Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • oops my bad, ill edit it now. thanks for telling me!

    Picking #1 doesn't break the tie it's between #2 and #6

  • No problem.

    oops my bad, ill edit it now. thanks for telling me!

  • Maybe so, maybe not, but at least the tie is broken. sigh I have bad feeling about this.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I can tell this was the wrong choice.

  • There's a saying that applies here.

    "Evil men win when good men do nothing."

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I can tell this was the wrong choice.

  • Yes, in this case, not helping would be the best bet I think.

    There's a saying that applies here. "Evil men win when good men do nothing."

  • heh I like that saying.

    There's a saying that applies here. "Evil men win when good men do nothing."



    BadassScarlet I felt bad for leaving Juicy, Latte, and Grafite behind, but I had to. After seeing my own kid getting eaten alive by those

  • Been busy and probably won't be on much for a while, but I think I might be able to put the mid chapter finale tomorrow night. Don't know yet, I'll try, though.

  • edited August 2014

    By all means, take your time.

    I want a good mid chapter finale :D

    Holy downvotes Batman... o_o

    Been busy and probably won't be on much for a while, but I think I might be able to put the mid chapter finale tomorrow night. Don't know yet, I'll try, though.

  • Thanks, bro, I'll try!

    Lol, who cares. B]

    Alt text

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    By all means, take your time. I want a good mid chapter finale Holy downvotes Batman... o_o

  • So true.

    Alt text

    Thanks, bro, I'll try! Lol, who cares. B]

  • Lol, nice! Hmm, so since the votes went for trying to save Scarlet, what do you guys think might happen?

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    So true.

  • I think I'll die (Im paranoid) since I'm about to go away for a week and I think when I come back I'm just gonna see my death, hmmmm

    Lol, nice! Hmm, so since the votes went for trying to save Scarlet, what do you guys think might happen?

  • Everyone will live happily ever after. The End. Except the bandits they die.

    Lol, nice! Hmm, so since the votes went for trying to save Scarlet, what do you guys think might happen?

  • We might just be feeding you ideas here Pro, (like how Romy said the car would crash xD) but fuck it.

    Alt text

    Lol, nice! Hmm, so since the votes went for trying to save Scarlet, what do you guys think might happen?

  • edited August 2014

    Is that true, Pro? Did I really cause Grafite's death by my speculation? Please Pro, don't let it be true.

    Alt text

    Why didn't anybody listen to me and choose my option. WHYYYYYY????

    Alt text

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    We might just be feeding you ideas here Pro, (like how Romy said the car would crash xD) but fuck it.

  • Alt text

    It's ok my friend...

    After what happened to Simon I expected him to fall into depression. Besides, the RV group took care of him. He doesn't have to suffer. Just imagine what could happen while he was still with us? Those bandits just killed a little boy!


    Alt text

    Is that true, Pro? Did I really cause Grafite's death by my speculation? Please Pro, don't let it be true. Why didn't anybody listen to me and choose my option. WHYYYYYY????

  • edited August 2014

    Either I've gone crazy or Blue is talking to me from the dead.

    Thanks, bro...
    Aww, heck. Hugs all around.

    Alt text

    We'll pull through this one you guys. I got a gut feeling.

    Alt text

    ....Yes....a gut feeling XP

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    It's ok my friend... After what happened to Simon I expected him to fall into depression. Besides, the RV group took care of him. He do

  • My god, I'm like your Ghost Lee!


    Lee ;-;

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    Either I've gone crazy or Blue is talking to me from the dead. Thanks, bro... Aww, heck. Hugs all around. We'll pull through this one you guys. I got a gut feeling. ....Yes....a gut feeling XP

  • Alright, thanks for your patience, guys. Going to look back where I left off, and then start the mid chapter finale. nooS. B]

  • Alt text

    Alright, thanks for your patience, guys. Going to look back where I left off, and then start the mid chapter finale. nooS. B]

  • soooooooooooooooooooooooooooon...


