you stay silent when he offers you a drink in Episode 2.

  • Clem`s text color this season is white too

    bloop posted: »

    During the recap of Season 1 in the beginning of Season 2, Lee's text color is blue. While back playing Season 1, Lee's text color is white. Showing that whoever's text color is white, is the playable character.

  • Same thing with 400 Days. The protagonists have white subtitles in their stories, but different in Tavia's story. Same thing with Tavia and the 400 Days characters in episode 3 as well.

    bloop posted: »

    During the recap of Season 1 in the beginning of Season 2, Lee's text color is blue. While back playing Season 1, Lee's text color is white. Showing that whoever's text color is white, is the playable character.

  • Tavia definitely deliberately shot Nick, as he was nowhere near any walkers and she sees him and opens fire hitting him in the shoulder. He may have died because he couldn't defend himself from the green shirted walker and it bit him, but we don't know that. So it's possible that his death was indirectly caused by Tavia.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    If you look on Nicks neck when hes a walker in episode 4 you can see a bite, some people consider this just a re-used model but regardless,

  • I believe this is kind of why some people talk about both Nick and Sarah in the same comment.

    skoothz posted: »

    Nick and Sarah have a lot of parallels, in episodes 2 and 4, respectively. Both retreated to and hid in a building surrounded by walkers

  • In Season 2, Dave Fennoy(Lee) still voices the "Next time/Previously on The Walking Dead" lines.

  • I forget if the purple backpack first appears when Kenny and Clem wear it in S1E3 or if it appears as a background prop in episode 2, but it hit me a while back that Carver's kidnapping of Clem and the group forces her to leave the backpack behind.

    Not as iconic as Clem losing her hat, but still notable considering the backpack's run in the game. RIP flower stickered carrier of lighters and mementos.

  • This is the reference. Forrest Gump is awesome by the way.

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    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Yeah, but I've always wondered what's the big deal? Everyone seems to mention it whenever the screen comes up, but I've never gotten the hyp

  • I think Bonnie has it.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    I forget if the purple backpack first appears when Kenny and Clem wear it in S1E3 or if it appears as a background prop in episode 2, but it

  • Really? I thought they were just sleeping.

    If you look very closely, in every episode, someone dies

  • Boat happens.

    This is the reference. Forrest Gump is awesome by the way.

  • Dunno if someone said this yet but...


    If you become friends with Sarah, when you meet her at Episode 4 she will say "Hi". If you aren't friend with her, she stays silent

    If you saved Sarah from the trailer, and you talk to her later, when she asks you why you didn't leave her, and you choose "Because we're friends", if you decided to be her friend in "All That Remains", she will either say "I could never be that good of a friend" or "No. We're not

  • I keep reading this meme it's so funny.

    Pride posted: »

    Luke's real reasons

  • I was replaying episode 4 and as I did before I kiled the zombie that bit Sarita. Anyways When Bonnie asks you to talk to Kenny if you stay silent to Bonnie Kenny say's Hey Clementine You Made it.

  • edited August 2014

    Spoilers obviously.

    EP2 of Season 2, Rebecca asks Clem if she wants to listen to the baby kick. Some people(not me) choose to listen. She says, "she's going to be a runner," clearly predicting the baby will be a girl.

    Later that week in EP4, Clem can reveal Alvin's prediction(likely borne out of a spiteful attitude towards Carver), that he also thinks(thought) it will be a girl. When this is mentioned, Rebecca will refute his claims saying he "has no sense for these things," and says "I have a feeling this one's going to be a boy."

    ..."No sense for these things", huh??

  • In All that remains, when you're in the restroom looking for a pin/needle to sew your arm up. You'll hear Rebecca coming up - you either have 2 choices which are to hide in a cabnet or hide in the tub. If you choose none and let time run out, you'll hear Sarah talk to Rebecca telling her there's towels downstairs and Rebecca leaves so you don't hear her talk about the baby.

  • Perhaps it was the writer for episode 4 who decided to make the baby a boy under the assumption that it would make Kenny care more about him. If the baby's gender is determinant, I suppose it means it won't survive episode 5.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Spoilers obviously. EP2 of Season 2, Rebecca asks Clem if she wants to listen to the baby kick. Some people(not me) choose to listen. She

  • Telltale: "Is it a boy? Is it a girl? You decide! Whoops, dead."

    Bokor posted: »

    Perhaps it was the writer for episode 4 who decided to make the baby a boy under the assumption that it would make Kenny care more about him. If the baby's gender is determinant, I suppose it means it won't survive episode 5.

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