What was your ending?
There were several different endings to 'No Going Back'. What was yours? Mine was I left Wellinton with Kenny and AJ. I could not leave Kenny and the capacity of the community was going to be a problem. It was a tough choice (the hardest I've made) but we have supplies now and Kenny was almost definitely acting like a great father to Clem and AJ (the running up the hill was heartwarming).
My only problem was that Kenny was determinant and now is destined to die.
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Same ending
i let kenny kill jane, i suspected she was playing a trick because of how she was acting, but i figured that was a crazy trick, and i like kenny more, then me and kenny went to wellington, i really wanted to stay with kenny, but my (Lee's) plan all along was to get clementine somewhere safe, so i had to stay (hardest decision this season) i think kenny will survive and i hope we see more of him next season
At first, I had the ending were clem was alone. My first replay ended with the Wellington ending, and yeah, I didn't abandon kenny.
I ended up with only AJ in the herd.
Did you play the ep5 :O
It's out on the telltale store. Steam version will be in about 4 and a half hours.
With Kenny and AJ. No way was I abandoning Kenny.
Oh I hope not. The game is treading in very dangerous water if they let Kenny survive. This whole, Kenny's getting reckless, we have to calm him down.. it's good, but only for so long. The show sucks hard because they really don't do anything different.
I ended up going with jane to the store. I let the people in.
Go with Jane and the family. And yea, have 3 more save files that contains others.
I totally understood Kenny's madness,but rationally,I thought Jane would be a better survivor since I was already forced to choose.
Turns out,I was so,so,so wrong. Honestly after finding out that Jane hid the baby,I wanted to shoot her as well,a pity we didn't have that options,so I simply abandoned her.
To sum up: Alone with AJ in the herd.
well i think clementines story is over so kenny could possibly meet a new group, but the whole kenny is reckless thing is a possible scenario that could happen and you could kill him for it, it is just a perspective thing, you could think kenny was reckless agree with jane and kill him, or you can disagree and keep kenny alive and sane
Great pic.
I went back to the hardware store with Jane and AJ and let the family come in at the gate.
I have hope that we can all rebuild the hardware store to what it was. It'll be a better place without Carver around, and hopefully a good community will come out of it
But Jane had the possibility of dying so obviously it doesn't last very long
Kenny was too far gone in my opinion, there's no saving him at this point. He behaved like a complete psychopath. So while I definitely love Kenny, in my mind I only had one option. I shot him. I was shaking and crying after I shot him, but I knew I had done the right thing. Then I found the baby. Honestly, that hit me like a ton of bricks and I was so, SO pissed off at Jane. What happened wasn't necessary, I didn't have to watch Kenny slowly die while telling me I did the right thing. So, I told the blubbering Jane to go fuck herself and left on my own.
I still think Kenny was too far gone, he couldn't control himself. I know Jane was a liar, but if something really happened to the baby she didn't deserve to get attacked. People die, especially extremely vulnerable babies. It doesn't have to be anyone's fault.
I left Kenny so Clem and AJ could go and live in Wellington
Even if Kenny is not dead, his determinant status means he and Jane are likely not to appear again.
Saved Kenny (Jane is a psycho Bitch!) I forgave him (duh!) I left Wellington to be with him (wait what?)
I'm with Kenny!
Alright,after rewinding,and crying all over again,my new canon ending is staying at Wellington and having a bro-forever goodbye with Kenny.
....damn,I have no tissues left in the house,I need to buy a new package....
Me too in my first playthrough, try other endings they are way better.
After trying them all, this is actually the best ending, even though sometimes I just hate Kenny... He's done so many unforgivable things sigh
We don't know the true state of Wellington, though - only that it's overpopulated and very strictly maintained. Perhaps Carver's community on steroids.
On the other hand, the ending where Clementine allows the family to repopulate Howe's Hardware provides a chance for her and Jane to build their own community.
The problem is that I can't get myself to forgive Jane. Her move to provoke Kenny was just totally stupid and she could have said the truth at some point in the fight to stop all of it. She made me kill Kenny and I didn't want to do that. I just hated her for that afterwards. Same thing with Kenny killing Jane, but at least Clem didn't had to kill someone close to her herself, so forgiving Kenny somehow is easier (even though he still is uncontrollable).