    Alright, thanks for your patience, guys. Going to look back where I left off, and then start the mid chapter finale. nooS. B]

  • edited August 2014


    (!) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe.

    "Let him go, you stupid bitch!" One of them told me.

    "Make me, you fucking asshole!" I replied.

    "Just put a bullet in her head already!" My hostage shouted at them. It's times like these where I question if I'm ever going to make it out of this. I had everything planned out in my head. I was going to stall them, and then kill them when I got some information. After that I was going to go in the burning farmhouse and try to at least save the kid if I wouldn't be able to save his whole family. I wasn't expecting these guys to have backup, now I needed to figure out another way to get out of this... I started moving back, dragging my hostage along with me."Agh, fuckin' shoot her! What are you waiting for!" I could tell that he was starting to get pissed off.

    There was a white picket fence behind me that led to a grassy field, and then into the woods. I had to get over there by any means necessary. The two bandits started moving forward."You'd best let him go, lady. We're not fuckin' around here. You won't be able to get too far, trust me." One of them said and then grinned.

    "I'll take my chances..." I said to him.

    "No. He's serious. You won't be able to get too far, even if you do escape. There's just plenty more of us waitin' out there. Hahaha!" The other told me.

    "What are you talking about?" I asked.

    My hostage started laughing."Hahaha, they're right. You think we're the only ones out here? The others should be arriving any minute now, and you won't be able to live through this. I guarantee it." He says to me. Out of nowhere, I hear a vehicle coming down the dirt road that I was walking from before. I turned my head to look, and two cars came down the road and stopped a couple of feet away from us."Hehe, speaking of the devil." My hostage says.

    "What the?!" I said out loud. Four more guys got out of the cars and then aimed their weapons. Two had AK's, one had a shotgun, and the last one had an M16.

    "Let him go!" One of them shouted at me. Now I had nowhere to run. If I tried to make a run for it, I would die. If I let the hostage go, I would still die. For the first time ever, I had no idea what to do.

    "Hey! Let the lady go, and no one has to get hurt!" I turned my head in the other direction and spotted three more guys. They all had AK's with them.

    The two guys in front of me turned to them."Who the fuck are they?!" One of them said.

    "Guess she wasn't alone either, fuck!" The other shouted. What fuck is going on? I had no idea who these three guys were, I don't remember robbing them or ever seeing any of them before, but it looked like they wanted something to do with me as well...

    Not_Dead_Yet- A bit earlier

    "Alright, guys. We have to try and help her." I said to the group.

    "What?! You can't be serious!" Romy said.

    "Yes! Thank you!" Juicy told me.

    "I want to help! Let's throw those guys in the fire, burn 'em all!" WTWH tells me.

    "No, not you, WTWH." I say to him. I turn to the others."Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe." I tell them.

    "I still say we should just leave, but I guess it beats doing nothing in this RV." Salt123 says, while getting up.

    Romy sighed."Fine. I can't let you guys go out there alone. I'll help as well."

    "Okay, good. We have some extra weapons from those bandits, we'll each take an AK. WTWH, I need you to stay here and keep watch... seems like you're the only one capable at the moment. Can you handle this?" I ask WTWH.

    "You got it. I'll keep a look out." WTWH tells me with a serious tone.

    "Okay..." I said to him. I turn to look at Star."Star, think you'll be able to keep a look out as well? If you know what I mean..." I tell him.

    "Oh! Uh... yeah, sure. Don't worry. I'm not in that much pain, I'll keep a look out as well." Star replies.

    "Okay then. I'll take the handgun as well, just in case. Juicy can't shoot a gun, but she has her hunting knife on her. Let's keep her away from any danger and let her stay far behind until we can save Scarlet."

    "I'm taking the shotgun as well, it has a sling, I can carry it on my back." Salt123 tells me.

    "That leaves me and WTWH with the rifle. We'll keep a look out, and have your back if anything. I'll also look after Latte in the meantime." Star tells me.

    "Right, I think we're set. Let's get out there." I tell Romy, Salt123 and Juicy. We left the RV and started jogging down the dirt road, we used the trees that led into the woods for cover. Me and Salt123 were the best shots out of the group, although he was better than me. Romy had gotten pretty decent but with WTWH being unpredictable at the moment, I didn't want to risk it. I was hoping Star would be able to look after him while we were gone."Juicy, you'll need to stay behind. When we get to them, we'll try to talk to them first, see what they're like. If they won't listen, then we're going to start shooting. We need you to stay close to these trees, and in cover. All you have is a knife, we don't need you dying out there." I tell her.

    "But Scarlet knows me. She probably won't trust you guys." She replies.

    "We know that, but we need to get her to safety first, and if things go sour, then we need to protect her and get her to you and the RV." I tell her.

    "Okay... just be careful." Juicy tells us.

    We finally get closer to them and decide to stop for a moment."Okay, we're going to go out there and tell them to let her go. If they respond negatively, and we have no choice but to shoot, then don't hesitate. Just be careful not to shoot Scarlet, if she dies, then this whole thing would be a failure." I tell them."Stay here, Juicy. We'll be back when we get Scarlet out of trouble." I turn around and start heading out with Romy and Salt123. We start hearing a vehicle in the distance.

    "The fuck?! You guys here that?" Romy asks.

    "Yeah, we should get to them, quick." Salt123 replies.

    As we were jogging, we spot two cars that stop a few feet away from everyone. Four more guys with weapons come out."Fuck!" I turn around and see Juicy with a worried look on her face. I turn back around and start running faster."C'mon, guys, let's go!" I said to Romy and Salt123.

    When we finally reach them, I could hear one of the guys that came out of the two cars."Let him go!" He shouts at Scarlet.

    We stop a few feet from them."Hey! Let the lady go, and no one has to get hurt!" I shouted.

    The two guys in front of Scarlet and her hostage turn to us."Who the fuck are they?!"

    "Guess she wasn't alone either, fuck!" They say and aim their guns at us.

    "Let the woman go, and then we can all go peacefully. No one has to die here." I tell them.

    They all start laughing."Hahaha! Are you fuckin' serious?! After she killed two of our people?! No fuckin' way!" One of them by Scarlet say.

    I turn to look at Scarlet."Scarlet! Juicy is waiting for you, she asked us to help you. We heard about you, and you helped her and our friend Latte back at the superstore. We're here to return the favor." I tell her.

    Her eyes widened."Wait... y'all got more people out there?" One of them by the car asks.

    "That's right! And if you know what's good for you, you better let the lady go!" Salt123 shouts at them.

    The guys start looking at each other."Haha! Doesn't matter to us! We got lots of people, too! Matter of fact... you there!" He points at Salt123."You with the leather jacket and trucker cap, I remember you... you're the motherfucker who shot at some of us back at that hilltop, ain't ya?!" He started getting angry.

    "Shit... these guys are those same bandits?" Romy whispers to us.

    "Looks like they recognize me... ain't no way in hell we're going to talk our way out of this. Might as well start shooting them now." Salt123 whispers.

    "Fuck... we'll have no choice..." I say to them.

    "Motherfucker... it is him! Holy shit!" A bandit by the car says out loud.

    "Ohhh! This is great! We were just going to pay a visit to you guys later in the night, looks like we won't have to now, haha!" Another bandit by the car says.

    "Y'all are gonna fuckin' pay for what you did to our pals! Especially that fucker in the leather jacket! We're going to tear you apart, limb from limb!" A bandit in front of Scarlet says.

    "Get ready, guys..." Romy tells us. I could see Scarlet getting ready for whatever was about to go down, all of the bandits were grinning and aiming their weapons at us. My heart started pounding faster, this wasn't looking good for us."Guys... head towards the burning farmhouse, we need to keep their aim away from Scarlet." Romy tells us before everyone starts shooting.

    "Just leave 'em to me. I'll kill every single one of those fuckers..." Salt123 tells us.