It depends on how close you think Clementine ever was to Kenny. As far as I was concerned, Clem liked Kenny for his connection to Lee rather than any personal affection - once he proved himself to be an unstable mess who proved to be a threat to everyone else (just like Larry), Clem had to let him go. It's the same lesson that Lee taught her when he abandoned Lilly.
Mind you, I can't forgive Jane for the move she pulled. That was irresponsible and stupid - she deliberately provoked a violent man into attacking her and hoped that Clementine would be fooled into thinking it was an innocent test. I'm inclined to believe Jane simply wanted her surrogate sister to herself, and engineered a situation where it would be okay to kill Kenny.
As much as I like Kenny as a quirky support character. Game wouldn't hold any interest me if they outright ditched Clem and switched protagonists seat over to Kenny. No thank you.
My ending was with Jane when we returned to Carvers ex-camp and I invited the family in to stay with us, although seeing that guy with the gun... I'm a little worried i made the right choice...
I did the same after I selected 'Make them Leave'. I couldn't. Too many feels. Replayed the whole thing and let them in!
what do you mean "duh!"?
kenny is a threat to everyone around him lmao.
not saying jane isn't, to be honest the safest place for clem is probably in wellington
In a heat of the moment, I shot Kenny. Didn't feel right to do so. Regretted it after. (Maybe I'll replay it later.) What Jane did was wrong for sure, but not something that would justify killing which was what Kenny obviously had in mind.
That said, I didn't forgive Jane but I didn't leave her either. In the end I chose to stick with others and invite people inside the store. And that's because of my philosophy of getting people together and not leave them behind.
Humans are somewhat endangered species and getting a functional community going is a worthy goal.
I couldn't let Kenny just kill Jane. It was hard, but for me it was necessary. When Kenny died, he had realized, what he had gone too far and this was so sad, to see him like that. He just went back to normal. I convinced him and myself at this point, that he has suffered enough and can go to his family now. This was really a great and at the same time sad scene.
Janes move on the other hand was stupid, because she didn't stop it. Therefore all i could do was to choose one of them to live. It was hard for me, but i forgave her. She is not a bad person, even if she made a bad choice. Kenny made enough bad choices before. I then invited other people in the hope to build up a own community.
The multiple endings are very interesting. Seems like Telltale is aiming for a more tailored storytelling, but it will also make a lot more work. I will gladly wait. I think the next season will be interesting. Maybe we can see Christa or one of the 400 days characters again? Or maybe even Mike, Arvo and Bonnie. It has a lot of potential.
Yeah the same.
Let Kenny kill Jane for provoking him. She is toxic after all. I'll never forgive a liar. What a beautiful tragedy. At least we got one eyed Kenny with our sweet pea now. Rest in peace Ms. Jane.
Same here. Stupid choice of me, though. I should've gone with Jane. Actually, no, I should've let her die and gone with Kenny. I've seen all the endings. I now regret my choices.
i killed kenny my reaction after
Letting Kenny kill Jane and staying with Kenny is the best ending and I'm choosing that when i play Wednesday :P
I stayed with Kenny. I couldn't leave him by himself after he was willing to sacrifice his own safety for Clem and AJ and I vowed to keep Luke and Kenny alive as long as possible. And the baby. All other characters were just there.
Alone with AJ. According to my playthrough, only 23% of players got this ending?
I shot Kenny. Felt like a bad choice but had to do it. Just instinct. Felt better when Kenny reassured me I'd made the right decision. Jane showed me she had actually kept the baby. I was mad at her so ditched her.
I think Clem alone was best for her. Jane and Kenny weren't good to be around anymore. Jane was a liar who ditched Clem TWICE, can't be trusted. Kenny was violent and unstable, which could get Clem into a lot of trouble in the future. Sides, after seeing the falling out with Bonnie and Mike, I'd had enough of groups. Clem alone as a hardened survivor was what i was working for, and, however brief the ending, satisfied me and is the ending I hoped for.