    I kept my focus on the bandits who were still grinning and laughing. All of them stopped laughing and then got serious."Kill them!" A bandit by the two cars shouted. BRATATAT! BLAM! BRATATAT! BLAM! BRATATAT! BLAM! BANG! BANG! BRATATAT! BLAM! BRATATAT!

    "AHHH!!!" I heard Salt123 shouting as we started heading towards the burning farmhouse and shooting back at the bandits. I was able to see Scarlet shoot and kill the two in front of her, but then I saw her hostage headbutt her with the back of his head."Keep going!" BRATATAT! BLAM! Salt123 shouted while we all shot back."AGH!" As we were running I heard Salt123 screaming out in pain. I saw that we managed to kill two of them, but the last two were hiding behind their cars. Me and Romy got next to a white picket fence and hid behind it. I turned and Saw Salt123 trying to crawl over to us."I caught two in the shoulder!" He shouted.

    "Shit! Salt123, hang on! I'm coming back for you!" Romy told him.

    "No! Stay back! Don't get yourself killed!" He replies.

    I looked over and saw Scarlet on the floor with the guy she was using as a hostage on top of her, trying to punch her. Scarlet was trying desperately to defend her self. I looked to my left and saw Juicy trying to sneak up to them."What the fuck?! Juicy, no! What is she doing?!" I said to myself. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! A few bullets almost hit me and Romy, the last two bandits were trying to keep us away from them.

    "Get in the car, dumbass!" I hear one of them shout.

    "Fuck that! They ain't getting away!" I heard Salt123 say. He started to slowly get up and shooting back with one arm. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! He was able to get up while keeping them pinned down."C'mon, motherfuckers! I'm right here! Show yourselves! C'mon!!!" Salt123 shouted at them.

    "Salt123, get back here!" I shouted at him.

    BRATATAT! Salt123 shot at the guy on top of Scarlet, and then aimed back at the bandits behind the car. BRATATAT! "C'mon!" He shouted. Salt123 looked pissed off. BRATATAT! One of them with an M16 quickly popped up and shot Salt123 in the legs."AGH!!!" Salt123 fell on his back and aimed back at him. BRATATAT! Salt123 managed to kill him before he shot again, he started going for the shotgun on his back.

    "He got him!" Romy shouted when we saw that Salt123 caught the M16 guy in the head.

    "Come on, let's help him! There's just one more!" I said to Romy. I got up and saw Juicy running towards Scarlet, who was still on the ground."Juicy, stay back!" I shouted at her. BLAM! I turned and saw Salt123 getting shot by the last bandit who had a shotgun on him. Salt123's head hit the ground. His torso was riddled with holes, there was blood all over him."NO!!!" I shouted. I aimed the AK at the bandit behind the car and started shooting. BRATATAT! BRATATAT!

    "Salt123!" Romy shouted.

    "He's reloading!" Juicy told us. I quickly started running towards the car he was hiding behind of. I saw that he got up and tried running away, I ran up behind him and tackled him down to the ground.

    "Keep him alive!" I heard a female's voice, must have been Scarlet's. I started punching the man in the face as hard as I could."Motherfucker! Fuck you!" I was angry, we were losing too much people, I punched this guy over and over until his face started bleeding.

    "Stop!" Juicy shouted. I turned and saw her coming up to me with Scarlet behind her, I could see that Scarlet's top lip was cut and she was holding her arm.

    "We need him alive, he needs to tell us where we could find his friends." Scarlet tells me.

    "Aha... ha.... what makes you think I'm going to tell you anything?!" He manages to say."If I tell you where the hideout is... you'll still kill me..."

    "Not true. Unlike you guys, we're actually people that can keep our word. We'll even let you go, and you can warn your friends that we're coming. I don't give a shit, it'll be better for us anyway." Scarlet tells him.

    "What?!" I turn around and say. I get up off of the bandit."What are you doing?!" I ask Scarlet.

    "Trust me. If he warns them, it'll be better for us. I know what I'm doing. He just needs to tell us where they're hiding." Scarlet tells me and then looks back down at the bandit.

    "Hah... so... you really want to know, huh? And you're just gonna let me go, is that it?" He asks.

    "That's right. I'm not lying either. You guys wanted a war so we're bringing it to you. Just tell us where to find them, we'll let you go so you can warn them, and then we'll come over to finish this." Scarlet tells him.

    I gave her an angered look, I still had no idea where she was going with this."Ha... alright... fine. It's not that far, I'll tell ya if you let me take my car."

    "Of course. Easier for you anyway." She says.

    "OK... just keep going down this dirt road. We set up a camp near the woods, once you see a pharmacy, go past it a bit and then enter the woods to your right. Keep going down, and you'll find us... haha. But you ain't going to kill us, lady. Now can I go?" He asks.

    "That depends..." Scarlet takes out her machete and walks up to him.

    "What are... AGH!!!" Scarlet proceeds to stab him in the shin."What the fuck?! What are you doing?!" The bandit shouts.

    "I want to make sure you're not lying to me." She tells him.

    "I'm not fuckin' lying! I told you where we are! You said you would let me go! I told you the truth, I swear it!" He says.

    Scarlet pulls the machete out and then holds it over his other shin."Look me in the eyes. If you're lying, I'm cutting your leg off." She tells him.

    "What?! No, no, no, no! Please! I'm telling you the truth! I mean it!" The bandit tells her.

    "Are you sure?!" Scarlet stabs him in the shin and starts turning the machete side to side.

    "AHHH!!! FUCK! I'm not fuckin' lying!!!" The bandit yells out while looking at Scarlet and holding his leg.

    Scarlet pulls the machete out and stands up."Good. I can tell you're telling the truth." She puts the machete in it's holster and then takes her Glock out.

    "WHAT?! You said you were going to let me live!!!" He shouts.

    BANG! Scarlet ends up shooting the bandit in the head."I lied."

    "Was all of that necessary?! You could've just fucking killed him in the beginning." I tell her.

    "Yeah, but now we know where their hideout is. I know the place he's talking about, I've past it before." Scarlet says.

    "So you did that to make sure he wasn't lying. But... what's your point? Where are you going with this?" Juicy asks her.

    "Look, kid. I heard them talk about them attacking you guys before. Look what they did to your friend." She says with her arms crossed and looking over at Romy who was tending to Salt123's corpse. I look over and then put my head down."We have to finish this. We need to kill all of those fucking bastards or else they'll keep doing it. I've robbed before, but from people like them. The evil one's, the one's who go around killing people and innocents for no reason. We have to stop them. I can't do this alone, this is the first time I ask for help. After what just happened, I'm not going to be able to kill them all by myself." Scarlet explains.

    "She's right." Romy tells us, while knelt down next to Salt123's corpse."Those fucking bandits, man... we have to fuckin' put a stop to them. We know where they're hiding. Now it's our turn to attack them." Romy says while turning around, he looked angry and ready to kill someone.

    "Do you... do you think we'll be able to do this?" Juicy asks.

    "We have two injured people, Juicy doesn't know how to shoot a gun. We just lost our best shooter..." I told her.

    "We'll take a few days. Get everyone prepared, and then we attack those bandits. Looks like they usually go out at night, we'll keep an eye on them from a distance, figure out what time they leave, how many leave, etc. Once they're all there, we can attack them. We have to be smart about it, though. We can't just go in there and start shooting, we'll look around and look for some vulnerable spots." Scarlet explains.

    "Okay, then. I want to put an end to those bandits as well. I'm with you." I tell her.

    "Me, too, Scarlet." Juicy tells her.

    "I'm in. I want blood." Romy tells her.

    "Okay, then. Let's leave, and find a place near their hideout where we could camp. We'll keep a watch on them, and then we can figure out when we should attack them." She looked over at Romy and Salt123's corpse, and started walking.

    Me and Juicy did the same."Damn it... just when he came back with us..." I said.

    "I wish I got to know him better... this is my fault..." Juicy said.

    "No it's not, Juicy. In the end... this is what he wanted... He went out trying to protect us, at least he can be with his family now." Romy said. We headed back to the RV and introduced Scarlet to WTWH and Star. Latte was still sleeping, WTWH was sitting down on a chair, acting nice, but not as crazy as before. Star told us that everything went good, and there were no problems. He said that he heard the gunshots in the distance and noticed that Salt123 wasn't with us, it didn't take him long to figure out what happened to him. We told him about the bandit hideout and he was all in for going to kill the people responsible for so many problems. We drove through the dirt road and stopped in front of the farmhouse, Scarlet and I made sure to stab everyone's corpses in the head. She took care of Salt123 for me, I couldn't do it myself. We took his body and left it in the woods, we wished we could have given him a better funeral, but we didn't have a shovel with us. We took the extra weapons and ammo, plus the recycling bin full of Molotov cocktails. I got in the car and looked at the burning farmhouse for one last time. WTWH didn't seem phased by it this time, I kept wondering if it had belonged to some nice folks before the apocalypse, it seemed like a nice place to live in. We headed down the road, we didn't know what to expect next, but I was hoping that we would be ready for it. The bandits were just further complicating things for the people who were struggling to survive, I knew that it wasn't going to be the end of them, but we had to at least kill the ones that were around our area. It was time to finish them off...

    End of first half of Chapter.4

  • Now I feel like my death was for nothing :(. At least Salt123 went out in a blaze of glory :).

    BadassScarlet (!) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. "Let him go, yo

  • Yeah, the other options might have saved him. I'll put the different outcomes up when I can. B]

    Spooch posted: »

    Now I feel like my death was for nothing . At least Salt123 went out in a blaze of glory .

  • NOOOOOO! SALTYYYY! WHYYY???? Why couldn't it have been ME.

    Alt text

    You redeemed yourself in a heroic fashion. Say hi to Blue for me. We'll make sure to stop these bandits from taking innocent peoples' lives ever again.

    BadassScarlet (!) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. "Let him go, yo

  • Damn...

    Ribs in Peas Salt123

    BadassScarlet (!) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. "Let him go, yo

  • [I LIED]

    BadassScarlet (!) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. "Let him go, yo

  • ;((((

    i crie evry tiem

    BadassScarlet (!) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. "Let him go, yo

  • hehehe

    [I LIED]

  • edited August 2014

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    Salty and Romy :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(

    BadassScarlet (!) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. "Let him go, yo

  • Damnit, noooo Salt ;-;

    Atleast you went out Rambo-style...

    Allow me to escort you to the fucking river...

    BadassScarlet (!) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. "Let him go, yo

  • Damn. Rest in Peace Salt123. You will be missed.

    Alt text

    Now we wait...

    BadassScarlet (!) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. "Let him go, yo

  • edited August 2014

    Fuck... FUCK! We'll miss you @Salt123 Your sacrifise will not be forgotten bro. I hope one day I'll die like a hero, like you. But this is never gonna happen because I'm... uh... sigh URBAN?!

    BadassScarlet (!) Let's help her out. Romy and Salt123, I need you guys on this. Juicy can lag behind until it's safe. "Let him go, yo

  • That and you're recovering from a gunshot wound.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    Fuck... FUCK! We'll miss you @Salt123 Your sacrifise will not be forgotten bro. I hope one day I'll die like a hero, like you. But this is never gonna happen because I'm... uh... sigh URBAN?!

  • Why are assholes disliking your comments?


  • Repeatedly press the blue button
    Click here

    RIP Salt123. Your sacrifice will be remembered.

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • Lee was urban and he died like a hero. I think you'll have a chance.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    Fuck... FUCK! We'll miss you @Salt123 Your sacrifise will not be forgotten bro. I hope one day I'll die like a hero, like you. But this is never gonna happen because I'm... uh... sigh URBAN?!

  • bcuz they luv me too much. <3

    Why are assholes disliking your comments?

  • edited August 2014

    Alt text

    I upthumbed haters are going to hate :P

    Alt text

    bcuz they luv me too much.

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